I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution Chapter 78

Episode 78 Presidential Government – Secret Room Meeting (2)


I never wanted to see the real thing, not the records inside the crystal ball.

“I’m glad you remember, Marquis de Lafayette.”

Paimon rolled his eyes and smiled brightly.

I stared at that strange face and made a decision in my mind.

There are no weapons.

For some reason, unlike the succubus, which seemed very formidable, I can’t gauge this one’s power, so is it okay to attack in a 1:2 situation?

“Where is this again?”

Paimon answered my question with a grin.

“It’s a fantasy that recreates the Abyss Corporation’s drawing room, Marquis.”

It’s an illusion. The succubus said this was my dream.

So, are you showing illusions in your dreams with the power of a succubus?

So, wouldn’t it be meaningless to fight here as the succubus said?

How much should you believe and how much should you doubt?

As I slowly used my mana, I felt like not only my body but the entire space was vibrating.

If I do this right…

The moment I thought that, Gremory reacted.

“Uh uh uh! “That’s not right!”

Gremory, which was floating in the air, flapped its wings and flew down, landing on the seat next to the sofa where Paimon was sitting and shaking its head vigorously.

“I am a peace-loving succubus who arranged a meeting at the request of the CEO of Sloth Corporation! “I have no intention of harming you!”

“…Do demons have a culture of approaching them by pretending to be their fiancees in order to set up a meeting?”

At my question, Paimon turned his head and looked at Gremory, and Gremory quietly averted his gaze.

“While we’re at it, I just wanted to taste it…”


“Marquis. “A bottle of wine with an incredibly luxurious label has just been opened right in front of you. Can you tolerate it without even tasting it?”

When he didn’t answer because he was dumbfounded, Gremory crossed his arms and started talking nonsense.

“If a succubus sneaks into the dream of someone who looks so delicious, but doesn’t even taste it, that person doesn’t deserve to be called a succubus!”

“…Did you call me to play with words?”

Paimon smiled and offered me a seat.

“Of course not, Marquis. It is an honor to serve you like this. Even though it’s an illusion, it would be nice if you could sit comfortably.”

It’s a conference.

I don’t know what Abyss Corporation was thinking when they did this, but I guess there’s no harm in keeping the information.

With that thought in mind, I sat down in the seat that Paimon recommended.

Gremory snapped his fingers, and a teacup and kettle appeared on the table in front of us.

“This is Abyss Corporation’s special black tea! “It’s a fantasy, but the taste and aroma are almost exactly realized!”

Gremory poured black tea and handed it to me with a friendly, welcoming smile, but of course I didn’t even say a word.

What do you believe in and drink tea recommended by the devil?

“All of this is made with great effort and using magical power, but you reject it so stoically. This place is a dream, so physical harm is meaningless…” “Because I’m not stupid enough to

believe everything the devil says. ”

“Rust’s motto is Love and Peace! It is too much for you to be so suspicious of a succubus who works day and night for love and peace…”

Gremory looked tearful.

I’m afraid it’s not a succubus. Just looking at her appearance, she appears to be a harmless and hurt woman…

A succubus that looks like a fool to begin with, but I don’t even know where she is, has infiltrated my dream in the middle of Crocs’ camp and is unfolding such a realistic fantasy.

It’s not strange if something happens, but I can’t help but feel nervous because I’m not even sure if there are any means of resistance on this side.

I turned my gaze away from Gremory, who had been talking nonsense from earlier, and glared at Paimon.


“I didn’t expect you to be this picky based on information alone, but this is just as charming.”

Paimon blushed for some reason and crossed his legs.

This isn’t normal either. As I was about to click my tongue, Gremory made a shocking noise.

“Marquis. Don’t be fooled. Sloth’s Paimon is a man.”


I looked up and down Paimon’s face and the shape of the purple dress she wore under the white robe.

No matter how you look at this, this is a man.

Are you kidding me?

“Gremory nonsense.”

“Coquettishness is Rust’s trademark! Paimon, who keeps exercising excessive authority, is a bad thing! “I don’t like perverts who threaten succubi’s jobs!”

I sighed lightly and gathered my magic power.

In response, the drawing room itself begins to shake.

If this illusion is my dream overlaid with magic, then I, the owner of this place, can wake it up with magic.

“Ah ah! sorry! sorry! Gremory will keep his mouth shut from now on!”

As Gremory said that, she covered her mouth with both hands and looked at me with her golden eyes.

“Excuse me, Marquis. “This is an important meeting, but as you know, we are demons and not really normal people by human standards.”

“…I’m glad you know. “Business.”

I concentrated my magic power and glared at Paimon, who was impossible to see as a man.

Paimon raised his hands, smiled, and opened his mouth.

“The Abyss Corporation wants to establish diplomatic relations with the French Republic.”

I was instantly ridiculed.

The French Revolution was triggered by King Louis selling out his people to the devil, but the establishment of diplomatic relations?

This is ridiculous.

“You probably don’t know why our revolution broke out, and aren’t you overly shameless?”

“That is a misunderstanding, Marquis. The Abyss Corporation loaned King Louis the military funds he requested, and King Louis chose to sell slaves as a means of repaying it.”

Paimon continues speaking in a very relaxed tone.

“To represent Abyss Corporation’s position, the mistake was made within Franzia, but our Franzia branch was accidentally harmed by the revolutionary army.”

“I have no intention of listening to your sophistry. “If you want to establish diplomatic relations, officially submit it to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”

Paimon grinned.

“The Marquis’ eyes are turning red, so who in the National Assembly can bring up the idea of restoring diplomatic relations with us? “What are the people who tried to murder the Count of Aquitaine with our products?”

Paimon stopped talking when my outstretched hand grabbed his neck.

“There’s no use killing me here?”

Gremory, whose golden eyes were wide open as if surprised, covered her mouth with her hand and nodded.

“Shall we try an experiment?”

As soon as I wrapped my arms in magic, the illusion began to tremble and –


Paimon’s neck was snapped with an eerie sound of bones breaking.

“Hmm, you’re being too extreme.”

Paimon opened his mouth lazily with his bent neck, and I wrinkled my face and took my hand away.

“Has it been verified, Marquis?”

Paimon smiled, his eyes shining.

“…yeah, damn it.”

Gremory snapped his fingers and Paimon’s neck returned to normal as if nothing had happened.

I’m annoyed.

I sat down on the sofa again.

“I think you know very well why I hate you guys, so why did you arrange this meeting?”

“Oh, well. “The positions of ‘Paimon’ and ‘Abyss Corporation’ are slightly different.”

Paimon ran his hand through his long, red hair and smiled as he answered.

So you know I won’t accept this offer, but the Abyss Corporation wants to establish diplomatic relations with Franzia?

“Still, I have to convey it, so I’ll at least say something. The request is to establish diplomatic relations and terminate the trade agreement with King Crocs, and to establish diplomatic relations and conclude a trade agreement with the Abyss Corporation.”

I was dumbfounded, but –

“If you accept these terms, we will pay you 10,000 muskets and 100,000 rounds of ammunition as an advance payment.”

When I heard the conditions that followed, I furrowed my brows.

It’s definitely generous. At this level, there might be people who will listen with interest.

Paimon added with a slight smile.

“This is a condition of my personal opinion. We also intend to prohibit separate transactions with internal forces other than formal transactions with Franzia. “Of course, the Marquis de Lafayette and the Count of Aquitaine are exceptions.”

Will you please prevent harm to me or Christine by using Abyss products?

Paimon is looking at my face with a smiling expression.

Are you sure I will accept your offer?

No, rather than that.

Are you expecting my reaction?


“I admit the conditions are pretty good. But I refuse.”

It was obviously rejected, but Paimon made a funny face.

“May I ask the reason?”

“Is there anything more foolish than relying on a potential enemy for national defense? On the other hand, King Crocs is our ally to fight against you.”

“Why do you conclude that Abyss Corporation is a potential enemy?…”

“You probably know how I disposed of Halfas, right? “You blame King Louis, but weren’t you the ones who tried to have fun by inducing the revolution and causing chaos in the first place?”

The smile on Paimon’s lips grew brighter.

“Then I am even more puzzled, Marquis. “You must have known very well how the Franzian revolution was triggered, but you are loyal to a republic that was born from a distorted revolution from the beginning.”

“Do you think you guys are omnipotent?”

Paimon stopped after hearing what I said.

“I thought it was a revolution encouraged by you and created by the ideology you instilled in me, but you are wrong. “In the end, didn’t you guys suffer because you couldn’t control it?”

Even if the beginning was influenced by what they instilled, in the end, the revolution was the form that those who had suffered for a long time longed for.

Were the soldiers who advanced without fear of death and the politicians who resisted to the end and fell to protect democracy influenced by demons? you’re welcome.

“This is the revolution brought about by Francia and the republic we built. All you guys did was put impurities in there and accelerate it, but it was going to happen sooner or later in that corrupt kingdom. “There is no room for you demons there.”

Paimon’s eyes widen and the smile does not disappear from his mouth.

“I would like to give you some advice for the Marquis and Franzia. There is a country that is purchasing a large amount of weapons from the Abyss Corporation to fight against Franzia. “If you don’t prepare now, you could face quite a big problem.”

Are you selling weapons to the Germanian Empire?

“Then I guess I’ll have to continue my dealings with King Crocs even more. That way, I will be able to procure weapons by trading with the dwarves, not you guys.”

Paimon looks increasingly happy.

Why? You shouldn’t judge demons logically, but Halpas wasn’t this strange.

“What you said, Marquis Oh, is absolutely right. But even if the dwarf craftsmen are great, it would be difficult to provide as many weapons as the Abyss Corporation.”

“You guys won’t release so many weapons at once that Franzia will fall.”

“Why do you think that?”

“That way the war will continue and your profits will increase in the long run. “If you put too much effort into Germania, the war will end in an instant, and after that, you guys will become a variable you can’t control and run wild, so you will have to control it yourself.”


Paimon eventually burst out laughing with a cheerful face.

“Has there ever been a human in Gremory who understands us this well?”

Gremory just shook his head, still covering his mouth with both hands.

“Oh, Marquis. Marquis, you really understand the Abyss Corporation. I would like to give even more sincere advice to the Marquis. All of the Marquis’ plans can only be accomplished if diplomatic relations with King Crocs continue.”

Paimon laughed provocatively.

“But we intend to completely destroy King Crocs and his followers. If necessary, use force-”

“Try it.”


“Isn’t the reason you guys don’t set foot on the continent directly but hide behind the scenes and cause chaos on the continent and only intervene indirectly because it’s more profitable that way? “If the demons reveal their ambitions on the continent in earnest, they will become a public enemy of the continent, just like the previously destroyed Pandemonium.”


“If, as you say, it was possible to intervene at a level that would destroy Crocs and its brothers in one fell swoop, there would have been no need for Abyss Corporation to worry about the deal between Crocs and Franzia and to set up a meeting like this.”

In the end, we will take out Franzia, defeat Crocs, who is suffering from food shortages, and supply materials for the Industrial Revolution from the Iberica Peninsula.

You want to have fun selling the weapons you made to both Franzia and Germania, right?

“You cannot easily wage war because you are not a nation run by one powerful person but a coalition of seven interest groups. Because the loss from cutting off trade with the continent is greater than the gain from war. is not it?”

“Haha hahaha!”

Paimon burst out laughing.

Seeing him shaking his shoulders and bursting into laughter makes me desperately need a sword.

I turned my head and asked Gremory.

“…Why is he like that?”

Only then did Gremory quickly lower the hand covering his mouth and tilt his head.

“Even Gremory doesn’t know – what the Marquis said is completely about ruining the Abyss Corporation, so where’s the fun in that? Is it because he’s a pervert? A succubus who loves love and peace is incomprehensible.”

…I’m a fool for asking that.

Paimon, who had only stopped laughing around that time, twisted the corner of his mouth and smiled a wonderfully lucky smile.

“It is truly surprising, Marquis. Every single word is correct. “But isn’t the Marquis, who understands us so much and is determined to interfere with us, a dangerous factor that needs to be eliminated even at some risk?”

“You guys were already attacking me, weren’t you?”

During the civil war, King Louis did something strange, going so far as to split his troops to target Lafayette, who was not the leader of the First Prince faction.

Abyss supported the extremist’s attempt to assassinate Christine, which would have originally been a minor domestic dispute, almost resulting in her death.

Information obtained by interrogating Halfas and their whereabouts after that.

Whatever you look at, the conclusion is that they have already considered me a threat and have been attempting hostile activities.

And it failed.

They are definitely an unknown and difficult enemy. But it is by no means omnipotent.

Rather than fearing those guys and enjoying the peace of being their puppet, I would rather trust in the people and allies I have won and fight against them.

“From now on, just hide behind and try harder like you do now. “Everything will fail.”

“Hehe hehe. Negotiations have collapsed. I look forward to it, Marquis de Lafayette. “Ah, I am not just saying that I will overthrow King Crocs, so let’s do our best to stop him.”

“Thank you for the meeting, Marquis de Lafayette. But are you sure you don’t want to have a great time? Gremory is a peace-loving succubus who will provide you with solid service if you receive regular payments! I think you’re frustrated, but I’m going to buy it – oh no!”

The illusion of a living room is cracked.

As the fantasy world collapses.

“I will support you, Marquis.”

Just before I woke up, Paimon’s voice came into my ear as if whispering.

…Those damn demons.

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I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

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Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
As a noble of a corrupt kingdom, I died after failing to quell the Revolution. When I opened my eyes, I returned to the time before the Revolution erupted. Now, to survive, I must join the Revolution


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