I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution Chapter 5

Civil War – Damien de Mirbeau (2)

A messenger had already arrived and was waiting at the designated location.

“The troops from the County of Mirbeau have entered the Marquis’ territory.”

“Okay, good job. Sir Gaston, give your soldiers time to rest.”


We left the Marquis’ territory and marched to the east, then took a detour to the south and arrived in the west.

If this crazy forced march had been in vain, I would have been criticized quite a bit, but I’m glad it wasn’t in vain.

I erased all doubts about Baron Dumont from my mind.

It is unlikely that Mirbeau’s second son, who became the lord’s representative only after the civil war broke out, was in an internal relationship with the baron, but it was possible because the marquis’ territory, which the baron was in charge of before returning, was almost defenseless against plunder.

I felt sorry for the Baron, but seeing as they acted completely according to our intentions, the informant was probably one of the employees at the Marquis’ residence.

That’s okay. If a spy is not found right away even if you blindly try to hunt it down, but you know its existence and leave it alone, it can be used in this way.

As I drove my horse up the hill, I could see the wide open forest of the western part of the Marquis’ territory and the road leading through it.

As I was quietly looking down at the green scene, Gaston rode his horse and came next to me.

“Are you okay, Marquis? The Count of Aquitaine is a valuable ally, but if they suffer great damage…”

Unlike the First Prince faction, which is only on the same side politically, the Count of Aquitaine is the Marquis de Lafayette’s only ally and valuable ally.

They are running a huge business as their territory has one of the largest ports in the kingdom, and although it is still only an engagement, it is an alliance made up of arranged marriages.

Instead of directly leading the military and participating in the civil war, the Count of Aquitaine, as an ally of the marquis, provided funds or provided necessary materials.

Since this is a place where such exchanges have been taking place since the beginning, it is a very suitable bait to draw out Mirbo’s second son with less suspicion.

“You don’t have to worry, Sir. “It was delivered separately over there.”

If a member of the family were to come out and get into trouble, it would be a real disaster, so I sent a separate message to explain the situation to the count and asked them to slightly increase the number of guards, but to make sure that important people do not follow.

In response to possible risks, we promised to share the income we would receive if the project was successful.

Gaston nodded and answered what I said.

“okay. “I was concerned because it was from the family of the future Marchioness.”

I thought she cared about everything after hitting the gas tank…

but she’s my fiancee.

He was a decent person.

It wasn’t that they felt love for each other, as is usually the case with marriages between nobles, but I thought they could get along well if he took her as his wife.

The feeling of the coexistence of memories of a 28-year-old whose face was a long time ago, and her image still clearly etched in my mind when I returned at the same time, is quite unfamiliar.

“The future Marchioness…”

I muttered softly, but Gaston only glanced at me and didn’t say anything else.

I couldn’t have her as my wife.

I don’t know if it was because of the civil war or something, but the marriage was postponed for various reasons and then she died of illness.

Afterwards, trade between the territories continued, but the Counts of Aquitaine, whose marriage alliance was broken, remained neutral in the civil war.

…I hope that doesn’t happen this time.

“Little Marquis.”

My thoughts were interrupted by Gaston’s call.

“You’re here.”

The upper tier of the Counts of Aquitaine can be seen following the road.


I suddenly narrowed my eyes.

I personally sent a letter requesting that the escort be strengthened, but it felt like the troops guarding the upper deck were rather small compared to the goods being transported.

They said it could be dangerous, so did you just pass it on to me and save yourself?

I sighed, but I have to do what I have to do.

“Don’t move.”


“This is the top of the Counts of Aquitaine!”

“at las.”

After receiving the scout’s report, Count Mirbeau’s second son, Damien de Mirbeau, opened his mouth in half-joy.

It was an opportunity I couldn’t miss, but I had some concerns, so I prepared thoroughly.

De Mien, who had been waiting anxiously to see if the top tier had already passed, jumped up from his seat and shouted.

“Let’s begin! Division 1 moves forward!”

After a while, the troops under orders from Damien attacked the upper-class procession that was moving along the road.

“For His Excellency Count Mirbeau!”


As Knight Huey charged ahead with his sword drawn and about 100 troops followed him running out of the forest, the parade at the top was taken aback.

“Oh what…!”

“Prepare your camp! Protect the carriage!”

Only about 30 Aquitaine soldiers, who had received the command from their captain, attempted to line up –


A rain of arrows fired by archers under the command of a sergeant rained down on the Aquitaine soldiers.



The poor armor of ordinary soldiers did not protect them from arrows.

Although several people were killed in an instant, the Aquitaine soldiers still raised their matchlock guns and pulled the trigger.

The lit wick touched the gunpowder and exploded, creating a sound like roasting beans.


Several of Mirbo’s unlucky soldiers fell after being hit by it –

“It’s insignificant!”

The bullets from the matchlock could not penetrate the charging knight, who was shielding himself with magical powers.

“Forward the spearmen!”


“Get out of the way, you bastards!”

Even the spears of the spearmen who stepped forward in response to the captain’s urgent cry were cut off with a single sword strike by Sir Huey, who had barged in on them.

“Hee hee!”

“I guess they come from a prosperous merchant family, so they’re using the weapons of the city’s richest people.”

Damien sneered at the sight of the people behind the spearmen, who were trying to load the matchlock rifles with bullets, being shocked.

And at that moment, soldiers started running out from the other side of the road with shouts.


“Go ball! “It is the coat of arms of the Lafayette family!”

Almost at the same time as Huey’s urgent cry, arrows rained down on the heads of the soldiers who were rushing to attack the Aquitaine soldiers.

Damien gritted his teeth as he listened to the soldiers’ screams.

“Damn this guy, how dare he mock me!”

Damien glared at the roaring lion emblem flag flying along the army and shouted as if he was chewing it up.

“Forwards the 2nd division!”


Mirbeau’s soldiers pushed back against the completely outnumbered Aquitaine soldiers, but when Lafayette’s soldiers joined them, they panicked and retreated, but they soon regained stability when an additional 100 men rushed in under Damien’s instructions.



The soldiers on both sides began thrusting and pushing, pushing and pulling, with their spears pointed at each other.

“Fuck you!”

“It hurts, it hurts! “I got stabbed in the stomach!”

With screams and swearing erupting from all directions, Knight Huey was swallowing dry saliva as he faced the other knight at a distance.

Damien sweated as he watched the arrows of both sides raining down on each other, inflicting continuous losses.

It may seem like a first advance and a retreat, but this side has a slight superiority in troops. If the confrontation continues like this, victory will be his!

At that time, amidst the noise and shouts of the battlefield, Damien noticed the sound of horses’ hooves approaching and shouted in joy.

“Lord Kazel, lead the 3rd Division and stop the enemy in the west!”

“As ordered!”

As soon as the reserve force, which had been saved until the last, had set up camp with spears thrust through the forest to the west, enemy cavalry came out of the forest and looked frightened and confused when they saw the spearmen.

“What the hell!”


To the panicked cavalry, Lord Kazel jumped in front on horseback with his sword in hand, and as the cavalry followed behind him, the enemy cavalry began to run away in confusion.


Damien couldn’t hold back his laughter.

It was an opportunity that he could not help but take, but the situation was so complicated that he borrowed soldiers from his vassals and brought out all the available forces.

The young Marquis must have seriously underestimated himself.

They lie in ambush and use cavalry to catch the army, which is preoccupied with looting, off guard. Isn’t this exactly the tactic he used against his knights?

A detour raid in the forest, where it is difficult for cavalry to run freely, can be prevented if there is a reserve force.

That foolish Marquis thought he had fallen into a trap, but in reality, he had fallen into a trap himself!

But Damien’s joy did not last long.

“Go gong!”

Damien, who was awakened by the sergeant’s urgent shout, could see a group of cavalry galloping down the road from the east, opposite where the cavalry had just appeared.

A chivalrous figure wearing armor with the coat of arms of the Marquis de Lafayette running in front of them.

“Stop it! Stop it now!”

Damien shouted urgently, but in a situation where all three units were deployed, shouting recklessly only added to the confusion and agitation.


Gaston burst in at the right time, shouting at the main unit, which was standing in front of the main unit, stabbing each other with spears, and the soldiers of the Marquis de Lafayette began a melee following him, and their efforts to somehow defend the flank turned out to be in vain.

“Oh, no!”

That didn’t stop the enemy cavalry.


Mirbeau’s soldiers, who were dealing with the frantically pushing forces of Aquitaine and Lafayette, began to be swept away by the knights and cavalry who rushed in from behind.

“Where is Lord Kazel? “Tell them to stop right now!”

“I’m so sorry! “Chasing the cavalry…!”

The knight who ran to chase the fleeing cavalry in a forest filled with the noise of battle is nowhere to be seen.

“What a fool…!”

Even as Damien was furious, Mirbeau’s soldiers, who were allowed to charge from behind, began to fall like dominoes.

“Ugh, please save me!”

“Run away!”

A spark flew out of Damien’s eyes as he saw the scene.

‘I spent so much time and effort to get the position of acting lord of this lord, but you have nothing to show for it other than being lucky enough to be born as an only son!’

Now that the army is starting to fall apart, this battle has already been lost.

The moment he realized there was only one way to make up for this situation, he was already kicking his warhorse’s butt.

Now that things have come to this, the only hope is to capture the Little Marquis.

Damien shouted, pointing the sword he held so strongly that it hurt his hand towards the Marquis de la Marquis.

“The Marquis de Lafayette! “Damien de Mirbeau, the second son of Count Mirbeau, challenges you to a duel!”

The Marquis looked in his direction and began to ride.

The opponent is the shame of a noble who was defeated by a commoner.

Even though his knight was defeated, he was only defeated by a mean move, so if you fight carefully, you can win!

Damien swung his sword at the Marquis de la Marquis, protecting his body and horse with magic.

Then, he was hit by a sword strike from the Marquis So, who seemed to have gathered all his magical power into his sword, and almost fell off his horse.


I barely managed to keep my balance, but soon the next sword strike came.

“Now wait!”

Damien barely managed to block two more times without coming to his senses, but before he could even regain his balance, he was knocked off his horse by the third sword strike.

Damien, who was dazed after falling from his horse, only came to his senses when a sword was held against his neck.

The only words that came out in a trembling voice were questions.


The shame of a knight losing to a commoner.

The Marquis So grinned and opened his mouth, as if he had understood the words that could not be continued.

“It looks like there was some mistake.”

Damien turned his gaze to follow the Marquis d’Or’s chin gesture with blank eyes and-



I was at a loss for words when I saw Lord Kazel, who had returned from the forest late and jumped into the battle line, fall with Gaston’s spirit.

“That side is great, not that I am weak.”

I couldn’t think any more.

“Hmm, a little late, but welcome to the Marquis de Lafayette, Prince Demien de Mirbeau. “Do you have enough ransom money prepared?”

Damien fainted after hearing those words.


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I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

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Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
As a noble of a corrupt kingdom, I died after failing to quell the Revolution. When I opened my eyes, I returned to the time before the Revolution erupted. Now, to survive, I must join the Revolution


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