I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution Chapter 219

Episode 219 The Crusade of the Abyss – The Longest Week (1)

The third day from the Allied forces’ landing and the start of the installation of the gate.

The Magic Division began installing the gate and the Allied Forces were on full alert.

“Hey, what on earth is this fog?”

“You man, don’t talk nonsense and stand guard.”

“No, it’s because it bothers me. I’ve never seen a purple fog before. “What kind of crappy weather is this that doesn’t even go away?”

“Let’s leave that to the high-ranking wizards. Anyway, do you know what we’ve been thinking about? “I just get anxious for no reason.”

“That’s true, but…”

Lewis smiled bitterly when he heard the anxious voices of the soldiers coming from afar.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could tell that a wizard is a magician as soon as we see him?

Lewis slowly raised his gaze and looked at the sky, which was still covered with purple fog.

Of course, the Magic Tower doesn’t know exactly about that fog.

In the first place, the Magic Tower are a group of people who study magic and are not experts in natural science.

The reason why the Allied Forces and the Magic Tower were able to decide to land on an island covered in an unknown fog was because there were powers in the central continent who had been doing business with the Abyss Corporation for a long time, so it was concluded that the fog itself did not immediately cause fatal harm.

If that fog had been fatally harmful to races other than the demon race, all the slaves of this race that had been operating before the Abyss Corporation introduced drones would have died from the beginning.

However, even though there are no immediate fatal effects, it is inevitable to be concerned. Even if there is no immediate noticeable harm, you never know if long-term toxicity may accumulate.

In the first place, the climate of this island itself causes fundamental discomfort to races other than demons. It rained twice, albeit briefly, in just three days, further fueling the already humid and unpleasant mood.

“Is there any progress, Liaison Officer?”

Lewis turned his back in pleasure at the voice coming from behind him, but then cleared his throat and changed his expression.

“Lieutenant Colonel Darby.”

Louis took advantage of his background and was appointed as a liaison officer between the Allied Forces, especially the Frangian Army, which played a key role, and the Magic Tower.

…Actually, it was inevitable because he was the only person in the Magic Tower who had an understanding of the military system and was capable of having common sense conversations.

Giselle smiled brightly at Louise, but Louis smiled shyly.

“It is in progress. The basic process is almost complete. … I feel like I’ve already said this several times.”

“I know. I’ve already told you this several times. But Commander Mirbo is very curious.”

Lewis immediately understood what the situation was.

“Um, are you… impatient a lot?”

“It would be inappropriate for me to say one thing or another about my superior, right?”

Giselle Darby did not specifically deny it.

That alone reminded Louis of Damien de Mirbeau, who was complaining of anxiety to the point of having a nervous breakdown, and he couldn’t help but laugh.

Giselle also just smiled softly.

Originally, they were superiors and subordinates, but now they have reached a position where they can talk to each other respectfully.

Louis asked cautiously, feeling new and at the same time slightly bitter at himself for having only been able to do this in a different organization, the Magic Tower.

“just. “Isn’t the Allied Forces’ situation very good?”

Giselle had an ambiguous expression.

“It’s not good to be in a state of tension for three days.”

After the initial skirmish with the drones, there was not even an encounter with the enemy, let alone a meaningful engagement.

Even after landing, they received ammunition and food several times through the landing site and transported them to the hill, maintaining a state of extreme tension, but like a lie, nothing really happened.

Nevertheless, anxiety and fear that a surprise attack may occur in enemy territory at any moment, taking advantage of the fog, are prevalent throughout all Allied forces.

And a creature’s concentration and stamina are finite.

If a situation that requires maintaining maximum tension at all times continues, eventually no elite force will be able to maintain its combat power.

“I think I know what it feels like to sit still and dry out.”

Giselle spoke lightly and added, looking up at the sky still covered with purple fog.

“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get used to that fog.”

“…Haha, that’s right… First of all, I’m not saying it’s fatally harmful right away, but it’s a sky that makes me depressed just by looking at it.”

At least the command took that into account and settled in on a coastal hill with light fog, but that did not provide comfort to the soldiers who were struggling with endless tension in this gloomy weather where even the sunlight was changed to purple.

“But I just have to hold on a little longer and somehow complete the door.”

Anyway, as long as I complete the door.

Then, reinforcements from the home country will become possible, and at the very least, it will be possible for the advance team to retreat to the home country for a while and take a rest.

Once the door is completed, things will definitely get better than they are now.

Giselle responded to Louise’s words with a grin.

“You are trustworthy, Magic Tower Liaison Officer.”

“Haha, anyway, I only take turns pouring my magic into the process.”

“Yes, but in the end, that is the key to victory. “We can’t do it.”

After hearing Giselle’s words, Louis scratched his cheek with his hand and said.

“On the other hand, we have to rely on the Allied Forces for defense. Haha… Still.”

Louis paused for a moment, then looked at Giselle and spoke with a rather stern expression.

“We will do our best to end this as quickly as possible before the Allied forces become more tired or make many sacrifices.”

Giselle also smiled slightly and answered.

“Please take care of me. “Then, Commander Mirbo is probably getting impatient, so I’ll have to go now.”

Louis felt regretful, but it was difficult to show off to Giselle, who always had a refreshing attitude, so he tried to say goodbye.

And at that moment, the back room became noisy.

“Captain Maxim! The basic process is complete!”

“good. Move quickly! Once this gate is completed, all of the Abyss Corporation’s magical engineering technology will become ours! Hahahaha!”


“The magic engineering machine must be very pretty. I will peel it off and savor everything from start to finish…”

“Ah, just imagining it is ecstatic…”

Lewis was left speechless by the madness of his colleagues.

No, if you do that, what I just said will have no effect.

What efforts are being made to reduce Allied casualties? What is the definition of Central Continent?

Of course, contrary to Lewis’s hopes, they were just venting out the stress and desire for knowledge they had built up in a corner of the lab without mercy.

“…Colonel Darby. “I’m telling you in advance for fear of misunderstanding, but not all magicians in the Magic Tower are like that.”

First of all, it’s not a lie because it’s not me at least.

Giselle Darby was silent for a while, then smiled very awkwardly and said something.

“…At least I have one positive news to deliver to Commander Mirbo.”

Lewis covered his face with his hands.

Oh, I’m screwed.

* * *

“…the first process is over.”

“Yes, His Excellency the Marquis de Lafayette!”

I furrowed my brows and looked down at the strategy map.

Even though the scouts worked hard to complete it little by little, the operational map is extremely incomplete.

It may be somewhat different from the actual terrain and the scale is not complete.

This is probably an unavoidable problem.

The area where we are currently stationed is on a hill adjacent to a coastal cliff, so it is better, but as soon as we go inland, we are immediately covered in thick fog with visibility of less than 100 meters.

It is not surprising if a drone pops out of the fog at any time, but scouts have to go out in environments where it is difficult to get a proper sense of direction.

It would be unconscionable to ask for a detailed map to be completed in such a situation.

Anyway, progress is slow, but progress is being made.

If what we have guessed is not entirely wrong, we have confirmed that the gate is being installed on a hill approximately 200km southwest of the Abyss Corporation’s capital, Pandemonium.

Nevertheless, so far there have been no significant losses other than the initial skirmishes, and that further fuels my anxiety.

Although it was unavoidable to prepare for a battle or subsequent advance, the scouts were troops sent with some level of loss in mind.

In fact, not only was the messenger blocked during the first landing, but we were also completely helpless if we were attacked by drones coming out of the fog.

But for the past three days, nothing has happened, as if it were a lie.

Although a very small number of scouts went missing, it is reasonable to say that they have not yet returned because they got lost rather than due to an enemy attack.

If they wanted to, they could kill as many scouts as they wanted.

At least we don’t know that we continue to receive and stockpile massive amounts of ammunition and food through the landing site.

I knew nothing else, but I thought they would try to block additional supplies, so I carefully planned the strategy, organized the troops, and escorted them, but the preparation and effort were in vain, and not even a drone was seen, let alone a battle.

I pressed my hand between my eyebrows, feeling deep fatigue.

It might seem like a good thing if there were no battles, but in reality, that’s not the case.

We have landed on an island of unstable demons covered in an unidentified fog, and we have already experienced being ambushed by enemies that suddenly jump out from the fog.

If the enemy had attacked and engaged in combat, I would have been able to relax and rest for a while even though I was exhausted after the battle.

However, in a situation like this where one does not know when an attack will come, the soldiers cannot relax even if they try to do so. Just listening to the reports pouring in from each unit makes you keenly feel the fatigue of the soldiers.

But at the same time, as a commander, I have to be prepared for anything.

The number of troops in the advance guard is extremely limited, and hastily increasing shifts to give soldiers a break could lead to fatal results in the event of an ambush.

Therefore, two shifts are the limit at best, and break times are inevitably limited.

However, because of this environment, soldiers often find it difficult to take a nap and doze off until it is shift time again.

Meanwhile, dissatisfaction is building as they have to bring in large numbers of troops every time they bring in supplies to prepare for an attack.

But since dissatisfaction is building up, are you sending only a small number of troops to the supply unit? What if you get attacked?

However, if this situation continues, the solidarity of the Allied Forces, which are just putting together a mess, will become increasingly weaker.

Right now, damn Alejandro and the Holy Knights volunteered to go on a reconnaissance mission to the enemy camp rather than waste time like this.

How brave is it to rush into the heart of the enemy in a fog where you can’t even see an inch ahead!

I’m so touched that I would like to allow it, if only we didn’t have to see blood when those guys get killed.

The commanders-in-chief of each army, such as General Crocs and General Jill Scharnhorst, are still more communicative and trust me than Alejandro, but the commander-in-chief’s opinion does not necessarily represent the entire military.

They are already busy suppressing opposition and complaints coming from below.

I tapped on the strategy map, feeling nervous without realizing it.

I feel like I am being hunted, slowly being cornered without being able to do this or that.

The cause of the crusade to protect the central continent against demons pales in vain as it is faced with extreme tension amid unknown fears.

Fatigue and dissatisfaction continue to build up without a single battle loss, cracking the unity of the Allied Forces.

Was this how Archduke Leopold felt when dealing with me?

Now that I’ve actually experienced it, it’s very…


I turned off the light, feeling a little dizzy from fatigue.

If I can’t rest properly, I’ll just be dragged along as the enemy intends.

Maintaining physical strength is the most basic skill of a soldier…

I tried to force myself to lie down on a field bed and cover myself with a blanket.

And that moment.

A sound I heard somewhere rang.

Piiiiing –

Piiiiing –

Something is flying with a loud noise.

Where have you heard this before?

The moment I thought that, I started drinking heavily.


“Artillery bombardment! No! It’s a rocket!”

I was barely able to come to my senses, grab my sword, and run outside.

In the purple sky covered with fog.

I could see countless rockets raining down on our camp.

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I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

내 혁명에 단두대는 필요없다
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
As a noble of a corrupt kingdom, I died after failing to quell the Revolution. When I opened my eyes, I returned to the time before the Revolution erupted. Now, to survive, I must join the Revolution


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