Why Did I Have to Enroll Chapter 48

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I went to school for nothing (48)

Lesson 11. Apprentice Magician Yu-Won – 3

―I… I was a human being. He was human!

Hearing Artifact’s scream, Ban Yu-Won was moved even though it didn’t match the atmosphere.

“Seriously, I think I’ve seen that line a hundred times in novels or cartoons.”

-They, those! The people I trusted betrayed me and put me in a staff like this! They planted false memories in me and tried to downgrade me into an insignificant existence!

The staff’s Ego screamed.

On the other hand, Ban Yu-won, who calmly organized his knowledge and skills in a short period of time, was able to cope with her with the same mind as Myeong-gyeong-su.

―It’s not a novel or a cartoon. I really was a living person!

“Okay then, why are you making a fuss all over again as if you just remembered it?”

―Because I just remembered it…! The core rites that made up the staff acted as a lock to seal my soul. If you messed up the structure, even my ego would have been torn apart, but you skillfully removed only the spell that sealed me, and that’s why I…!

In fact, it was difficult to understand easily, but Ban Yu-won intuitively accepted it.

“Has it become a whole?”

– No, it’s not perfect yet. It’s been sealed for so long… I can’t immediately recall everything even if the door was opened.

I bet you do. Wouldn’t there be no emotion or twist if you tried to recover all the memories you originally lost at once?

It’s amazing just to realize that you’ve been betrayed by someone and trapped inside the staff.

‘No, let’s calm down. No matter how absurd an incident may be, this is reality. … So why did you start feeling anxious when your soul level was 200?’

Wasn’t Ruchel’s soul, who had been said to be of a far higher rank than other beings since birth, barely reaching 200?

Considering that, it was not an ordinary thing at the point where 200 souls were embedded in the staff who appeared in room 10 at the most.

―I will take revenge. Get all your powers back… Find them all!

“Okay, okay, calm down… huh?”

Ban Yoo-won sighed and looked at the staff once again, and was suddenly surprised.

‘Is it changing…?’

It seems that the staff really had some kind of device.

After the magic language and elemental magic, concepts that were ‘forced’ into the staff by Banyuwon, were revealed, the staff finally regained its original function and appearance and was changing.

First of all, the length of the staff increased dramatically to 1 meter and 50 centimeters, so it was no longer possible to call it a magic wand.

Moreover, the color of the staff, which used to be pink, was now completely dyed red, but it was close to bloody color without adding or subtracting.

-I will kill them all! I will tear you to death and burn you to death!

“…it feels like it’s suddenly changed from being for toddlers to being for teens.”

It’s also a design that middle schoolers would like.

Did it reflect the heart of the soul right now?

Overall, the staff, which has been changed to a cold metal quality and a sharp feel, has a protruding blade like a spear at the tip of the tail, so it seems that it can be used enough for stabbing or slashing enemies.

A crimson jewel was embedded in the head, and the concept of a soul was swirling in vast strings within it.

Until I took out the concept, I didn’t even know there was a jewel embedded in the staff, so there was a possibility that it was really hidden inside the staff.

But what is really surprising.

[Sellon’s Tears: Soul (靈魂) 350 Horsepower (魔力) 300]

It is that the artifact has grown significantly and has even been named.

Originally, the depth of the soul was 200 and the mana was 150.

As much as the depth of ‘magic language’ and ‘elemental magic’ is missing, it has grown intact!

Presumably, as the soul grew, it naturally raised its magic power.

―Kuuuu I can’t remember more… I can’t even remember their names. Only a faint face comes to mind… I guess this is the limit for now.

“Anyway, there’s more room left? It doesn’t seem to be for beginners at this point.”

-Beginner? Beginner! Don’t talk nonsense. Do you think this body is insignificant enough to teach me the language of magic and basic elemental magic?!

“So what?”

―That’s… That’s it! can’t tell!

On something he obviously didn’t quite know yet, Banyuwon could bet his entire fortune.

Memories would be jumbled and confused, and it would be too difficult to even explain oneself to others in a situation where one does not yet know what to do.

In fact, I didn’t want to write an artifact, but I didn’t want to get caught up in a grand narrative quest related to the artifact.

…I had the feeling that I had already taken a step forward at the time I obtained the artifact.

“Uh… then Cellon? Since the name of the artifact appears as Celon’s Tears, I’ll call you Celon for now.”

―Selon… Yes. Somehow hearing that name makes me feel at ease. You can call me Celone.

Judging from this reaction, Celone is not his real name.

Ban Yu-won was convinced of it with his reasoning ability trained through the acquisition of countless languages, but he did not dare to say it.

“Then, now that Celon’s past and inner affairs are over, let’s move on to realistic issues. What can you do and how can you help me.”

-what? Did I even tell you that I was cooperating? I’m just overwhelmed with my job!

Ban Yu-won felt sorry for him.

As some of the memories came back, it seemed that the small things had been lost.

“Actually, your doctor doesn’t matter. Because I will make it.”

―Heung It’s difficult to look down on this honorable and elegant body, the great mage Celon. You won’t even budge on this staff unless I want you to? Unless you promise to fully listen to what I want in the future…

“Really? So why not just bring the concept back? Or it would be fun to throw in something else.”

The magic language had already completely melted in his body, so it was impossible to grant it as it was in reality, but Ban Yu-Won had all kinds of other concepts to press on this soul.

―…Huh huh.

The staff was silent for a moment, then surrendered with whimpers.

―This cruel human being is completely arbitrary from beginning to end. What kind of crime have I committed? Being confined in such a narrow and stuffy place isn’t enough, so I have to be fooled by such a prostitute.

“Idiot, you got the order wrong.”

Ban Yu-won clicked his tongue.

“Even if my motives were the same, you got your memories back thanks to me, so shouldn’t you say thank you first? But you were busy asking me for that subject. Can I treat you kindly in that situation? lets think.”


Sellon kept his mouth shut as if he had been stabbed.

Regardless of whether or not he was really a great mage as Ji said, it was clear that this ego’s mind was not very mature.

“Trading is not like that. When you can present an advantage to the opponent, prove it and take advantage of the opponent. This is the right form of trade.”


“But now it’s a situation where you unilaterally benefited from me. Then you won’t make any additional demands there, but it’s only natural to move on to the next deal once you’ve presented me with the benefits you can give me. Can you hear me?”

-Suddenly yes.

It seems to have been understood.

In fact, from the perspective of Banyuwon, I had no intention of giving her any merit, so I couldn’t call this a deal, and it felt strange to push Sellon hard, saying that you were the only one who benefited from dramatic growth by retrieving the concept from the staff.

Words depend on packaging.

Besides, it wasn’t too wrong in the situation.

On the topic of artifacts, where did you make a preemptive proposal to the master?

―So… You mean you’ll do my favor if I help you well, right?

“Keep in mind that it is negative now. You will have to work diligently in the future. But if I really benefit greatly from your support, then I might consider your request.”

-…okay. Hurry up then I’ll work hard.

this guy is stupid

In this way, Ban Yu-Won has a hidden past and is able to fully exploit the ego of a self-proclaimed great mage who is foolish but has a clear soul.

* * *

The long-awaited Thursday afternoon has arrived.

The remaining three members of Rebellion finished all classes and headed to Class 11’s training room to improve their physical condition in preparation for tomorrow’s special activities.

“Can’t you really follow Yoo-won? Even if it’s just by my side…”

“No, no. Take Dok-go-yeon.”

“Even so, I haven’t been happy these past few days. Follow the beast quietly.”


Lucille is captured by Dok-go-yeon, crying bitterly as if crying out the name of her husband who was drafted and dragged away from the battlefield.

Ban Yoo-won smiled bitterly and waved his hand at Wright, who followed them, and started walking down the hallway alone.

‘At this point, no one will see it.’

Due to the strong individuality of the members, as long as the four of them are attached, they receive attention from anywhere inside the academy, but if only Ban Yu-won is left alone, it is not so noticeable.

If you look at it objectively, it was the least ordinary of the four. His energy was the weakest among the four, so it was only natural.

‘Hmm then let’s see. The teleport structure of the student ID…’

As soon as I touched the student ID, the string densely packed in it began to read.

Among them, Banyuwon found a concept related to space movement.

Specifically, coordinates, which are variable elements.

It wasn’t too difficult for him to weave new coordinates once he understood the method of creating the coordinates set by the president and Yumina.

‘Especially because Hyungi goes well with all kinds of concepts.’

Perhaps this will be the first thing he does with magic.

The vertigo that Ban Yuyuan stretched out formed a magical language in the form of Chinese characters and entered the coordinates memorized in advance.

At the same time, the trigger for space movement is set and activated.

The next moment, Ban Yu-won was standing outside the door of the classroom where the magic combat science lecture was being held.


Feeling a presence next to him, he turned his head to see a woman with light blue hair looking at him with her eyes wide open.

Surprisingly, the pupils were so close to pure silver that it was hard to tell them apart from the whites, but I even felt a sense of sacredness in those pupils, which were completely opposite to Dokgo Yeon, who was black without distinction between whites and blacks.

But I think I remember seeing someone somewhere.

‘Oh special class.’

Class 11 basically listened to all lectures with other classes, but among them, she was a female student belonging to special class 1 who took Tuesday’s ‘Comprehensive Battle’ together.

Like other lectures, the rejection of class 11 of the special class in that lecture was really terrible.

Had it not been for the incident in which Dokgo-yeon confronted Ortima, who was no different from class 1, and defeated him head-on, bad things would have happened many times during class.

‘In fact, since the class itself has a high proportion of sparring, it’s still like that now.’

Right away, this Tuesday was also terrible.

Unlike the former gnome, Associate Professor Entel tends to try to teach the class fairly, but since he cannot rule out sparring, which is no different from the purpose of the class, he could not completely stop the class 1 students from targeting class 11.

Fortunately, the level of class 11 is significantly higher than that of class 1.

Needless to say, Ruchel has grown to the point where she can maintain her senses and trample on any number of class 1 students by herself as long as she has a classmate.

Even Ban Yu-won had strong enough skills to put an end to Erekto, one of the most notable talents in class 1, so he was tired and tired but did not easily lose in Dalian.

The problem was rather the light.

He can fight anyone as long as he draws the Holy Sword, but he has the restriction that he cannot draw the Holy Sword unless his life is in danger, and he has only recently used a spear as a weapon… This Tuesday, he is the only Rebellion member to record a

defeat ended up

However, his opponent also knew that his main weapon was a sword, and he was humiliated with a very embarrassed expression because he could not completely attack the spear-wielding light.

‘Yeah, it’s definitely memorable that in the middle of that, he wasn’t even sparring by himself and was neglected.’

She was a very beautiful girl, but it wasn’t because of her looks that he remembered her.

Because no one approached or spoke to her throughout the lecture.

I didn’t feel like I was being bullied.

Rather, Ban Yu-won felt that the students of Class 1 were in awe of this woman.

It was a feeling similar to the one they had for Ortima, but qualitatively different.

‘But I can’t believe it… Was it a wizard?’

Judging from the encounter here, that must be true.

I didn’t even try to examine the concept inside her body.

Judging from the momentum of her magic power, it was clear that she was a higher level than herself, and it was difficult to read the concepts in her body when the difference between her and her level increased.

“Space travel?”

A soft, clear voice.

After thinking about this and that, Ban Yu-Won realized very little later that she was talking to him.

“huh. It’s a student ID function.”

He replied indifferently, but there was not the slightest change in the expression on her face.

“Did you change the coordinates?”

“…that’s right.”


“With magic…”

“By reading all the huge codes on the student ID and sorting them out? Did you change exactly the coordinates needed to move in space? you? how? Did you meddle with the code the President made?”


Quite the opposite, this woman also had a dokko relationship!

Ban Yu-Won took a step back in a panic as she threw out her doll-like beautiful face and asked her questions.

At the same time, a comforting and sweet scent stung his nostrils.

“Welcome back Yu-Won-ah… Class Yu-Won student!”

“Professor Yumina!”

Realizing that he had used Mi-Na’s breasts as a cushion, Ban Yu-Won was startled and fell away from her, but Yu Mi-Na smiled warmly as if to say not to mind.

In fact, it doesn’t make sense that a human like her could not avoid it because she didn’t know, so it must have been intentional.

“There was also an Aire student. Let’s go in together.”


Called Aire, she stared at Ban Yu-Won, received Yu Mi-Na’s earnest gaze, and entered the classroom with a disconcerted face.

“Then shall we go in too?”

“Professor, that tone.”


Yumina patted her lips, laughed happily, and gently pushed Ban Yu-won into the classroom.

Ban Yu-won realized that the number of students in this lecture was less than 10 only after entering the classroom.

After learning that this is the only number of students who deal with magic in the entire first year, Ban Yu-Won wants to run away from this place, but unfortunately, Yumina has already blocked the way back!

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Why Did I Have to Enroll

Why Did I Have to Enroll

Because I Carelessly Applied for Admissions, WDIE
Score 8.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Ban Yu-won can understand all the languages in existence. He was able to translate every language, modify it. As a child, when Ban Yu-won first learned about the existence of the fictional building called the Tower of Babel in the Bible, his respectable grandfather told him it was their ancestors who built it. “The Tower of Babel was completed without collapse, and people have the wrong idea.” One day, out of the blue, the Union Academy practical exam began. Finding traces of his ancestors at the academy, Ban Yu-won decides to enroll in the academy full of monsters.


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