Why Did I Have to Enroll Chapter 378

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Admission is for nothing (last episode)

After School. New Order –

Monsters appear on Earth 3 and anyone can use the status window.

All religions are gone!

More than 20 years have passed since the emergence of a paranormal communication network called the Union Net, allowing anyone who gained permission to access it to interact with humans from another dimension.

For Yeom Do-hye, a girl who turned 18 this year, it didn’t really feel real.

From the time she was born, there were monsters, dungeons, and guilds on Earth as if it were natural.

A powerful person could rise to a high social position and gain wealth, and the heads of giant guilds enjoyed higher authority than the president.

I don’t know why there were so many things like religion in the first place.

“Everyone believes in Ban Yu-won anyway. If you look at Union Net, everyone only serves Ban Yu-won.”

“Ah, our telekinesis lady is boasting that she is connected to Union Net again.”

“But listen, guys. God didn’t feel that way originally. You said you couldn’t see it yourself?”

Yeom Do-hye blinked at what her friend said.

Can’t… see God…?

“What god is that…?”

“So that’s funny. In the old days, you had to believe in a god you couldn’t even see.”

“I can’t even imagine. How can you trust and rely on it? It must have been difficult for everyone.”

“Why are you worried about them? Everyone will believe in Yu-Won anyway.”

Dohye Yeom straightened up and argued at what the other friend said.

“Who is calling God by his name?”

“No, we can sing comfortably when we are alone. Fanatics are tired of this.”

“I’m not a fanatic, I met him in person when I was young–”

When he reacted violently to his friends teasing him, a system window came to mind that was so familiar with Boa since he was born in front of Yeom Do-hye’s eyes.

[Congratulations on passing the document screening of the best academy “Union” in all dimensions!]

However, the contents were not familiar at all.


Yeom Do-hye blinks both eyes at the unbelievable thing.

While other friends complained to the friend who first made fun of her because of her unusual appearance, she did not even think about correcting the misunderstanding and just stared blankly at the message that appeared in front of her eyes.

[Students who pass the document screening will be able to choose whether or not to take a practical evaluation. However, since the applicant is a prospective entrant directly certified by the president of Union Academy, the practical evaluation will be omitted! Congratulations on becoming the final passer of Union Academy!]

“Uh uh uh…”

“Dohye? I’m starting to get scared, so stop.”

“What. Aren’t you watching Union Net right now? Another of his Rebellion channels?”

“Hey guys. me.”

Yeom Do-hye swallowed her saliva and shouted.

“I’m attached to Union! now!”

“it’s crazy!”

“Lies lies lies lies…”

“What came to me was wrong! clearly!”

“No, you don’t even have the ability. More than that, is Dohye real? really really?”

“Really, really, really!”

The reaction of friends was indeed furious.

Also, where is Union?

The most famous talent training center in all dimensions.

Isn’t this the place where Ban Yu-won, the one and only absolute person in a dimension that everyone serves and supports as a god, stays as president!

“There are only 300 freshmen there each year. 300 people! Our telekinesis is among the 300 people in all dimensions?!”

“I am… I’m a prospective entrant… I’m saying I’m exempt from practical skills! They said they passed it right away!”

A smile that couldn’t be hidden spread across Dohye Yeom’s lips as she said that.

Even though she insisted on it, it was a fact that no one had ever believed, but she had met a banyuwon only once when she was young.

At dusk, she was the only one of her peers who had access to Union Net, so she was oddly out of the group. She was alone on Unitube, watching the Rebellion channel run by God himself, which made her feel a sense of kinship just because she was from the same country as her.

at that time.

‘Oh, it must have been you.’


Hearing a whispering voice next to him, he turned his head.

A handsome man with the same face as the video playing in the hand mirror he was holding was smiling at her.

‘Unlike the previous owners, he seems nice. It must be the last work that the Tower of Babel created before the reorganization.’


‘Oh, I’m not saying you’re a work of art. that’s your ability It’s very strong.’

A handsome man who kindly explained and stroked her hair.

The child is very innocent and pure.

It was also a time when he honestly distinguished and obsessed with Michu.

Yes, it was the moment when eight-year-old Yeom Do-hye fell in love for the first time.

‘Yes, you can rest assured. You will grow up very straight, and one day your abilities will fully bloom and you will regain a look worthy of a ruler of the dimension. … Still, you’ll need a safety device.’

The man, Ban Yu-won, reached out and stroked the back of the girl’s hand.

Some kind of letter that glowed in gold was engraved on the back of the hand, and the next moment it sank as if being sucked in and disappeared.

At the time, she didn’t know Chinese characters, but now that I think about it, it was definitely the word ‘pass’.

‘Wow what is this…

The time when Yeom Do-hye was curious and tried to ask the man.

The man would say goodbye with a soft smile and call her by the name he had never taught.

It disappeared as if it had never been there in the first place.

Memories fleeting and fantastic, like a midsummer night’s dream.

Even the letters engraved on the back of her hand had disappeared, so no one believed her when she said it, but it was only natural that Dohyeom became a fanatical believer in anti-yuwon after that day.

“It was real.”

Do-Hye Yeom nodded her head with her face dripping with tears from being so happy.

“He called me…!”

“Ah… Do-hye has started working in earnest.”

“It’s dangerous, but isn’t it a precursor to a runaway of abilities? If he runs out of control once, everything will fly away.”

“No, it’s really okay. Guys I’m coming! now!”

[Do you want to enter Union Academy? Y/N]

“Of course I will go!”

[Transmission to Union Academy begins.]

The next moment, as he himself said.

Dohye Yeom disappeared from the eyes of her friends.

The remaining friends looked at her vacant seat with a dejected expression and spat out a word at a time, looking ridiculous.

“I’ll take a proof shot of the bad bitch and leave…”

“Ah, I should have asked Yoo-won to come get his autograph.”

“You’re coming on vacation anyway. Wouldn’t it be possible to bring everything back then? no please Please accept me…!”

“Yeah, by the way.”

One of the friends said with a sigh in regret.

“Who can’t go to the S University apology stand with Dohye? Too bad.”

* * *

This year, as usual, the entrance ceremony for Union Academy was held.

Ban Yu-won was a true leader who took a seat at every event and did not enjoy making everyone except himself uncomfortable.

“Ha, I really hate it when I usually just do other things and play around, but every time like this, I really hate it….”

“It’s noisy, Vice-President.”

“Then why don’t you even find time to go on a date with me on the weekend!”

Ban Yoo-won sneered and replied at the words of the vice president who shouted while stroking the horn on his forehead.

“I know how late your turn is. Are you telling Mira that you’re trying to cut in line again?”

“How come I have a higher rank?”

When Hasselon said he wanted to focus on childcare and said he would beat the vice-president, I wasn’t just sitting by and watching a deathmatch between professors over the vice-president’s seat.

At least, we’re delaying the deathmatch until our Auror combat science professor officially takes over.

‘I’m going to have to make this a deathmatch again sooner or later.’

Ban Yu-won waved his hands while looking at Vice-Chancellor Shati, who took great pride in the position he had won through a bloody struggle, with a very serious expression.

“I know I’m dying, but since it’s the entrance ceremony soon, stop flirting and go back to your seat.”

“Hey, it’s a fish that has been caught, so now it’s treated casually. Didn’t you come here again to hunt for game?”

“No, as if a person could be a Casanova. My son is also going to school today?”

“Wow, now I want to steal my son’s girlfriend—. Oh sorry. I’m sorry–!”

Ban Yu-Won sighed and really kicked Shati away, then turned and looked around at the freshmen of the year seated in the auditorium.

I didn’t mean to go along with Shati’s nonsense, but first of all, the student he was interested in was also a female student.

“It’d be more comfortable if you’re a male student and you won’t be misunderstood by others.”

―Do you really think so?

Ban Yu-Won grinned and denied the transmission from the person who was sitting in the seat that was a little away from him―― That is, the person sitting in the chair of the Aura Combat Studies professor.

―No, actually, being a woman is better. Because I can tell my son to flirt with him.

―…My son, I don’t reveal women like you do.

-It’s unfortunate. Kite: I feel so bad right now.

―But because you are like that, you must have liked me. So I like you like that too.

―Did you learn from Rachel? datina. It’s clumsy.

-Then why not?

―No, please continue.

The professors around them noticed to some extent that the two were chatting with each other.

Everyone seemed to be dying to tackle it or intervene, but soon the entrance ceremony started and they couldn’t.

―Then let’s start the entrance ceremony!

Among the 300 freshmen, there were a few that stood out because this year, direct descendants of teenage families entered the school.

…At the same time, it was also because Dokgocheon, the first son of Union president Ban Yu-won and his wife Dokgo-yeon, entered the school.

He is the most handsome man in the world who resembles his father, and his mother’s temperament and ability are inherited intact, and the eyes drawing concentric circles are the most solid evidence of his identity.

Because of the promise to hand over the firstborn to the next leader of the Church of Life and Death, he took his mother’s surname instead of his father’s, but no one dares to doubt that he is Ban Yu-Won’s son, even seeing his appearance that resembles Ban Yu-Won.

“Hmm, then let’s start soon.”

“You’re doing it this year too.”

“At this point, it’s a real tradition.”

“Who the hell has our president read novels these days?”

One of the full professors grumbled.

“Gathering the new students together and doing a death match until the last one is left… What kind of educational institution would do such a crazy thing!”

“We did that the last time we elected vice president, so now this is a new Union tradition.”

Ban Yu-won, who answered briefly, stood up and clapped his hands, then smiled at the 300 freshmen who were watching him and shouted.

“You freshmen, you know roughly, right? From now on, let’s kill each other until only the last one remains!”

―Don’t kill me, don’t kill me! If you kill another student, you will be expelled!

Professor Jeong, who was in charge of the facilitation, added urgently.

However, the students, who were already familiar with the tradition of the entrance ceremony of Union Academy, were burning with fighting spirit as if they had been waiting for this moment to come.

Those who are not confident in their powers are excluded from the death match on their own, and those who do not yet have any special powers are excluded from the death match from the beginning.

So, in fact, it is impossible to guarantee that the last person left here will be able to remain as the top until the day he graduates from the academy.

“Well, that makes it even more fun.”

“Anyway, this year’s senior is decided to be Cheon-yi.”

Mira, who approached after passing the competitors, said in a tone that it was not fun.

“If my daughter had been a year older, it would have been much nicer to see.”

“Well, what will it be like?”


If Dokgocheon had fully inherited the authority to deal with the concept of anti-yuwon, he would not have worried about it, but originally, this authority was very difficult to inherit, so we couldn’t expect much.

To put it bluntly, he had no descendants for such a long time, and then, in the generation of Ban Yu-Won, he could barely have fully developed his power.

So, to be honest, the other student Banyuwon was expecting was the female student he had looked at earlier.

“Oh, is that him?”

A deathmatch that has just begun.

Mira’s eyes twinkled as she saw a powerful telekinesis wave emitted from the corner of the auditorium, striking all the students in all directions and knocking them out.

In particular, what she pays attention to is the strikingly beautiful student’s appearance.

“Did you take a picture of him?”

“Would you get angry if I said something similar to Shati?”

“Who said what? My husband isn’t the type to seduce someone first, I’m not… well…”

Mira’s voice, which had been hugging his neck and whispering to him whether others saw it or not, seemed to be paying attention to his flirtation with Dok-go-yeon earlier.

“Honey, is he looking this way?”


Ban Yu-won also raised his head.

Then, I saw the female student who had really blown away the students around her mercilessly, smiling brightly as she looked straight at the amusement park.

If there is a death factor called happy death, the expression that seems to be at the peak of happiness, as if it wouldn’t be strange if she died right now.

Seeing this, Mira’s voice became extremely low.


“Do you believe me, Mira? You know I didn’t do anything, right?”

Fortunately, Dokgocheon found her and rushed first.

According to Dok-go-yeon, he was not interested in girls his age, so it seemed like he was just trying to find a strong competitor and fight.

“ah—-! You can’t see my favorite—!”

What are you talking about?

Yeom Do-hye, a schoolgirl who pulls out her sword and throws Dok-go-cheon in mid-air.

It was only then that Mira seemed to realize something at the terrifying telekinesis.

“Honey, maybe he is.”

“Amor was famous for his telekinesis.”

Of course, there is no way that Ban Yu-won and Dok-go-yeon’s son could simply retire with telekinesis.

Around the time Dokgocheon, who rolled lightly on the floor and stood up, emitted black energy in all directions and stunned other students who were in the way, Dohye Yeom, who had briefly organized the restraints of other teenage families, also turned to Dokgocheon.

Her body swelled up and a hard beast skin covered it.

“…is that?”

“Fides was famous for borrowing the power of beasts.”

It was a half-yuwon who replied casually, but Mira who saw it, and not only her, but also other professors, were speechless and gaping.

“So… you awakened the power of the two families at the same time?”

“Anyway, both of them are developments of the power of the head of household. A collage of very miraculous illusions. Perhaps it was a temporary error that caused a runaway due to the barriers that blocked the Tower of Babel in all directions, but――.”

Ban Yu-Won’s sharp gaze fell on Yeom Do-Hye, who was clad in animal skin and used telekinesis.

Yeom Do-hye, who felt his gaze, pushed Dok-go-cheon with her outstanding power as if she was excited.

With the addition of Amor’s telekinesis, which is optimized for not only strengthening himself but also suppressing and suppressing the enemy, it was fitting to say that this was simply invincible.

“There’s such a ridiculous kid– It’s the first time since Honey!”

“So how can our Cheon-yi seduce him?”

Ban Yu-won said in a serious voice.

The existence of Yeom Do-hye, who has the power of two heads of families who once represented teenage families, is too dangerous.

If possible, wouldn’t it be the neatest way to bring them ‘this way’?

“Tsk… honey, are you ignoring me and ignoring me?”

“Iknow, right. You are already late.”

Even Dokgo-yeon, who approached from behind, agreed to Mi-ra’s tongue-in-cheek words.

In the auditorium, students who were caught up in the airwaves emitted by the two students, who were too powerful for a freshman, were scattered everywhere, like Yamuchi who had been self-destructed by a cultivation man.

The battlefield with only two left… no, the Great Hall.

Dokgocheon and Yeom Dohye, who were facing each other, clashed and Dokgocheon was defeated by a narrow margin.

“Heh. You’re interesting…”

Leaving behind Dokgocheon, who collapsed after making a statement like the crown prince in a romance fantasy discovering a subject of interest for the first time after living in a world where there were only boring things that were weaker than himself.

“Ban Yu-won!”

After confirming that there was no one to disturb her, Do-Hye Yeom returned to her original form and jumped up on top of the auditorium.

From beginning to end, her eyes were looking at only the semi-recreation area.

“As you said, I came to see you as an adult!”


When I said see you when you grow up, I just meant to see you when it’s time for her to enter Union Academy.

Ban Yoo-won felt the hands of his lovely wives holding his shoulders tightly from both sides and closed his eyes tightly.

it was cooked

Admission is for nothing, really.

《Entrance for nothing》THE END

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Why Did I Have to Enroll

Why Did I Have to Enroll

Because I Carelessly Applied for Admissions, WDIE
Score 8.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Ban Yu-won can understand all the languages in existence. He was able to translate every language, modify it. As a child, when Ban Yu-won first learned about the existence of the fictional building called the Tower of Babel in the Bible, his respectable grandfather told him it was their ancestors who built it. “The Tower of Babel was completed without collapse, and people have the wrong idea.” One day, out of the blue, the Union Academy practical exam began. Finding traces of his ancestors at the academy, Ban Yu-won decides to enroll in the academy full of monsters.


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