Why Did I Have to Enroll Chapter 372

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I went to school for nothing (372)

Lesson 73. The true body of the Tower of Babel – 2

There was one thing wrong with Banyuwon.

The constellations that came out as true bodies weren’t the only ones they’d ever met.

“Wow, does this really make sense? No matter how irregular it is.”

After overcoming the first battle consisting of four constellations and absorbing them, eight appeared, and Aire stopped them from transforming into a Jin Dragon, and after somehow defeating them, this time, sixteen constellations appeared with their true bodies.

Even if he crossed the line, he crossed it properly.

-It’s really pitiful.

―That’s right, being able to trample on that banyuwon like this!

―It’s stupid, but I’m talking about our situation in which we have to risk our lives to fight with that damn old woman according to his wishes.

If the 12 previous ones, including the ruler of the forest, had been dealt with first, the thirteen Constellations were only those whom Rebellion had encountered as enemies while climbing the tower, or who had offered a contract to Banyuwon and lost their power to him.

So I saw the game right away without any fuss, but apparently the Constellations summoned this time weren’t just those who were in a hostile relationship with the anti-yuwon.

Didn’t Yumina tell you sometime? Even among the Constellations, there are not only bad people.

If you look at the root, they were just climbers who wanted to climb the tower ahead of Rebellion.

Only a few people listened to her words obediently when the observer in Bay’s Bay told her to fight.

-Hey you guys. get all behind

And one of the constellations among them stepped forward, emitting a faint light.

Among the huge or bizarre-looking constellations, he was a rare case in which he maintained a perfect human form, and unusually, the clothes he was wearing were not Union Academy uniforms.

Ban Yu-Won wears a loose uniform that looks like he saw it a lot when he was living in Murim, and a long sword with only one blade standing at his waist… Samurai?

‘If Kite saw it, he would have said something else.’

In order to revive the lost connection with Dokgo-yeon, I have to choose the hard way over the easy way now.

Ban Yuwen sighed and faced him.

Looking at the other Constellations hesitating and withdrawing, it seems that they belong to the strongest among the Constellations.

-I’ve been waiting for this moment to come. I’d like to see a one-on-one match. Interrupters are not tolerated.

“Ah… you.”

Only then did Banyuwon realize the identity of the samurai.

“You are the one who counts the moment.”

-You got it right. I gave you a gap

Unlike the two Constellations that had been deprived of the Powers of Mixed Flame and Mutation by him, respectively, the Constellation that readily gave him the Powers without asking for anything—in a way, it was the only Constellation that left him a favorable impression.

The ‘Gap’ obtained from him is the power to count the opponent’s gaps and widen the gaps in time so that only you can move freely between them.

It was not at the time of making the prayer sword, but I could confidently say that this power played a huge role in completing his martial arts.

What did he say when he gave his power to Ban Yu-Won at the time?

– One-on-one? Who do you like?


―Ah, no, it’s okay.

The observer from the Bay of Bays tried to intervene immediately, but surprisingly, from the middle, her voice distorted and stretched like a broken cassette tape, and finally nothing was heard.

It was the result of a person who counted the moment before the Observer of the Bay of Eyes exerted his power, seized the gap in the time of manifestation and stretched it all the way.

In the gap of extended time that others can’t reach, only the half-amusement and the one who counts the moment are left.

―It’s completely different from when you exercise your power as a Constellation. I can’t stand the feeling of moving the main body with this tremendous power.

“Do you want to stick with me one-on-one that much?”

-of course. In my life there was only struggle. I hate being a watchman that I don’t even like.

So I’m thinking of quitting now.

Ban Yu-won hardened his expression in front of the man who said so.

“Are you thinking of dying?”

―Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I’m going to lose. Even if I beat you, I have no intention of killing you. A person who can cut the tough lifeline of us sinners has appeared, so how can we miss this opportunity?


―So if you win, slit my throat with the winner’s right. If I win– by the victor’s right, I command you to cut my throat.

Ban Yu-wen was about to say something, but before he could, the man drew a knife and pointed it at him, grinning.

―But I want you to not surrender meekly.

“…that’s funny. I have no intention of losing to anyone anymore.”

In the end, Ban Yuwen also stopped talking and pulled out his sword.

That there was a way to isolate the Constellation from the Tower and return it to its original form, that the Tower would no longer be a space maintained based on sacrifices from another dimension… It was because the opponent seemed too tired to persuade them with such words


Maybe he’s from scratch.

He may have been waiting for this moment to come since he unreservedly gave away his power to Banyuwon.


final match.

Ban Yu-Won swung the sword while reading all the movements of the opponent with the prayer sword.

Surprisingly, the Constellation splits time the moment his sword flew in and changed its movement, aiming for the gap in the half-yuwon that was revealed as a result, and showed an extreme technique of cutting precisely…


Ironically, his powers were combined with Ban Yu-Won’s prayer sword to increase its power.

Seeing the training material demonstrating the power right in front of his eyes, he understands the power of the gap more deeply, and unfolds the power he understands through the prayer sword――.

– Chae Chae Chae Chae!

In an extremely short moment, each other’s movements changed dozens of times and became intertwined.

Swords and swords deflected each other, and the reflected sword light disturbed the vision.

Moving in a circle in a small space, the two wielding swords and knives, as if they were dancing in sync.


――And in the process, the half-yuwon’s sword strikes, which were scattered in the air, clung to his body with magical energy and slowed his movements.


“I learned it recently. Quite right.”

If you want to read the gap and change your movement, you will ultimately need quicker judgment and movement than your opponent.

The trap set by Ban Yu-won held the man’s sword in the air for a brief moment, so at that moment there was no way to avoid the sword aiming for the chest precisely.


―――You can’t do it!

The moment the person who counts the moment coughed up blood, the gap of time that had increased to the limit was narrowed in an instant, and the voice of the observer in the bay was heard again.

Come to think of it, was he already displaying his powers overlapping in a state where he had already made full use of his powers? Indeed, if he had cooperated with the other Constellations, Banyuwon wouldn’t have been able to win without showing all of himself.

Assuming that there were not just one or two constellations like this—it was understandable that the observer in the bay was so confident.

-Is it already over!

―It’s almost like suicide!

-Such a fool…!

The Constellations who escaped from his authority clicked their tongues or felt sorry for the man who had been pierced by Ban Yu-Won’s sword.

However, the man who was pierced by Ban Yu-Won’s sword seemed to be delighted.

-Okay, it was very fun. How long had it been since he moved his body and performed a cool sword fight like this?

“Looking at it now, there were more than one penalty. I won though.”

-Of course. Now take my all by winner’s right.

―A constellation that should protect the tower is trying to give its strength to the usurper on its own!

He was someone I wanted to talk to for as long as possible.

Ban Yu-Won is not an idiot to the extent that he hesitates even in front of an enemy who opens his axe eyes and shouts loudly.

His sword, which had pierced the man’s heart, struck a cold stroke and soared into the air, at the end of which the laughing man’s neck spurted out with blood.


It must have been that he used his authority the moment he was about to die.

The will of the last man left by widening the gap between life and death permeated Ban Yu-won’s ears.

– Free everyone. If my authority is of any help to that, take it and use it.

Because it was such a rare concept, the gap was only 100 in depth even though I had been using it for more than 2 years.

In the process of absorbing all the concepts of the owner, the authority seemed to soar to 1,000 in an instant, and thanks to understanding the source, it finally came to unite with Banyuwon’s martial arts.

―If you cut the flow endlessly, all the concepts that make up the flow will be revealed in detail. The depth of 1000 gap was absorbed into the prayer sword, and the depth of the prayer sword became 4000. Amusement Park’s depth has been increased to 2500.

―You gain a deep realization of martial arts and your level of existence rises. Life depth increased to 5000, energy depth to 4500, and soul depth to 6500.

It was a short moment, but the change was as dramatic as when he obtained the memories of his ancestors.

The corpse of the person who counted the moment completely disappeared, and after taking a few seconds of deep breathing, the huge, bloodshot eyes glared at Banyuwon, who opened his eyes.

-Kill it right now!

Now, it didn’t matter whether the Constellations wanted to deal with Banyuwon of their own will or not.

The Observer of the Bay of Eyes gave up the pretense of being a constellation and gave orders to the constellations as the tower’s internal manager.

While gnashing their teeth while remembering the time in the past when they were targeted by an observer in the Bay of Bays and eventually became a Constellation – in the end, they were aiming for Ban Yu-Won and his companions and manifesting their powers in their own way.

―Sorry, but there is no way.

―It was quite fun to do this. Inside or outside, we are the rulers.

-Yes, so die quickly. Because you released the player of the starlight, how can we—


-Where did he go?

―The old woman must have stopped it, but she is also a Constellation after all.


After operating the prayer sword combined with the gap, he obtained an incomparable amount of information.

Ban Yu-won quietly exclaimed.

Right now, at the moment when the Observer in Bay’s Eye reveals the main body connected to the tower and gives orders to the Constellations.

Ban Yu-Won finally realized how the Tower restrains the Constellation.

It’s a realization that I wouldn’t have gained if the observer in the bay hadn’t summoned and dealt with constellations in such a large number.

It was also a realization that it would have taken quite a while to acquire if the person who counted the moment had not been willing to give him his power.

“Enough now.”

“Should I become a Jinryong?”

“I can call you anytime!”

“No, you guys still save it.”

Surrounding them from all sides and displaying all kinds of powers against the pressured Constellations, Aire and Asha, who are trying to reveal the true dragon’s power, are stopped.

Instead, he stretched out a hand in front of his eyes and ‘completely’ summoned the Constellation that had now become his follower.



Originally, he was active as an alter ego containing half of his own power, and with that alone, he is a player of the constellation Starlight with the power of ‘Starlight’ that can stand against the true bodies of the Constellations.

She regained all of her remaining half of her strength, which was now trapped in the tower and could not come out, and was transforming into a perfect figure.

Regardless of the will of the tower that had bound her for a long time, the heavy shackles were released.

“Wow, this feels good.”

Outwardly, nothing has changed much from before, but Stella looked at my hand and made a curious expression, and then looked back at Banyuwon and said,

“Did you reconstruct my body?”

“The concept of composition has doubled, of course. How is it that your training wasn’t in vain?”

“of course. perfect i like it … It feels like you experimented with me ahead of the real thing, right?”

Stella was half amused by her overly sharp words, but she soon let go of her expression and laughed.

“Anyway, it’s okay because you finished it so beautifully. And besides—maybe it’s because the damn restraints have broken, I’m in a very good mood right now.”

―Uh uh how?

The voice of the gulf observer trembled.

If I had been going back and forth between anger and embarrassment while dealing with the anti-yuwon party, now I felt as if I had reached a state of astonishment beyond that.

That will be too.

The moment Stella descended, all kinds of powers that were working towards Team Rebellion from all sides stopped moving and melted away.

-It’s over now.

―She has threatened us ever since she was an ordinary climber.

―How much more did you become a transcendent and break the tower’s restraints?

―When grandma says something nice, we pass it on. I don’t want to die in vain like this.

―The Observer in Bay!

The constellations were pouring out random words at once, but in the end, all of them were reactions stemming from fear.

As if representing them, the observer in the Bay of Bays screamed.

―This can’t be the case, the Constellation being released from the tower while maintaining its identity!

“I have a history, so why would you do that?”

―That is only temporary――!

“I am a star player.”

Stella opened her mouth and spread her arms as she spoke in a whisper.

Magical particles sparkling like starlight appeared from all sides and filled the dark space.

On the contrary, the presence of the constellations that had filled the space so far decreased.

“I tell you who buried me and sealed me.”

The dazzling starlight expanded and filled the space.

The power of Stella’s body was absurdly strong, making even half-amused people shudder.

It made me wonder if the restraints of the tower were a means to weaken her.

“Now it is my turn.”

Light exploded.

Except for the Observer in Bay, all the constellations that could not step out disappeared without a trace.

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Why Did I Have to Enroll

Why Did I Have to Enroll

Because I Carelessly Applied for Admissions, WDIE
Score 8.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Ban Yu-won can understand all the languages in existence. He was able to translate every language, modify it. As a child, when Ban Yu-won first learned about the existence of the fictional building called the Tower of Babel in the Bible, his respectable grandfather told him it was their ancestors who built it. “The Tower of Babel was completed without collapse, and people have the wrong idea.” One day, out of the blue, the Union Academy practical exam began. Finding traces of his ancestors at the academy, Ban Yu-won decides to enroll in the academy full of monsters.


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