Why Did I Have to Enroll Chapter 350

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Enrollment for nothing (350)

Lesson 68. Those who wish for the resurrection of Jinryong – 6



When the battle was over and Ban Yu-Won returned, Yumina and Ruchel and other colleagues came pouring in.

Some were worried that someone from the teenage family would attack again, but that was a ridiculous illusion.

It was because the Fides family and the Amor family, who strongly opposed the existence of the anti-yuwon until the end, left their seats with a battleship.

I think I put enough pressure on it, but what would happen if I became really hostile?

“Now then, let’s make a simple promise to the rest of us.”

Conversely, there is plenty of room to talk with other teenage families who, despite all these things, did not leave or hostile to him.

Needless to say, the Prominence is a family led by her older sister, and the only survivor of Juventa is Aurora, or Yumina.

Melodya turned into the enemy in the worst form, and Clarent had no choice but to listen to Banyuwon’s command to survive, including the Sword King.

To sum it up, [Melodia] is a definite enemy, [Fides] and [Amor] are potential enemies with no chance of becoming allies at least.

[Prominence] is a definite ally, and Yumina, the survivor of [Juventa], as well as [Ortima], who entrusts her successor, can also be seen as allies.

[Clarent] is going to conquer from now on, so you can include him as an ally.

[Hecate], who was a traitor, [Selene] and [Freedwen], who were bystanders, need to talk a little.

“promise? Are you talking about a contract?”

Among the remaining people, the head of the house, Ortima, who had the highest nose, said that and brushed the side of her hair.

Even during the battle, not a drop of blood was stained on his hands and not a single drop of sweat was shed on his forehead, as was his natural temperament, but his arrogance did not feel like bravado because he played a big role against Yumina.

“You can think of it that way, but if you have to say it, it’s a light alliance to keep the peace.”


He laughed happily, but he didn’t object to Banyuwon’s words any more.

It wasn’t that he just wielded power and ran amok.

I saw how Ban Yu-Won’s lightly spoken command had a wide-ranging effect, and whenever Ortima’s power, which seemed to have been further strengthened, embroidered the air, a shock that would turn the heavens and earth upside down occurred, and eventually lightly shattered the Dragonborn, which was surrounded by countless defenses and protective barriers.

How about calming Aire, who has finally transformed into a perfect Jin-ryong, and climbing on its back?

‘It’s perfect… if Ortima’s descendants inherit that power as it is.’

Ortima’s authority was already similar to that man’s authority.

If the two genes are combined, wouldn’t a masterpiece on a level that is hard to dare imagine!

If you imagine the brilliant future that will come to Ortima after that, it was no problem to hang out with that kid for a few years.

After all, he became half of Ortima.

While Assistant Manager Ortima Gazoo was happy imagining a fairly realistic future, Ban Yu-won continued to speak.

“As I said before, I have no intention of bringing the cause and effect of the past to this point. Because I’m not interested in things that weren’t originally my strength. However, if there is someone who wants to bully me by bringing up the past, let’s do what he wants. To make sure of that, I want you all here to give strength to my words, so I’m making a promise.”

“Fides… and Amor. Are you wary of the two?”

“Actually, it’s not that scary.”

At the words of Hecate’s family head, Ban Yu-Won reacted indifferently.

Among the teenage families, Fides and Amor are among the strongest along with Ortima Clarent, and of course their size is beyond imagination.

In this world, not everything is solved by the amount of power.

Each family head-level being is an asymmetric force that looks down on tactical nuclear weapons one by one, and Ban Yu-Won has already far exceeded that level, so even if they face a huge army of the size of a teenage family, they have the confidence to fight without backing down.

The problem is that nuclear explosions here and there do not end with the death of one or two people.

“Because it is good to suppress war if possible. If we make an agreement with each other, even if you want to attack me out of curiosity, won’t you do it in small groups and covertly?”


The family head of Friedwen suddenly let out a laugh.

Sensing the attention from around him, he shrugged his shoulders and said.

“I thought it was scary. It sounds like I’m serious now…”

“I mean it.”

“Yes, but the family head of Clarent who touched you died without making a sound.”

The members of the Clarent family, who were the only ones with their heads bowed here, flinched as they heard those words.

“Besides, you said you were going to clean up Clarent from now on. I just thought it was amazing to be able to do such things calmly, as if I didn’t like conflict but did it because I had to.”

“You can’t just sit back and greet me just because you don’t want to fight. Well, this meeting was held in that sense after all. Then, can I accept that Lord Friedwen is making a promise?”

“There is something I would like to suggest more than that.”

The head of the Friedween family took out a shield made from the bones of the family’s sacred white dragon, which they used in battle.

“With just one word from you, the power of the family’s elite troops, including me, jumped up. It’s a power not to be missed. Therefore, I would like to have a closer contractual relationship. This is not a façade, but a real alliance. I can lend you my shield for a while if you want.”

It seems that Ban Yu-won remembered that he had awakened earlier after touching the new sword of the Clarent family.

He smiled and nodded at the reaction of the Friedwen family head, who was much more favorable to him than he thought.

“Anything like that.”

Since the two families had already responded favorably, the conversation with the other families went smoothly.

Hecate did not know if Rio’s declaration of freedom was very impressive or perhaps it was because he wanted to get closer to her again, but he followed his proposal relatively obediently.

Among the teenage families, Selene, a family that is not only the most docile and does not interfere in areas outside its control, has a considerable debt to Yumina and is ready to give more than Friedwen if she wants.

no, actually did that.

“I want you to accept it.”

The head of Selene held out a small lantern with white light burning inside to Yuwon Ban.

I wonder if it was discovered that Ban Yu-won thought he was a lantern angler, but Stella, who had been standing still behind him, suddenly pouted over his shoulder and shouted.

“Ah– This one contains holy light! It’s amazing, and it’s a pattern I’ve never seen before…!”

“You know it well…”


House Selene blurted out her words with a bitter expression on her face, while House Hecate let out an uncomfortable cough.

With that alone, Ban Yu-won seemed to know the circumstances contained in this lantern.

“Are there any swords that stabbed the tower owner?”

“You see. That’s right, it’s the power I received from Jinryong at the time. However, ironically, those who gained the power to betray the tower lord seem to have thought that by continuing to possess this power, they would face a misfortune. Everyone pretended not to know and shamefully came to me, who had been hiding, and asked me to seal it.”

That’s smart.

At that time, the heads of teenage families would never have been able to properly handle Seong-gwang, and it’s natural to think that Jin-ryong played a trick on it… Wait a minute.

“’To me?’”


The old man nodded his head in response to Ban Yu-won, who asked in disbelief.

While everyone who remained in this place realized the meaning and was astonished, the old man

Selene, a member of the family created by the ancestors, slowly bowed her head to Banyuwon and said,

“I really look like him. I was afraid to face you like this, so I hid for a long time, but in the end, I came to face you like this because of my long sins, so how can this be funny?”

The wrinkled old man looked at Yumina for a moment and then lowered his head slightly.

“But after walking out of the tent like this, everything was going in the right direction. I regret the years I lived as a coward. Still, seeing the child’s daughter in person, I was able to tell the shameful past to the owner of this new order…” ”


The old man put the lantern directly into Ban Yu-Won’s hand.

Selene is also famous for its magic, but its root is the power to interfere with light.

It was also thanks to him that he was able to seal Jinryong’s holy light for a long time.

Considering that Selene’s blood was flowing in her, Yumina’s ability to safely sign a contract with Stella was understandable.

“It will help. It will contain a lot of information about Jinryong… It would be nice if there was nothing to be hostile to Jinryong, but I think I’d get tired of fighting dragon soldiers who were influenced by them.”

“…Thank you.”

Ban Yu-won tried to ignore Stella’s stare at him and absorbed the light in the lantern.

In an instant, the holy light he possessed grew like a runaway, and the depth reached 1,000 in an instant.

Considering that the depth of his holy light magic was 300 before.

That alone would give you an idea of how ridiculous this growth was, given the startling things it had done.

Just as the depth of a concept has meaning in units of 10, 1000 was also very special because it corresponds to level 100 when converted to the standard of the system.

[The depth of charm has become 2000, the depth of elemental magic has become 2500, the depth of photon magic has become 2000, and the depth of magic has increased to 3000.] It had an impact… As Selene Family Head said, it was because the fundamental understanding of Jinryong



When Ban Yu-Won took a deep breath and faced Selene, he looked more wrinkled than before.

It must have been because he must have suppressed the power of time with the holy light he was holding in his hand.

“Thank you. In many ways… I can only say thank you.”

“Ah, there…”

Yumina hesitated as she spoke.

However, Selene’s head shook her head as if it was okay, and gave her a word as she surrendered herself to the Gasols who had come around.

“If you forgive this coward… will you visit Selene later? You have a lot to do in our world.”

It’s not that Selene didn’t look for Yumina, it’s that she couldn’t find her.

They considered themselves to be the greatest treason criminals just by sealing the holy light that was used to pierce the owner, and in reality, the president would not have forgiven them either.

While the other traitors shamelessly went in and out of the Union, forgetting their past in the passing years, only Selene, who was holding on to the president’s wrath, remained silent, not related to the Union―― unable to even come out.

And only now that Yumina was free and came out, I managed to find her and move my feet to this meeting.

Without her, Selene would have remained silent and stuck in her own dimension until this moment, and there would have been no way for Ban Yu-Won to obtain the true dragon’s light.

“Master of the new order, as I said before, we intend to cooperate with you. This old man’s body is difficult to move, but anyone who raises the name of our family will gladly lend their strength to you and Juventa’s daughter.”

“If you support me, I will be grateful.”

Ban Yu-won also respectfully bowed his head to the poor hermit who had to endure for a long time in hiding for being caught up in the runaways of others.

With that, all the ‘promises’ ended.

If there is anything that has changed, is it about the feelings of the deputy head of Ortima?

I was surprised to see the attitude of other teenage families towards him, but I thought that if this happened, regardless of Ban Yu-won’s will, he could become the owner of a super-large force that combined several families into one.

When this happens, it’s not just about taking his genes.

We must bring him to Ortima.

‘I believe in Louisa.’

Sensing the gaze of the deputy head of household with a strong will, Luisha honestly thought that her competitors were overly tough, but she had no choice but to pretend to be relaxed and nod as she did not want Ortima to turn against Ban Yu-Won.

‘Just trust me, uncle. I’ll make you fall in love with me!’

Actually, she was on the verge of falling in love with Ban Yu-Won, but it was only a minor difference.

As a bonus, seeing the two of them exchanging glances with countless meanings, Russein expressed his anxiety with wavering eyes, but no one was looking at him.

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Why Did I Have to Enroll

Why Did I Have to Enroll

Because I Carelessly Applied for Admissions, WDIE
Score 8.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Ban Yu-won can understand all the languages in existence. He was able to translate every language, modify it. As a child, when Ban Yu-won first learned about the existence of the fictional building called the Tower of Babel in the Bible, his respectable grandfather told him it was their ancestors who built it. “The Tower of Babel was completed without collapse, and people have the wrong idea.” One day, out of the blue, the Union Academy practical exam began. Finding traces of his ancestors at the academy, Ban Yu-won decides to enroll in the academy full of monsters.


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