Why Did I Have to Enroll Chapter 331

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Admission is for nothing (331)

Lesson 65. Creation – 1

Banyuwon entered the tower.

It was a solo exploration, but now he was greeted by the wide open space he was used to.

“Whoa, now this feels like my home.”

Sellon, who cannot humanize himself in front of others, naturally reconciled into a human form as if breathing, and leaned against the sofa.

Her hair, black as the night sky, was tied up in twin tails, and she slowly blinked her twinkling eyes as if the Milky Way were embedded in them, enjoying the soft feel of the sofa.

That’s also true, because Celon’s own seal has loosened a lot in the meantime–Eve and Banyuwon’s ability to help construct her body has grown significantly.

“your house?”

Ban Yu-won checked the appearance of the laboratory, that is, the monster production room, and turned to her and snorted.

“Then, how is that different from a constellation? You should think about roaming freely outside the tower with your real body.”

“It takes too much. You don’t know, but most constellations still grind their teeth when they see me.”

“They are stupid. It’s starting to feel cute now.”

The attempts of the Constellations to harm Ban Yu-Won from the inside and outside of the tower were continuing.

However, a clumsy raid is only a good way to increase the power of Banyuwon in the yard where even the follower of thousands of kalpas who have been raided by the main body has met death.

No, on the contrary, most of the life experiences gained outside the tower for the past two years were obtained from those constellations.

They might have noticed, but they didn’t risk everything to attack him―― Ban Yu-Won steadily increased his size and reached this point.

At times, he wondered if he was still growing as the president planned, but he dispelled doubts by firmly believing in himself.

“When are you going next?”

Said Sellon, holding the teacup and saucer gracefully with her fingers and floundering with her legs stretched out in the air.

“You’ve already done what’s asked of you here.”

“That’s right…”

The workshop itself has not changed, but the contents have been constantly changing.

Ban Yu-won experienced dozens of shifts while shaping countless monsters that appeared on the tower.

He was a good textbook and a great teacher.

Banyuwon was now ready to create something on its own, even without this space or the virtual space that Zenon once created.

Of course, you will need the right material for it.

“Are you hesitating?”

“I feel like the monster factory is about to end.”

“Are you afraid of change?”

“Do you understand when I say that I am afraid that nothing will change?”


Selone smiled bitterly and emptied the car in one go.

I put the glass on the saucer and put it away somewhere and patted my knee.

“I’m not good enough compared to that child, but if I’m good, would you like to comfort me?”

“It’s okay. Wherever I go these days, there are only people who want to hug me and comfort me.”

“That’s because they’re using comfort as an excuse to covet you.”

It did.

She was about to run away from Asha, who just said she would comfort her and clung to her stickyly.

In two years, he has changed so much.

Maybe following Ruchel as a tutor was the problem…

“Then are you innocent?”

“no? That child must have entered a stable period, too. I wonder if it is time for me to enjoy myself.

After laughing at Sellon’s overly honest words, Ban Yu-won snapped his fingers.

Violent changes occurred at the same time from dozens of monster production rooms connected to this workshop.

Top spiders, elite ogre variants with over 1,000 lives, their strength is amplified when grouped together, and they even have the ability to coalesce. Horror house-type monsters that trap opponents in frames and harass them with fantasy magic… Many other monsters soared like corn kernels becoming popcorn, filling the birth chamber


Of course, the shift conditions were cleared.

“Hey, I’m a bit hurt right now.”

Feeling the shift happening, Celon jumped up from his seat and pursed his lips.

Ban Yu-won shrugged and replied.

“Let’s discuss that matter after I completely recover your body first. It’s still early.”

“Are you? You bastard, knowing that you’re flirting with women and pushing them away like that is the worst!”

“No, I just got the strength to move forward thanks to your comfort.”

“Then you should have come to me too!”

The shift ended as Celon inflated his cheeks and opened his arms wide toward Banyuwon.

They were now in a cavity with a very high ceiling, and the walls were so high that even if you lifted your head, you couldn’t see the end—there were cogwheels stuck in and turning.

―You are finally here, my sweet child.

It was the voice of an observer of the bay, which I had heard many times over the past two years.

Sellon hurriedly tried to return to the form of a staff member, but that did not happen.

Ban Yu-Won was going to put the cellon in the inventory if it had to be, but fortunately, the cellon was fixed in shape and not particularly restrained.

That is, in this space.

“Yes, you are finally here.”

I was foreboding somewhere.

Maybe that’s why I was even more hesitant.

The reason why he trembled with vague fear while looking forward to returning to Union this semester…

Ban Yu-Won’s eyes were now on the tombstone wrapped in a blue barrier under the gears that filled one side of the wall.

―Some time ago, surprisingly, there was someone who broke into this place. The Tower firmly prepared for it and took measures to ensure that the same thing would never happen again.


Ban Yu-won almost ignored the words of the observer in the bay and dragged the hardened Selon toward the monument.

As the Observer of Bay’s Eye said, the tombstone was surrounded by a barrier that could not be damaged even with moderate power, so it was impossible to directly touch or touch the tombstone, but the letters densely engraved on it could be read.

―Have you ever wondered why you arrived here?


As he frantically read the words, Ban Yu-won replied insincerely.

The observer in Bay’s eyes smiled softly and continued.

―The tower wants a new manager. A manager who would diligently manage the tower and supervise the Constellations on behalf of that obnoxious person.

She had already been discussing the conclusions of Banyuwon and Celon more than two years ago.

A little different thing is that she is talking about the current manager… that is, the premise of bringing down the president.

Ban Yu-won was dumbfounded and said something he had hidden in order to stab her in the vitals.

“You’re the president’s contract constellation.”

-I? of that human? Oh no way! You’re firmly mistaken.

The observer in the bay laughed.

It was disgusting to see the pupils open and close like flowers blooming everywhere.

Yes, this is a space where the Constellation can manifest its power even if it does not descend as an alter ego.

The reason the other Constellations didn’t appear was probably… because she was holding back.

―I’ll admit that we have some unpleasant things in common. But that’s only because they have the same roots. Our purpose is completely different. Yes at all…

“You want to make me a Constellation.”

– Surprisingly, not now.

“Maybe not yet.”

– Hey, you have work to do. i hope that too

As expected, the observer in Manan had many similarities with the president in that he couldn’t understand what he was talking about.

It would have been nice if Ban Yu-won had enough strength to defeat both of them, but unfortunately, it was impossible to get there with 2 years of training.

“If you don’t want to fight for your life, stop now.”

―Huh, yes. That’s how it should be…

Ban Yu-Won, who waved his hand and chased away the Bayan observer, eventually found one of the things he was looking for.

It was the name of the starlight performer.

I was about to collapse from finding it so easily, but looking at it again, the letters on this tombstone were not letters that anyone could read.

Moreover, the name of the performer of starlight invaded the top as if the letters around it were trying to cover it, so it was complicatedly entangled with dozens of names, and even half-damaged.

It felt like I was watching a dark scene of bullying.


“huh? …what?”

No, if it was a name that was easy to identify like this, how nice it would be if I remembered it right away.

While Ban Yu-won was bewildered, Selon… no, Stella, who heard her real name, opened her eyes wide in surprise.

“No wait… Oh. yes that’s right! Unbelievable…!”

Perhaps she even forgot what it meant to enter this space.

The moment her name was called, her body slowly began to rise into the air and go mad.

At the same time, Ban Yu-Won saw her name engraved on the tombstone wriggling as if stretching, pushing away other names that had invaded her territory.

She, who lost her power as a Constellation and was sealed away, probably because of other Constellations and administrators who abetted it, finally regained all her powers.

Ban Yu-won put on a worried expression as she landed on the ground, feeling more energetic.

“Are you okay, Stella?”

“Yep. It’s a strange feeling, but yes. I think it’s fine. Everything is perfect.”

Of course, Stella’s body was still trapped in the tombstone, and only a part of it was outside.

In the process of regaining herself completely, her power as a constellation, which had been nearly sealed in the tombstone, was restored, and naturally, power was granted to her body in reality that was connected to it.

In other words, she was now in the state of an alter ego created by investing so much power that other Constellations could not dare to imitate it.

―The starlight performer expresses his gratitude to you.

―Look, now I can contact you as a Constellation!

“How is it amazing?”

“Stop it because you’re crazy.”

Ban Yu-Won was stunned when she saw Stella, who began to express her intentions in three ways, including messages expressing emotions and messages conveying her own voice, and even voice acting.

After completely regaining the power of the Constellation in a short period of time, her transformed human body also naturally became more lively. If she was just an extremely well-made doll before, she could now be said to be a complete human to the core—no, a semi-transcendent human.

“That’s right. You expected this to happen earlier and said that.”

“huh? what?”

“You were supposed to talk to me again when I got my body back, right?”


“It’s not that I don’t like it, I just said that because I could get it back right away!”

“No, that’s it.”

What Ban Yu-Won wanted to say was to talk about her body… that is, after completely freeing her from being tied to the tower in the name of a constellation.

It seemed that his confidence was soaring thanks to having regained all his powers.

Stella said, sticking her eyes full of starlight into him, just like her name.

“Now let’s talk again. I’m telling you, but I’m already preparing myself mentally–”

“Wait a minute, Stella.”


Clearly, she felt like a mature sister until recently, but now that she has regained all her memories and powers, she has returned to feeling like an adolescent girl.

From the standpoint of Ban Yu-Won, who has received a lot of help from her in one way or another, it’s difficult because I can’t just push him away, but when I think about it, there are not just a couple of women who are deeply related to him in this way.

There is nothing wrong with Heukseol’s words…

But still, not now.

“There is someone you want to see before me.”


Stella, who blinked for a moment at those words, nodded in agreement.

“I guess it was because I thought I’d never see you again. I completely forgot Celon.”

Even though she was startled by the word cellon that suddenly jumped out of her, Ban Yu-won naturally understood.

When he first met her, the name of the staff she was sealed with was Celon’s Tears.

Really―― I finally understood why Mina noona was so surprised when she saw that.

“You didn’t want to meet me in an imperfect state, did you? …Now you have other means.”

“that’s right. okay. i’ll go first black snow? Can I stay with him?”

“of course. I will explain the circumstances.”

Even if Stella goes outside, she will not go to meet Yumina right away.

If it was such an encounter, it would have been possible before.

First of all, she wants to contact Yumina with the power of the restored constellation.

It would have been possible with her now.

“Then, I’ll go see you today. Thank you. Please take good care of me in the future.”

“Me too, Stella.”

―The depth of treason has increased to 600.

The concept of treason, which had grown to 500 over the past two years, had grown by 100 at once.

Ban Yu-Won, feeling Stella’s figure disappearing from the cavity, gave a small smile―― and turned his eyes to the tombstone again.

The next name to look for was even easier to find than Stella’s.

I just had to find the most recently added one.

“――Eyes of death.”

That moment of silent recitation.

Squeak squeak.

The cogwheels filling the wall accelerated all at once, making a noise.

A black mist of death descended around him.

―The Eye of Death responds to the person who finds it, and it begins its activities as a formal Constellation.

―The eyes of death look at you and smile a little.

Dokgoyeon came to visit him.

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Why Did I Have to Enroll

Why Did I Have to Enroll

Because I Carelessly Applied for Admissions, WDIE
Score 8.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Ban Yu-won can understand all the languages in existence. He was able to translate every language, modify it. As a child, when Ban Yu-won first learned about the existence of the fictional building called the Tower of Babel in the Bible, his respectable grandfather told him it was their ancestors who built it. “The Tower of Babel was completed without collapse, and people have the wrong idea.” One day, out of the blue, the Union Academy practical exam began. Finding traces of his ancestors at the academy, Ban Yu-won decides to enroll in the academy full of monsters.


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