Why Did I Have to Enroll Chapter 322

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I went to school for nothing (322)

Lesson 63. 2 years – 2

Banyuwon looked at the back of the woman walking ahead of him and thought.

Didn’t you just plainly call me sober manager?

“Although my hip line is attractive.”

The woman who noticed his gaze spoke quietly without looking back.

“It’s a little embarrassing when you stare at me like that.”

“No, I didn’t see the butt.”

“Then is it my tail?”

A little bit, but I had to admit it.

I wondered what she meant by the word ‘Danju’, and while looking at it, I was inadvertently distracted by the wagging tail protruding from her hip.

When he hesitated, not knowing what to say, she laughed and continued.

“I know it looks ugly. You don’t have to worry about it.”

“yes? oh no I think it’s attractive. Lucille… So one of my girlfriends also has the characteristics of a beastman.”


Momentarily speechless, she shut her mouth and moved forward.

‘I wondered how he seduced my lady who looked like a wooden stone…’ I heard muttering, but it was very unfair because I really had no intention of flattering her or flirting with her.

“That’s why I saw you.”

“It is black snow. I would like it if you could speak comfortably in half.”

“That’s why I was looking at the back of the black snow.”

“It’s not easy.”

Ban Yu-Won thought that Heuk-Sul, who didn’t look back until the end, was more difficult, but he quickly got to the point as he didn’t have the time to share personal friendships with her.

“I’m worried you called me sobriety manager.”

“That said, it’s simple. The young lady is the leader of the Exorcism’s strongest military group, the Exorcism.”

“I see.”

“And Sohyeop came here on behalf of the young lady?”

“Rather than doing it instead… I thought it was right for me to meet and tell my father about the things that happened to Yeon.”

“for a moment.”

Black Snow stopped walking and looked back at him.

She was obviously a beauty with a cold and elegant impression, but now her mouth is wide open and her eyes are wide and round.

“Did you just say kite? Did the lady allow you to call her by her first name?”

“yes? yes by the way I call it kite, and kite calls me won…”



Did the cold beauty who looked like she wouldn’t groan even if she was stabbed with a knife just exclaimed ‘Ouya’?

When Ban Yu-won looked at her with an expression of disbelief, Heuk-seol, who came to his senses belatedly, cleared his throat and turned around again.

“The headmaster is waiting for you.”

“No, so what does it mean that I am a sober manager…”

“This way.”

Dok-go-yeon never evaded words, but this woman, contrary to her appearance, was not usually sly.

Since she would not tell her what she wanted, Ban Yu-won followed her, glaring at her tail and ears.

It was even more disgusting that he waggled his tail left and right for no reason, as if he knew what he was looking at.

‘If I react, I’ll lose. Let’s be patient. Hold on…!’

They soon entered the huge palace, and from the moment Ban Yu-won stepped into the hallway, he felt countless eyes flying from an invisible place.

Excluding the prayer sword, it is a high-level stealth technique that is difficult to penetrate with only its authority.

At the same time as admiring the level of those guarding this hall, he realized how his existence was being accepted by them, and a bitter smile came out.

“Forgive me. These are the ones with low discipline.”

“Forgiveness, I must ask them. I don’t mean to do that…”


How irresponsible it is to ask for forgiveness.

Isn’t it just to shake off the burden and become comfortable with yourself without thinking about looking back at your mistakes?

Banyuwon thought it was an escape.

I thought that I was qualified to face her again only when I shouldered all the sadness and regrets of that day and overcame them head on.

“I was not allowed to enter the room. Please go in.”

The door is open.

Ban Yu-won took a step forward, feeling the momentum that was heavily suppressing him.

A human figure could be seen through the curtain in the center of the large room.

I knew as soon as I saw that it wasn’t an alter ego.

an anonymous body.

There was a person over there who was the leader of the Protestant religion and whom the upper-level figures called the Heavenly Horse and revere it.

“In the end, we meet like this.”

As soon as the door closed, the Heavenly Demon opened her mouth and spoke.

Ban Yu-won first bowed to him once, then stood up and bowed his head to him again.

“I want to talk about what happened to me and Yeon.”

“You already know, so you don’t have to. Have you forgotten who I am?”

You know, isn’t it ‘No.2’, a platinum member of Rebellion’s fan club Level Force?

The battle with Zenon could not be recorded in Tyche, but what happened was explained to some extent by the video uploaded through the channel.

I thought the father who lost his daughter needed more details than that…

“I don’t want to talk about small talk. Just tell me why you came to see me.”

“I need help.”

In the end, Ban Yu-won had no choice but to speak his mind directly.

I thought I should choose a little more words, but I didn’t feel like putting on a show in front of an absolute powerhouse.

“You’re not bowing your head to death.”

“I don’t want to make any of the actions Yeon took for me a mistake or a mistake.”

“Of course, my daughter has never done anything wrong. If it’s wrong, it’s on you.”

As if the momentum that had been poured out on him earlier had been nothing more than a prank, a terrible pressure oppressed him from all sides, enough to tear him to pieces with just the momentum.

Ban Yu-won stood upright and endured it.

He didn’t step back, bend his back, or tremble his legs.


How much energy did he pour out like that?

The Heavenly Horse, seeing that even though Banyuwon could let it go, received all of it and endured, it gained momentum in an instant, just like when it was sent out.

“Your eyes have changed a bit. Yes, take your resolve.”

The tabernacle was lifted.

Sitting there was a middle-aged man who looked exactly like Dok-go-yeon except for his eyes.

Only one arm was missing, but Ban Yu-won hesitated as he read a familiar energy from the cut section of the arm.

The Heavenly Demon laughed.

“What you saw is right. Block the tower and it happened like this. I couldn’t find a way to recover for unknown reasons.”

“Fortunately, I think I can help.”

When Ban Yu-Won said that and took a step forward, the Heavenly Demon let out an empty laugh.

“It is a wound that no one has dared to deal with for hundreds of years. And you?”

When Ban Yu-Won reached out his hand, the Heavenly Demon wondered if he should discipline himself a little more, but he suppressed the sharp urge as he remembered once again that his daughter had sacrificed her life to save him.

However, when Ban Yu-Won’s hand touched the section, he immediately sensed something wrong.


It was a short exclamation, but even that alone fully conveyed the astonishment he felt.

The concepts of ‘severance’ and ‘dimension’, which had settled in his wounds for a long time and terribly tormented him, were now flowing through Banyuwon’s hands like a lie.

He and Ban Yu-won were deeply connected through the existence of Dok-go-yeon, and it was possible enough to remove the concept attached to the affected area.

“You… yes. You were the key.”

Eventually, all the energy that suppressed the Heavenly Demon came together in Ban Yu-Won’s hands.

The Heavenly Demon, who watched as Ban Yu-Won stored it elsewhere, shook her head with a wry smile.

“In the end, the boy was right. After all, she’s my daughter…”

“You’ll be fine now. There is something called life candy, and if you eat it and fly, your arm will probably regenerate.”

“There is no need for that.”

As the Heavenly Demon concentrated with her shoulders stretched out into the air, an arm flew in from somewhere and clung to it.

In an instant, the arms and shoulders that clung to each other were bonded so perfectly that it was difficult to find a single incontinence.

The Heavenly Demon bent her fingers as if checking the feeling of her regained arm and nodded.

“Thank you. However, I will make amends for this separately, and I have no intention of forgiving you for causing the death of my daughter.”

“I have no intention of asking for forgiveness. As I said before, what happened between me and Yeon cannot be resolved by someone else intervening. It is something I have to deal with myself.”

“You are very good at one word.”

When the Heavenly Demon snapped his fingers, a chair flew in from somewhere and knocked Ban Yu-Won on the back of his knee, forcing him to sit on it.

The Heavenly Demon looked down at him while sitting on the bed and said quietly.

“You said you wanted help. Say what you want.”

“Please teach me. Anything is good, but it’s even better if it’s for getting closer to the kite.”

“There is nothing insignificant in the martial arts of the Protestant leader. It is a non-human incompetence, so even if it is Lee Il-ji, who inherits my blood, if there is something wrong in humanity, the principle is not to pass it on.”

“Then I want to gain at least some Dalian experience.”

“…Hung nong.”

Chunma snorted at the uninteresting reaction, and the next moment said something that surprised Ban Yu-won.

“You are already a member of the Protestant Church and a candidate for the next religious leader. Inseong remains to be seen, but I will reduce the condition as the credit for recovering the old wounds of the leader. If you do, there is no reason why you cannot learn my martial arts.”

“Wait, Heavenly Demon-nim?”

“You will have to call me Father.”

“Are you kidding?”

“Protestant leaders do not talk nonsense.”

You just said it was a joke!

However, when I tried to refute, ‘Son-in-law… did you talk back?!’ It was clear that the same reaction would come back.

Ban Yu-Won couldn’t say anything and just opened his mouth.

How did it happen?

Come to think of it, I had a suspicious feeling from the time I learned the Hyeonshin Gong from Dokgoyeon.

No matter how I look at it, I felt like a biggie that continued right before the leader.

I thought there would be no problem as long as I didn’t go to Moorim, but now that I think about it, I walked in on my own feet.

No, wait a minute, could it be that Heukseol called him the Danju deputy just a foreshadowing of this?

“Wouldn’t you like to be a teacher?”

“No, because I never thought of it. So…”

“Then bring my daughter here as soon as possible.”

I shut my mouth again at the sharp voice.

Eventually, realizing that it was the Heavenly Demon’s own encouragement, she nodded.

“I will do that as soon as possible.”

“good night. The transmission of martial arts will begin when the sun rises tomorrow, so come back here at that time. Until then, Black Snow will wait on you.”

“All right.”

After the interview with the father-in-law, he came out, and Heukseol, who was waiting in front of him, bowed his head deeply to him and said.

“Congratulations, Danju.”

“I think the attitude and title have changed a little.”

“That’s because you can’t serve someone who might die as your superior.”

It was also a double line.

Even without the word proxy, he has become a key figure in Protestantism!

no, wait a minute before that.

“So you’re saying that Heukseol thought I might die if I went in here?”

“Honestly, I am still puzzled. If I had the strength, I would have broken an arm.”

It’s different from the first impression in many ways. Ban Yu-won laughed.

“Please guide me to a place to sleep. They say class starts tomorrow.”

“class? Could it be that the master is directly teaching martial arts?”

To Heukseol, who looked at him in disbelief, Ban Yu-won, whose heart was lighter than before meeting the Heavenly Demon, jokingly said,

“I envy you?”

“I sympathize.”


“That lady also shed tears… I wonder how long she can hold out.”

Watching Heukseol shaking his head, Ban Yu-Won looked serious, but she added a word.

“And I can’t sleep tonight. As the slayer dragon master, there are many things that need to be dealt with right away.

“Are you actually an Earthling?”

“It’s a novel approach, but I don’t dare lay my hands on your man, so do it in moderation.”

Ban Yu-won became more and more unfamiliar with the place called Protestantism.

As a bonus, the heavenly horse’s martial arts training, which started without time to rest after the overtime work that made him stay up all night, really made tears come out of his eyes.

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Why Did I Have to Enroll

Why Did I Have to Enroll

Because I Carelessly Applied for Admissions, WDIE
Score 8.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Ban Yu-won can understand all the languages in existence. He was able to translate every language, modify it. As a child, when Ban Yu-won first learned about the existence of the fictional building called the Tower of Babel in the Bible, his respectable grandfather told him it was their ancestors who built it. “The Tower of Babel was completed without collapse, and people have the wrong idea.” One day, out of the blue, the Union Academy practical exam began. Finding traces of his ancestors at the academy, Ban Yu-won decides to enroll in the academy full of monsters.


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