Why Did I Have to Enroll Chapter 321

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Admission went unnoticed (321)

Lesson 63. 2 years – 1

Now, he seemed to know why the head of Melodia was hostile to him more than necessary.

Ban Yu-won thought it was not necessary to bring the ancestor’s fight to the descendants, but if Aire was not a dragon but a Jin-ryong, the story would be very different.

Ban Yu-won guessed that the fight between Jin-ryong and Seon-jo-nim probably ended with a plan for both sides.

In other words, it is very likely that the ancestor was the one who drove the Jinryong to extinction.

And Aire is the last true dragon of this era who directly inherited such a true dragon.

He already had a headache about what Aire would think of Banyuwon after learning the truth.

“Not Yongin… Jinryong? how?”

“After a fierce battle with the owner of the tower, the Jinryongs foresaw extinction. Some crawled under him, some divided their power into many fragments to create a new race called Yongin, and some played a cunning trick to ensure that only they would survive.”

Ban Yu-won seemed to know who his last words were referring to.

Even though he was a true dragon, he kept his soul in a necklace with the excuse of getting rid of this dragon that betrayed the dragon, harassed his descendants relentlessly, and finally tried to take over his body

“It is not an ordinary acceptance. This is because he inherited Jinryong’s blood intact, signed a contract with a weapon made of his blood, flesh, and bones, and eventually swallowed up Jinryong’s soul. She might become a new type of Jinryong.”

However, the important thing now is not her, Melodia’s wife said back.

“When Lady Aire was just born, those who gave birth to her completely sealed her and hid her from the tower’s owner. When he was safe, he woke up and took measures so that he could grow up, and he selected excellent retainers to take care of him and supported him.”

“…a vassal.”

“The revival of the Melodia family was thoroughly intentioned by Jinryong. It was blindfolded, but since the last battle, the owner of the tower also went missing, so the Melodia family was able to survive and prosper. … And Lady Aire woke up.”

It was an unnerving thing.

No way, he joked that the two dragons he knew were both Jinryongs.

Ban Yu-won sighed and asked.

“But, as you know, I have no intention of antagonizing Aire just because she was a true dragon, not a dragon. There’s no reason for that—more than anything, do you know our relationship right now?”

“Fate is called destiny because it cannot be defied.”

“Jinryong’s fate is already over. Even Aire doesn’t reveal that he is a true dragon.”

“Can you guarantee that he will not be hostile to you when he realizes his mandate?”

He was a more troublesome person than I thought.

“I haven’t even inherited the Tower of Babel yet. Besides, what we went through a while ago―― Would you be satisfied if I explained that to you?”

“What I want is the same as before. swear.”

Ban Yu-won recalled the time when Melodia’s family visited Camelot with Aire.

Even back then, the head of the house had to step back after Ban Yu-Won promised not to harm Aire with Requiem.

I thought he was sensitive, but considering that he was a vassal who served Jinryong and was only faithful to his duties, it was not understandable.

“Before, you said you wouldn’t hurt Aire-sama just because she was a dragon. But that premise is wrong. This is because he is a dragon, not a dragon. So your oath has been nullified, so prove your heart with a stronger and truer oath.”

It was a very tiring and rude request.

Of course, Banyuwon had no intention of hurting Aire, but it was not to be done under intimidation from others.

In particular, wouldn’t it be disrespectful to her to have such exchanges going back and forth without even the person concerned in Aire knowing?


It seemed appropriate to be rude.

“house owner.”

Aire opened the door and entered the office with the momentum to smash it.

I don’t know where I heard it, but the look in her eyes was serious.

On the other hand, the family head bowed to her with a calm expression.

“Aire. … Magic has grown again. Congratulations.”

“I’ll take Yuwon with me.”

“But his oath is still… I see.”

Giving in to Aire’s intense gaze, the family head glared at Ban Yu-Won without her knowledge, as if this was not the end, but when Aire noticed that and her eyes brightened with the momentum to shoot even a true dragon death beam, she took her gaze away.

“You don’t have to listen to that human, Yoo-won.”

“Still, I’m the family’s go-to teenager and I’m your protector.”

“Yuwon, listen to me.”

As he dragged him out, Aire held his hand with strength.

“You are equal to me. But not that person.”

“Thank you for saying that, but…”

“My words are not light. believe.”

Declaring once again, Aire put a pod in his hand.

Also, at some point, the attitude has definitely changed.

Maybe Jinryong’s blood is awakening. As he vaguely thought that, she clung closer to him and said,

“How many days can you stay? There are a few famous places that I would like to guide you to.”


Originally, I was going to go straight to see business.

Especially now that I heard the unexpected story from the family head, I wanted to focus on what I had to do rather than chatting hahahoho…. Looking up at

Aire with her eyes wide open, I was in the mood to say that I had already finished my responsibilities and that I would go back now.

“…three days. Do you think it will be okay for three days?”


Noticing that he was considerate of her, Aire smiled brightly and clung to him.

This guy and that guy, the affection is too heavy.

I really don’t have the slightest bit of room left to accept it…

However, at the same time Ban Yu-Won had such a thought, he despised himself for momentarily recalling the thought, ‘If she really is a true dragon, I should definitely make her an ally even if I seduce her myself’.


“Yes, Aire.”

“I’m okay.”

Perhaps she was not the owner of the same power as himself, but the frightened half-yuwon looked at her and asked if she had even read the thoughts that came to her mind in an instant.



At least in the realm of friendship, Aire smiles while sending straight emotions that clearly transcend.

She took him by the arm and took him outside.

Misty and Leche, who unexpectedly went on a short trip to Melodya, were waiting for them and opened their eyes to greet them, but Aire, who arrived in her hometown and received the hometown buff, emphasized her arms as if to show off whether she had no intention of restraining her affection for the semi-amusement.

“let’s go.”

“You you you…!”

“Ah… I had a beautiful dream…”

The three days passed quickly.

It was more fun than I thought, and this kind of comment was funny, but it was also useful.

Among the S-class dimensions, Melodia, which was developed by the touch of Jinryong, had various language concepts that even Banyuwon had not encountered yet, and in particular, it spurred Banyuwon’s space control ability, which had already risen, by properly encountering Melodia’s unique space movement magic.

[Gaining a deep understanding of space, the depth of the prayer sword increased to 1500.] The

depth of the prayer sword jumped from 100 to 1500 at once, which had reached 1400 after competing with the Constellation and then with Zenon.

To put it in a systemic way, level 150 was an area equivalent to a transcendentalist in name and reality.

…And it was also at the level that it was assumed that Dokgo-yeon had reached it in the past.

“Are you leaving already?”

“See you at Union when the semester starts.”

Ayre held up her sleeves as if she didn’t want to let him go, but as a semi-amusement, she had already given up a lot of time for her, so she couldn’t yield any more.

Misty, who had been with them all this time, was waving at him from behind, telling him to hurry up.

If Aire finds out about that, she will be hated again, but is she not thinking about it or is jealousy making her brain innocent…

“You have to be safe.”

“I am not going to die.”

“But I’m going to get scolded.”

“Ah– I heard it from Asha.”

Aire, who had been separated for so long, took another step forward and hugged him.

He said it was okay and was about to step back, but Aire, who restrained his arms, stuck out his lips and stole his lips.

It was a force that could not be resisted.

“Okay, now I’m tied with Asha.”

“Irene you.”

“Sorry, I’m a dragon.”

Completely ignoring the gaping Misty and Leche, Aire whispered in Ban Yu-Won’s ear.

“I can’t wait. I have to do it my way. I’m sure you’re the only one who deserves to be my partner.”

“I’m sorry, Aire, but now I…”

“I know. are you okay.”

Aire let him go with a thin smile.

“I’ll come over regardless. Avoid it, but stop.”

* * *

―He sent me the coordinates himself. But… are you really okay?

“of course.”

Ban Yu-Won, who left Melodia in the spaceship that Lilith was wearing and entered the dimensional wall, was communicating with Yumina.

“I have to find out for myself.”

-…okay. My sister Yu-Won is really like that…

Yumina, who couldn’t say anything, smiled shyly, saying it was nothing, and sent her the coordinates of a private dimension.

“Then, see you when school starts, sister.”

-You can come before then. If the dormitory is closed, you can stay in my sister’s room…

“Now is the time to try.”

When she secretly rejected Yumina’s bold and shameless proposal, she puffed out her cheeks and grumbled.

-until when? You’ll get tired if you keep being so nervous.

“It’s okay, I’m not tired. At least until I met Kite.”

―…Just because you’re chosen by the Tower doesn’t mean you become a Constellation right away. It will take a lot of time to adapt and receive the myriad knowledge and powers from the tower, since it is only to force mortals to rise to the level of transcendence.

“But kites will be different.”

-…I envy you.

He made no effort to respond to the grunts directed at someone who was clearly not an anti-amusement.

Just then, Lilith started to run across the dimensional wall in earnest in search of coordinates, and communication became unstable.

“Then, have a good vacation, sister.”

―Yes, Yuwon too. You have to be safe.

“Because I’m not going to die.”

I finished the communication with a bitter smile.

He let out a deep sigh and raised his head, and in his eyes, he saw a naked pervert that he had grown accustomed to.

For a moment, it felt like he was opening his eyes and looking at a semi-amusement inside the spacecraft, but it probably wasn’t.

That naked man must be an existence from the distant past or future.

[We have arrived, Master. I guess the distance to the S-class dimension was closer than I thought?]

At that time, Lilith broke through the dimensional wall and reported.

Ban Yu-won nodded his head, feeling that his thoughts matched.

“Because it will be the aid of all Moorim dimensions. Of course, high-density mana close to the S-class dimension must be flowing. Especially considering the power

of the Heavenly Demon…” Isn’t it the Heavenly Demon who played with the demon while manipulating his clone against the demon king of the Diavolo dimension, which boasts the strongest among the rulers of the A-class dimension?

Looking at the level of strength alone, even the head of a teenage family would not be an opponent.


This is the hometown of the Heavenly Demon.

At the same time, it was the hometown of Dokgo-yeon.

[Wow, this is…]

Lilith let out a strange exclamation as she cut through outer space.

Everywhere in outer space and on planets that were getting closer and closer, there were black cut-out parts, as if worms had eaten them.

It looks strange, as if someone blocked the dimension in the middle and stopped the flow.

To Yu-Won Ban, it felt like a postponement of death.

“Should I say it as expected…”

―That’s right.

There was a voice that flew directly into his brain, not through the spaceship’s communication network.

An advanced technique that is incomparable to the whole tone he learned from Dokgo-yeon. Ban Yoo-won knew well who the owner of this voice was.

―The Tower coveted this dimension and tried to swallow it completely. However, I resisted it, and in the end, this world survived at the cost of being eaten by 50%. Although this can never last forever.


―We tried to protect Moorim by cutting off all connections with the outside world, but that was unreasonable in the first place. My daughter wanted to find the answer outside and met you.

He didn’t go back.

After grasping the atmosphere, Lilith quietly advanced and entered the planet’s atmosphere, and from that moment on, the enormous gravitational force acting on the entire spacecraft quickly pulled them to somewhere on the ground.

I didn’t know how this was possible, and I didn’t have the confidence to understand that someone would tell me.

I just felt a terrible feeling while watching the scenery on the ground passing by quickly.

[There are a lot of strong people. Well, to survive in this broken world, you wouldn’t have been able to survive without being strong.


How far could it go? The ship stopped in mid-air when it reached the mountain range soaring high into the sky.

Lilith descended slowly.

Deep inside the mountain range, he lay down on a wide site where splendid palaces were built.

The vacant lot, which originally seemed to have been used for training by many people, was now completely empty, and only one person was waiting with me.

A beauty with long, straight hair as black as ebony and pale skin as pure white as snow.

The leopard’s ears and tail slithering leisurely, proving that the source is a beast.

It was a person that Dokgo-yeon once talked about.

“I was waiting for you, Danju.”

As Ban Yu-won got off the ship, she greeted him with a deep bow.

But wait, what did you just call me?

“The headmaster is waiting for you. Let’s go together.”

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Why Did I Have to Enroll

Why Did I Have to Enroll

Because I Carelessly Applied for Admissions, WDIE
Score 8.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Ban Yu-won can understand all the languages in existence. He was able to translate every language, modify it. As a child, when Ban Yu-won first learned about the existence of the fictional building called the Tower of Babel in the Bible, his respectable grandfather told him it was their ancestors who built it. “The Tower of Babel was completed without collapse, and people have the wrong idea.” One day, out of the blue, the Union Academy practical exam began. Finding traces of his ancestors at the academy, Ban Yu-won decides to enroll in the academy full of monsters.


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