Why Did I Have to Enroll Chapter 309

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Taking admission for nothing (309)

Lesson 60. Family owner – 4

Due to changeling that twists Yura’s cause and effect, the party arrives in the realm of Prominence in an instant, that is, the parade ground in front of the mansion where the family head and other direct descendants are staying.

– enemy

―Oh my God, aren’t they fairies? Maybe they came to set us free.

“Kill fairies have come over! Do not be vigilant and push forward with well-structured physical attacks!”

Soldiers protecting the Prominence family, fire spirits bound by contracts, even battle dolls whose quality is far inferior to Aire’s golems, but made by ignorantly beating and embedding them with high-quality materials, in terms of power.

“At the lower S-class level, the level of guard dogs guarding the house also changes.”

“Wow, aren’t our knights good at it too?”

When Asha, who had a competitive spirit for no reason, was talking nonsense, Yura spread her arms and attracted the eyes of the fairies.

“The contract binding those spirits is an unfair contract! I have decided that now!”

“We are ready, my queen!”

“Mom, I will shoot now. do it right away.”

No one tackled that nonsense bullshit.

Even if no one said anything, the fairies were in sync with each other.

The decisive blow was an arrow that Mira fired into the air.

An arrow containing a spell that even those knowledgeable in curses could not easily interpret rose high and shamanically tore something that covered the entire mansion, and immediately after that, all the fairies knelt in the direction where Yura was standing.

At that moment, everyone could feel Yura’s presence expanding and covering the entire area.

“Spirits, free yourself from the shackles that bound you and come to us now!”

That one word was enough.

-iced coffee!

―Goodbye everyone! I threw off all the shackles and restraints of this world–!

―What nonsense? The Fairy Queen over there is our new contractor!

-Burn it! Burn those idiots who abused us!

It happened within a few minutes of arriving at Prominence, so there was no time for tactical consideration.

The power that occupied one-third of the forces quickly sided with the fairies and began to show their teeth and rampage toward Prominence, so it’s the moment you understand why fairies are so scary.

Ban Yu-won, who was exploring the surrounding terrain with his hands on the floor, especially where his older sister was, muttered in amazement when he saw it.

“Is the spirit contract something that can be broken at will?”

“That too, changeling.”

“Don’t try to go all the way to changeling, really.”

It was even more irritating that Mira was acting cute and cute that didn’t suit the situation.

“Don’t play with fairies puns, do what you have to do won!”

Knowing what Ban Yu-Won wanted, each of the party drew their weapons and fought against the enemy to protect him.

As the enemies were S-class troops, each one was strong enough to exceed the level of 4 direct.


At that time, Ban Yu-Won’s eyes twinkled as he removed his hand from the ground.

Actually, figuring out the structure of the mansion itself was completed relatively quickly, but it took time because it was difficult to move through the magic barrier that spread throughout the mansion area.

Now, it seemed that he would be able to somehow break through with the prayer sword by grasping the structure and even the gaps of all the barriers protecting the mansion.

“I will be back. Hold on for a little while.”

“Wait a minute. Won I’m going too.”

Dok-go-yeon, who had been destroying more than ten golems at the same time by wielding a death-strewn sword, heard what Ban Yu-won said and hurriedly turned around and shouted, but he shook his head resolutely.

“It is not a matter of military strength. Either way it will be over in an instant. Keep your way. Kite. I will be back.”


Seeing Dokgoyeon’s eyes wide open after grasping the meaning of the words, Ban Yu-won, who thought that he had scared her too much, smiled bitterly, but without hesitation, used the prayer sword――.

Taking advantage of the gap in the concept of barriers filled in this space, he made full use of space movement and arrived at the destination he was aiming for.

Inside the mansion, a large auditorium that looks like a parade ground or training ground.

I could see two large sparks on the verge of colliding.

“――The spark that bitch has is too weak to rise to the position of head of household!”

I knew at a glance that it was an urgent situation.

It’s the first time I’ve seen it, but the owner of the cold and bloody momentum that can be known as the head of the prominence that he killed earlier is quite similar to the face of the prominence that he killed earlier.

In the meantime, for some reason, Ulrike, who was attached to the level force instead of Prominence, caught my eye, and while feeling ridiculous, I decided to carry out the most urgent task.

“The added fireworks you ordered are here!”

It was as light as adding meat to shabu-shabu, but there was no one in this space who did not know the value of the red bead that appeared in his hand.

The householder shoots out a laser beam containing the essence of the constellation’s flame at a speed that even a semi-yuwon cannot block.

As he is from Prominence’s lineage, Ulrike, who reacted to it as sensitively as a semi-yuwon, threw everything he had to stop it.

The moment Ban Yu-Won safely reached his sister’s side and handed over all the prominences he had gathered in a magic circle to his sister, as he said to Dok-go-yeon earlier, everything was over in an instant.

“Did you see it!”

Ban Yu-mi, who had destroyed the housekeeper, shouted as she lit a flame on her hand.

The crimson flame that proves the Prominence family, shining and burning translucently like a jewel, proves that she has broken through several walls at once and entered a higher realm.

“If you see it, all kneel!”

“Hey Yumiya.”


“This can’t be…”

Ban Yu-mi’s direct remarks made Kang Eun-young sigh, but it was very effective for other Prominence members.

Perhaps the power flowing through their veins was instinctively yielding to that of Ban Yu-mi, a higher power.

[Absorbed the extremely strong opponent’s concept, the depth of life reached 1650, the depth of original body 1237, the depth of energy 1455, and the depth of soul reached 1778!] [The depth of charm has increased to 750

. The depth of the prominence has reached 1800!]

Ban Yu-Won flinched as she absorbed all the concepts she had extracted from the hot, dead family head into herself instead of the prominence that she had conceded to her sister.

Originally, although the concept of the target killed by others could not be completely obtained, the concept of the family leader killed by his sister was absorbed into himself almost as it was.

Without that, it was impossible to grow from 1500 to 1650 all at once.

For a moment, he cursed himself for thinking, ‘I was given farming instead of giving me a weapon to kill, so this is also changeling’.

‘I don’t have to deal with red flames day and night, and elements that were difficult to grow skyrocketed in one fell swoop, so this might be more profitable.’

No, but it won’t be any more beneficial.

Right now, it was satisfying just to see my older sister successfully rise to the top of the household by winning the support of the members of Prominence, so I decided to count it as a gift.


Just then, a loud explosion was heard outside.

Perhaps it was Shati’s annihilation magic.

Thinking of the chaos that was going on outside, Ban Yu-Won urged his sister in disgust.

“My sister fights with the kids outside. Hurry up and quell it.”

“Huh huh? Ahhh! Okay, come and talk! All of you are following me!”

Ban Yu-mi, who insisted on trusting him that there was nothing else to talk about, ran out with her eyes wide open.

The members of the family, embarrassed by the change of family head in front of their eyes, hurriedly run after her.

Ban Yu-Won waved his hand at her back, and then went to Ulrike, who was wriggling on the floor after receiving the attack on his behalf.

She was in such a fatal condition that she could be transformed into a fresh corpse if left unattended for just two minutes.

“Heuk… you came…”

“Senior, you were hit on purpose, right? Thought I would live even if I got hit by it.”

“But still, keuheuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…”

How could Ulrike put on a bewitching expression even as a large hole was pierced in his abdomen and blood was pouring up and down.

“Wasted less time…?”

“That’s right. Looking at the seniors now, if I had been hit by this, I wouldn’t have been able to get over it.”

It was an attack launched as soon as he saw Banyuwon, so I thought it might be a check, but now I see it, it was an attack that contained the core of the constellation.

It should be said that it ended with a fatal wound thanks to Ulrike, who had grasped the characteristics of the attack that would have been impossible to guess if he had been hit by someone who was not of Prominence’s blood, and successfully met it.

If Ban Yu-Won had been hit by this, the marble might have been destroyed, and even if it wasn’t, it might have been stolen by the family head.

Also, at that time, the members of the other level force would have done something… but as Ulrike said, the waste of time was extremely reduced.

“Then… acknowledge me.”

Ulrike’s voice, who felt that death was approaching, became clearer.

“I’m on your side…don’t hate me…”

“This is a difficult problem. Please don’t think it’s a burial car. In fact, what the senior did in the past is quite a lot. It’s hard to forgive.”

“I didn’t know…”

He must have known.

If I had known, there would be no way the academy would have brazenly approached him.

Ban Yu-won said as he put his hand on her affected area.

“If you didn’t know, your sins would disappear. It’s a little disappointing if you try to dismiss it as being hit with a single punch.”

“It’s too much… But I like it…”

Has the original way of loving the Prominence family been twisted like this?

Ban Yu-Won, who recalled the image of Keira and his sister in his mind, nodded in agreement at once.

It seemed like anything could be possible.

He extracted all the energy of the constellation that was rampaging to destroy Ulrike’s body, turned it into a stigma with a depth of 50 and absorbed it, then took a candy from his bosom and put it into her mouth.

Taking it as a token of affection, Ulrike’s pale complexion brightened noticeably.

“thank you…! I love you, even if I die now, my heart will be by your side…” ”

No, I guess you just didn’t understand what I was saying.”

Ban Yu-Won took out the blood wine of life flowing in Eden and poured it on her affected area, activating the concept of Geas, or Oath, that she had obtained from the previous Blood Rin.

“To a senior who is alive that I should pay the remaining debt.”

He felt an invisible round ring forming around him.

Originally, this is a self-complete concept that binds oneself to specific conditions so that greater power can be exerted, but he realized how to expand the target of this restraint in the process of practicing ancient magic.

When a 2,000-degree incantation was poured on this, the ring that had been wrapping around Banyuwon instantly expanded and bound him and Ulrike.

“I swear, as long as Ulrike Prominence protects me and my family, I will protect and protect her.”

Did he realize the existence of a magical contract that binds himself and Banyuwon in a rapidly recovering physical state?

A look of bewilderment appeared on Ulrike’s face, who seemed satisfied with burning everything and disappearing into ashes.


“If you notice, senpai swear quickly.”

“I swear every time!”

[The oath is activated.]

[The depth of the incantation is increased by 10, and the depth of the oath is increased by 20.]

The ring of oath that wrapped around the two people and rotated fiercely melted into the air and scattered.

When Ulrike realizes that his body is completely healed, he examines himself in amazement… I realized that it’s not just that.

“How? The contract with the Constellation should have been automatically canceled… Rather than being damaged, my body has grown more.”

“That is the power of the oath.”

He also desperately held back the joke about changeling.

I had to finish it quickly and bounce before it got messed up in my head because of those fucking fairies.

“As long as the senior protects me and my family, I will be able to handle stronger power.”

“My God… you. me like this.”

An indescribable emotion came to Ulrike’s eyes as he looked at Ban Yu-won’s explanation.

Feeling too heavy and soggy to be simple love, Ban Yoo-won thought that all the women of Prominence had gone bad.

“Well, anyway, since all the urgent work is over, let’s finish it and go to Union…”

However, Ban Yu-Won soon realized that that was a pretty arrogant decision.

Suddenly, I found another sun rising over Prominence.

“…what is that?”

“West Constellation.”

Ulrike’s expression, which looked as if he would cling to his neck and kiss him at any moment, turned pale again.

It would have been better if the wound had healed, but it wasn’t.

There was something that could be known about Ulikagi, who had been connected to ‘that’ for a while.

“Not the alter ego of the follower of eons, but… the body.”

Even though he said it himself, he couldn’t believe it.

She said, clinging to him and trembling.

“It’s impossible, but… the Constellation descended directly! Leading all remaining power…!”

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Why Did I Have to Enroll

Why Did I Have to Enroll

Because I Carelessly Applied for Admissions, WDIE
Score 8.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Ban Yu-won can understand all the languages in existence. He was able to translate every language, modify it. As a child, when Ban Yu-won first learned about the existence of the fictional building called the Tower of Babel in the Bible, his respectable grandfather told him it was their ancestors who built it. “The Tower of Babel was completed without collapse, and people have the wrong idea.” One day, out of the blue, the Union Academy practical exam began. Finding traces of his ancestors at the academy, Ban Yu-won decides to enroll in the academy full of monsters.


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