Why Did I Have to Enroll Chapter 269

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Enrolled for nothing (269)

Lesson 53. Equivalent exchange – 1

Fortunately, the academy is very lenient towards talented people.

And if the contents are not false, the special activities dispatched to the higher dimension are quite good points.

[Then, isn’t it okay for high-level children to go home and play during the semester pretending to be doing special activities?]

“You… the president… looks like… in hot pants…?”

Concentrating on the collection of concepts blurring in front of his eyes, Ban Yu-won answered Lilith with difficulty.

The back side of the tower Trying to make a goblin that has become a daily routine.

You can come in at any time for solo exploration, so if you want to have time, come inside and train your powers like a habit.

――No, strictly speaking, he can never be alone anymore.


The concept of being united in the form of a goblin, moving according to his will for a while, and then finally collapsing and scattering.

Giving up and letting go of controlling it, Banyuwon sighed, then lifted the teacup on the table and quenched his thirst.

“Every special activity is supposed to be accompanied by a thorough report. Most of the time I simply report and finish with the video I took with Tike, but most other students don’t. Any damage that comes back from lying against the academy is your responsibility. It means that even the scion of a teenage family is destined to disappear on its own.”

[That’s probably the case.]

“No matter how credible it is, just looking at the video report and ending, it seems that the monster likes you.”

Selone, who was sitting next to her and drinking tea, spat out a word.

Ban Yu-Won, who now knows about her past to some extent, smiled bitterly as he read the complex thoughts in her words.

“I don’t know if that’s a good thing.”

As long as he doesn’t die, the president sits by and sees that whatever he’s going through will lead to growth.

No, on the contrary, he even showed the side of inducing him to go through hardships.

Anyway, that helped this time.

Because the Rebellion team and the Fairy Devil team simply gave permission to carry out special activities together in the A-4 dimension.

As much as I put a lot of expectations on him and put a lot of pressure on him, it feels like he listens to him as much as possible.

Of course, the relationship between a normal student and the president is not.

The words sponsor and sponsor fit together.

It’s not something you can avoid just because you don’t like it, so he decided to use what he could use.

‘There are many things to go to another dimension for special activities for the rest of the semester. Anyway, as long as it has the character of a special activity, I will save you if you are really driven to the point of death…’

It’s not just Shati’s hometown of A-4.

I have to go to Mira’s dimension, and I plan to intervene more in the quest of the Level Force mercenaries.

In order to observe and deal with the moves of the Prominence family, it was necessary to move more actively.

Moreover, the immediate enemy is not only Prominence and Crimson Spear.

Exodus Also, I was worried about Russein Ortima, who was completely rejected by Dokgoyeon this time.

The Melodia family, which seems to have grabbed a piece of the secret of the universe, cannot be considered just an ally.

He only received help because of his friendship with Aire, but the head of the household clearly showed signs of being wary of anti-yuwon.

“Ha, I have a lot of enemies…”

A sigh came out involuntarily.

Even though I was crazy about the things I had to do, every time I remembered that fact, a corner of my heart felt frustrated.

“That’s the one who wants to conquer the tower, but there are bound to be many enemies.”

Sellon, who emptied his glass and set it down on the table, smiled at him with his chin resting on his chin.

“No matter how they became your enemies, they intuitively realize it. If I just leave you alone, you will surely climb to the top of the tower someday. That’s why I can’t leave you alone.”

“Is that so…”

“Whoops, it’s like that. Your talent is that brilliant, so you have to deal with the moths that rush after seeing the light.”

Sellon, who was looking at him with happy eyes, had eyes closer to a guardian than a friend.

Well, since even Yumina signed a Constellation contract with her and relied on her, it might be appropriate as a feeling for Ban Yu-Won, Yumina’s disciple.

Yumina, who turns into a malignant matchmaker whenever she gets involved, has the dignity of a sage who has replaced time with knowledge and wisdom now that she is alone with him.

“Can I afford it?”

“of course. Because I bet you.”

“I see.”

Even though there was no guarantee, my mind was strangely relieved.

It was a sense of security that he could show because he was a senior and understanding person who had walked one step ahead of him, who was one step ahead of his lovers like Ruchel and Mira who accepted him unconditionally and his colleagues like Dokgo-yeon and Asha Aire.

[…I think at this point it is necessary to explore the inner thoughts of that woman pushing her pupil against the master. Maybe that wasn’t the plan designed by the sage?]

Lilith ruined the atmosphere that was good at best.

“after. Eve.”


[Uh sister?!]

Ban Yu-won sighed and entrusted control of Lilith to Eve.

I turned my gaze to the harmony of the tower in front of me and activated the prayer sword again to chase it.

A small amount of demons, living bodies, and a very small amount of souls came together to form the shape of a little goblin.

‘Adjust the flow of concepts. I use my authority to temporarily create a shell and pour the contents into it to harden it. It’s okay up to this point. Even if you get out of the influence of my power, as long as the shell is maintained, it will be a success.’

It has already been nearly 3 weeks since the first attempt at this solo exploration, and considerable progress has been made in the work of creating a shape with only a concept.

If he had not been accustomed to the work of giving inanimate objects the concept of life and soul and recreating them as his own, he would have made much slower progress than now.

If I put the completion of this work creation at 100, it seemed to have reached 5 to 60.

In fact, the goblin he created moved no differently from the actual goblin under the influence of his prayer sword.

‘It can be said that it is different from three weeks ago when it was impossible to even hold the shape.’

Training in the Orb’s space was of great help.

Formation of an external form that he had not noticed, relying on the power of the space of the orb to automatically back it up, and as a result of slowly learning it, he learned how to create a form by himself as he is now!

The rest is whether the finished creation is maintained even when isolated from his authority…

“Oh my gosh.”

Seeing the goblin collapsing and conceptualizing it, Selon let out a soft exclamation.

Ban Yu-won, who was roughly expecting it, was not disappointed.

It is the same principle as granting permanence to concepts created by one’s powers.

A far more difficult and inefficient task than generating ephemeral concepts.

If you bring it down by mastering the area within its reach, that is perfection.

“It will be within the second semester.”

“Then you will be able to peek into the other secrets of the tower.”

“I wonder if it will probably move on to the next birth room.”

Creating a form and pouring the contents into it to complete it.

As the level of what you want to create increases, the difficulty naturally increases.

Now that he was only a goblin, he could at least shape it. If he tried to create something like a strong orc warrior or carapace, his brain would go numb.

“Well, then it won’t end. For the time being, it will feel like this.”

[You look a little happy, but this woman too…]

“Crack down on Eve’s sister.”


You’ll be busy climbing the top this week, but next week’s official special activity is scheduled.

A-I’m going to the most dangerous place in the 4th dimension demon realm.

At least until then, it would be nice to be able to create a perfect goblin. Ban Yu-Won vaguely thought about that and reached out again to condense the concept.

* * *

Between the B-125 and B-127 dimensions, there was a dimension originally called B-126 or Fruston.

It does not mean that the dimension has disappeared, but that no one is looking for that dimension anymore.

In the past, a fierce war broke out to take the initiative in Fruston, and it developed into a catastrophe that engulfed all of humanity in that dimension.

Everyone knew that there were several teenage families behind the war.

However, during the war, the unique resources of the dimension were depleted and their value was lost, and the dangerous dungeons created waves there, so those who were convinced that further intervention would only result in losses, withdrew before it was too late.

Only the ignorant victims remained, and soon they all disappeared into the jaws of the monsters.

Now, it has become an abandoned dimension where even asteroids can be eaten whole at the moment of misfortune, and it was firmly recognized as a place not to be set foot in by those who travel in the dimension.

“Ha really these crazy things.”

In that abandoned dimension, there was Quiran Lucato.

Due to successive failures, the number of ships assigned to him was reduced and his authority drastically reduced, but he was still an executive of Exodus.

A status that allows you to take a nap comfortably while staying in the lawless zone of an abandoned dimension that belongs to the high-risk group even in terms of the dimension as a whole.

“You guys really want to try it with us? sincerely? You must be in a hurry these days, so are you going to keep attacking without looking back like that?”

However, it seemed that his authority was not working properly for the miscellaneous things that were besieging his fleet right now.

I didn’t know that the momentum of the enemy forces that were gradually closing the distance would decrease even if I tried to force them through the communication channel.

Rather, only a sharp reply came back.

―You guys have touched the pride of our Crimson Spear.

―Even the Holy Sword was stolen.

―At the very least, you have to accept it to be able to organize this Eunwon.

A fleet of Crimson Spears managed to find the place where Quiran Lucato was and attacked on a large scale.

Naturally, he also requested support, and Exodus did not intend to be pushed back in the battle of pride with the Crimson Spear, so he immediately sent reinforcements.

Somehow, a large-scale battle between Exodus and Crimson Spear was held.

Of course, Quiran has no intention of rejecting the fight blindly.

But what I can’t understand until the end.

“I don’t have that dog-like holy sword, you assholes!”

Being charged with a crime you didn’t commit.

Being asked for a treasure you never had!

As a dimensional pirate, where the hell is this humiliation!

―As expected, you will come to your senses after seeing blood.

―I didn’t like how you guys looked down on us from before. It’s time to level up the ranks.

“But why the hell do I have to be that foothold!”

It was difficult for Quiran, who had been on his way to success even after joining Exodus, to accept.

Even if things get twisted, can they get twisted like this?

In the first place, in the D-13 dimension, imitating him and leisurely escaping, what the hell are those miscellaneous things?

“I can’t forgive you…! With the big business ahead, it’s not the time to compare the X way with those worms!”

Can you hold out until reinforcements arrive?

No, at this timing, if you collide with the Crimson Spear and blow off its power, will you be able to fully complete the great work to be done in the Union?

The answer is hopeless.

Quiran began preparing for battle by cursing his past self, who acted recklessly by the holy sword and the gem called As Light, and the fucking pirates who imitated him and caught the big fish called the Crimson Spear.

Exodus, who was aiming for the tower with armored giants and other constellations on his back, and the Great War of Crimson Spear, who was carrying teenage families on his back and disrupting the order of the dimension.

…What annoyed me the most was that it seemed that whichever one of them would win, they would get the results they wanted from their imitators.

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Why Did I Have to Enroll

Why Did I Have to Enroll

Because I Carelessly Applied for Admissions, WDIE
Score 8.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Ban Yu-won can understand all the languages in existence. He was able to translate every language, modify it. As a child, when Ban Yu-won first learned about the existence of the fictional building called the Tower of Babel in the Bible, his respectable grandfather told him it was their ancestors who built it. “The Tower of Babel was completed without collapse, and people have the wrong idea.” One day, out of the blue, the Union Academy practical exam began. Finding traces of his ancestors at the academy, Ban Yu-won decides to enroll in the academy full of monsters.


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