Why Did I Have to Enroll Chapter 209

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Taking admission for nothing (209)

Lesson 41. Paper Please – 4

In the end, Oculus Louver’s activities didn’t change much from before the meteor shower (the oak wave wrapped in the name).

In order to improve the members’ abilities, they had to enter dungeons with high difficulty, but they were scattered all over the world… It was a

hunt that had to be done anyway, but it became a situation where you could kill two birds with one stone.

At first, he shuddered in Busan, saying that it was formal only in England, taking a slow plane and holding a welcome ceremony, but from then on, he traveled around several countries in one day, using the ability to move in space that he had learned as a ban-yuwon to prevent wasting time.

And that’s not all.

Between training sessions, Ban Yu-won met with the general members of the guild and gave them weapons that were given appropriate concepts according to their individual abilities and characteristics.

It was just the right thing to soothe the anger of the guild members who were protesting that the guild master’s younger brother, who had joined the guild, only played with the officers and asked them to show their faces.

However, Ban Yu-mi, who didn’t like the way the guild members clung to Ban Yu-won and acted cute, decided that they should roll those too while she was on Earth.

“Since you got a good weapon at best, you have to improve your skills, right? Isn’t it a waste of time to be fawning over a man?”

“How did Yumi get along with Lucille because she was so jealous?”

“Ruchell is stronger, sister.”

“Aha… Hick!”

Ban Yu-Won grouped the members of Oculus Ruber appropriately and handed out heavy rain swords one by one while Lee Hyun-ji and Yu-Na were being punished by Ban Yu-Mi.

“Mr. Yoowon, what is this?”

The appearance of the sword standing upright and floating in the air must have been quite mysterious even before the dimensional evolution.

To the guild members whose eyes were shining as they looked closely at the raindrops that radiated powerful energy one by one, Ban Yu-won replied with a refreshing smile.

“You guys are bodyguards.”


One of the guild members, whose mouth was wide open for joy just talking to Ban Yu-Won, couldn’t understand Ban Yu-Won’s words for an instant and gave out an idiotic voice.

Ban Yu-won declared to the guild members on behalf of his busy sister.

“As Noona said, everyone will start training from now on. I’ve definitely figured out your level. I usually enter C-rank dungeons.”

“Oh yes!”

“Sometimes even in D-rank dungeons… Although one executive must be involved.”

The average level of Oculus Ruber guild members, excluding the executives, is just 30, no more and no less.

This is a very good level considering that the earth has undergone dimensional evolution for less than half a year…. The

maximum level of monsters that appear in C-rank dungeons is 30, so if you want a margin of safety, it was actually correct to thoroughly prepare for the C-rank dungeon.

However, even though there was a condition that they would usually be attached as C-rank dungeon officers, it was clear that the level of the Oculus Louver members was superior to their level as expected, seeing as they entered the D-rank dungeon.

“Everyone goes to the E-rank dungeon.”

“No, wait!”

All the guild members jumped up in amazement at the condition of jumping up in an instant, but Ban Yu-won had no intention of fulfilling the condition.

“Even if you properly use the weapons I gave you, you can easily hunt monsters that are at least level 10 higher than now. There’s even a bodyguard attached to it, so there’s no reason why you can’t clear E-Rank dungeons.”

“A bodyguard… it’s just a sword!”

“It is a level 80 sword.”


Of course, the level of the heavy rain sword wasn’t this high from the beginning.

When I first made it, I was around 80, so I was level 8 in terms of level.

However, as his other members of the family do, the level of anti-yuwon rises, the enemies he fights become stronger, and the life he cannot digest is equally distributed.

‘Anyway, the absorption efficiency of life rapidly drops after a certain range, so in the end it’s most efficient to distribute it equally to all my family members, including myself.’

For reference, in the case of other members of the family, Eve is 920, Libby is 930, Tyche is 850, and the armored giant series, including Frost Fortress, averages 850… Due to her innate nature, Lilith, who ate the most unique concepts aside from her older sister Eve, recorded 1250 alone.

Even now, since I am digesting the unique concept of meteor, I don’t know how much higher the level will rise after I safely digest it.

However, this guy was just an irregular, and the level of the rest of his family was high enough.

“Level 80… It’s still a sword.”

“No matter how far away you are from me, you don’t have to be anxious because you move according to my will.”

It’s been quite a while since I’ve been able to control all twenty-five raindrops, but scattering them all and moving them was quite an exhausting task even for a semi-amusement person.

However, in order to make the best use of the heavy rain sword, it was necessary to manipulate it freely as if it were alive, so it was appropriate training for him.

“What should we do, let’s have a group sparring? For each group I’ve built, I’m dealing with one drop of rain. It doesn’t matter if you designate each sparring location…”

“No, it’s okay! I’ll believe you! I’ll go to the E-Rank dungeon!”

The guild members, who wondered if they could somehow lure Ban Yu-won out with the excuse that they were insecure with only the heavy rain sword, put everything down when they saw the (former) guild master’s cute smile quietly appearing behind Ban Yu-won.

Oculus Ruber’s group training accompanied by a sword produced shockingly good results.

In the first week, he grew by an average of 1 level per day, so he said that.

However, after everyone had heard of it, after completing the training safely, they begged for a daily date ticket with Ban Yu-mi, so it was like adding one set of hell training with Ban Yu-mi.

Lee Hyeon-ji was also forcibly dragged into that hell training, and it wouldn’t be necessary to say why.

* * *


One night with about 20 days left before school starts.

When Ban Yu-won came out to the balcony after taking a shower, he suddenly saw the face of a man pitching a tent outside the mansion.

It was Sheldon, the ‘newcomer’ whom Aneri had arbitrarily dragged to Earth.


Suddenly, Sheldon raised his head and our eyes met.

No, maybe he recognized him with a sense of humor.

It’s a position where Aneri gets scolded every day, but that’s only from Aneri’s point of view, and from Ban Yu-won’s point of view, he was a person whose skills were similar to hers or might be stronger.

…If it had been before the vacation, it would have been pushed back.

“What are you doing there?”

“Can’t you see? pitch a tent.”

“I’m asking who gives permission to pitch a tent in our garden.”

“Sister Seira… your mother.”

Oh yeah.

Then there is nothing you can do

By the way, Seira was her mother’s real name.

Saira Dion Prominence.

No matter how pale blooded collateral, the blood of Prominence is definitely flowing in her mother, so if you look at it together, Ban Yu-won can also be said to be a member of the Prominence family in a big way.

“Where have you been sleeping so far?”


“…wasn’t there any money?”

“This goddamn corner dimension doesn’t handle Ronia, so what! Other than that, everything in kind was confiscated by my sister! But my sister told me not to move freely! It’s not like they let you into the mansion!”

“Uh… sorry. We were a little insensitive…”

Seldon suddenly exclaimed in anger, and even the half-amusement couldn’t help but sympathize.

Ban Yu-won jumped over the balcony and landed lightly in the garden.

As he got closer to Selden, he raised his hands in a strange pose, wary of his approach.

“What. Are you going to try it? Do I seem complacent about killing Ketra?”

“Where did the fighting people come from? Just kill them. More than that, you…”

Selden, who saw him up close, was still quite handsome, but he felt an artificial corner somewhere.

Ban Yu-won tilted his head and asked.

“Where did you get that nose?”

“nose? ah ah It’s Ketra. He said he would retaliate with his original face, so he changed it at will.”

“Senior Ketra? The possibilities of changeling are truly endless.”

Even though she was a fairy who grew up among humans, Ban Yu-won realized that Ketra’s ability to use the change ring was truly unmatched.

Well, that’s why he was able to continue to lie about his identity while attending Union Academy.

And the changeling concept left behind by Ketra, reaching a depth of 100, was dormant in the code core of the semi-yuwon.

At first, I tried to give it to Mira, but she refused to give it to me, so I haven’t been able to find a way to do it yet.

As I was agonizing over what to do with this concept, which I had no idea how to use, as much as death, I suddenly felt a gaze.

He looked up and Selden was staring at him.


Selden sighed for a few seconds to respond silently to Selden, who stared at him with an indescribable expression.

“sorry. I know I don’t really blame you.”

“Looks like you’re close.”

“That guy… well, he joined around the same time as me. I would be lying if I said there was no consensus.”

Seldon asked the banyuwon for forgiveness and put a cigarette in his mouth.

When you see something like this, it’s oddly polite. Ban Yu-won thought of such useless thoughts and immediately created a barrier to block out only the smell.

Selden lit a cigarette, saw it, and hoo– exclaimed exclamation while exhaling smoke.

“If anyone sees it, they’ll know it’s a barrier. You are as versatile as Ketra.”

“What is this?”

“It’s all I can say now.”


“Ketra… was thinking too much and trying to do too much.”

Selden blew out another cigarette and turned to work on the tent.

“Actually, you should have known. It means that greed that does not fit the subject will lead to ruin. When it comes to dimension pirates, it’s common sense that everyone has in their heads.”


“But in the end, everything was ruined by trivial feelings like inferiority and egotism. He died alone after turning everyone into a fucking mess, regardless of whether he was an asshole or an enemy.”

Whether the direction is positive or negative, it is certain that Sheldon has strong feelings for Ketra.

Ban Yu-Won, who had made up his mind to fit in with his meaningless grievances since he had come down to the garden, was contemplating what to say and the conversation went in an unexpected direction.

“Even that guy was my friend. Ketra changed my face so that I could live a new life… but I don’t like the idea of dismissing everything as if it never happened.”

“So are you cooperating with Aneri?”

“I didn’t expect my sister to be so involved in the case, but it is. By the time my sister asked me about Prominence, I had already made up my mind.”

Selden took a deep breath one last time, then exhaled the smoke and flicked the cigarette out of his hand.

Banyuwon sniped at it with a laser created by photon magic and wiped it clean.

“On the verge of death, Ketra barely admitted that she was a fairy. And the Crimson Spear is going to attack the fairies under the direction of Prominence. These two are enough.”

Selden said in a firm voice.

“I help my sister, defeat the Crimson Spear and Prominence, and protect the fairies. That is the last loyalty I can protect Ketra.”

“You are a man.”

“I think about it now. In the end, seeing the exiled princess of Prominence like this, I wonder if Ketra designed this too… well, of course not. That bastard is not even a god.”

Selden scratched his head and laughed after he finished speaking, probably thinking his thoughts were absurd.

I wish I could have said it that far.

“And to be honest, Sister Aneri is also my taste. I mean, I can’t refuse a request from a girl I like…” ”

…Perhaps it wasn’t because of Ketra-senpai that you glared at me from the beginning.”

“So you are my enemy. If you get a hole in your head while sleeping, know that it is me.”

Ban Yu-Won came to the conclusion that a ranking order was needed between himself and Sheldon, and pulled out the longsword of the beheader as his heart told him to.

For reference, the core concept of the beheader’s long sword was 990 depth.

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Why Did I Have to Enroll

Why Did I Have to Enroll

Because I Carelessly Applied for Admissions, WDIE
Score 8.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Ban Yu-won can understand all the languages in existence. He was able to translate every language, modify it. As a child, when Ban Yu-won first learned about the existence of the fictional building called the Tower of Babel in the Bible, his respectable grandfather told him it was their ancestors who built it. “The Tower of Babel was completed without collapse, and people have the wrong idea.” One day, out of the blue, the Union Academy practical exam began. Finding traces of his ancestors at the academy, Ban Yu-won decides to enroll in the academy full of monsters.


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