Why Did I Have to Enroll Chapter 141

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It’s always been the case that

the academy was in an uproar whenever Rebellion did something, but this time it was much worse


The one-million-scale Orc wave that occurred in the lower dimension Uraha was indeed something that could be put in a textbook, just like Yumina said.

Regardless of whether the dimension that became the background was a lower dimension or not, the orc who obtained a relic and became a rod was never a monster that a first year student could face.

With the help of the same team members, Ban Yu-Won defeated him and ended the Orc Wave, which was an achievement that was not easily believed even though it was certified by Professor Mi-Na Yu.

‘Well, in the end, isn’t it over with just catching the rod? Looking at the video, it didn’t look very strong, so there’s nothing to make a fuss about.’

—someone might say.

However, aside from making a fatal misjudgment about the power of the Orc Lord, whose level can be taken into account by the number of ruling Orcs, Rebellion proves Rebellion’s skills by creating a one-on-one situation with the Orc Lord who leads 1 million Orcs in the first place. It was the biggest proof of that.

“Can’t you just quietly go over anything?”

“Don’t talk like I’m deliberately driving a case.”

After returning to the academy on Saturday afternoon and taking a day off, Ban Yu-won went to Lonica’s wine bar with a good atmosphere to keep his promise with Mira.

It was not a place recommended by the student council, but a place I had been to with Yumina.

It is run secretly and the price is expensive, but the atmosphere and wine are all excellent.

“Next week, more people will ask about you again. I’m getting depressed already.”

Mira grumbled lightly as she rubbed her finger on the lip of the wine glass.

Contrary to what he said, he had a pretty pleasant smile on his lips, but he seemed to like this place.

Ban Yu-won said in a tone that was half teasing, as if he knew what she was thinking.

“You said you had a lot of close friends enough to ask you something directly?”

“Ugh no. I’m not even close, but when I asked him, he was depressed. In particular, there is nothing to be afraid of in the senior year with a full marriage season.”

“I am afraid!”

When I first heard that you were looking for a marriage partner at the academy, I thought it was just that, but now that I hear it like this, it’s not just a matter of talking about it like it’s someone else’s business!

Perhaps, on the day of the special activity, the fact that Ruchel crossed her arms with Banyuwon was really an act to keep an unspecified number of female students in check…!

“There is always a fierce war of nerves going on behind the scenes of the academy. Now do you know how hard me and Lucille are going through?”

“You’re doing something where I don’t know. I don’t know, but thank you…”

“If you know, be nice to me. … The closer the relationship between you and I seems, the easier it is to get rid of annoying things.”

Did you even match the words with Lucille in advance?

Ban Yu-won suddenly remembered something that had happened before and asked her.

“How did you become friends with Rachel?”

“Did it look like that?”

Mira laughed lightly.

The moment he met that smile, Ban Yu-won felt a chill in his body and shivered.

I couldn’t understand how he could create such a heavy atmosphere with just two words.

Is this also changeling?

“Uh… wasn’t it?”


Mi-ra, who saw Ban Yu-won nervous, smiled and said as if the prank had worked.

“It’s true that we became friends.”

I don’t think so.

But I am too scared to dare to ask.

However, he decided to engrave on his bones the fact that he could never arbitrarily judge the relationship between women based on what was visible on the outside.

“Yuwon, I want to go flower viewing with you too.”

“Did you see that too?”

“The flower viewing video has more views than the video where you cut off the head of the Oak Lord.”

To be honest, I half expected it to be so, but I feel resentful when I hear it in person.

The video of the killing of the Oak Road was, of course, a great video boasting great power, but in fact, it was a video that was getting more attention on the intranet than outside.

No matter how rare the appearance of the Oak Lord and the Oak Wave were, in the end it happened in a lower dimension at the end of the F grade, so it couldn’t appeal to users of all dimensions.

What should not be misunderstood is not to say that it did not receive attention.

It was only that Ban Yu-won’s first attempt at making seasoned chicken or Yu Mi-na’s secret flower magic to make all the trees in the area bloom were much better for the viewers.

“It is satisfying to raise the status of my hometown, Korea, with seasoned chicken.”

“Please stop laughing. Chicken with a similar recipe overflows in Union.”

My sister-in-law said that the higher dimensions, including Union, never fell behind in food culture compared to Earth.

And even compared to Korea, the people here were thrilled to eat kimchi or bibimbap.

However, there was one thing Union lacked, and that was Korean-style seasoned chicken.

“This is different anyway. Did Dokgoyeon receive more praise than when he invented the swordsmanship? You will know when you eat it.”

“Okay, then make it for me later. I will judge after eating.”

“Just wait, I myself… Huh?”

It was only after the story progressed that far that Ban Yu-won realized that he had been caught.

It’s not easy to catch yourself with words, but it’s so natural.

“You promised.”

Mira laughed and bumped her glass into Banyuwon’s glass on the table.

A shrieking sound rang out.

Perhaps it was a ceremony to show off his victory, Yuwon Ban raised his lips as he drank from his glass.

The wine that seemed to be bitter somehow felt sweeter.

“No, this time I learned it properly from Lucille, so I’m going to do it. It’s not difficult… On the contrary, what do you have? Traditional food of the fairies or something like that.”

“I do, but do you think I’ve ever cooked in my life?”


“I know.”

After drinking wine from her own glass, Mira added with a deeper smile for some reason.

“So, I will practice hard from now on. wait for me.”

There is no such thing as too much.

* * *

The 10th week of Union Academy was bright.

As expected by Mira, the Orc Lord’s subjugation caused an explosive reaction within the academy, and even students broke through Mira and Ruchel’s strong guards and approached Banyuwon.

Not only the female students, but also the male students in the same first year, surprisingly, said that they wanted to join the ‘Union Journey’, a club headed by Ban Yu-won.


“Actually, I want to climb the tower with you, but it seems impossible now.”

At the words of a male student in class 3 whose name he did not know, Ban Yoo-won naturally nodded.

It is a team that has already been running together for more than two months, and above all, it is shameless to say that they want to be part of the Rebellion channel now.

“But I also want to be strong like you. All the students who entered the club are developing rapidly, right? Surely there…”

“Huh? ah aha Thank you for taking good care of our club.”

It was only then that Ban Yoo-won realized that the excessive attention poured into him was not only because of his performance in special activities.

Last week, all first graders did special activities, but the current students climbed the top.

The special selection seniors who grew up while doing special training together in the club for a few weeks showed their potential at that time.

It was said that even the senior team led by the rocky senior broke the previous record and set a new record in just a few weeks, so what about the performance of the other seniors?

In particular, as some of the seniors who were unable to properly handle their powers were able to properly handle their powers with the help of Ban Yu-Won, their perception within the academy was already changing significantly even though the first semester had not even ended yet.

And at the apex of the gaze of envy looking at them, there was Banyuwon.

“Can we join that club too?”

“You are the president, and Professor Yumina is acting as well. Then if you put your mind to it, can’t we go in too? Can’t you just talk to us once?”

Applications for membership in the club poured in dozens of times a day, and by Tuesday evening, the number neatly exceeded 100.

Some current students and more than 90 freshmen.

In fact, a third of freshmen wanted to join the club!

Unsurprisingly, Banyuwon politely rejected all applicants.

‘As long as we accept all of these people, the first year will be eaten by us at that moment… but the influence among the first year was overwhelming from the beginning, and why?’

It didn’t fit the purpose of the club, and it didn’t seem like it could be run successfully just by blindly accepting a lot of students.

This means that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

“why not!”

However, the stone did not understand and screamed.

“Boys don’t care whatsoever. You could only pick out pretty girls and let them join you! I felt relieved to have to refuse everything like that!”

“I don’t know how it is so revealing. It just rolls like a stone.”


The concept of amplification emanating from a stone is greatly activated the more actively a stone is active, and the deeper the relationship with it, the longer it is maintained.

For example, if a class member who meets him only during club activity hours is only strengthened by 2-3% due to the amplification effect, then the club members who frequently gather in the training room to train are 4-5% and enter the tower with him. They are enhanced by 7-8%.

It’s a shame you’ll never be able to look down on.

Ban Yu-won agonized over how to increase this effect.

“There seems to be a tendency to be influenced by the perception of stone seniors. No, I think this is the biggest.”

“All you have to do is make a weapon, a dedicated weapon!”

The stone that had circled the training room said so without getting tired.

Since it was an exclusive weapon, Ban Yu-won pondered again.

A weapon that can spread the concept emanating from him… An electric fan?

“Of course not… Let’s think about it some more. And senior, if you have something you want to achieve from me, work hard and achieve better results. all right?”

“You’re not even human…!”

“But you are a stone.”

“It’s not a stone, it’s a cart!”

Looking at the movement of the stone today and the amplification spreading from him, I thought again that his ability is far from a physical phenomenon.

In the end, if he consciously handles this amplification ability and can strengthen as many people as an Orc Lord strengthens his orcs

Could this amplification also be the realm of the power of the soul, or spiritual power?

Spiritual power is a power that is based on the soul, which is different from pure magical power and telekinesis.

In fact, to be frank, there is a close relationship with the power of Banyuwon, such as growing the soul whenever it grows, but the range of action of the power is much wider than that of the spiritual power.

‘As a holder of authority, it might be a bit arrogant for me to think like this, but I should say it feels like I’m dealing with the power that is the source of all kinds of power, whether it’s telekinesis or spiritual power…

‘ However, Banyuwon can do everything that can be done with telekinesis even with his own authority.

It’s probably the same with spiritual power, but it’s quite different from the way Ban Yu-Won uses authority, so I thought I’d study with spiritual power and get used to it.

And when you completely adapt to the spiritual power, you absorb it neatly and connect the principle of the spiritual power to your own power to handle the power more completely.

‘Okay then… let’s try it.’

Ban Yu-Won activated the concept ‘spiritual power’ obtained from the previous Orc Lord and reconfirmed the way the previously unknown power of stones works.

The results were immediately visible.

A smile hung on Ban Yu-won’s lips when he realized one more fact that he had expected and one that he hadn’t expected.

“Senior Cartro.”

“I’m not Cartro, I’m a stone… Huh?”

The stone that Ban Yu-Won called by name for the first time looked back at him dumbfounded.

He said to the stone with an incomprehensible smile.

“I’ll make you a special weapon.”


“But senior weapons are expendable.”


It seems that the power of stones does not end with simple amplification.

Making a weapon exclusively for those who handle the power acting on the soul is impossible for today’s semi-amusers, and instead.

Consumables that allowed him to handle his authority more actively and more powerfully were among the inventions he had already created.

“A bunch of amulets! If you put the spiritual power of your senior here and attach it to the target, it will definitely be amplified.”

Incorporating some of the secrets of the prayer sword that I realized before, I made a talisman of spiritual power that becomes a strong vessel that amplifies power in itself, and inserts several concepts that support the power of stones.

And here, when the stone is attached to a specific target with power, all the disadvantages of ‘amplification’ are perfectly resolved and applied!

‘Although this has a limited duration, it’s not like a 30-hour short haircut like a study talisman, so I just need to replenish it in between.’

Of course, if you can create something that is endowed with spiritual power and various concepts and can be maintained, a permanent artifact will be created instead of a one-time amulet, but it is impossible to go that far without becoming a professor in the Artifact Production Department.

Not yet.

“What is this? I hate things like this. Give me a nice weapon! It’s like the great sword that my junior got from holding an oak road the other day!”

“Don’t talk nonsense, put all your energy into spraying us. Quickly.”

“Yes, yes….”

The stone accepts the bundle of amulets that Ban Yu-Won poured his wits and spiritual power into and puts on a puzzled expression, but in the end, he couldn’t refuse his words and eventually activated his power.

And Ban Yu-Won’s thoughts matched perfectly – not only the stone team members, but also the ability of all club members, including Ban Yu-Won, were ‘amplified’ by 10%, resulting in a tremendous result!

A stone is not just a stone, but a great totem that greatly amplifies everyone’s abilities just by being there!

…Actually, the person himself was stretched out because he activated his authority excessively.

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Why Did I Have to Enroll

Why Did I Have to Enroll

Because I Carelessly Applied for Admissions, WDIE
Score 8.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Ban Yu-won can understand all the languages in existence. He was able to translate every language, modify it. As a child, when Ban Yu-won first learned about the existence of the fictional building called the Tower of Babel in the Bible, his respectable grandfather told him it was their ancestors who built it. “The Tower of Babel was completed without collapse, and people have the wrong idea.” One day, out of the blue, the Union Academy practical exam began. Finding traces of his ancestors at the academy, Ban Yu-won decides to enroll in the academy full of monsters.


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