Why Did I Have to Enroll Chapter 1

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Index. Congratulations on passing the paper screening.

Around the time when Ban Yu-won, a boy in his childhood, first learned about the existence of a fictional building called the ‘Tower of Babel’ in the Bible.

A respected grandfather told him.

When there was only one language in the world, everyone worked together to build the tower Babel.

“The person who built the Tower of Babel is actually our ancestor, Won. Moreover, the Tower of Babel was completed without collapsing. Everyone is getting it wrong.”


If he had heard of it for the first time after he was older and learned about the truth about the Tower of Babel, he would have retorted with absurdity.

“Really, grandpa? Then, was your ancestor the landlord? Not just a house, but a building owner!”

“How the hell does Abbie educate a child… Kuhm! It’s not just the owner of the building, Wonah. The important thing is your ancestor’s ability.”

Ban Yu-won, who was young and naive at the time, believed his grandfather’s words, and the grandfather told a few more things to the grandson who asked with shining eyes.

The reason why the Tower of Babel was able to be built was not because everyone spoke the same language, but because the ancestors had the ability to make everyone communicate.

The saying that God destroyed the tower and scattered mankind is just an ugly delusion of humans who were jealous of their ancestors.

The master of language who interprets and changes all languages and wields powerful power in itself.

Are we the descendants of such a great man?

to never forget that fact.

However, Banyuwon, who was more interested in houses and buildings than ambiguous abilities, did not give up and asked.

“Then where did the completed Tower of Babel go? That’s our building, see.”

“The Tower of Babel….”

It was a fundamentally different reason from his grandson, who quickly became stained with the world at a young age, but the same goes for his grandfather who pursues the Tower of Babel.

His grandfather replied with wide eyes.

“Even Halabi doesn’t know that. One thing is for sure, if we find it, then our family will be able to regain all its power and glory…”

The Tower of Babel, which the young semi-yuwon was anxiously looking for, could not even be found.

However, the ability passed down from his ancestors was real.

The proof was none other than Ban Yu-won himself.

“The light of my life and the spark of my life. My sin, my soul….”

“Yuwon, what are you reading?”

“Read the book!”

“Ugh, what kind of book is my son working so hard on… Honey, my son is reading the original book?!”

Language is inherently memorized through constant repetition.

It is only when the ears are opened, the mouth is open, and the eyes are bright that the conditions for speaking the language are met.

“This is an apple, apple, lingo, pinguo mela… all apples!”

“Dad, do you think Yuwon is really weird?”

“You can read the words of a country you have never seen before and understand their meaning, Father!”

However, Banyuwon ignored the whole process.

He was able to understand and handle the concept of language as if he had known it from birth.

All, whether phonetic or ideographic.

“It seems that Yoo-won has the thick blood of his ancestors.”

“Father, it’s not that much, this is…”

“Finally, a child who fulfills the family’s long-cherished wish has been born! The child who will bring back the Tower of Babel as a family!”

“I’d rather die than get sick.”


Banyuwon could understand and handle every language that exists on earth.

No, it was even greater than that.


] There’s no way I can interpret these words…”

[Congratulations on passing the document screening of “Union,” the best academy in all dimensions!]

“…are you there?”

In fact, I could even read foreign languages.

* * *

Lesson 1. This is your status window –

At the time of 1, the youth class was 20 years old in February.

I was sitting in front of my computer waiting for the college acceptance announcement to pop up, just refreshing it over and over again.

Suddenly, his eyes brightened and a translucent glass window appeared in front of him.

It is also a glass window with an alien language written on it that even a semi-amusement who has mastered all the languages on earth has never seen before.

[Congratulations on passing the document screening of the best academy “Union” in all dimensions!]

“It won’t even disappear.”

I was waiting for the announcement of my college acceptance, but suddenly a window with an alien language written on it appeared in front of me, and the alien language was even interpreted.

Banyuwon, who could not understand this surreal phenomenon, shouted the very words that should be shouted first when faced with an incomprehensible situation.

“Status window!”

There were no horns.

Neither the status, nor the spear, nor the spear, nor the other spears will work…!

It wouldn’t be a substitute, but the alien phrases written on the glass windows slowly changed.

[Students who pass the document screening will immediately take the practical evaluation. But rest assured! Since the dimension the student is currently in is a lower dimension whose name is not even known, the practical evaluation is also classified as a special screening for the lower dimension. The difficulty level is very low compared to the general screening of higher dimensions, so you can pass it without difficulty!]

“I’m going to turn around, really.”

What is the practical evaluation and what is the special screening at the lower level?

The glass window didn’t answer, but I could understand it if I thought about it.

The special screening, usually referred to in the university entrance examination system, is a screening that selects students with special careers or special abilities slightly different from the general recruitment criteria to accept various talents at the school level.

So originally, Banyuwon passed the academy’s document screening of whether it was Union or something due to its special ability, and it means that the practical evaluation can also be taken at a lower difficulty level than others… [If you pass the practical evaluation, you become a prospective student

immediately You will move to the dormitory of Union Academy, so prepare your mind. Then it will start transmitting one minute from now. 59 58….]

“What kind of dog bone is that? I never applied in the first place…!”

When did he write the paperwork and what was the actual work?

The only thing he applied for was S University!

No, if you’re going to show me this weird message, give me a status window too!


At that time, the monitor screen was refreshed a little later, and the announcement of the successful applicants for the College of Social Sciences (scheduled to major in the Department of Political Science and International Relations) of S University appeared.

The result, of course, passed!

Yes, he must have hallucinated because he was so nervous ahead of the announcement of his acceptance.

What greeted Yu-Won Ban, who was taking a deep breath while convincing himself.

[1 0. Transfer to the Blind Goblin’s Lair, where the practical skills are assessed!]


It was the first space movement magic ever experienced.

When he finished his words,

“Kanman…” .

Banyuwon was already somewhere other than Earth.

So, to paraphrase the most appropriate word he knew…

he was in a dungeon.

* * *

[The goal of the Practical Assessment is simple. Reach the center of the Blind Goblin Den and destroy the dungeon core! Since it is a special lower dimension, you can pass as long as the dungeon core is destroyed!]

Ban Yu-Won thought as he hid himself in a dark and damp corner of the cave.

‘It’s not a fantasy or a hallucination. Are you sure.’

He was a semi-amuser who had now come to admit that he was in a terribly unrealistic situation.

In fact, after being dragged into the dungeon, I denied reality for about 30 seconds, but then, when I heard the sound of a creepy monster from across the passage, I was startled and regained my sanity as if I had been doused with cold water.

The advantage of Banyuwon is that it is quick to adapt to surreal situations as its ability is a product of miracles.

He stopped all thinking and moved as quietly as possible to find a place to hide, and now he has arrived.

‘Let’s think about it.’

Why are you in a place like this?

Is there any way to return home?

Even if I thought the same thing, it doesn’t mean anything now.

All he has to think about now is how to safely pass this so-called practical assessment.

Once I get out of this place, shouldn’t I meet the person in charge or do something else?

In fact, I wonder what the hell can be done against a group that has the ability to force people to come to a place like this.

‘No, let’s not eat weakly. I will get out of here safely and enter S University. A splendid college life is waiting for me…!’

In order to do that, you have to find a way to get out of here.

In fact, the goal was presented from the beginning.

[Reach the center of the Blind Goblin Den and destroy the dungeon core.]

It is an understandable sentence without using language comprehension skills.

It’s because I’ve seen it a lot in games and novels.

‘This is just openly telling me that it’s a dungeon. Is Union Academy like an academy that trains explorers to explore dungeons? Then why the hell am I passing the document screening… Let’s think about this later.’

Dungeon Core.

Core is the core.

When the core of a thing is broken, what happens is a collapse.

…At least it was like that in the novels he read, but it didn’t seem to be different here.

In other words, Banyuwon was instructed to attack and clear the dungeon.

However, there was no way that the goblins living in this dungeon would stand by while the dungeon core was destroyed. It is a story

that he has to move while dealing with unknown monsters of unknown number,

reach the center of the unknown cave,

overcome the monsters’ interference, and break the core.

‘Sueuuuuuuu… I’m sure I’ll die?’

Modern people cannot be confident that they will win even against a wild Chihuahua, not a goblin.

How much more Chihuahuas attacking in groups? Just imagining it gives me a sense of fear.

Thanks to that fear, my body stiffened.

The next moment, a club flew out of the air and passed right in front of him, but he was able to hold on without falling.



I desperately resisted the sound of breathing.

Perhaps because he was so absorbed in his thoughts, he hadn’t noticed the existence of the monster that was right in front of him.

no that’s not it

The monster had hidden its presence and approached.

A scary monster that can’t even be compared to a chihuahua.

“qnsauddurlsep! where.”

Dark green, crumpled skin, slightly smaller than Banyuwon, who is 182 cm tall.

However, the limbs were muscular and the face baring sharp teeth was truly ferocious.

The goblin in the game is the weakest that even a Lv1 novice warrior can easily kill, but the goblin in front of him is clearly a monster with a higher level of power than a semi-amusement.

“Then right!”



It was never luck to avoid such a monster’s clubbing (the sound of cutting through the air was terrible) twice in a row.

It was thanks to Ban Yu-won, who had come to understand the monster’s words, and teased himself by listening to the monster, who spoke about his actions honestly like an idiot.

‘Crazy me understands the monster’s words.’

It was the first time in my life that I met a talking monster, so of course it was the first time.

Strangely, at that moment, Ban Yu-won gained a little confidence.

Didn’t you at least find out that your language skills work in this unknown place?

“I can’t catch you! It’s right in front of you!”

Meanwhile, the goblins who failed to hunt their prey went mad and brandished their clubs in all directions.

Why do you do crazy things like that instead of aiming straight at the half-yuwon right in front of you?

It was because that goblin was blind.

‘This is an advantage given because it is a special low-dimensional archetype, right? It’s very comforting.’

Thanks to that, he is now surviving, but passing the practical evaluation is a completely different thing.

Banyuwon gradually backed away from the goblin wielding a club like a madman, but that was a mistake.

He suddenly runs and thumps! and took down the club.

“I missed it again!”

‘omg! Whoops…! This baby is reading the sign of the moment I move! ‘

It was thanks to his remarkably improved reflexes that he had just dodged that blow.

I thought that my physical abilities seemed to be stronger than when I was on Earth.

However, it was not enough to catch the monster again, so it was at the level of barely avoiding the obvious attack like now.

Fortunately, the guy can’t read the signs sensitively at the moment of attack.

Therefore, once you dodge an attack, you can’t find the right position and wander around like that.


“Are there any people there? what?”

Ancestor, my God.

Just when you seem to have gotten a little used to dodging one attack, a new monster appears from across the aisle!

It was just as blind, but equally muscular, and wielding the same terrifying club!

Noticing the appearance of their own kind, the goblin (let’s say it’s the 1st year of high school) happily shouted.

“The prey keeps avoiding attacks!”

“Hunted? Prey!”

Yeah I knew it would be like this. Damn!

The newly appeared Goblin Go 2 was rushing towards them.

It’s just surrounded by front and back.

However, if you move, you will be caught again.

‘how? How can I survive in this unreasonable situation?’

At that moment, a very stupid idea came to Ban Yu-Won’s mind.

However, there was not enough time to find another way, so Ban Yu-won put the idea into action right away.

“Run as it is and strike it right in front of me!”

The half-yuwon shouted.

In the language spoken by goblins.

At the same time, he threw himself to the side.

I got away from it as desperately as possible.

“The prey speaks our language!”

“thanks for letting me know!”

“for a moment…!”

Unlike high school 1, who was shocked and hardened by what Ban Yu-won said, high 2, who had just come to this place, didn’t pay attention to the slight difference in voice and ran as it was.

The goblins were ignorant beyond the anti-yuwon’s imagination, but they were powerful nonetheless.

And the evasion of these guys was worse than a semi-yuwon.


In other words, the stick thrown by the 2nd high school student succeeded in breaking the 1st high school head in half.

“Caught the prey…!”



High 1, who was hit with a fatal blow, became excited and swung a club at the other side, even though he knew that it was his own people who had hit him.

Of course, high school 2 could not avoid it and was beaten.


“sick! Why are you hitting me!”

“You hit me first!”


Ban Yu-won stared blankly at the fierce bloody battle that began in front of his eyes.

If he moved again here, he might provoke them for no reason, so he had no choice but to stay still for now.

High 2 should have had an advantage in breaking the first bread, but the original strength seemed to have been greater in high 1, and the momentum of the two boiled evenly.

“Stupid bastard! Not me!”

“liar! Goblins do not forgive liars!”

The level of conversation was at the level of an elementary school student, but the battle itself was fierce enough to give goosebumps.

Puck! baek! pop! Fuck!

Hitting the head, hitting the chest, hitting the leg, hitting the arm, and giving each other a blow, a roar that Banyuwon can’t bear to imitate resonates, it’s just breathtaking.

‘Who the hell said that goblins are the weakest monsters…’ If

he had only believed in the descriptions of goblins in all kinds of novels and rushed through the caves without any countermeasures, the half-yuwon would have had his head broken by now.

“Kwu eek…”

When Ban Yu-won was trembling anew at the harshness of the environment he was in, the direction of the battle finally changed.

Surprisingly, despite being hit with the first bread, the 1st grader succeeded in tearing the nape of the 2nd grader’s neck!



High 1 hit High 2 on the head with a club.

The cut on the nape of the neck widened and blood gushed out, and the club fell to the floor as the second-year-old’s hand gave out strength.

It was then that High School 2 made its last attempt.

He fell to the first grade and bit the tip of his nose.

“Take it away…!”


Was it really the last outburst? High 2 couldn’t move anymore.

However, the 1st grader was already mortally wounded and collapsed under his corpse, so he struggled with his limbs and was unable to get up.

“Whoop whoop whoop…”

Ban Yu-won picks up the club that the 2nd grader dropped.

Even though I was standing at his bedside.

‘If I can’t kill this, there’s no hope for me to clear this dungeon.’

It would have been okay to run away like this since the first grade of high school was also on the verge of death, but why did you choose to approach him dangerously?

It is because Banyuwon chose to move forward rather than blindly run away from this place.

No matter how unreasonable the current situation is, in order to survive, you must eventually pass through the dungeon.

In order to pass the dungeon, you have to face these guys.

Even the dying man could not run away in fear.


Over-nervous, he gripped the club too tightly and stopped breathing, but conditions were not bad for beginners to hit the target with the club.

he hit it straight down.

– Pleasant!

The blow of Banyuwon, which is above the average physical strength of Korean youth.

The life of a dying goblin was definitely cut off.

[Congratulations! The first hunt in the dungeon was successful!]

At that moment, at a completely unexpected timing, a translucent glass window appeared in front of him again.

Ban Yu-Won stares at the window while feeling his hands, arms, stomach, and back throb from being overly nervous.

message has been updated.

[As a reward, a higher-level power status window is provided. All students enrolled in the academy can manage their abilities and grow efficiently through the status window! It is a state-of-the-art support system provided by Union Academy!] “Huh?

No, it’s a status window at this timing?!

Just a moment ago, I was a classmate who hated and cursed at the school officials, but I couldn’t help but feel my heart flutter at the word status window!

[This is your status window.] And


, in front of Banyuwon’s eyes, his status window

A more inorganic and high-dimensional

‘but somehow immediately recognizable’ letter appeared, which is different from the letters that have appeared so far.

[Retrieves the status window.]

“What is it, give me back my status window!”

Pan-Yu-Won forgets the current situation and screams in embarrassment.

Immediately after realizing his carelessness, he hurriedly shut his mouth, but fortunately no new goblins appeared.

[Opens the power Babylonian code.]

Instead, a golden string began to come out of the corpses of the two goblins in front of him.

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Why Did I Have to Enroll

Why Did I Have to Enroll

Because I Carelessly Applied for Admissions, WDIE
Score 8.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Ban Yu-won can understand all the languages in existence. He was able to translate every language, modify it. As a child, when Ban Yu-won first learned about the existence of the fictional building called the Tower of Babel in the Bible, his respectable grandfather told him it was their ancestors who built it. “The Tower of Babel was completed without collapse, and people have the wrong idea.” One day, out of the blue, the Union Academy practical exam began. Finding traces of his ancestors at the academy, Ban Yu-won decides to enroll in the academy full of monsters.


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