Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 77

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Episode 77

And when Lee Jae-heon saw that, he thought.

‘There’s no crazy kid here.’

Actually, there is no way that person who understood the hidden world without seeing it could be sane.

If my co-workers from my previous life found out about my thoughts, they would criticize me and say that I was a person with no conscience, but unfortunately, the only people left here are the chicks. There was no one who could criticize his inner thoughts.

I was very grateful that Dr. Ha Seong-yoon’s sudden anger turned my attention towards him, but the atmosphere became more tense, which made me feel strange. Of course, considering the monster that will come sooner or later, a rift like this might actually be helpful, but this is another unexpected conflict.

And to be honest, if the party’s mental strength decreased any further than this, there was a high possibility that problems would arise.

‘The monsters I’m about to encounter are the type that attacks my mind, but only when my mentality explodes…’

Lee Jae-heon, who thought that far, consciously cleared his throat.

As attention was focused on his purposeful actions, he opened his mouth with a shy expression on his face.

“Well… aren’t you being too grandiose in telling me to take care of myself?”


“I can understand even if I just say it roughly, so let’s stop nagging. “Isn’t it awkward to be scolded after being over 40?”

As I glanced at the main character, he immediately understood and naturally took over the baton.

“Then you won’t have to worry about nagging me.”

“Assistant Manager Jeong, please leave that group alone. It’s so obnoxious that it really hurts my back.”

“When else would you say something like this?”

The talking poop wasn’t very funny, but he said that even dog poop can be useful, so we got along well. By using himself as a sacrifice to lighten the mood, the current situation and the fact that he was eaten by the other side of the world and even Lee Jae-heon’s injury felt light at a glance.

At that point, Doctor Ha Seong-yoon seemed to have figured out their intentions as well, as he touched his earlobe and opened his mouth.

“…Yes, it would be really nice if you could be considerate of yourself.”

Then he spoke to the rest of the group.

“If anyone else is in pain, please let us know right away instead of hiding it like I did. “In situations like now where there is no equipment, interviews with patients themselves are the most important.”

“Why do you make comparisons that make the patient feel bad?”

“Are you always doing well?”

“…What is this? “Are you teaming up with Assistant Manager Jeong to play?”

Was the character like that originally?

‘No, it wasn’t like that at first.’

As I frowned at the familiar flow of conversation, the doctor laughed empty-handedly, and his companions also tried to swallow their laughter. It’s true that I meant to do this, but it just made me feel really bad and embarrassed.

Of course, he wasn’t stupid enough to calm the barely aroused mood again, so Jaeheon Lee groaned and turned his head away. Aside from being uncomfortable with the onslaught of disgusting chicks, I now had to end the situation in a gentle manner.

He said in a sullen voice and stood up.

“Once the treatment is complete, I will go to sleep.”

“Yes, if possible, don’t move your hands. “Don’t use any force at all.”

“Do you think you don’t even know that much?”

When I grumbled for no reason, Director Kang Min-ah, who had been quiet until now, muttered.

“But… Manager.”


“You seem to be getting more sleep.”


“…No, sorry.”

When she frowned, she shrank and closed her mouth, and Jaeheon Lee looked away, sat down and leaned against the tree, and closed his eyes. It was clearly visible that he did not want to answer.

Looking at him like that, student Park Da-hoon asked.

“Aren’t you cold? “Would you like some?”

“Okay, it’s hot.”

“Oh yes.”

With those words, the voices of the group quieted down.

‘…I didn’t expect Director Kang to speak first.’

With his eyes closed, Jaeheon Lee lightly rolled his head.

Director Kang Min-ah was right. Since being taken away by the green algae monster, he has slept quite a few times and for long periods of time. In fact, it must be said that he has rarely woken up faster than the rest of the group.

However, there is a reason for this. First, I was tired. Even if it is not a green algae monster issue, how many responsibilities does Lee Jae-heon have on this team? Moreover, Lee Jae-heon in his current life was a sleeper by nature, so even if he wasn’t necessarily tired, the situation would have been similar.

However, even if it was obvious to him, it was highly likely not to the group.

‘Because several incidents occurred.’

On the first day alone, my shoulder and calf were pierced by a spider monster, and my ankle was burned at the flower shop. If the chick had been dragged away all night by a green algae monster right after that and had been sleeping for 3 days as if dead when it came back, I would probably have been concerned even if it wasn’t a chick.

And to put this in reverse, it meant that they had no choice but to react more sensitively during the chick stage. As the saying goes, aren’t they a bunch of bastards who have never even seen someone die?

‘It means that all reactions will be sensitively accepted.’

It was after meeting Detective Hong by chance that Jaeheon Lee came up with his current plan, but even so, he was confident that he would give meaning to all his previous actions. It was possible to create truth that did not exist.

The first, Lee Jae-heon, was dragged by a green algae monster and suffered serious external and internal injuries. In case of internal injury, it can be recognized by showing hemoptysis. Second, he falls asleep as if he faints and often acts dazed after waking up. Because of this, he chewed on glass shells and burned his hands in the fire. Third, yes.

Third, my sleep increased.

‘I still went to work early.’

From Jaeheon Lee’s perspective, his life changed suddenly after recalling his past life, but it may not be the case for others. He hid his changes as if they had happened a long time ago. So, for those who knew the former ‘Director Jae-Heon Lee’, he was not much different from before.

‘Manager Lee Jae-heon’ was the first employee to arrive at the office. The reason why he, who sleeps so much, opened so early was because he could criticize the staff who came late by coming so early. In particular, if there was someone who greatly offended him the day before, he would come to work even faster and begin work that would kill his spirits from the beginning.

You may be wondering what a brat he is now, but what we can see here is that the group knew that ‘Director Jae-heon Lee doesn’t usually sleep much.’

‘No way, some old bastard would give up all his sleep and fly to the office just to tease the employees.’

His companions from work probably thought he was a sleeper.

After being devoured by the other side of the world, such a person wakes up particularly late. Frequent fatigue and temper tantrums have significantly decreased, and I even feel dazed as if I have lost my mind.

‘The current plan was made later…’

Lee Jae-heon had a great talent for putting things together.

Although it may not seem like a big deal in itself, now that I am more sensitive, it is easy to give meaning to each of these actions. They are not immature chicks for nothing.

Perhaps the group thought that his sleep had increased in the third and final conditions in addition to the first and second conditions. After making the plan, I deliberately tried to show that slow-moving appearance. Even if I hadn’t targeted it like I did now, I would have misunderstood it like that.

However, what was a little surprising was that it was Chief Kang Min-ah who brought up this story.

‘I thought you wouldn’t directly intervene, regardless of your notice.’

Although Joo-im Kang had a good sense of humor, he was very timid by nature. Even though I’m very curious, because of my personality, I tend to suppress a lot of my curiosity.

So, even though they came to the underworld, I thought it would take a little more time for Director Kang to develop. A personality that you’ve lived with your whole life can’t be changed in an instant, right? I thought it would be affected by special circumstances, but even with that, it was a quick change.

If we think about the origin of how she developed to this point, perhaps…

“Shouldn’t we cover it up with something, uncle?”

“So, shall we look for something to cover first? “While the water is coming.”

“Then let’s go together, Yeonseok.”

Isn’t it because the responsibilities have increased?

Lee Jae-heon listened to Director Kang’s voice and pretended to be asleep.

“I’m good at swinging a hammer now… We don’t have many weapons. “Let’s go together.”

“I feel reassured if Chief Kang comes with me! “I will carry all the luggage, don’t worry.”

“Uh… we’ll also pick up firewood. “I’m good at that.”

“We will hold your seat while you are here.”

Perhaps the three days that Lee Jae-heon was asleep were a big deal. With him gone, the group went back to their jobs fairly smoothly, and even though it wasn’t a little dangerous, it was quite plausible.

Jaeheon Lee internally breathed a sigh of relief at the sound he heard in his ears.

‘…It won’t be a big problem even if I miss it.’

I was worried for no reason.

I was worried that I might have used too much mental strength compared to what I had planned or that a problem might have arisen due to a difference in common sense, but even if it wasn’t a perfect plan, things were bound to proceed in the end. In that case, it wasn’t that I wasn’t worried about what would happen if Lee Jae-heon left.

Of course, this was not a sincere concern for the group, but there was an impure intention, but as always, it didn’t bother me too much. Lee Jae-heon was just worried that the younger chicks might not be able to adapt to the change in structure and be eliminated.

And in Lee Jae-heon’s plan, none of them had to die. Not yet.


Still, if it were time to kill them, how would they react?

‘Are you trying to be scared?’

Jaeheon Lee of the present thought that was a common reaction.

But this was not Lee Jae-heon from his previous life.

‘I’m full.’

Those chicks should know the life they cannot die.

Even in his past life, he was criticized for no reason because of his personality, so he wanted everyone to be unhappy except himself. It was just his nature for no reason.

In this world, Jaeheon Lee has already died once and returned once immediately thereafter. However, before returning, Lee Jae-heon was in a worried state because he did not know whether he would die or come back to life, and even more so, he could barely hide the excitement in his heart from the anticipation of the unknown.

For him, death was quite a distant topic. In the end, his previous life, which he thought was truly over, had been ruined a long time ago when he woke up in this disgusting world, so he had no idea what kind of emotions and memories the only death would bring to him.

Of course he affirmed many, many people. I acknowledged that there were variables in the world that he didn’t know about, and I also accepted that there were human groups everywhere that I couldn’t understand. So the chicks on this cushion also understood.

I was just a little curious.


What does it feel like to die only once in your life?

Why are you so afraid?

‘…Eternal loss?’

It was the most plausible reason based on common sense.

Since pain is temporary and each person’s agony has an end, I thought that perhaps the most frightening and terrifying thing would be the loss they would experience. Isn’t the emptiness of never having something again causing fear?

The moment your parents die, you lose the opportunity to eat with them. The moment your brother dies, you can never get angry and yell at him again. The moment a child dies, the sonorous voice that filled the home is lost. When I die, the natural time I could eat, drink, and enjoy will disappear.

But that’s okay.

‘Isn’t that something that only people who have something regret?’

What if there were no parents to begin with?

If I didn’t have a brother. If you didn’t have children.

If you had no family, no one you considered family, were alone from beginning to end, and did not have the energy to eat, drink, and have fun.

Is death really sad?


I also don’t know.

‘You know you only have to die once.’

Jaeheon Lee understood the chicks, but could not sympathize with them.

Not only are they not that good at empathizing, but their innate values are different in the first place. Needless to say, in his past life, Lee Jae-heon in his current life was also not a person who thought normally. In this foolish life, I could not even imagine my own death and did not value the death of others.

However, for him who remembered his past life, death was a means, a brief pain, and an agony with an end. Not only Lee Jae-heon, but many people in his past life lived with such values. In it, he was by no means one-eyed, nor was he a monster, and it would be a shame to call him a very unusual psychopath.

Maybe that’s why, before returning, when Lee Jae-heon encountered the deaths of Director Kang and intern Noh Yeon-seok. When I came across a lifeless piece of meat that was so rare in my past life.

He just felt envious.


“…are you sleeping, Manager?”

“It won’t be comfortable to sleep like this. “I’d better lay it down.”

“I will.”

Jaeheon Lee fell asleep while listening to the creepy chicks chirping.

That was all.

* * *

When I opened my eyes, I was in a dream again.


There was a large green blob in his field of vision.

There was a monster that tilted its head with dull, slow movements, looked at him with empty eyes, and said what it wanted with a distorted face. Lee Jae-heon learned how to talk to it some time ago.

He spoke softly while looking at the green algae monster in front of him.

“It’ll turn out okay.”


“…I have to try it.”


“So everything will be fine.”

I laughed.

“Because I want to.”

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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