Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 61

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Episode 61

‘Intern Noh Yeon-seok’s condition is not that bad.’

I was nauseous so profusely that it seemed like the worst thing to happen. Not only had I not eaten much recently so there was nothing to come out, but my mental capacity was not at its limit either.

Intern Noh Yeon-seok’s mental strength was stronger than expected. So, it wasn’t as strong as an ax made of steel or something, but rather as strong as a slime that was cut when you cut it with scissors, but when you look at it again later, it sticks to the slime.

‘The reason he looks like he could kill a lot of people is because he has an unrivaled softness of mind. In fact, if you were to count his tenacity alone, he would be counted on one hand among the group.’

The fact that this guy, whose condition was so bad that his face turned pale, followed the group’s intentions without a single word of complaint showed his character.

In the story, he had a mental breakdown after his crush, Chief Kang, died, but he wasn’t the type of person who would be broken or broken. This means that Lee Jae-heon did not just leave it alone until now.

‘…it could actually have the opposite effect.’

He thought of the intern who would avoid eye contact or talk less every time he spoke, but then erased it and looked back at the situation in front of him.

‘So that’s not his limit.’

Even though it was painful, sad, and difficult, and tears flowed, it was still bearable. The pain was not unbearable. Feeling nauseous was just a physiological rejection reaction of a foreigner who was not familiar with this area, and after drinking water and resting well, I would feel better mentally to some extent.

Of course, if you were to ask whether it was in perfect condition, it was not true.

‘These are days where nothing works from his perspective.’

The intern had a great liking for Director Kang. How frustrating must it be for him to not be able to show his trustworthy side after coming to the secret world when it doesn’t seem like the person he’s in love with will accept him.

‘The person who performed the most was probably that bastard Jeong In-ho… I spent a longer time with Director Kang. ‘He’s quite a threat to someone who has a crush on him.’

Now that I remember how much Assistant Manager Jeong took care of me, I thought that I might get jealous if I kept quiet but was upset. Isn’t that what love is like at that age?

Moreover, although he definitely had grit and physical strength, he must have felt very ashamed of himself because his soft and soft spirit was eating away at it all.

However, the fact that I loved someone in the first place was a plus factor from a mental perspective, and that’s why I wanted to look good, not the low self-esteem of ‘I don’t deserve to live if I’m useless!’, so there wasn’t a big problem.

‘Rather, as he is vaguely handsome, his self-esteem is also high. In this respect, I think I have some similarities to Employee Kwon.’

Actually, it’s because he looks a bit fierce, but he goes to a prestigious university, is tall and looks good, so he doesn’t have self-esteem that can be easily lowered, so if you put Chief Kang next to him, that guy will be easily discouraged. Even though Director Kang doesn’t see that guy as a man, he still has affection for the intern under his jurisdiction, so as he said, it is only a matter of time before intern Noh Yeon-seok’s mentality is fixed.

Jaeheon Lee’s gaze landed on Dayoung Park, a student looking at fruit.

“…Oh man. “This is really pretty.”

“Okay, let’s eat together later.”


Moreover, there were no major problems with the main characters, the Park siblings.

‘They say they are the best mentally among us.’

Those guys are quick to notice, but they also have the ability to spout out information that they think they will eat and drink. It wasn’t for nothing that Lee Jae-heon was easily drawn into the group.

I see things the way I see them, but I am not discouraged. My older sister, Park Da-young, who pretended not to be, had the talent to instinctively recognize what was beneficial to us and stick to it, and my younger brother, Park Da-hoon, observed his older sister’s judgment and responded with quick action.

Moreover, in the case of the younger brother, he actually possessed physical elements such as quick feet, so it would have been much more efficient to worry about Dr. Ha Seong-yoon than to worry about those guys.

‘But it’s useless to worry about that guy.’

These types of people, including Jeong In-ho and Ha Seong-yoon, tend to get more tired when they worry. It was because they thought that if they were left alone, they could take care of things on their own.

Of course, there were times when I couldn’t handle it on my own. However, they were so ungrateful that they couldn’t admit it because of their pride and wouldn’t show it off. That’s not to say that they could actually handle it on their own, but if they touched it, they might get irritated.

And from what Jaeheon Lee saw, the current situation was something he could handle on his own.

‘As long as you don’t get on all fours, I guess it wasn’t that big of a stimulus.’

I don’t know what exactly caused his trauma by the abandoned dog monster, but if he had really been hit so hard, he would have completely forgotten human language. Aside from being a little pale and dazed, he has the appearance of an intelligent person, so it can be said that he is in a normal state.

And to conclude by combining all of this information, the real problem was employee Kwon Yeon-hee.

‘Now this guy… he’s really at his limit.’

It even slightly crossed that limit. In a bad way.

Kwon Yeon-hee is a very simple and bright person, but if she is stimulated beyond a certain level, she cannot easily overcome it. It was in the same context that people who were not properly vaccinated suffered from various diseases afterwards.

Lee Jae-heon thought to himself as he naturally approached her.

‘Maybe you like dogs?’

Or maybe you hate it at all.

In any case, employee Kwon’s likes and dislikes for dogs will be clear.

If it was the former, you would have been shocked by the deformed appearance of the dog you liked, and if it was the latter, you would have had a mental breakdown as the peculiar disgust of the other side of the world was added to the dog you were already very scared of.

‘Actually, even if that’s the case, there are some serious outbursts….’

Has there been anything that made you feel very stressed recently?

After briefly stopping to think there, Jaeheon Lee made eye contact with President Yoon, who was comforting Employee Kwon who was clinging to him.


“Huh huh…bah.”

“…Employee Kwon.”

And then he called Kwon Yeon-hee.

He got down on one knee to be at eye level with employee Kwon, who was unable to make eye contact, and consciously erased all the expressions on his face. Before he knew it, Jaeheon Lee was left with just enough dryness to not feel like a monster.

President Garam Yoon, who was watching the situation, stepped away from Employee Kwon, and Jaeheon Lee naturally extended his hand.

And with one hand, I held the shoulder and the other hand held the side of the face so as not to cause any pain.

Looking at Kwon Yeon-hee, whose eyes were still dropping, he spoke once again.

“Employee Kwon.”

“Huh huh huh….”

“Kwon Yeon-hee.”

“…Ugh ugh.”

Jaeheon Lee

had a knack for controlling and changing things.



“When someone calls, you have to answer.”

It was quite coercive for a person who was sobbing to death.

However, Jaeheon Lee’s voice was dry but not normal. It may not be very soft, but it has a straight texture, and the expressionless face may be quiet, but it is not rough.

The other person pursed his lips and answered.


“Good job.”

Such a short compliment.

Before she knew it, her eyes were looking straight into Lee Jae-heon’s eyes.

‘Even if I try to comfort her blindly, she will only cry more.’

When humans receive a major shock, they degenerate.

Infantile regression did not occur in patients who experienced cruel events for no reason. This tendency is especially evident in the underworld where mental power is interfered with.

However, Jaeheon Lee had no intention of leaving Employee Kwon alone like that. The same was true for everyone else except her.

‘There’s already so much to do and complicated plans, so how dare they just relax as they please.’

It was truly inefficient and frustrating to throw away healthy workers by letting them crawl on the floor like that.

Basically, when humans are sick, they resent something, and that resentment drives the patient to the depths of the underground. Why do I have to hurt like this? Why do we have to go through such difficult, painful, and painful times? Even though they know they won’t be able to solve it right away, they still sink to the bottom because of that. This was unavoidable since humans were creatures capable of higher thinking.

Therefore, despairing over one’s pain was the most basic human right and desire. There are more people in reality than you might think who deny reality by losing their mind.

And Lee Jae-heon had absolutely no intention of letting Kwon Yeon-hee rest like that.

“You are crying now.”


“Firstly, it was the monster that passed you by, and secondly, this disgusting situation is what made you like that.”

He did not ask Employee Kwon any questions about the current status. Questions such as why are you crying or why are you in pain only plunged her into the abyss of despair.

Lee Jae-heon dismissed Kwon Yeon-hee’s current condition by assuming that her condition was due to only two reasons.


“Isn’t that so?”

“…That’s right….”

“Good job.”

And another compliment.

‘You have to convince them that you really think that way.’

Lee Jae-heon’s current tone is of the kind that puts pressure on the other person, and this does not give a very good feeling to the listener. Kwon Yeon-hee will instinctively try to escape this pressure, and Lee Jae-heon decided to do so with a short compliment like now.

I don’t like the pressurizing tone. And if you respond, you can escape that pressure. Through this process, Employee Kwon, who was half out of his mind, would believe exactly what Jaeheon Lee said.

‘But if it continues like this, it will sound like I’m forcing it…’

Take some action.

He had a faint expression of worry on his blank face. It’s like someone who really cares about the other person, but doesn’t want to show it, but tries to appear cool without showing it.

So I opened my mouth once again.

“Now there are no monsters and no one, including you, is hurt.”

“…but keep going. It will continue like this…”

“That’s right, it will continue to be like that.”


“That monster and all kinds of strange things will come and you might get hurt someday. “Because I don’t know when I will be able to escape this world.”


Kwon Yeon-hee blinked with her eyes wide open.

“…Can I go out?”

“So are you going to continue living here?”

“Oh no. “No, no, it’s not.”

“I can go out.”

Lee Jae-heon lowered his hand that was covering the side of her head and continued speaking.

“That will happen.”

At those words, I felt the gaze of the protagonist who was comforting the intern turn towards me.

However, contrary to the wish felt from the protagonist’s gaze, Lee Jae-heon had no intention of telling the current group about his setting. People who know the complex situation may not know it as the plan progresses further, so for now there is nothing good at all, and in the case of the main character and the doctor, they are not people who talk unnecessarily, so they were informed.

‘Of course, there are more secondary reasons…’

In any case, even such an ambiguous answer would have been quite helpful to employee Kwon Yeon-hee, who had dark eyes. Because the vague path ahead has a purpose.

In particular, since it was said by Lee Jae-heon, who had a duplicitous attitude and strangely skilled fighting skills, there was a high probability that he would subconsciously think that the words were true in some way. Kwon Yeon-hee’s intuition wasn’t that bad.

He opened his mouth to further clarify the focus of Kwon’s gradual return.

“I found some sweet fruit today. It sparkles like glass or a gem, but has something like jelly inside. It smells good and tastes good too. “If you put some sugar in your mouth, your strength will increase.”


“And then sleep. Isn’t it uncomfortable because the bed is just made up of straw? Just hang in there, we’ll get some smart guys to build the roof and put up the walls properly. Then you will feel exactly 10 times more comfortable than you are now.”


“Then even if there’s a strange-looking monster wandering around, it won’t see you. It will just pass by. Even if you find it, there will be a lot of other kids around you at that time. Probably me too. “We’ve developed a bond so far, so wouldn’t one of them save you?”

“yes yes.”

“It will be morning when you wake up. It’s not the blue sky that Employee Kwon used to know, but hey. Honestly, if our sky is blue, how blue is it?”


“Home, work, home, work, home, work… Sometimes I go out with my friends. Have you ever really looked at the sky in recent years? “I’ve never paid much attention to the sky, so why is it that the color of the sky has changed?”

“I see…”

The crying that hung from his loose voice was not as heavy as before.

At her words, Jaeheon Lee completely removed the hand that was holding her shoulder. Kwon Yeon-hee, who was staring at the pure white sky without realizing it, was acting so quietly and naturally that she didn’t even notice.

He continued speaking as if nothing had happened.

“If you eat, drink water, sleep, and wake up, the whole day will pass by.”


“Then tomorrow will come again. The day after tomorrow will come. “It may not be difficult, but I probably thought the same thing when I was working at Kwon’s company anyway.”


“I don’t want to go to work.”



The shoulders of the hamster-like figure shook.

Jaeheon Lee looked at it and let out a heartless laugh as if he had just seen something stupid. It’s not too harsh on the opponent, but it’s light enough that it doesn’t fly away.

There was no dryness on her face like when I first called her.

“There’s no way, I dare say it’s a temple topic. “You have to work tomorrow anyway.”

“…I guess so…?”

Strange expression.

Jaeheon Lee opened his mouth, looking at his face distorted between laughter and crying.

“are you okay.”


“It may not be everything… but at least it will be a lot better than you think.”

That’s how I decided.

“Look what we brought you later. Hear from the kids who brought it about how beautiful the sight was back then. “Take a whiff of how good that guy who looks like a glass bead smells.”


“If you’re curious, next time you go, let Employee Kwon go with you. Have you ever been to a small lake? No matter how much I think about the constant shaking of the water there, I think there must be a few fish there, right? If that’s really the case, you’ll also need to make a trap to place in the lake. “Don’t you know how cumbersome that is?”

“…I don’t know, Manager.”

“I’ll tell you. Let’s make it together with the students later.” Also, those who have extra stamina will be sent out to build houses or check if there is anything else to eat nearby.”

“I see.”

“I will make that happen.”


The air shook with clouded anxiety.

Kwon Yeon-hee’s gaze softened, even if only momentarily, and Lee Jae-heon, who noticed that brief reaction, rolled his eyes. He could read a shallow sense of disappointment or guilt in that gaze.

The answer was not too late and came together very naturally.

“And… Employee Kwon will make it happen.”


It was correct.

Lee Jae-heon nodded as if he had not thought much about it.

“Well, shouldn’t everyone work?”


“That disgusting Assistant Manager Jeong and timid Manager Kang… that weak doctor over there must be the same. The students who are strangely observant and the boss who likes trees must be the same.”


“…Because no one died and we are all together in the end.”

He continued.

“are you okay.”

You soft chicks.

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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