Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 543

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Episode 543

“I thought there would be no more people like Lee Jae-heon in the world.”

Mainly in the sense that they use their bodies at random without using their hair.

Seo Jang-hwa muttered that and looked at Jeong Eun-woo.

“No, what’s the problem with Jeong Eun-woo…? “What is the problem that makes you act like this?”


“Smile? Are you smiling? “Are you provoking me now?”

“No, it’s nice to see your concern. It’s so refreshing.”

“This is a strong enemy in a different sense than Lee Jae-heon.”

The basis of the sacrifice Jaeheon Lee talks about was basically low self-esteem and a desire for self-destruction.

At least that was what Seo Jang-hwa saw, but this bastard named Jeong Eun-woo didn’t seem like that at all.

Eunwoo Jeong had a strong sense of self and had high self-esteem. I don’t know if he had a self-destructive desire, but at least he didn’t seem to have a tendency to blame himself.

“What is really the problem that makes people like this…?”

He was such an unknown bastard.

Lee Jae-heon could be interpreted as ‘Oh, I’m so fucking pathetic,’ but it wasn’t Jung Eun-woo. At first glance, it seemed as if he was enjoying such a bold act.

“How can you enjoy living like that? yes? “Are you completely YOLO?”

“I’m glad that you see me as young.”

“If you’re happy about something like that, you’re right.”


“Strangely enough, I’m disappointed in things like this again.”

It’s definitely abnormal, but sometimes it looks normal, which makes me more confused.

“I can’t tell whether this is common sense or not. “What are you doing?”

“I am confident that I have enough common sense.”

“A person like that wears a ring without telling us? He said he knew it was dangerous. “Did you ever think that when you put something like that on, those of us around you would be surprised?”

“I thought the previous story was over… I also wanted to check how the wetsuit functioned before going into the water.”

“One of the frustrating things is that there is a valid logic behind everything.”

The conversation between the two made Park Da-young miss Lee Jae-heon.

‘Mister, please come to your senses quickly.’

I never could have imagined that the situation would get to this point just because one person, Lee Jae-heon, went crazy.

Da-young Park smiled bitterly, recalling how comfortable the bus was for Jae-heon Lee. It is said that only after spring days have passed do you know whether it was warm, and the dissonance until Lee Jae-heon got a taste of it was enough harmony.

‘Of course, I didn’t even think that he could get even crazier there.’

Anyway, Park Da-young missed Lee Jae-heon.

“…I was a little surprised, but it’s true that I came here to proceed with the work.”

Jeong Eun-woo nodded at Park Da-young’s words.

“If you don’t mind, I’ll put the ring on again. My impressions when I just wore it briefly were the same as when I wore it once before in ‘Friends by the Stream’, but I think it might be a little different in the water. First of all, the function itself is like a wetsuit.”

“If you feel something strange, take it off quickly.”

“Yes, thank you for your concern.”

Meanwhile, Jung Eun-woo put the ring on again and entered the ‘Sea Treasure Hall’.

“Dayoung, you are here.”

Park Da-young asked Seo Jang-hwa, who was watching Jeong Eun-woo enter.

“Shall I go in?”

“It’s a bit too much to send that person alone.”

“Then me too…”

“No, if you like, you can come in too. “I’m just watching to see if Jung Eun-woo is doing anything stupid, so don’t worry too much.”


Park Da-young nodded with an anxious face.


“Can’t you see this girl’s physical appearance?”


“Okay, I’ll be careful.”

After saying that, Seo Jang-hwa massaged Park Da-young’s cheeks and then went into the water.

Park Da-young looked down at the watch that Jung Eun-woo had entrusted to her when she entered the exam room to get her certificate.

“…I hope it doesn’t take too long.”

Park Da-young, who was not confident in her physical abilities, could not easily enter the Sea Treasure Hall. It was possible to just hold your breath and pass the road, but it was difficult to do anything in it.


Park Da-young took out Choi Min-hong’s stamp map from her pocket.

I looked closely to see if I could get some hints from the ‘Sea Treasure Museum’, but it was difficult to find proper information on the map, which had been slightly modified in a strange way after going to the other side of the world.

Park Da-young, who was looking at the map, wrinkled the bridge of her nose.


I feel strangely intimidated.

“It’ll be okay.”

Muttering softly, Dayoung Park tried to banish her anxiety.

And every time this happens, the results are bad.

* * *


Song In-myeong called Jeong In-ho from outside the room.

“Come out for a moment.”

“I guess you found something great?”

Jeong In-ho, who was checking the data in room 11, turned his head and looked at Song In-myeong.

Only one person could enter a room, and there was nothing they could do to help even though other people were waiting outside the door. Knowing this, the two decided to take charge of each room and investigate. Jeong In-ho is in room 11 and Song In-myeong is in room 10.

Seeing them come out and search for Jeong In-ho, it seemed like they found a meaningful record.

“What you found should be good information even by my standards.”

“You speak so beautifully.”

“I’m more like that than you.”

“No, anyway, please come out.”


Seeing you say it like that, it seems like really good information.

‘…Every time I confirm that Song In-myeong is a surprisingly good person, I feel sick to my stomach.’

Song In-myeong was clearly disqualified as a human being, had a bad personality, and spoke harshly, but at least he took his work seriously. I tried to achieve good results and actually achieved great results.

And that made Jeong In-ho feel bad.

‘How did he kill me?’

Just thinking about it makes me nauseous, but it’s useful after all.


I blinked.


Jeong In-ho continued speaking again after confirming that he was smiling.

“Okay, I’ll go out. wait a minute.”

“It comes out quickly. “It means room 10 hasn’t been searched yet.”

“Stop urging me.”

Although he didn’t want to agree with Lee Jae-heon’s nonsense, Jeong In-ho was vaguely becoming aware of the ‘efficiency’ he was talking about.

Even if it was a crazy person like Song In-myeong, if I could use it, I had to do it.

‘More than anything, the current manager quite likes Song In-myeong… so it’s not like I can do anything right now.’

When Jeong In-ho came out of the room, Song In-myeong showed him a notepad.

“Take a look at this.”

“…Did you organize it?”

“The records left behind by the survivors were so bad that there was nothing we could do. “I gathered and organized the most plausible information, and although I haven’t confirmed everything yet, I think this is enough to spread the word.”


The notepad that Song In-myeong had organized was surprisingly very clear at a glance.

“…you… must have done well on your assignments when you were in college.”

“Do you think I would have organized classes like this when I was in college? “I just slept?”

“You’re so confident.”

“As long as you don’t get an F, that’s fine.”

“I understand that you lived like a dog with such talent.”

Jeong In-ho smiled faintly.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t live like that.”

“Yes, old man.”

“If you had that kind of talent, why didn’t you give it to me…”

To him, Song In-myeong felt like a very well-fed bastard.

Seeing that Jung Eun-woo treats Song In-myeong as a ‘writer’, it seems like he has dexterity enough to sell quite a bit, but even though he has such dexterity and a brilliant mind, Song In-myeong’s life is a mess.

I couldn’t figure out why that bastard lived like that.

‘I didn’t have this kind of talent, so I had to focus on studying.’

Despite all that, I managed to get to the position of assistant manager at a large company called Ohseong, but I couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of jealousy.

This is why Lee Jae-heon defends Song In-myeong.

“Well, anyway…”

Jeong In-ho looked at the contents that Song In-myeong had organized in earnest.


That was information about the ‘treasure box’ in the Sea Treasure Hall.

All treasure chests are the same size and shape (the contents cannot be determined from the outside). The

number of treasure chests changes randomly depending on the visitor (it appears to be reset once when all the humans in the aquarium die) Treasure

Chest It is presumed that there is only one or a small number of boxes containing the key (there are no records of at least two keys being confirmed).

Most of the treasure chests are ‘crashed’ and the person who opened the box disappeared somewhere. There is a 50% chance of being found as a living corpse at the concert hall (I heard you can check it in rooms 1 to 6. What does this mean/Then where did the remaining 50% of the missing people go?) …. “…a


corpse ?”

Song In-myeong shrugged his shoulders in response to Jeong In-ho’s question.

“I don’t even know what nonsense this is. Isn’t that what it is? “Hot iced Americano?”

“…Because it’s a hidden world, even abstract words can appear in reality, but I don’t know what they mean. “It could be referring to zombies or something… but is this ‘living corpse’ a record left by another survivor?”

“uh. No, so… to be more specific, the words used were slightly different. “A breathing corpse, a bleeding corpse, a moving corpse… In any case, the premise of being alive always appeared.”


Jeong In-ho asked, pointing to the part that said, ‘What does this mean that you can check in rooms 1 to 6?’

“What is this story about rooms 1 to 6?”

“I guess it means that when someone dies somewhere in the aquarium, the body is moved to one of the rooms over there. The records we are checking now were left somewhere in the aquarium and then moved to the room. “Don’t you feel the same way?”


At Song In-myeong’s words, Jeong In-ho glanced at Lee Jae-heon.

Lee Jae-heon, who was looking up at the fish tank as if he felt his gaze, looked back at Jeong In-ho. Lee Jae-heon came towards them, perhaps thinking that he had obtained meaningful results from the sight of Jeong In-ho and Song In-myeong talking, even holding a note.

“I think you are looking for something, is that correct?”

“…Yes, I found it.”

As soon as In-ho Jeong answered, In-myeong Song asked Jae-heon Lee.

“Do you know what a living corpse is?”

“A living corpse?”

“I heard they will be in rooms 1 to 6.”


Jaeheon Lee nodded as if something occurred to him.

“I know. “There were strange lumps of flesh trapped in glass boxes.”

“…A lump of flesh?”

“It felt similar to a body swollen in water that had been left for a long time, but it looked like poorly made dough. The veins were clear and the body was moving up and down as if it were breathing, making it look alive. I think this is what you are referring to.”

“You don’t have to describe it in such detail.”

As I listened, I felt bad for no reason.

“…Could it be that those chunks of flesh are not conscious?”

“Were you worried about that?”

“…Wouldn’t it be too painful to be able to think until you’re in that state?”

“You junior, you have a very soft heart.”

Lee Jae-heon grinned as if he was cute and cute.

“How can things without brains think? “I don’t know if they really have brains or not, but I would appreciate it if you could tell me what information you learned instead of wasting your emotions on something like that.”

“It seems like you’re becoming more obnoxious.”

“I’m always like that…”

Lee Jae-heon, who trailed off, looked at the notepad that Song In-myeong had organized.

“I guess you had paper and pen to organize this?”

“huh? Ah yes. “There were diaries and other things piled up, and there was a pencil case next to it, so I wrote in them for a bit.”

“I guess I’ll just have to pray there’s no penalty in the rules.”

“I wonder if he’s going to act so petty… Anyway, look at him too.”

“I’m still reading.”


There are no hints for finding a treasure chest that is not a scam (100% luck).

Those who disappeared after opening the treasure chest by mistake and were found dead were all crying (probably suffering from something emotional right before they died). )

Aquariums are relatively gentle on children, so it is recommended to use them (children have a strong feeling of trying to avoid dying if possible/the probability of success seems to be high if you use a child to open a treasure chest) “Huh.

Jaeheon Lee tilted his head.

“Is this information based?”

“Uh… kind of? “I saw about 7 records of people using children to open boxes, and 6 of them were successful… Isn’t that a bit credible?”


“Besides this, there were many stories about the aquarium being more spacious for young children.”


Lee Jae-heon, who was quietly thinking, smiled brightly.

“I dismiss this.”

“…Do you know that you pretend not to be like that and are very soft on the kids?”

“It is not reasonable to use children.”

“I don’t think I’m saying we should dismiss it because of that issue… This guy has a really strange sense of ethics.”

However, Song In-myeong also agreed with Lee Jae-heon’s words about not using children.

It wasn’t really because of the same sense of ethics as Lee Jae-heon. He decided that wasting kindergarten students was a clear loss.

‘Then, if you look after the kids, you don’t know how Lee Jae-heon will react.’

Even now that he’s completely out of his mind, he reacts to Jang Seo-ah and Choi Min-hong quite the same way as before, but if they were to get hurt while trying to take advantage of a kindergartener… Lee Jae-heon would definitely not react well.

Jeong In-ho also shook his head, probably imagining a similar ending.

“Even if there is no problem, it is not right to put children in danger.”

“Then let’s move on to this issue… Is there any more correct information? Like a way to select a treasure chest that isn’t a dud.”

“Well, I don’t think so far.”

They didn’t know that they were having such a strange conversation.



The children were listening closely to the adults’ conversation.

(Continued in the next part)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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