Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 542

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Episode 542

Ha Seong-yoon sometimes felt an inexplicable hatred.

I don’t know where that hatred started, what process it took to get to me, what the consequences were… I don’t know anything about those things. I just vaguely hated something.


I always think about it, but Ha Seong-yoon was not as good a person as other people judged him to be.

He was always evaluating others. If you were someone who was not worthy of respect, you would be treated just as well, and if you were a weak person who should be respected even if you were not worthy, you would be treated accordingly. People praised Ha Seong-yoon, saying he was a very good person.

There were times when I didn’t quite understand it.

“…I feel sorry for our Garam.”

“Why again? “Wasn’t that story already over at the flower shop?”

“I’m just sorry every time…”

Ha Seong-yoon often felt a sense of strangeness.

Or should I say it’s a sense of discomfort?

It was an appreciation of himself, not anything else. And this sense of discomfort grew even greater when Ha Seong-yoon realized the existence of a ‘main character’ and ‘fate’ in this world.

He just wanted to be a good doctor.

“I need to do better…”

There is such an obsession.

Who made me like this?

“Yes, I’m sorry I couldn’t give it to you.”

“I think you keep having bad thoughts because you’re tired…”

“Haha, I guess the fact that Song In-myeong is still alive and breathing makes me tired.”

“Still, it’s fortunate that Song In-myeong is cooperative.”

“That’s true.”

It was the same even when in reality. He suddenly felt uncomfortable and looked in the mirror. I don’t know what thought process he went through to look in the mirror, but at that time, Ha Seong-yoon observed himself carefully.

And then you just think of it and throw it away. Gray-white hair that would be difficult to find anywhere in the world, especially with Korean genes…


A strangely youthful face.

No one thought it was strange or even mentioned it in the same breath. Even among the survivors of the underworld, none had such unique external factors.

It’s as if the author hastily put together some clumsy elements as if they were put together haphazardly as ingredients to bring about an event. Such a character. If there is something that God wants from me, who seems to have been created by force, what would it be?

If we were to be honest, Ha Seong-yoon’s vague hatred for no reason was probably due to such questions.




Then I lost consciousness for a moment.




Ha Seong-yoon smiled awkwardly and sighed.

‘This is why you shouldn’t stay in the secret world for a long time.’

He rubbed his ear with a shy expression.

It’s really strange and annoying, but every time I’m in the other world, I’ve always had questions about myself. However, Ha Seong-yoon was now able to skillfully swallow that question.


Because these are all strange questions. yes?

That’s it.

That’s it.

‘…my brain suddenly feels blank.’

Ha Seong-yoon opened his mouth to come to his senses.

“I definitely think I often feel tired because I’m in the other side of the world.”

“Do not worry too much. Song In-myeong also said he was cooperative enough… which means he is cooperating well enough to be judged not to be dangerous, so there will be no problem.”

“Then shall we decide to believe Garam’s words?”

As Ha Seong-yoon smiled slightly at Yoon Ga-ram comforting him, Fitz, who had been quietly following them, silently rubbed his head against his leg. Pressing down was an attitude of having something to say rather than being cute.

“huh? Why?”


“Is it Fitz?”

In response to Ha Seong-yoon’s soft question, Fitz groaned as if he was dissatisfied with something.


However, it was difficult for them to find out anything other than Fitz’s complaints as they did not speak the language.

Garam Yoon tilted his head.

“Is there a monster nearby…?”

“I don’t think so.”

Perhaps because it is a monster with a dog motif, Fitz, who has an excellent sense of smell and hearing, has been a great help in preventing them from encountering the monster. Except that he couldn’t communicate, you could say he was a monster version of Kim Ki-jeong.

However, not being able to communicate was still inconvenient. Ha Seong-yoon did not understand Fitz, who was trying to express his dissatisfaction to himself rather than to Garam Yoon.

“…It looks like he wants to say something…”

If Fitz had wanted to let people know that there was danger nearby, he would have reacted to Garam Yoon as well. But now Fitz was only looking at Ha Seong-yoon.

It’s so strange.


said Garam Yoon, who was looking closely at the little monster.

“It might hurt somewhere.”

“Well, other than that, it looks fine.”

“They say animals hide pain on purpose or something like that.”

“Well, that’s true too…”

Ha Seong-yoon stroked Fitz’s soft, fluffy fur and tried to see if there was any pain, but he couldn’t find any pain anywhere on Fitz, who was limp and surrendered to the touch.

“…I’m not a veterinarian…”

In the first place, because the opponent was a dog and a monster, Ha Seong-yoon, a human-only doctor, couldn’t figure it out properly.

General doctors and veterinarians may share very basic medical knowledge, but there is a big difference between seeing patients who are human and seeing patients who are not.

He muttered, looking at Fitz, who looked like a poorly made toy puppy.

“Why is this happening all of a sudden?”

I’m not sure, but it seemed like Fitz was hoping that Ha Seong-yoon would realize something.


But I couldn’t figure out what it was.


Ha Seong-yoon, who is just a typewriter, never.

You won’t know.

* * *

“Creatures that are too smart are sometimes a pain in the ass.”

“They have questions.”

“It shouldn’t be like that, right?”

* * *

To conclude, Eunwoo Jeong failed to become familiar with the wetsuit.

“The combination was very bad to begin with.”

Park Da-young responded 100 times in the affirmative to Do-yoon Han’s words.

“If it had been Mr. Kim Ki-jeong, I would have given him trust because he seemed easy-going…”

“Student Da-young?”

“Janghwa would have been good at coaxing her even if she didn’t look easy, but Jeong Eunwoo has a very strong personality.”

Park Da-young, who ignored Kim Ki-jeong’s suspicious call, continued.

“And more than anything, this ring is really cowardly.”

“You seem to be quick-witted, too.”

As Park Da-young and Do-yoon Han said, the ring was extremely cowardly and unnecessarily quick-witted. If I hadn’t been so timid and tactful, I might have relaxed due to Jeong Eun-woo’s clumsy pat.

Seo Janghwa sighed deeply.

“Nothing will really work like this… Hey, Jeong Eun-woo.”

“Please speak.”

“Are you sure it’s okay to test the wetsuit in this condition?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Are you sure you are thinking about this before answering? “If anyone hears it, they’ll think it’s not a big deal.”

When Seo Jang-hwa frowned at the overly quick and concise answer, Jeong Eun-woo made an excuse.

“I gave my answer after careful consideration. “There is a clear risk in using this ring as a diving suit without trusting it, but… I don’t think there will be any progress in the work if things continue like this.”

Jeong Eun-woo did not know that a wetsuit without trust was dangerous. However, he was ordered to cooperate faithfully with Lee Jae-heon, and on the other hand, there was no development in the current situation.

“It occurred to me that if I kept making meaningless idle talk like this, I might not be able to save student Park Da-hoon. Wouldn’t it be better to try something first?”

“Well, that’s true, but…”

Seo Jang-hwa listened to his words positively.




The reactions of the survivors other than her were a bit shocked.

When Jeong Eun-woo called out as if he was puzzled by their reaction, Han Do-yoon, who had managed his facial expression as if he had thought about it first, answered with an awkward smile.

“Oh, yes, yes, I’m listening. “I think that’s true.”

“Even though you say that, your expression doesn’t look good.”

“Oh, that’s… uh…”

As Han Do-yoon continued to speak, Kim Ki-jeong muttered as if he were complaining.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything good come from recklessly proceeding like that.”

“Ah… Is that so?”

“Honestly, I don’t think the results will be good.”

Lee Jae-heon was the epitome of ‘let’s just do it and see’ that survivors have seen so far. It was not once or twice that I saw Lee Jae-heon go out in hopes of getting information or something, but then come back covered in blood.

Kim Ki-jeong, remembering the sight of that half-corpse, frowned and continued speaking.

“I’m sorry for being irritated without taking any action, but that’s just my impression. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever put my body into something without making a proper plan and got decent results.”


At Kim Ki-jeong’s words, Jeong Eun-woo looked at Park Da-young.

“What do you think, student Dayoung Park?”

“…I think similarly, but I don’t think what Jeong Eun-woo said is wrong. In fact, it is true that nothing can be solved by just saying things like this.”

In fact, the most nervous person among them was Park Da-young.

I think it’s a bit too much to say, but what was important to her was the safety of her younger brother Park Da-hoon, not Jung Eun-woo. Park Da-young would have been grateful if Jeong Eun-woo took the risk of the diving suit and rescued Park Da-hoon as quickly as possible.

“Then I guess it’s concluded.”

Jeong Eun-woo nodded at Seo Jang-hwa’s words.

“Now that we’ve found the diving suit, it would be a good idea to go to the Sea Treasure Hall where the key to the glass box is said to be. “The last time I saw Da-hoon Park, the water was up to his waist, so I think we need to move as quickly as possible so we won’t be late.”

“Oh my, it must have been quite cold if I was submerged in the water…”

Do-yoon Han expressed his pity when he recalled the story of Da-hoon Park that he heard from other survivors. As he was a firefighter, he had medical knowledge about various disasters and knew how serious Park Da-hoon’s poor situation was.

If you are trapped in a box that is gradually filling with water, you may develop claustrophobia.

“Maybe it’s fortunate that it’s glass so it’s open on all sides. “It would have been more difficult if we had been locked in a completely opaque box and only watched the water rise.”

“It doesn’t seem like a good idea to make eye contact with eyeless mermaids right now…”

“That’s true, but it’s going to be difficult anyway.”

Han Do-yoon nodded at Seo Jang-hwa’s words and continued.

“Then we will stay here.”

“Are you okay?”

“No matter how much I think about it, I think it would be impossible for me to carry Kim Ki-jeong and run to the other side like you all…? I still vividly remember the time when Jeong Eun-woo came running to Da-young carrying you… I can’t do that…”

Do-yoon Han threw up his hand.

Of course, he also wanted to be with other survivors if possible, but it seemed difficult to show off amazing long jumps like Jeong Eun-woo or Seo Jang-hwa. Moreover, isn’t Kim Ki-jeong in a situation where he is?

“I want to stay here too. “Because I stayed still, it didn’t seem like monsters were coming, which was nice.”


Park Da-young hesitated at his words before opening her mouth.

“Still, be careful. We stimulated some biological slime-like monsters in the feeding experience corner… “It could even trickle down here.”

“In that case, you should run away without looking back.”

“Yes, be careful.”

When it seemed like the brief greetings were over, Jeong Eun-woo extended his arms to Park Da-young.

“Then would you like to hug me now?”

“…I’m not the type of person to be shy about things like this, but isn’t it a bit awkward to hug a princess?”

“That posture is much more comfortable for me to maintain balance, but if there is a posture I like better, I will follow it even if it means taking a little risk.”

“Oh, you really make me feel uncomfortable.”

Park Da-young, who held her tongue fiercely, was eventually hugged by Jung Eun-woo like a princess and passed through ‘Friends by the Stream’ comfortably.

Of course, just because my body was comfortable, it didn’t mean my mind was comfortable either.

“…What is it like to live a life embraced and protected by an ambiguous uncle?”

“I don’t know about that, but the way you express discomfort is very unique and cute.”

At Jeong Eun-woo’s words, Seo Jang-hwa, who had just crossed the ‘Friends by the Stream’, took a deep breath and said.

“Don’t call Dayoung cute.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“What Eunwoo Jeong says is ‘cute’ is a bit creepy.”

In general, it was creepy in the sense that I couldn’t imagine how they could find it cute. It was even more so when I thought about how my nephew Jeong In-ho, who seemed to be incredibly cute, was treated like that.

They arrived right in front of the Sea Treasure Hall.


“…Now that I think about it, I guess I have to hold my breath for this…?”

The Sea Treasure Hall was filled with water right from the entrance.

Park Da-young, who had regained the freedom of her legs by escaping from Jung Eun-woo’s princess embrace with all her might, also had a bad expression on her face, perhaps remembering the difficulty of the upcoming Sea Treasure Hall.

“They said that the box is also unpredictable and that if you open it incorrectly, it will be ruined.”

“Really, how can there be such a shitty aquarium?…”

“If you think about it that way, there isn’t a place in the other side of the world that isn’t like that.”

“I hope the secret world is ruined.”

“I strongly support it.”

Despite the conversation between the two women, Jung Eun-woo silently put the ring back on.

And I was caught and scolded.

“Are you doing this without even saying anything? “Are you kidding me?”

“…Didn’t the conversation just end with me putting on the ring and going in?”

“But wouldn’t someone have to turn on their blinkers and come in? “If you want to speak up, please give us some advance notice. What are we going to do so that we can’t prepare our minds?”


“Do you think we’ll believe you when you make such an unfair expression? “It’s a very bad habit to try to move on to acting like that.”


Eunwoo Jeong didn’t understand why he was being scolded, but he just smiled.

‘I think I know why Director Lee Jae-heon called these people chicks.’

Isn’t worrying about someone like a chick squeaking underfoot? Because they weren’t that close, it was a bit crude to say they were worried, but… it was a really cute reaction


(Continued in the next part)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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