Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 511

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Episode 511


Lee Jae-heon calmly answered Park Da-young’s question.

“I could kill at least one person.”

It seemed as if the other person really thought he was asking because he didn’t understand what I was saying. It’s not that he was surprised by his own sudden words, but that he was simply asking because he couldn’t hear well.

Park Da-young stiffened at the sight of him mentioning his death so naturally. She unconsciously strengthened the hand holding the knife.

Jaeheon Lee saw that and asked.



“No need?”

Lee Jae-heon even looked a little sad when he asked that.

“What did I do wrong?”

The voice was so sweet that Park Da-young realized.


You are really Jaeheon Lee.

That’s the guy we used as land.

That’s true, but it was just rusted and damaged for a while and lost its shape, but it was so unfamiliar that Park Da-young was on guard for no reason. It seemed like that was probably the case.


“I’m sorry.”


I hurriedly denied it, but the words didn’t flow properly.

“No, no. That’s not it…”

Park Da-young had no intention of hurting Lee Jae-heon.

‘I was just a little scared.’

That thought came to me reflexively, but I couldn’t figure out what was going on.

Dayoung Park just felt like she had made a mistake. I thought I had made a huge mistake without realizing it and ruined a situation that could have been better. It’s like choosing the path to a bad ending among the many choices in the game.


Park Da-young, who foolishly said no, forced herself to connect her thoughts.

“…I have never thought… that I wish you were dead.”

It was only after saying those words that I realized my mistake.

“It’s true, I didn’t really want you to die… I just didn’t mean to do it. I was just a little scared, and because Da-hoon was trapped… I got nervous…”


“There’s no way I would think like that, mister.”

Since Park Da-young was afraid and wary of Lee Jae-heon, he seemed to have decided that he should die before he had a further negative impact on Park Da-young.

‘Lee Jae-heon’, whom he did not remember, said that he really cared for Park Da-young, so it was clear that he thought it was worth dying for.

Otherwise, there was no way he could have said it was okay to kill him in a tone that said, ‘I prepared a gift for you.’ Of course, that was not what Dayoung Park wanted. never.

Cold sweat flowed from Park Da-young’s frozen, white face. Her voice was shaking a lot.

“It wasn’t like that…”

Thinking about it this way, I understood the reactions Jaeheon Lee gave me just now.

When he heard that ‘Lee Jae-heon’ cared about Park Da-young and other students, he acted as if he understood. Lee Jae-heon’s actions became more affectionate and kind after he understood that. I felt sorry out of nowhere.

What did they say?

‘I see.’

‘Okay, I’m sorry for being so useless.’

‘I’m sorry for scaring you.’

Yes, he must have decided that he should die here.

‘I will help you.’

‘How much did I tell you?’

‘That’s great. ‘Then shall we hold the knife now?’

He probably thought that he should help Dayoung Park kill me here.

Park Da-young’s ordinary sensibilities did not quite understand why she made that judgment.

Did they think I was angry? So did you decide that you needed to help her vent her anger?

“I really didn’t mean that…”

“I’m sorry.”

“Why are you making me into a bad person?”

I’m not really Song In-myeong and I would kill someone just because I felt uncomfortable.

‘…That’s why it was removed.’

When Park Da-young hugged Lee Jae-heon, saying, ‘I’m not scared,’ he carefully pulled her away with an embarrassed look on his face. At that time, Park Da-young thought that Lee Jae-heon had rejected her, but in fact it was the opposite.

Lee Jae-heon seemed to have decided that he was forcing Park Da-young to embrace him when she hated him and rejected him. So, to avoid further hurting Park Da-young’s feelings, he gently removed it and that was out of Lee Jae-heon’s consideration.

This is consideration for the chick that ‘Lee Jae-heon’ loved.

“I’m not that much of a bastard….”

“I’m sorry, Dayoung.”


“Huh? I’m sorry, don’t cry. It’s my fault.”

“…I’m not crying.”

I didn’t even know how to cry because I was so cold.

“So, you too, don’t rather die than die.”

“Oh yeah?”

“What does ‘yes’ mean ‘yes’? How new is this?” I

lost all strength and let my shoulders slump.

I’ve known for a long time that Lee Jae-heon is a non-foodie, but I never thought it would be to this extent. Meanwhile, Jaeheon Lee was truly acting like a common sense person out of consideration for his colleagues.

‘…Still, I didn’t know that you would say it was okay to kill me.’

Dayoung Park saw that her hand holding the knife was shaking.

‘How could I kill you with the knife you gave me…’

Park Da-young, who was stuttering in her thoughts, lifted her head and looked at Lee Jae-heon.

He still responded with a calm smile on his face. Dayoung Park assessed the inside of that face.

And then he said.

“…I’m not a princess.”

“I see.”

“Who is the princess?”


“Mr. Seo-ah also called me lady. “Then there was a separate ‘princess’?”

Unless Jaeheon Lee was crazy, he wouldn’t have called an unspecified number of women ‘princess’.

There was a high probability that there was a specific person he called ‘princess’ just as he called Seo-ah ‘lady’.

“Did that person want you dead?”

Lee Jae-heon mistook Park Da-young for a ‘princess’, and he was very kind to her, like an ideal father would treat his daughter. He even gave her a knife and told her that he would kill her if she wanted to.

It means that such a situation happened in the past.

“Who are you?”

“…First of all, I guess it’s not you.”

“It’s not me.”

“It seems so.”

Lee Jae-heon smiled softly and said.

“I see you’re not mad at me, so you’re not.”



“Yes, I am Park Da-young.”


“I’m Dayoung.”

I hope you don’t mistake me for that bitch ‘princess’.

I feel very dirty.

* * *

After the small commotion, Song In-myeong, who was appreciating the situation with interest, came to a clear conclusion.

“I guess you’re right!”



Choi Min-hong and Jang Seo-ah responded by clapping their hands together.

The other survivors were silent because they were embarrassed by Song In-myeong’s shiny face, but they agreed with his opinion anyway.

After that, things progressed quickly.

“What is this computer…?”

“Ahh, there are monsters. Let’s kill them quickly and come out!”

“What the fuck is this!!”

Song In-myeong and Park Da-young found meaningful information in room 12.

“What is that, Manager Lee Jae-heon?”

“I think it might be the key to the souvenir shop.”

“I will check and come back.”

Jaeheon Lee and Eunwoo Jeong found the key to the souvenir shop in room 6-2.

After each person achieved results regarding ‘Aquarium Strategy’ and ‘Aquarium Escape’, they gathered together. It was right under the cylindrical tank, and since the mermaids did not block the view, Da-hoon Park was able to see that they had gathered.

Song In-myeong said after looking at Park Da-hoon who was looking down at us.

“…what? “Last time they were crowded in front of the box, but not this time?”

“What. “Mermaids?”

“Well, when you were trapped, there were so many mermaids that they couldn’t even see what you were doing. After all, mermaids also think that male mermaids are not good at all.”

“Why do you hate male mermaids so much?”

“Who likes that…?”

Jung Eun-woo tilted his head at the conversation between Song In-myeong and Park Da-young, but did not intervene in their conversation. In any case, his attitude that he just had to do his own thing did not seem to change no matter what the situation was.

They lamented the increasingly tattered appearance of Lee Jae-heon.

“No, uncle. Ha… Mr. Really….”

“? “He’s not dead.”

“Is this right? “Do you think this is correct?”

“He’s not dead…?”

“You really didn’t want to die.”


‘Then what’s the problem?’ Or, Park Da-young gritted her teeth as she looked at Song In-myeong with a face that said, ‘Isn’t this a good save?’

I don’t know where that ‘princess’ bastard died, but if I saw a corpse, I would give him a bowl of ink.

‘My uncle wasn’t the type of person to live with such treatment…!’

Of course, what was important right now wasn’t Lee Jae-heon’s condition. No, it was important, but like Lee Jae-heon said, it wasn’t a situation where he was going to die right away. The first thing I was worried about was Park Da-hoon, who would inevitably die if things continued like this.

Among those gathered, Jeong Eun-woo was the first to bring up information about the ‘aquarium escape’.

“We found the key to the souvenir shop in room 6-2 and opened the cage door. As writer Song In-myeong said, we did not check the inside because we did not know what dangers there might be inside, but given the structure of this Dreamcatcher Aquarium, it is expected that there will be an exit beyond the souvenir shop.”

“Thank you for the neat arrangement.”

“you’re welcome. So what was room 12 like?”

Park Da-young, who was watching the situation from outside the room, answered Jung Eun-woo’s question.

“There were several monitors in room 12 that we checked. “The walls were all made of water…”

“The walls were made of water?”

Park Da-young nodded and said to Jeong Eun-woo’s question.

“It was really just a wall of water. Should I say that it is made of water instead of concrete? “The room itself was a computer room equipped with several monitors, but if I had to point out something that was dangerous, it would be the walls.”

It was a dreary room, empty and empty of anything except the monitor, but the walls and ceiling made of transparent water were quite dreamy.

If it weren’t for the strange underwater monsters watching us from beyond.

“It seemed like when you got close to the water wall, the monster inside would jump out and attack or grab you. “As I got closer to the wall, a long mouth like a marlin’s protruded out, and something that looked like a squid’s tentacles appeared.”

“They are difficult to deal with, so I just left them alone. There is no problem anyway as long as you don’t get close to the wall, and if you want to get the person out there who is about to be imprisoned, the first thing to do is to check the information.”

“Oh, what is the leader? Please speak nicely. Anyway, I found a way to get that bastard Park Da-hoon out there, right? But…”

Park Da-young said hesitantly.

“I think it will take a while.”

At those words, the survivors’ eyes turned to Park Da-hoon, who was trapped in a glass box.


Da-hoon Park, who was looking at the whitish silhouettes of survivors in the box, was seen tilting his head as if asking why he was looking this way. The water barely reached the thighs of Park Da-hoon, who was sitting down.

Eunwoo Jeong confirmed that and asked.

“If the water level is at that level and at that speed, wouldn’t it be okay if it takes a little more time? “I think there will be time to save him before he gets to the point of drowning, but…”

“I think it will be a little close.”

Following Park Da-young’s words, Song In-myeong continued to explain.

“You have to get a scuba diving license to get the person trapped in that glass box out. “There is a place in this aquarium where you can get a certificate, and it’s in the feeding corner.”

Eunwoo Jeong, who remembered the structure of the aquarium, asked.

“If it’s a feeding corner… isn’t it almost the corner at the beginning of the aquarium?”

“It’s not the beginning, but the third corner to be exact. There, under the guidance of a staff member, you must obtain a certification, wear a wetsuit that can be found somewhere in this aquarium, and while wearing the wetsuit, you must first take out the key…” “


“The key to open that big water tank lid and the glass box. But do you know where it is? Have you ever seen the treasure chest in the Sea Treasure Hall?”

“Oh, really there?”

“You are there.”

Park Da-young continued as if agreeing with Song In-myeong, who explained in a tired tone.

“But it seems that only one of the treasure chests contains a key, and the rest seem to be crap. “Even the survivors who left records didn’t seem to know much about what happens when you pick a box, but since another party member who opened a box with a box suddenly disappeared… something bad must have happened.”

“So, you have to get a license at the feeding corner, find a wetsuit that you don’t know where it is, put on that wetsuit, find the key from the treasure chest, put on the wetsuit again, go into this big big tank, open the glass box with the key, and even run away from the mermaid monsters in the tank. ”

“Even though I don’t know what a wetsuit is, they say you shouldn’t wear it for too long. “I’m not sure the person who recorded it, but they say that there are several conditions in this aquarium and that if you meet those conditions, you could turn into a fish-like monster… One of those conditions seems to be ‘wearing a wetsuit for a long time.’”

Jung Eun-woo, who heard everything they said, was impressed with his unique gentle tone.

“great. How on earth did the survivor who left the record find out all that? “Even if you have nine lives, it must be difficult, but it’s truly amazing that all of this was discovered and recorded.”

“Ah, are you impressed by that? “It’s a sensitivity that’s so fucking hard to understand.”

As Song In-myeong was disgusted, Park Da-young whispered next to him.


“Why are you doing this to me?”

“Don’t you know that?”

Due to the commotion with Lee Jae-heon earlier and the fact that there was no way to save her younger brother, Park Da-young’s mood was quite low.

Plus, I guess I’ll have Lee Jae-heon on my side, and now she’s confident that Song In-myeong will abuse me even if she takes a breath.

Jung Eun-woo, who naturally ignored the two’s argument, looked down at Lee Jae-heon, who was crouching and playing with the kindergarten students, and asked.

“What should we do, Manager?”

Lee Jae-heon, who was patting Jang Seo-ah, who was clinging to him while crying, answered calmly.

“I think we should stop by the souvenir shop.”

“…Oh, a souvenir shop? “Is that okay?”

“I have to be careful, but…”

Lee Jae-heon muttered like that and took out a piece of paper from inside his coat. As the rustling, shiny paper came out, the survivors’ attention was focused. Choi Min-hong looked at it with sparkling eyes.

It was a stamp map, a regular event at Dreamcatcher Aquarium.

“As I remember, the place where you get your products is either the counter or the souvenir shop.”

Let’s hope something miraculous happens there.

(Continued in the next part)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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