Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 510

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Episode 510:

Song In-myeong originally had excellent physical abilities, and those abilities became stronger and more delicate after entering the underworld. It’s not for nothing that he was able to kill everyone in the last episode and become the final survivor.

Moreover, as he was a self-proclaimed artist, he had a sensitive side. Song In-myeong, who was clever and quick-witted, was sensitive to changes in the subject, no matter what it was.

Is that why?


Tap, tap, tap….


Song In-myeong felt that Lee Jae-heon’s walking sound was strange.

‘…Did you always walk like that?’

If there were other survivors here, it was so strange that I would have thought it wasn’t Lee Jae-heon’s.

It was very neat and tidy like a soldier, and its strength was restrained, but it was also flexible. There were times when Lee Jae-heon was like that too, but it was very severe.

Even though I suspected for a moment that it might be a monster, the face revealed was clearly Lee Jae-heon…



“Who was it?”


“Do you want to tell me?”

Song In-myeong thought it was ‘dangerous.’

“huh? “Dayoung.”


That was the reason Song In-myeong pulled Park Da-young behind him.



Park Da-young, who was pulled by his sudden action, Lee Jae-heon, who lost the cheek he was stroking, and Jeong Eun-woo, who was watching the scene, kept their mouths shut and looked at Song In-myeong. The emotions in each gaze were very different.

“What are you doing…?”


Park Da-young was embarrassed, and Jeong Eun-woo was analyzing.


Jaeheon Lee was convinced.

“Song In-myeong?”


“I see, you were Song In-myeong. I know.”

His ‘I know’ did not sound like ‘I remember’.

Song In-myeong asked, his face subtly wrinkled.

“Then who are you?”

No matter how I looked at it, the person in front of me didn’t seem to be the Lee Jae-heon I knew.

“Who is this really…? Was your body stolen by a monster? Or have you been possessed by a ghost or lost your entire memory? “I don’t understand how long it was in the aquarium for it to end up like this.”

“Is that so?”

“You tried hard not to use formal language towards us. “I don’t write it openly like I do now.”

Song In-myeong tilted his head without straightening his wrinkled eyebrows.

“…It’s true that the tail is Lee Jae-heon, but why did it get to this point?”

Even though the remarks were extremely provocative, Jaeheon Lee just laughed.

I could see a glimpse of Lee Jae-heon’s color in that strangely cloudy and sallow smile, but I could only be sure that Lee Jae-heon was in a bad state. Song In-myeong pursed his lips.


he asked, looking Lee Jae-heon up and down.

“…Why are you so hurt?”

“While examining the rooms.”

“so why?”

“I need to get information.”


“So… um…”

Lee Jae-heon’s voice, which had been answering immediately like a machine, stretched for a moment. Lee Jae-heon, who was still smiling, rolled his gray eyes and soon stopped looking at Park Da-young’s face.

Only then did I seem to understand it and smiled softly and continued.

“Because I can help.”


Song In-myeong nodded even though he was disgusted.

“…I guess you are right.”

I had no choice but to admit it when I remembered the sacrificial spirit of trying to help the chicks even as they got to that point, and the order that Lee Jae-heon left behind for Jeong Eun-woo before returning. The man in front of me was the crazy Lee Jae-heon.

However, if he was this crazy, he could be more dangerous than a monster.

‘… His eyes are so focused that it wouldn’t be surprising if he suddenly goes crazy and attacks this side… If he’s in that state, I might have been lucky that Lee Jae-heon died first in the last episode.’

Song In-myeong, who was racking his brains, suddenly got emotional and looked back at Jeong Eun-woo.

“No, really… you didn’t say anything like this last time.”

As he expressed his resentment toward him, Eunwoo Jeong looked at Inmyeong Song with puzzled eyes.

“When did writer Song In-myeong and I meet again? “I think this is the first time since the Seong Dae-young incident.”

“No, no, no… ah….”

“Writer? Did I make some mistake?”

“…I shouldn’t fucking talk.”

Park Da-young looked with subtle eyes at Song In-myeong, who was swallowing his resentment because he could not bear to reveal that he had returned. She was well aware of the unique difficulty of a returner, of not being able to scold someone who knew nothing about the problems from the previous episode.

Of course, I didn’t want to become a person who shared the same concerns as him. Park Da-young, who was awkwardly pacing behind Song In-myeong and wiping her face with both hands, immediately raised her head and saw Lee Jae-heon.


“Say yes.”

“…He looks like my uncle, but why is he so unfamiliar?”

“I’m sorry.”

“That’s Okay.”

Looking at the talking tail, it looks like it’s ‘my uncle’.

‘… Even though Song In-myeong’s reaction is a bit broken and twisted, he will still be right. First of all, I feel reassured that I am not a monster wearing the old man’s skin.’

Not a little bit. To be honest, I was very surprised, but anyway, Lee Jae-heon was Lee Jae-heon.

Even when his entire body became bright red, the essence of the person who had gathered information for us did not change.

‘But the reason he seems so unfamiliar and uneasy… is probably because I don’t have enough time.’

Dayoung Park stroked her cheek that Jaeheon Lee had touched.

There was sticky blood on the tip of the finger, and of course it was Lee Jae-heon’s. I also thought that even though I was injured this much, I was still moving around fine.

I felt an instinctive reluctance.


Song In-myeong’s attitude of judging Lee Jae-heon as dangerous and leaving me behind was very unexpected.

“…Why are you looking at me like that?”


“Why the fuck are you looking at me like that?”

“Isn’t it true?”

“It’s not something.”

“Oh no.”

Anyway, even if I helped him, he was a twisted bastard.

Only after reciting 23 curses toward Song In-myeong in her mind did Park Da-young regain at least some sense of reason. Since I didn’t know when my younger brother would drown, I couldn’t just stay calm like this.

“Oh anyway. Now Park Da-hoon is trapped there. “I need to save you, but don’t you know anything?”

“What do you know…”

Jaeheon Lee said, looking at the water tank with unfocused eyes.

“I got a lock.”

“Oh yes, the lock. No lock?”

“There are a total of 6 keys and locks that we have found so far, and in order of least corrosion, there are exactly 6 sets. Can you open the remaining doors? “Why do you think it won’t work?”

“Man, I don’t understand anything right now…”

Instead of Park Da-young, who was unfamiliar with the broken Lee Jae-heon, it was Song In-myeong, who fully remembered the information from the previous episode, who responded properly to his words.

“…Rooms 7 to 12 can only be opened by people who have passed through the previous theme zone. “I don’t know what the key or lock means, but I don’t think you can open the doors over there with that.”

“okay. So, since this 6-piece set is not intended for that purpose, where should it be used? Where… um. Doorknob. I think there was a scratch on the door handle. “Are you Jeong Eun-woo?”

In response to Lee Jae-heon’s words, which he concluded by asking himself as if he had known it from the beginning, Jeong Eun-woo glanced at visits up to number 6 and nodded. A slightly tired look appeared on his face after being tormented by the crazy Lee Jae-heon.

“Yes, there is. “There are traces of rubbing against something hard several times.”

“Then, please put a lock on the door handles up to number 6 and insert a key with the same level of corrosion. “I think you just need to put them in order, starting with the cleanest one.”


When Jeong Eun-woo nodded, Lee Jae-heon, who saw the nervous face of Park Da-young, who was listening to the adults’ conversation, blinked a few times and said.

“Oh no. is not it? “No.”


“But there must be something in the souvenir shop. “What should I do?”

“What can I do?”

“Please follow the command I just gave you.”

Lee Jae-heon, who was talking incomprehensibly, looked at Song In-myeong and asked while Jeong Eun-woo was away.

“Are you dead?”

“…You don’t have to tell me like that that you’re out of your mind. “Why are you suddenly asking someone if they are dead? Try talking so they understand.”

“Have you ever died?”


Song In-myeong shrugged his shoulders exaggeratedly.

“Do you think you have the presence of mind to notice that?”

“Because you didn’t hide it….”

“I have no idea how this gentleman’s condition has come to be.”

Since he acted like a broken radio, he couldn’t remember anything and thought he was just driven by the sole thought of ‘helping the chicks’, but seeing as he knew about ‘reversion’, a special secret of the survivors, it didn’t seem like that was the case.

‘Then what is it? I don’t think Lee Jae-heon had that kind of sly, bossy personality from the beginning. I wonder if some problem arose and his personality got twisted like that…’

If it was twisted, Lee Jae-heon’s personality was really twisted to begin with, but at least it wasn’t like that. It would be difficult to attribute Lee Jae-heon’s personality as if he was crawling across the floor with smooth scales.

Song In-myeong remembered Lee Jae-heon’s personality when he first met him. My self-esteem was strong, but my self-esteem was low, so when I poked and prodded, I screamed, but I was the only one who got hurt.


Ah, is the texture still similar?

“So is he dead?”

“No, really, I’m worried about someone…”


“Oh yes, he died. Dead. “I was the final one.”

The fact that he was the final survivor meant that Song In-myeong killed all the other survivors. Therefore, Song In-myeong secretly hoped that Lee Jae-heon would be angry at what he said.

“What information do you know?”

Jaeheon Lee calmly asked about the information.

“…They ask for all kinds of information… I’m just sad that it’s the way it is.”

“Are you the final survivor without finding out anything?”

“Can you please stop looking at me like, ‘That’s so useless?’ “I know it, right?”

Rather than worrying about the safety of other survivors, he seems more concerned about what he has to do. Seeing that, Song In-myeong was certain that most of Lee Jae-heon’s memories had disappeared.

It was clear that he had forgotten not only the memories of the colleagues he had recently made in the underworld, but also how he treated his colleagues.

Otherwise, there would be no way such a cold-blooded reaction would occur.

“…Room 7 is impossible, but we can go in from room 8 onwards. So, excluding Park Da-hoon, who is trapped in the glass box over there, that includes me and the two kindergarten students crouching over there.”

“What was in that room?”

“I think it was a record of survivors about this aquarium… In a way that records of that theme zone are moved to the rooms corresponding to each order? For example, the records in ‘Friends by the Stream’ were moved to room 8.”

“Were there any meaningful conclusions?”

“Significance… Most of the time, please just save me. This place is like crap. Is there anything particularly plausible about this record? It was like that until room number 9, but after that I’m not sure. “That’s all I checked.”

“It’s useless.”

“Stop hitting my bones, really.”

Lee Jae-heon nodded, ignoring Song In-myeong’s grumbling.

“Then, let’s start the investigation from room 12.”

“What, are you going too?”

“…? “If I don’t go, who will?”

“No, please come to your senses. Only one person can enter that room, and the man has been in the concert hall from the beginning of the secret world, so he can’t open those doors. “If I don’t go, who will go?”

Song In-myeong, who had his face scrunched up, glanced at Lee Jae-heon and continued speaking.

“Besides, what can you do with that tail?”

“I can move around enough.”

“Don’t suddenly show a straight face. Is it true that your voice suddenly sinks? The horse can move, but now you really look like a zombie. “You should try to be more self-objective.”

“I’m always good at being objective…”

“What’s that like?”


When Lee Jae-heon closed his mouth, Park Da-young became nervous and watched Lee Jae-heon’s reaction closely.

‘…You won’t rush in suddenly, right?’

Lee Jae-heon, who was as distraught as I was, was a bit scary even if he was Park Da-young.

Lee Jae-heon, who was silently looking at Song In-myeong, slowly lowered his head and scanned his body. The feet and legs were horribly ripped open as if they had been torn by something, the fingers were clearly chewed somewhere, and there were various other wounds that were still dripping with blood…

Lee Jae-heon, who slowly checked them, muttered in a questioning voice.

“…Why doesn’t it play?”



“Can I die now? “I don’t know…”

Can you die?

Park Da-young clearly remembered Lee Jae-heon asking a strange sound into the air. Thanks to that remark, Da-young Park was able to understand a little bit what kind of mental state Jae-heon Lee was in.

‘…They haven’t met us yet.’

So, the time when he was the ‘main character’ before Jung In-ho.

Before meeting Park Da-young and other colleagues, Jeong In-ho and Ha Seong-yoon stayed with the ‘Bam Police’, their crush. Or, it must have been because I had just broken up with that police officer and was greatly influenced by him.

Nevertheless, because our memories of the ‘Lee Jae-heon’ we knew were mixed, he now acted as if he only knew Park Da-young in his head. It’s like opening an old album and remembering that there was a person like this.

Da-young Park, who was confident, called Jae-heon Lee, who was still in a daze.


“Say yes.”

“We were really close.”


Lee Jae-heon tilted his head as if asking what he was talking about, but Park Da-young didn’t stop. Once you were convinced and made a decision, you had to act. Dayoung Park continued.

“My uncle bought me that house too. “We also bought our friends’ houses.”

“…a house? I?”

“Uncle to us. “You don’t know how well I treated you, right?”

“…I? “There’s no way I could do that.”

“No, uncle, we lived with each other in our arms. “Just calling me a chick.”


Judging by the reaction, it seems like the title ‘chick’ was used ‘back then’ as well. It was truly Jaeheon Lee. No matter how crazy I am, it’s probably Lee Jae-heon.

Even though she thought so, Park Da-young maintained her distance from Lee Jae-heon.

“Your chick. “A newly born chick whose fur hasn’t even dried.”


“The man cared for us so much and treated us very kindly and affectionately.”

“…kind and gentle?”

“I comfort you when you cry. Make me laugh when I’m depressed “I take care of you when you’re sick…”


“I keep telling you, it’s your uncle.”

Park Da-young’s words were nothing more than a weak threat, saying, ‘So even if you are out of your mind, you must not harm us.’ If you don’t want to regret it later, do it now. It was a threat that had little coercion, but it was Park Da-young’s best.

To be honest, if I didn’t do something like this, I would be so anxious about the person in front of me that I couldn’t bear it.

‘…How can I not be anxious when even the last bastion I trusted has gone crazy? Of course it’s scary.’

The current Lee Jae-heon was definitely Lee Jae-heon, but he was not the person we knew who was blunt but could not hide his kindness. We didn’t know when Song In-myeong and Jeong Eun-woo would join hands and annihilate us.

That’s how dangerous and threatening Lee Jae-heon’s atmosphere was. It made me feel like I was facing a completely different monster that only shared the same roots as Lee Jae-heon.

It felt like a beast standing on two feet or a statue containing a corpse.


Lee Jae-heon’s reaction was very unexpected because the words were uttered with such trembling in mind.

“I see.”

“…Yes, I did.”

“Okay, I’m sorry for being so useless.”


“I’m sorry for scaring you.”

A very friendly voice.

Lee Jae-heon, who made eye contact with the hesitant Park Da-young, rounded his eyes and continued speaking.


“…yes yes?”

“Come on.”


“Are you scared?”

Oh really, that guy.

At those words, Park Da-young reflexively went to Lee Jae-heon and hugged him tightly.

“When did I say I was scared?”


“I’m not scared. “I’m not scared, so please save Dahun.”

“That’s right.”

Lee Jae-heon tilted his head as if he was so suspicious of Park Da-young’s actions, but gently pulled Park Da-young away.

Park Da-young, whose pride was hurt by the obvious rejection, looked up and saw Lee Jae-heon, but despite her protesting gaze, Lee Jae-heon only smiled.

He spoke in the same clear tone as before.

“I will help you.”

“…Ah yes.”

Park Da-young thought that it was a very convincing sound with a body dripping with blood.

Lee Jae-heon handed the kitchen knife he was holding into Park Da-young’s hand. Lee Jae-heon said to Park Da-young, who accepted the blood-covered knife with a shocked expression.

“Come on, my princess. “How much did I tell you?”

…Wait a minute what?


‘This guy must be really crazy.’

My face burned brightly.

Park Da-young stuttered out an answer with a red face, as if she was suffocating from embarrassment.

“I… I’m not the princess…”

“Are you that age already? That’s great. “Then shall we hold the knife now?”

“Man, are you really crazy…?”

Even as she said that, Park Da-young accepted the kitchen knife handed to her by Lee Jae-heon. In any case, I knew that I needed at least a weapon like this to survive even though I had no fighting ability.

Lee Jae-heon said happily to Park Da-young, who did not refuse.

“It’s okay, you can do it. “I will help you.”

Jaeheon Lee gently stroked her head with his dark red hands.

“You can do it. “I trust you.”


“I know you’re very strong and smart.”

I knew it wasn’t the situation, but the voice was so sweet and kind that Park Da-young felt like she was going out of her mind. Even during this time, the words ‘I believe in you’ sounded sweet.

Lee Jae-heon continued before I could even get embarrassed by his blatant attitude towards me.

“You can run away if you want. I will help you. I will also rescue my trapped younger brother. I will help you, so just hide and run away. know? “You deserve it.”

“…I really mean it….”

“There are a lot of monsters here. There are so many monsters that it would be dangerous for a young student like you. yes? It’s okay, because there are a lot of people here who will get sick instead of you, and a lot of people who will do the work instead of you… right? Um, yeah. So….”

Lee Jae-heon smiles sweetly.

“I could kill at least one person.”



(Continued in the next part)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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