Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 508

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Episode 508:

There was a clear reason why Park Da-young thought, ‘Song In-myeong would have killed us as soon as he found out he could return.’ Besides the reason for Song In-myeong’s existence itself.

‘Is there any way that Song In-myeong would look after us in the first place…? ‘Is that even possible?’

Unlike ordinary people who have conscience and morals, Song In-myeong was able to use all means.

Once you knew that regression was possible, you would have been curious about how. In the case of ordinary people, they would know by directly asking or observing, but Song In-myeong had a method called torture.

What if you learned the condition that ‘the final survivor can return’?

‘People like us say it’s amazing and move on… but that guy won’t stop at just being amazed.’

Park Da-young was confident that she understood Song In-myeong well. He was a piece of human trash who would have reached the ultimate conclusion of ‘If everyone dies, the last one will regress’ rather than ‘If everyone dies, I will regress’.

Perhaps that’s why it was a little surprising that Song In-myeong seemed genuinely aggrieved.

“You’re feeling unfair because I did something well?”

“No, really, I didn’t kill you?”

“You say you can’t kill someone?”

“I’m not a fucking pleasure killer… but I did kill. But you really didn’t kill me. “It’s not crazy, but it’s true.”


Park Da-young nodded and Park Da-hoon asked with a tired face.

“So you didn’t kill us…?”

“That’s it!”

“Why do you say that so cheerfully?”

Park Da-hoon hid the two kindergarten students in his arms. His gaze was still focused on Song In-myeong, and his wary eyes were like a hiker backing away without taking his eyes off a mountain animal.

Song In-myeong, who had suddenly been treated like a beast, wrinkled his face.

“Of course it’s unfair to say that I killed someone I didn’t kill. My resentment has been resolved, so wouldn’t you be happy? “As I live, things like this happen.”

“When those words come out of your mouth, I really feel cognitive dissonance.”

Dayoung Park pressed her throbbing temples and continued speaking.

“So what exactly did you do? “What on earth did you do to do this?”

“I’ll tell you in advance, I didn’t kill you.”

“Then who killed him?”

“Rather than killing, you became a monster.”


Song In-myeong burst out the truth without consideration.

“That idiot committed suicide.”

“What did you say just now?”

“He gathered all the depression and despair in the world because his older sister had become a monster, and then he cut my head with a kitchen knife right in front of these kids…” “

This bastard?”


Park Da-young jumped up from her seat and grabbed Park Da-hoon by the collar.


“Explain it right away.”

“What what why…!”


Jjal jjal jjal.

Da-hoon Park, who could not resist because two kindergarten students were huddled on his lap, was shaken without resistance.

“Oh, no, that could be Gura…!”

“I guess the person who says this isn’t sure either? What the fuck are you thinking about? uh?! “I raised it so finely that it would fly away if I blew on it or wear it out if I touched it, but my mental head was just so-so…!”

“Oh, Park Dayoung…! “Why do you embarrass me in front of others!”

“I’m embarrassed? My sister is embarrassed now?! “Aren’t you ashamed of your weak mind?!”

The mannequins in the cafe pretended not to notice the interesting commotion of a younger brother, who would be one year older, being scolded by his older sister by the collar. Song In-myeong laughed when he saw that. I was truly thankful that this was a world where there was no boring moment.

He called Minhong Choi and said:

“Hey hey, come here. “You can see it better from here.”


“Ha, that’s fucking funny, really.”

When Choi Min-hong came again and said he was coming, I laughed so hard that tears came to my eyes.

In that way, Song In-myeong and Choi Min-hong enjoyed their exciting war of words across from the Park siblings. The siblings were able to calm down only after deciding that ‘any more noise could bring about a monster.’

“Then what about our babies? “Why are the babies… why are they like that?”

In response to Park Da-young’s question, Song In-myeong gave a thumbs up.

“I didn’t kill him!”

“What I’m saying is, don’t be unnecessarily sweet and speak clearly.”

“There was a person named Jeong Eun-woo who was with him at the concert hall over there, and he killed him.”

“Then you stayed still?”

“You did encourage it a bit, right?”



Song In-myeong exploded a bomb once again.

“But it was you who first told me to kill the kids. “Know that.”


“Oh, I fucking don’t believe it’s true, you bastards.”


Song In-myeong nodded in response to Park Da-young’s calm question.

“I heard you gave an order to that guy, Eunwoo Jeong? “If you come after me, just kill me.”


Park Da-young, who was pursing her lips as if she didn’t know what to say, soon sighed deeply.

Park Da-young’s body hanging limply behind the back of the chair represented her feelings.

“This thing will spin.”

From the looks of it, Jaeheon Lee was also out of his mind.

“…If the situation had progressed that way, he would have already been dead when we arrived. He probably gave that order before he died, but that would mean he was insane long before he died. “Am I right?”


“You answered with so much sincerity. Why is it a question?”

“I haven’t confirmed who the uncle was when he was alive either…?”

Song In-myeong shrugged his shoulders and said.

“But you sure weren’t crazy? If you were really sane, you wouldn’t have left behind your beloved baby chicks in the first place. “There are even two newborn babies like this.”

It was referring to kindergarten students Choi Min-hong and Jang Seo-ah.

“That guy could have been more careful. From what I saw, it’s not that I couldn’t do it, it’s that I didn’t do it. “That’s why he died.”

Song In-myeong’s tone of voice when he said that was strangely blunt.

I still remember Lee Jae-heon’s discriminatory treatment of me and the chick, but it was none of the business of the Park siblings, who did not know the circumstances.

“Minhong, come here. “That’s Jiji there.”

“When my brother gets out of here, I’ll buy him snacks. “Let’s come here.”

At the call of Park Da-young and Park Da-hoon, Choi Min-hong came out from the seat next to Song In-myeong and joined Park Da-hoon.


“Here it is.”


“They say it’s good.”

The story continued with Choi Min-hong massaging Park Da-hoon’s hand.

“So what about the others?”

“Other survivors…? Of course I killed him!”

“Fuck you bastard.”

“I told you to speak nicely, my friend.”

“Who is that friend?”

Park Da-young straightened her middle finger and showed it to Song In-myeong, but the other person just smiled. Park Da-young was the first to get tired of the slow response even to provocation.

“Just let this bitch of mine….”

“Oh, why doesn’t that happen anymore? is not it? “You overreact to something you don’t even remember.”

“How can you be so shameless? “What is the face leather made of?”


“Oh shit.”

The Park siblings, who suffered the trauma of Eonhak High School, struggled in pain. Despite the two’s appearance, Song In-myeong just smiled and swaggered with a calm face.

“Why do you hate it so much? This is no longer a thing, and I am currently cooperating well and will continue to do so in the future. “Do you really need to beat me up for something you haven’t even experienced?”

“What he has done so far is enough to punish him…”

“That bastard acts like an asshole and has a sharp tongue sometimes.”

Song In-myeong, who clicked his tongue at Park Da-hoon’s comment, grumbled and asked.

“Well, then you guys have never killed anyone? uh? “Have you ever killed anyone?”


In response to Song In-myeong’s question, the Park siblings momentarily kept their mouths shut. In particular, Song In-myeong, who saw Park Da-hoon’s face hardening, blinked in surprise.

“…I thought it wouldn’t exist so I asked, but I’m even more surprised to hear that it actually exists. you? “Not even Park Da-young, but have you ever killed someone?”

Park Da-young wrinkled her face.

“Please shut up.”

“No, it’s funny. “Not you, but him?”

“Why do you think I was killed?”

“Well, you’re more rational than that idiot…? If you combine this extreme situation with the opportunity to return, you thought there was nothing you couldn’t kill, right? “It’s not like murder is a crime in the other world.”

“Let’s not talk.”

Park Da-young turned her head away, and Song In-myeong did not provoke them any further. As I have done until now, I just showed a cooperative attitude in my own way.

Song In-myeong raised both hands and made a surrender gesture.

“Anyway, that’s how it happened. “It’s not as big a deal as you think, right?”

“Isn’t it true?”

“Let’s think about the immediate matter, okay? “Now that I know that regressors exist, I will listen carefully and be very cooperative from now on.”

“Is it because I have to look good to my uncle? You are a really funny person. “How on earth could things have gone wrong from the park to end up like this…” “

Yes, and besides, we have to meet you now, so are you going to keep making faces like that?”


“I don’t know when he started being so crazy, but I should join him before he completely loses his mind. That way, you won’t give orders that hurt our chicks’ hearts like last time. is not it?”

Park Da-young, who was staring into space for no reason, sighed deeply and wiped her face.

“How did that devil come back?”

“Yes, thank you. “Thanks to you, it was sweet.”

“The culprit was me. “Fuck, it was me, I got caught.”

Park Da-young blamed herself and slapped Park Da-hoon, who was slumped on the back.



“Don’t be bent over like that, it’s unsightly.”

“Oh, you can just say it in words…!”

“Stop fucking with me, get your energy, you idiot.”

Park Da-hoon looked quite distraught, but Park Da-young wasn’t as distressed as she thought. It was true that Song In-myeong was cooperative, and it was also true that it was an incident that did not happen in the previous episode.

And Park Da-young’s unique cynical nature also played a role.

‘Adults who couldn’t handle Song In-myeong are also responsible.’

… was because of the thought.

‘No, there was only one Song In-myeong and there were many survivors, but they lost?’

If everyone had just worked together, things wouldn’t have gotten to this point. Everyone sighed as they wondered what they had done other than killing this devil.

Of course, if the target had been Lee Jae-heon, she would have cried out for innocence, but currently, Park Da-young had not formed that much of an attachment relationship with other adults. She had no intention of being as discouraged as Park Da-hoon.

“Okay, let’s put it that way. “If you cooperate with us, we are willing to ignore the sins of last episode until the aquarium.”

“Thank you for the fish oil.”

“Then the first thing we have to do is get to the concert venue before the man goes crazy…”

Park Da-young asked, pointing to four bizarre glasses.

“What the fuck is this?”

“Uh… medicine?”

“Are you kidding me?”

“It could be Germany.”

“Are you really kidding me?”

The red, sticky, strangely viscous liquid looked like it could hardly be considered medicine, or even poison, but Song In-myeong just snorted.

“This is why things haven’t even been able to return.”

“We regressed more than you did…?”

“Just stay still. “I show you something really amazing.”

“Shouldn’t you refrain from being a bit of a bitch?”

“I was the only one who got hurt for this moment.”

After saying that, Song In-myeong emptied three glasses in an instant and finished the last one filled with bright red blood. At that amazing sight, Park Da-young opened her mouth wide and Park Da-hoon started gagging, and Song In-myeong spoke.

“It’s so fucking disgusting….”

“You crazy bastard…! Why the fuck are you drinking that!”

“No, look. “Look at this.”

Song In-myeong said, pointing to my feet that were out of my sneakers.

“Your foot is better.”

Park Da-young said.

“What can you say, all I can see is blood?”


I couldn’t tell at all whether my bloody feet were healed or festering.

Perhaps because he thought Park Da-young’s point was valid, Song In-myeong even took off the socks covering his feet. The foot that was visible was, as expected, stained bright red with blood, but the surface was smooth and there were no visible wounds.

When Park Da-young realized this, her expression became strangely distorted.

“…What is this?What was that just now?”

“It’s a lot of fun.”

“What is he saying now.”

“It’s so fucking amazing.”

“Uh oh….”

I didn’t understand a single thing, but I do know that Song In-myeong is a harmful asshole.

‘Can I control that bastard?’

Uncle, give me strength.

Dayoung Park felt that her future was becoming bleak.

(Continued in the next part)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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