Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 499

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Episode 499

Song In-myeong arrives at the concert venue after passing through the ‘Sea Treasure Hall’ and the ‘undersea tunnel.’


I was dumbfounded as my back suddenly became lighter.

“What the fuck?”

“! sister…!”

When Dayoung Park came to her senses, she was trapped in a cylindrical water tank.

“Sister, Park Dayoung…! Yah!”

Park Da-hoon shook off the hands of the kindergarten students and ran to the large fish tank, but there was no way he could save Park Da-young.

‘How is a high school student going to get someone out of that big water column?’

Song In-myeong looked up at Jang Seo-ah, who seemed to be in a panic, and Choi Min-hong, who looked angry, and then looked up at the water tank again. Dayoung Park was trapped in a square glass box inside a large dirty water tank.

“…So what the fuck is this?”

He still didn’t understand the situation.

No, I know roughly. It’s probably the result of the aquarium’s rules being exercised, such as when a condition has been met or a trap has been triggered.

I was just dumbfounded by the sudden situation.

“Sister, sister…!”

“…! …!!”

“No, come out! “What the fuck are you doing there…!”

No matter what Dayoung Park, who was trapped in the water, shouted, nothing could be heard.

“Hmm, that’s okay.”

After listening once, Song In-myeong looked around and soon found a human with a familiar face.


“It’s been a while, author.”

“Uh huh?”

It was Jeong Eun-woo, the party’s chief secretary.

“What, the gentleman you said was with you was you?”

“It looks like you listened to my story.”

“I roughly heard it, too. Roughly. Detective Hong Gyeong-jun, I was also listening to the phone call that came from that person. “Still, I didn’t expect Jeong Eun-woo to be there. Isn’t this surprising?”

Song In-myeong voiced his reasonable suspicion.

“Did you kill him by any chance?”

If that were the case, I was thinking of breaking that neat collar.

“The guy I couldn’t kill because I cared about him too?”

Although the existence of Jung Eun-woo, whom I met in the other world, was very surprising, Song In-myeong was also quite sensitive because he was tired from carrying a lot of luggage all the way here.

Jung Eun-woo was a very normal person, but that didn’t mean he was normal. And no one could know what form an abnormal human would change into in the underworld. Even the seemingly innocent Jeong Eun-woo could have lost a screw and killed Lee Jae-heon.

“You’re not a great person who will die easily, but I wonder if the Chief Secretary did something? Oh, that’s right, he’s dead, right? huh?”

“It was Director Lee Jae-heon who died, and the culprit was not me.”

“Can I trust that?”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe me, but the manager ordered me to protect the students and kindergarten students over there. “If the writer attacks me, I think it will be difficult for me to die obediently.”


Song In-myeong nodded.

“…If that’s the case, then it’s a bit hard to attack.”

Judging by the way he talks, it seems like he really has a cooperative relationship with Lee Jae-heon.

Jeong Eun-woo was known as a stern person who followed orders strictly, and Lee Jae-heon was a kind-hearted person who grumbled but always worried about the survivors. It was more likely that Jaeheon Lee died due to the aquarium’s rules or monsters while the two were cooperating.

“So… can you tell me what the situation is?”

“Well, I don’t know. I also have no idea why student Dayoung Park was trapped in such a place. “In all the time we’ve been around here, that glass box has never responded.”

“What have you been doing all this time without collecting information?”

“I heard the manager’s orders. “I was told to remain as intact as possible as a manpower to protect the students, so all I did was suck my fingers and watch the director march.”

Jeong Eun-woo, who was explaining sarcastically in a neat and quiet voice, pointed with his finger to the door under the audience seats.

“Sometimes I put a key in the keyhole and turn it.”

“…What are those rooms again?”

“We checked everything from rooms 1 to 6, but we couldn’t get much information. All I had to do was obtain the key to open the locked souvenir shop, and if there was any other information, it would be in rooms 7 to 12.”

Jeong Eun-woo continued speaking with a gentle smile.

“The manager also tried to get information about this aquarium, but ended up dying in the souvenir shop. It is understood that he went in to check what was inside and was decapitated shortly afterwards. For your information, I have not yet gone inside the souvenir shop.”

“Anyway, it seems like a lot has happened while we’ve been here… I’m so fucking lost. “It was all in vain to drag all that luggage all the way here just to score points with you…”

Jeong Eun-woo said, tilting his head slightly as he saw Song In-myeong grumbling.

“You don’t seem to react as strongly as I thought.”


“I remember that during the previous Seong Dae-young incident, I was quite worried about Director Lee Jae-heon’s safety. Compared to the violence and nervousness you showed back then, you seemed quite comfortable this time. “It’s not the response I expected, so I’m asking because I have some doubts.”

“Are you being violent in front of the person involved?”

“Are you okay?”

“…Are you okay?”

well. It is true that Song In-myeong showed great interest in Lee Jae-heon and built a relationship with him, but he was interested in the living Lee Jae-heon, not the dead Lee Jae-heon.

To Song In-myeong, human corpses were just meat or paint that could be reborn into something. Death is a means of creating such materials. Lee Jae-heon’s death was a little different and quite sad, but I didn’t want to waste my emotions since he was already dead.

In the first place, Song In-myeong was not a being who could grieve over someone’s death, and if it were Lee Jae-heon, it might be a little different, but I’m too tired right now to think deeply about it… Because I’m tired



Song In-myeong, who was rolling his eyes and pondering, slowly nodded.

“…It’s better than I thought.”

As Song In-myeong said that, his eyes were on Park Da-hoon, who was banging on the water tank pipe, and Park Da-young, who was at a loss as to what to do when she saw him like that.

The reason Song In-myeong was calm probably included those guys.

Maybe there are still opportunities that Song In-myeong doesn’t know about.

Jeong Eun-woo smiled and said.

“Fortunately, the.”

“…How is it that you remain the same even after coming to the other side of the world? “Are you a cyborg?”

“I’m afraid you might misunderstand, but I’m a human.”

“ah-ha, I see. “I didn’t know that. Thank you for telling me.”

“I told you this because I thought you might see me as a monster wearing Jung Eun-woo’s skin. Thank you for your kind acceptance.”

“I was wrong for thinking that I would fight with you with my tongue.”

He wasn’t a very good person to talk to in real life, but in the other world, it was even worse.

There was nothing I could extract other than the information I had received, and the reaction was too intense, so the excitement that had never existed before died down. Moreover, his skill at being subtly sarcastic with a gentle expression is truly exquisite.

“So you haven’t confirmed these six rooms yet?”

“Yes, writer Song In-myeong, could you please check if it will be opened once? “The manager and I had a hard time opening up, perhaps because we were at the venue from the beginning or because some conditions had not yet been met.”

“The significance of the existence of rooms up to number 6, which you two confirmed, would be to obtain the key to the souvenir shop…”

Then, I’m sure the remaining rooms will have information or something.

‘…If it’s a tank with such a complex structure, there must be rules related to it. And in most of the behind-the-scenes worlds, there are hints related to the rules nearby. If it wasn’t in rooms 1 to 6, there is a high possibility that the remaining rooms would have hints related to this aquarium.’

After organizing his thoughts, Song In-myeong approached Park Da-hoon, who was clinging to the fish tank.

“Hey hey little brother Park.”

“…My sister is over there….”

“You fucking siscom bastard, come to your senses and get to work.”

“Who is a siscom!!”

Song In-myeong’s expression darkened.

“Oh, why are you fucking with me?”

“Who do you think would have such a disgusting complex?!”

“Then either don’t be sissy or shit. “This isn’t a fucking annoying bastard.”


“Okay, so let’s just shut up and do our work, okay?”


Song In-myeong grabbed Park Da-hoon’s face with his large hand.


“Fuck, let’s go. Now your sister is trapped in a water tank. The man searched in the souvenir shop. Therefore, in order to save your sister and get out of here, you need to find hints that may be somewhere in those many doors. “Did you fucking understand, you idiot?”


“I also really don’t like the result of dragging a bunch of luggage around, but I’m accepting it because of the affection we came with. know? If you understand, come to your senses and let’s get to work. “Do you want to see your sister get eaten by a monster like that?”


“Hey, look at that.”

Song In-myeong, who removed his hand from Da-hoon Park’s face, grabbed his shoulder and turned him around so that he could look at the box in which Da-young Park was trapped. Park Da-hoon, who was staggering under the rough touch, looked up at the glass box with anxious eyes.


Water was gradually filling the box where Park Da-young was trapped.

“Oh, no.”

“That won’t work. huh?”

“If you do that…!”

“Both of my legs are already tattered, so the wounds where the water got into them are sore. You can’t even take the time to get up and breathe to avoid the rising water, right? “Of course, there’s nothing you can’t do, but it will be very difficult.”


“Then what do we have to do before that? Fuck, I need to find information before your sister suffocates. “Do you understand?”

Song In-myeong smiled as he made eye contact with Park Da-hoon’s wandering pupil.


He let go of Park Da-hoon’s shoulder and pointed to Jeong Eun-woo, who was standing blankly.

“Now, this is Jeong Eun-woo, who will be our servant! “It’s so nice to meet you, right?”

“…Who are you…”

“Oh, yes. Didn’t you notice that there was another person at the concert hall because your sister was locked up? This is truly a bigoted bastard. “How much on earth do I have to explain?”

Song In-myeong, with a crumpled face, continued speaking.

“I think it’s probably the helper that your uncle left behind before he died for you. Is that correct, Jeong Eun-woo?”

“It will be roughly right.”

“That’s right.”

Park Da-hoon’s face was gloomy, as if he didn’t understand Song In-myeong’s kind explanation, but Song In-myeong had no intention of being any more kind. I’m already upset, but what kind of kindness is this?

In the meantime, Park Da-hoon spoke in a truly childish tone.

“…Where is your uncle?”

It was bullshit.

“Hey… are you out of your mind? “Where is the man here?”


“Aha, the corpse of a person named Lee Jae-heon? Well, you’ll find them lying around in a souvenir shop somewhere. If you’re curious, come see it. “I’m looking for strategy information and your sister is searching, but if you want to look at a piece of meat that’s already gone cold, come see it.”

“You wanted to see him too.”

“But you’re dead.”

Song In-myeong twitched the corners of his mouth at the strange words.

“I have no intention of just casually looking at a corpse while a monster might come after me at any moment. Can I pick up your corpse and make a piece of art or do necromancy? “I can’t do both right now, so looking at the meat is a mess.”

What Song In-myeong was interested in was not cold meat, but Lee Jae-heon, who was alive and moving. It wasn’t like I could take that thing and move it to my actual workroom, and I didn’t have time to admire the common missing corpse, not knowing when I might find it.

This was when I passed Park Da-hoon, who was standing still, and applied force to the door handle of room 7, which Eun-woo Jeong said he could not open.



Blocked sound.


Song In-myeong called Jung Eun-woo.

“Hey, Director. “This won’t open?”

“This is difficult. “I thought those who came from before would be able to open it.”


Song In-myeong frowned and playfully rattled the handle of the door that wouldn’t turn.

“Is that true? “We didn’t really enter from the entrance, so…?”

“Are you entering in the middle like us?”

“That’s what happens, right? “I came to the other side of the world when I was in front of my friends by the creek, so I can’t say I started driving from the beginning.”

“It’s a shame. Then, assuming you have to go through all the theme zones to open the door, there would be no way to check the remaining rooms.”

“Maybe so…”


The sound of a door opening.


“…It looks like it’s open?”

“…I guess so?”

It was the sound of the door to room 8 being opened, which Song In-myeong touched for the second time.

“What the fuck is this?”

Why does this work and that one doesn’t?

‘If it’s going to happen, let it happen from the beginning.’

It was a world that had a knack for making people really angry.

(Continued in the next part)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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