Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 464

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Episode 464

One day, a woman died.

It was serious, but it wasn’t complicated. This is because the rebar that was loosely fastened by construction workers fell. The woman suffered an accident while passing by a deserted construction site in the early morning. The body was quickly recovered because a citizen who was taking an early morning walk reported it.

“No matter how you look at it, this is not our responsibility.”

“Still, it’s something that Gyeongjun came forward to do, isn’t it? “Just do some research and come back.”

“I don’t think it’s real…”

Detective Ahn grumbled, but took a quick look at our eternal youngest, Detective Hong Gyeong-jun.

“Are you okay? If you just look at it, you can see the angles. Are you saying they gave you another job because they felt bad about you bothering your superiors? “It has a completely different context from what you were originally doing.”

“…it’s okay.”

Contrary to what he said, the delay in answering seemed to indicate that he had been thinking a lot about this situation. Although his face didn’t look particularly surprised, Detective Ahn, who spent a long time with Hong Gyeong-jun, could tell that it was an expression that said, ‘This happens all the time in life.’ This is a situation that even I think is funny.

Detective Ahn raised his voice in an attempt to comfort his unfortunate junior.

“The only thing this kid can say is that he’s okay, really. Only the outer skin is fine and I don’t even know how to wear clothes. “I’m worried who will take this fierce thing away.”

“Who will take me?”

“That’s right.”

Even though I tried to hold it in, I sighed heavily. I’ve been on this floor for quite some time. Although the police are called the people’s staff, there are many times when they have to look dirty. In Detective Ahn’s opinion, this ‘dirty situation’ was correct.

‘Why is the guy who was chasing a serial killer in charge of investigating witnesses to accidental deaths?’

This is not to discriminate based on the severity of the work. However, the person Hong Gyeong-jun was originally chasing was a murderer who committed such heinous acts that they could not even be seen on the news. However, in a case where no matter how much we looked at it, there was no evidence beyond an accidental death, the on-site investigation was completed and only the witness investigation was left in charge.

“I’m upset.”

It was Hong Gyeong-jun, who said he had obtained a good information book and had obtained information about people related to that damn ‘industry’.

I was told to prick it as carefully as possible, but even if I prick it gently with a knife, it’s bound to bleed. The high-ranking people involved strongly opposed it.

For some reason, I didn’t suffer anything unfair other than being noticed, but through this incident, it was easy to see that Hong Gyeong-jun was out of sight.

‘Still, it’s just that the situation turns out to be funny, and I’m glad that he doesn’t seem to be hurting his pride too much…’

Detective Ahn glanced at Hong Gyeong-jun and clicked his tongue slightly.

This means that Hong Gyeong-jun will be excluded from his current duties, and furthermore, it is tantamount to a threat that he will be entrusted with this type of chore for the rest of his life. Hong Gyeong-jun is not the type of person who doesn’t know this, but he still looks like a bully and it just makes me feel angry.

“Brother Ha, how can you not do this?”

“Who is your older brother?” “There are only police here, so you can’t speak clearly?”

“No, my brother doesn’t think this is right now either. Right.”

“Huh? “Look at this guy?”

“No matter how much our Kyungjun has done so far, he is treated like this!”

“Hey, lower your voice, you bastard! “I’m the one who goes and gets ripped off!”

“Why don’t you go crazy, you can’t even protect our cute youngest!”

“No, really, this bastard…!”

The other person, who was gritting his teeth, soon sighed.

“…Do you think you’re just shutting up because you like me? But damn, this situation is going strangely. “Any other time, I would say something and try to do something, but it’s not something that can be solved just by me rubbing my palms and fawning over it.”

“What do you mean by that? “Wasn’t this something that was troubling Kyeong-jun?”


The leader of the homicide squad looked around, looked at his team members watching us, and then turned his head. He sighed again and picked up the documents lying on his desk. Captain Park stood up and motioned for Detective Ahn and Hong Gyeong-jun.

“Hey, come in. “Come in and talk.”

Detective Ahn clicked his tongue as Captain Park entered the conference room, where the sound was somewhat blocked.

“What is it really… let’s go, Gyeongjun.”


“Baby, you answer well.”

“I’m good at everything.”

“Everything you said is correct. “It’s all right.”

As we entered the conference room with only one light on, Captain Park winked at the two and made them sit down. Then he scratched his head and continued saying what he had left unfinished before.

“This incident itself is a simple accidental death, but the atmosphere was strangely twisted.”

“What do you do with a simple accidental death? There was no room for anyone to intervene in the incident itself. “Are you trying to frame someone?”

“If it had been that bad, would I have stayed still? He must have pulled his hand back by rubbing his body on the floor. “I can’t let my kids do such dirty work.”

“Then what is it?”

Captain Park sighed heavily. Today was the third time.

“Do you watch the news? “Do you know what’s going on in the world?”

“Why the sudden quarrel? “It’s enough for the homicide department to just smell the criminal.”

“The world isn’t that easy? There is a fairly large company called Daily, and it is said that the woman who died this time is their famous daughter. I guess he raised his daughter with so much care because he was the only one with many sons. So… what should I say….”

“The owner of that daily place was upset?”

“That’s it. That’s why everyone keeps looking into the case of accidental death.”

“…Isn’t that something that usually happens?”

Captain Park shook his head in response to Detective Ahn’s question.

“It’s common up to that point, but the problem is that this party is looking after Daily. This is almost at the level of encouraging people to get angry as much as they want, so we are the only ones in trouble…” As

Captain Park trailed off, Hong Gyeong-jun intervened.

“Didn’t Dailey have connections to Ohseong?”


“Even a homicide detective should know this. “I was keeping an eye on it.”

“Kiya, you amazing bastard. Detective Ahn can also learn from the maknae, right? How good does it look? “It’s not the end of the world if a detective catches a criminal.”

“I am not the youngest.”

“Since you’re not the youngest, are you getting your clothes inspected by a new chick who came in the day before yesterday?”


“Okay, anyway, I’m glad you at least know.”

Captain Park waved his hands.

“You don’t need to know the details, but just know this. The atmosphere between Ohseong and this party is unusual right now. “They puff up their bodies as if they’re about to fight, and the lines come and go and it’s a mess.”

“…What does that have to do with what happened to Kyungjun this time?”

“Ha… So…”

Captain Park touched his forehead with his hand as if he was in pain.

“I think this is a show-off interview from Lee Dang, trying to appease the Daily CEO. As far as I can tell, yes.”

“…Why do you go to such lengths? What does the death of that family’s daughter have to do with this party? “I don’t understand?”

“That’s because I’m not interfering.”

Captain Park held out the document he had just brought in clearly in front of the two people.

“Among the people you will be interviewing as references, do you see this dangerous person here?”


Detective Ahn muttered and looked at the face in the photo.

Even though it looks like a photo close to an ID photo, the frowning eyebrows seem to be a habit and the thick eyebrows show that one has a unique personality. The sharp eyes and bloodless pale face look as if they want to spit at the camera. Well-balanced facial features overall.

‘It’s rough.’

For a moment, I thought it was one of the gang leaders I didn’t know, but before that, the name caught my eye.

“…Jaeheon Lee?”

Hearing Detective Ahn’s muttering, Hong Gyeong-jun just rolled his eyes and looked at the documents together. It was a simple document with a photo of a strong-looking man attached. Hong Gyeong-jun’s face looked as if he was looking at an unfamiliar object.

After checking the reaction of the two, Captain Park continued.

“It’s from the Lee Dang Group.”

“yes? “Suddenly?”

“The female victim, Yoo Hye-yeon, is someone I met right before she died. “He didn’t just bump into me, he put me in his car and took me home.”


Detective Ahn looked at Captain Park as he spoke. Take a look at the person in the photo with a scary look named Lee Jae-heon. Then he looked at Captain Park again and said.

“Isn’t this person the criminal?”

“You detective, don’t catch a living person.”

“Is this very impressive? huh? Is it really over there? “It’s right there.”

“What is that place over there? I told you, it really was an accidental death. As you said, there is no room for anyone to intervene in the accident. “Yoo Hye-yeon was just very unlucky.”

“No, no matter what…”

Detective Ahn stuttered.

“I heard this woman died at dawn. If we had met right before he died, we would have talked until dawn or something, but what was the point of putting him in the car, taking him home, and staying with him until dawn? Now that you look at it, the age difference is no joke, right? “I don’t know if he died, but didn’t he commit a crime in the other direction?”

“Stop talking nonsense. The forensic team has already completed the examination of the body. The result is very clean. Oh, it’s so clean. It was in really good condition without a drop of alcohol. “There were no injuries or anything on my body.”


Detective Ahn apologized inwardly while looking at the photo. I’m sorry for catching you alive.

“…No, then what on earth were you doing during that time? “I’m sorry for being biased, but…”

“You should be asking me that from now on, so you sat there asking me something. “This bastard.”

Captain Park clicked his tongue and continued speaking.

“But be careful about this. This isn’t interviewing a suspect. It’s literally just an interview. “It was already decided that way internally… To be honest, I didn’t trust the higher-ups, so I directly inquired with the people who went on the field investigation just in case.”


“It was a real accidental death, Lee Jae-heon is innocent, and this incident is just a show, so don’t do anything pointless. “Do you understand that I’m just going to have a comfortable conversation in a comfortable atmosphere?”

“No, what is that…”

It was literally a show. A show of sorts. While my pride as a police officer and detective was hurt, there were still unanswered questions.

“…So why did Kyungjun win? “There’s a lot to do.”

“You were talking nice earlier, right? It’s true that I’m sending it to you as an embarrassment. How angry they must have been that Naboorang, a detective with no roots, had invaded the hive of precious people. “It will also serve as a warning to be careful from now on.”



Captain Tak Park lightly hit the desk and looked at Hong Gyeong-jun.

“Hey, what are you doing walking around these days?”

Hong Gyeong-jun answered in his characteristic, shameless voice.

“Nothing special. “I go around looking for criminals.”

“Because you go around meeting people, this party nominates you first. “This isn’t some kind of host bar, so they appointed a detective and damn it.”

“…A nomination came in?”

Although it was a ridiculous situation where the witness nominated a detective, Hong Gyeong-jun’s voice as he asked the question was calm, as if he said, ‘I knew that would happen.’ In response to Hong Gyeong-jun’s question, Captain Park nodded as if he was right.

“Looking at you talking nonsense, do you know anything? Yeah, man, it can’t be done without you. If our leadership’s intention was simply to trouble you, it wouldn’t have gone so far as to say that this party is looking for you. Or did you even bother this party? uh? If that’s the case, tell me quickly? “I have to take care of things.”

“…If it was sore, it was sore…”


Captain Park picked his ear.

“Is it time to go…?”

Detective Ahn intervened.

“You’re too polite to go yet.”

“The fuck, this isn’t an auditory hallucination? really? Is it finally time for me to fly away?”

“You did stay out for a while.”

“You mean my palm rubbing skill didn’t work? Well, what good is my palm if it hurts all the way to this point? “No matter what kind of floor I rub my forehead against, I don’t know whether or not my hair will get cut.”

Captain Park asked again.

“really? Did you get sick of this? uh? I won’t scold you, just say it. I’m very serious now. This isn’t just about you and me. “If you really stung that hive, now is not the time to talk about it. We need to go take care of it right away.”


Hong Gyeong-jun visibly hesitated. Isn’t he this hesitating bastard? Just as Detective Ahn, who was next to him, was starting to become anxious, Hong Gyeong-jun, who seemed to have gathered his thoughts, opened his mouth.

“There was some connection.”

Captain Park smiled warmly.

“There are times when the word ‘fate’ comes out of your mouth, right? think carefully. That might not be fate. “It could be a bad relationship.”

“If it’s a bad relationship, it’s a bad relationship, but he’s not a bad person.”

“Sigh, Gyeongjun. “This is a person from this party, a person from this party…”

Captain Park slumped down in his chair.

“I’m fucking real. I’ve heard something about this guy named Lee Jae-heon, but are you going to keep telling me such shallow lies? Or are you really deceived? It’s not? There’s no way our Gyeongjun could be that stupid? No, there is no way Lee Jae-heon would be smart enough to fool someone in the first place…?”

“Why are you swearing like that?”

“So what.”

“I’m not stupid and Lee Jae-heon is also smart.”


There was a long silence in the conference room. Detective Ahn soon asked.

“Who are you? “What did you do to our Gyeongjun?”

“I am Hong Gyeong-jun.”

“If you look at this fierce thing, it’s our Gyeongjun. Wow. What’s going on?”

Captain Park muttered softly.

“That’s what I said….”

(Continued in the next episode)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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