Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 446

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Episode 446

Monday 8 PM.



In the office where only the survivors remained, Kang Min-ah called out to Lee Jae-heon.



“I smell blood.”


Jaeheon Lee, who was sitting with his arms crossed, asked.

“Do you see a lot of tea?”

“Some of the employees also said something.”

“Now will ghost stories be added to my notoriety? “To the old man manager who smells of blood?”

“Fortunately, he didn’t seem to know that it was the smell of blood… He just tilted his head as he passed by.”

“Tell me you’re smelly because you didn’t shower today.”

“What kind of brave person would say something like that…”

“Is that the only amount of courage our team has?”

“Why do I have to be brave in a place like this?”

Kang Min-ah, who voluntarily stayed behind to work overtime, slammed the keyboard and said.

“So why on earth does it smell like blood…!”

Jaeheon Lee’s face brightened.

“Do you really think we’re the only ones in the company right now, Manager Kang?”

“You must be the manager who is just leaving!”

“Why do you keep looking like Employee Kwon? Is this your company? “Am I the manager?”


“why! I’m here!”


Jeong In-ho, who was watching the argument between the two with interest, intervened by raising one hand.

“So can I hear exactly why I smell blood?”

“Why are you so interested in your boss’ private life?”

“Seo-ah is living at the manager’s house, and I’m worried about whether it’s a good environment.”

“If you’re that worried, Deputy Jeong In-ho can take you there.”


“Do you think it will work? You can’t do that, you’re eliminated. “How dare a single man in his 30s, who has a small house and is poor, intervene?”

“More than anything, I think Seo-ah won’t want to come to me. “Last time I saw you, you almost seemed like my father.”

“Who is the father? “Are you doing this because you don’t know that I’m single?”

“Are you sure you would do this on your own?”

“You disgusting bastard.”

Jaeheon Lee frowned.

“As you go through life, you sometimes get your back ripped off, that’s what happens.”

“Whose life is like that? At least it’s not us.”

“Uh-huh, Mr. Kwon. “If you don’t want to be directly bombarded by your manager tomorrow morning, be quiet.”

“The manager only mistreats me.”

Kwon Yeon-hee, who had been meaninglessly waiting inside the partition along with the other survivors, pouted her lips. Team leader Woo Soo-young laughed awkwardly and intervened in response to her grumbling.

“Why are you doing that? Our Yeonhee did something wrong. “It’s all because I’m worried about the manager.”

“Team Manager Woo isn’t the same these days. Whose side are you taking now? “I’m trying to feel sad.”

“I’m on the side of everyone on our planning team…”

This time, Noh Yeon-seok added.

“And that… that monster came out again. Something pitch black. Didn’t you say that it only comes out when your mental strength is low? I thought he was really losing his mind when I saw him poking at the manager’s wounds earlier. “I thought you said you hurt your back…”

Jeong In-ho corrected Noh Yeon-seok’s words.

“Not just the back, but from the collarbone to the shoulders.”

“How on earth do you wear such scars in real life…?”

“That’s what I said. What on earth did you do to get hurt like that? “I know the last injury hasn’t completely healed, but what should I do if it continues to hurt like this, Manager?”

“You are being treated properly, right…?”

Jaeheon Lee covered his ears.


“Please don’t hate me outright.”

“Listen to your nagging by a 1 to 1 majority. “Do you hate it or not?”

“If it sounds like nagging, it’s an issue with the manager’s personality. “They usually say it’s worry.”

“Either that or that….”

“If you keep doing this, you could end up reaching Seo-ah.”

Jaeheon Lee shook his head resolutely.

“It’s not possible.”

“…You’re more determined than I expected. Is there any reason?”

“Because I got hurt as a price for bringing Seo-ah. “You can’t make your child feel guilty for no reason.”


Jeong In-ho took off his glasses and traced between his eyes. Woo Woo-young laughed and leaned back in his chair, while Noh Yeon-seok was shocked. I feel sorry for Kang Min-ah. Kwon Yeon-hee grabbed the keyboard and expressed her petty anger.

“Who dares put a price on taking a child victim?! What kind of bastard, what kind of bastard! “Someone ripped off our manager’s back!!”

“It’s called Song In-myeong.”

“Ahhhh…! Argh! “I hate that guy, manager!!”

“I hate it too, why are you like that…”

Kang Min-ah looked at Lee Jae-heon’s shoulder with a confused look.

“Why were you just tearing it apart?”

“Uh huh, can’t you get rid of those vague and presumptuous eyes?”

Soon, Lee Jae-heon smiled and wiped the corners of his mouth.

“Then what should we do? They look at me with eyes that say, ‘I gave you such an amazing gift, so there will be something in return, right?’ “I had to pay that price to avoid getting into trouble.”

“What about the gift? Getting paid? “I don’t think so?”

“It looks like our Kwon Yeon-hee has lost her temper, so it would be best for her to come to her senses. And words are a gift, but where is the truly pure gift between adults? It’s all a form of bribery and blackmail. “At the time, Seo-ah’s ownership belonged to the buyer, Song In-myeong, and I had to take it over.”

“So, because the manager was Eul and Song Ga was A, they got their backs ripped off?”

“Employee Kwon’s summarizing skills have improved.”


Kwon Yeon-hee said seriously.

“I don’t like him.”

“Who do you like?”

“I’m telling you this because the manager seems to like it.”

“How did know?”


“…Don’t look like he’s crying like that….”

Lee Jae-heon’s expression, which was smiling at the crying hamster’s face, faded.

“Of course it was a joke when I said I liked you, but it still makes sense, doesn’t it? If we can deal with Song In-myeong in the other world, it will be a great benefit to the survivors. If he lets go of the leash, it will be difficult, but I don’t think that will happen right now… It’s true that he’s a dog that can’t be dealt with, but he’s useful anyway…” “What did you say about

this? Sto stokolom?”

Woo Soo-young responded to Kwon Yeon-hee’s muttering.

“Stockholm Syndrome. “It refers to an abnormal psychological phenomenon in which the victim defends the perpetrator.”

“Thank you for the appropriate explanation, but now even Team Leader Woo is scolding me?”

“I’m not taking anyone’s side right now, Manager. I am a person who always follows society’s conventional wisdom… In fact, it is clear who has the problem in this situation…” “

The problem child is me?”

“If you have an excuse, give it one.”

“I am protecting Seo-ah at home. Do I even need an excuse? To me, who achieved such great results?”

When Jeong In-ho pretended not to be and showed signs of being secretly sad, he wiped his face with his glasses still removed.

“That’s not true, Manager… I’m not saying anyone is scolding me or saying anything, I’m just genuinely worried. Bringing Seo-ah in is a great achievement. That’s true, but didn’t you just get your back ripped? “If the manager had been wise, he would have been able to hand over Seo-ah and get away without paying anything.”

“Oh, you think very highly of me.”

“We always think highly of the manager. Maybe…”

The effect of emphasizing ‘I worked really hard, but if you keep mistreating me like now, things will go awry’ shined through at the last language school in the underworld. Jung In-ho seemed to have chosen to coax Lee Jae-heon rather than push him hard like before. Jaeheon Lee really liked the change.

Change did not simply refer to Jeong In-ho.

‘I feel more relaxed overall.’

In the past, these guys were shocked every time they saw a drop of Lee Jae-heon’s blood. Even though he openly smelled of blood, he just looked bruised and pitiful and didn’t shiver. It was proof that he had grown further by moving around in the underworld.

‘Perhaps because of that, I’m unconsciously carrying out strategies to control myself little by little… I think we can just wait and see at this rate.’

Anyway, the growth of the chicks was a joy. Could it be considered a serious chick?

“…won’t you continue to encounter Song In-myeong in the other world? As you probably already know, he is talented and clever, but has no conscience. “Right now, I’m the bait, so he’s acting like a gentle sheep, but once he achieves his goal, he’s ready to commit massacre at any time.”


“I thought I shouldn’t incur the hostility of Song In-myeong.”

I thought of the ‘works’ I had seen at industry events.

“I came to see for myself what kind of world he lives in. It was more elaborate and cruel than I thought. The backbone was solid and it wasn’t like a hole-in-the-wall store that would collapse overnight. How tiring would your life be if you were picked on by a talented asshole who made such a place his home? “I’m fine, but I don’t know what will happen to you right now.”


“The fact that Song In-myeong is only focusing on me is actually good news. Even if you are trained in the underworld, what are you going to do with your friends and family? I may be able to protect you to a certain extent with the help of this party, but in that way, you may actually end up entering this world. I hated seeing that. If possible, it was best not to get involved in the first place.”

Jaeheon Lee smiled as he looked at the survivors who had become quiet.

“I have no intention of letting Song In-myeong’s attention go elsewhere.”

“Because now is the most efficient time?”

“Thank you for understanding, but you must be being sarcastic, right?”

“Of course.”

Jeong In-ho smiled roundly.

“The manager has a really bad personality.”

“Do you know that now?”

“I’ve known this for quite some time, but I’m getting more and more upset with each passing day.”

“People need to develop.”

“It seems like you’ve become more shameless these days.”

“It’s one of my strengths.”

Jeong In-ho’s judgment was accurate. Jaeheon Lee also felt like his personality became stronger after accepting the part of the ghost cop.

‘Should I say I was much calmer or cool-headed than usual…’ It

was a time when I was used to being sarcastic rather than angry, and I was used to slyly ignoring it rather than being embarrassed. His personality in his past life, which rarely got excited and was serious about making fun of others, became more obvious after being linked to the ghost police. Judging by the survivors acting as if they were a little unfamiliar, it seemed like their personalities were actually changing.

I tried my best to make it as comfortable as possible, but it couldn’t be perfect.


Still, I felt a little uncomfortable.

Jaeheon Lee noticed.

“…Are you sad?”

The survivors spoke as if they had been waiting for his question.


“I’m sad.”

“How can you do that to us….”

“Manager, it’s bad.”

“I’m going to cry.”

Lee Jae-heon laughed awkwardly at the sight of the survivors slowly expressing their disappointment.

“But I didn’t do anything wrong….”

“You’re right. The root of all evil is Song In-myeong. Our identification of enemies is clear. I think peace will come to our hearts only if we kill someone in the other world. What do you think?”

“If Deputy Jeong says it with a cold face and a smile on his face, it won’t sound like a joke, so why don’t you stop making explicit murder predictions?”

“It’s a murder notice, it’s not a joke.”

If someone else had said it, I would have thought he must have been quite upset, but when Jung In-ho said it, it seemed like a murder notice, no more or less. It may have been blurred a lot, but Jung In-ho was a half-crazy guy who had a different standard for accepting emotions than ordinary people.

“…Even if you kill someone in the other world, the mannequin remains? “Even if you deal with Song In-myeong, the mannequin will end up causing trouble in real life. So why would you do that when you know it would be useless to kill him there?”

“Why do you think this is happening?”

“Is it really my fault that I’m upset?”

“I commend you for being good at self-objectification.”

“I don’t need praise from a disgusting bastard like Assistant Manager Jeong.”

Kwon Yeon-hee’s sullen voice was heard amidst the conversation with Jeong In-ho.

“So you’re saying you got hurt because of us…”


“If it weren’t for us, he could have just come out with Seo-ah, but he was worried about us so he deliberately gave his back to us. “I understood everything.”


“…Because we are not trustworthy…”

Lee Jae-heon broke into a cold sweat as Kwon Yeon-hee muttered.

“Is there any need to say that…?”

“After all, you still can’t trust us…?”

“No, I trust you. I trust you. “If I don’t trust you, who can I trust?”

“Because we can’t be trusted, our backs are torn off… We are just a burden…”

“Wait a minute. Are you crying now? “Are you crying?”

“It’s my fault for not being able to do anything… ugh…”

Oh really, why are you like that?

Criticism poured down on Lee Jae-heon, who looked white-faced.

“…the manager rang.”

“…A grown man made a young child cry.”

“…The infamous old man made an innocent employee cry…”

“Ah, stop! You did it wrong! “I’m sorry!”

In the end, Lee Jae-heon was able to get out of this difficult situation only after making his shirt covered in Kwon Yeon-hee’s tears. His abdomen was not completely healed yet, and Kwon Yeon-hee also hugged him gently, but somewhere, Mana said, ‘How dare you give your arms to a woman from outside?’ I felt like I was being scolded.

Yes, I feel…


This is because of my mood, right?

Isn’t it like something connected to Bluetooth when combined with the ghost police?

“Please order chicken….”

“…Uh, okay….”

Wait, honey, don’t be angry.

‘This is really unfair.’

This is not a girl from outside, but a chick from our family….

(Continued in the next episode)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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