Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 445

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Episode 445

– Jaeheon, did you happen to do this?

Lee Jae-heon frowned at the call from Lee Jae-hyung that came early in the morning.

“What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

―You don’t know Hyeyeon Yoo?

“…I stopped by my house briefly yesterday.”

-Was it really you?

“So what are you talking about, you old man…!”

Because Seo-ah hadn’t come home yet, there was no pressure to raise her voice.

“I just woke up! Because of your phone just now! At 4:31 AM! Even though we are a family that has seen all the worst, shouldn’t we be polite? “If you want to peck someone, explain the situation properly and then peck them!”

―Ugh… Um….

“Ugh?! hmm?! “That’s not all there is to say, right?!”

-Calm down, you idiot. Anyway, it’s not you.

“Ah, what the fuck are you talking about…! If you keep doing this, I’ll hang up the phone. I was already tired from trying to please the kids, but…”

– Don’t hang up. This is really serious.

As Lee Jae-heon muttered and widened the distance between him and the cell phone, Lee Jae-hyung, who sensed that he was really going to hang up, stopped him. He took a deep breath and finally started asking the right questions.

-Still, let me ask you this first. What did you do yesterday when you took Yoo Hye-yeon away?

“…? “Regardless of why you knew that, of course, I would have hired someone or watched CCTV… Anyway, I served him a cup of tea and sent him away.”

―Why did you suddenly return to the aquarium?

“…Are you questioning me now? “Is the atmosphere a bit strange?”

―This is a strange situation, so answer properly. Why did you stop by the aquarium parking lot where everyone was already done and take Hyeyeon Yoo with you?

“You’re describing me like some kind of pervert, and it’s really unfair. “Isn’t she the pervert?”


“He’s been chasing me from behind since I was visiting the aquarium.”

Jaehyung Lee will also find out if he takes a look at the CCTV inside the aquarium. It was an obvious fact that Daily President’s daughter, Yoo Hye-yeon, was stalking Lee Jae-heon.

“Aren’t I a bit sensitive to things like that? It’s like walking around with your kids and someone keeps following you. “I took a quick look and it was her. I thought I was mistaken, so after sending all the kids away, I stopped by the aquarium to ask them to check the CCTV, and only found Yoo Hye-yeon in the parking lot as if she had been waiting.”

―…What did you take with you home? If you had checked there, there wouldn’t have been a need.

“Then are you leaving it there? She even told me to say hello to her, saying she was the daughter of the Daily CEO. Isn’t this an important greeting? I barely refused when he asked if I wanted to have a drink with him, so I headed home. I felt like I would be in trouble if my picture was taken anywhere, so I made the best choice…”

―You asked me to have a drink? That woman? why?

The title dropped from ‘Yoo Hye-yeon’ to ‘that woman.’

“…I ran into Yoo Hye-yeon the other day when I was leaving after feeding some dog. I greeted him warmly, gave him a business card, and left a message to meet him sometime, before quickly returning to his group. From then on, I was strangely concerned. “I have to say that my eyes are a bit appetizing.”

―But since you didn’t contact me first, I ended up stalking you. When he was caught sneaking around and watching around the aquarium, he even openly waited for me to come pick him up? Isn’t this a really perverted bastard?

“Why are you angry?”

-Hey, that’s enough. You don’t care. My brother will take care of everything this time, so just go to sleep. I thought there wouldn’t be any problem in this way, but some kind of bug is here and it’s damn good.

‘Lee Jae-heon’ crumpled his face as if he was about to hang up the phone.

“No, this guy? I tried my best to answer sincerely, but… you didn’t explain it properly? Why is this happening? “What’s the mood?”

-Ha… no, I… thought you had an accident.

“Are you buying it?”

When I raised my voice again, Jaehyung Lee spoke gibberish.

―You went to the aquarium that day, and the toys you were playing with… I heard you took them with you. Of course, I wondered if that woman, Yoo Hye-yeon, had also done something in the same context…

“So what does this mean?”

-He died.


―I heard that shortly after leaving your house, he was crushed by a falling rebar and died instantly.

He seemed not to notice that Lee Jae-heon had become strangely quiet and continued grumbling.

-The situation is a bit strange, isn’t it? The lady of the house said that a black-faced man went into the master bedroom without telling anyone, walked back alone without using a driver or calling a taxi, and died… “…Do you think

someone came into the master bedroom? “They sat me down at the kitchen table, served me tea, and sent me off.”

-It’s either that or this. If an older wife goes into an unmarried man’s house and comes out and doesn’t look strange, isn’t that even weirder?

“As expected, my brain is rotten….”

―Anyway, I know a bit about your hobby. I heard from the kids that she was talking to you right before she died. It’s also a bit strange that she walked alone near the construction site. It seems that the police were convinced that the death was an accident, but I guess President Daley didn’t like that. It looks like he’s planning to wander around here and there.

“Hey, so I’m a suspect too?”

―It seems like it will be resolved as soon as you press the button on the daily level, but that’s okay. It seems like my sister was thinking of doing something on a daily basis this time… I think I need to appease her. But you won’t really get called out to each other. At best, it’s just a reference.

‘Lee Jae-heon’ asked.

“Are you sure about that? At this point, it’s a bit creepy and scary…”

―I’m more scared of you, you bastard. Why is this guy who hasn’t even cut a person once or twice killed so hard?

“Is it the same as the fact that I planned and killed someone on a whim and that the person I even treated them to for tea suddenly died? Besides, I really didn’t do anything this time. If you’re treated like a suspect, you’ll go crazy because it’s unfair. Until now, I have only worked on people who no one would know about even if they suddenly disappeared from the world…”

―You say that as a boast. Our country was going really well, wasn’t it?

Lee Jae-hyung, who was giggling, continued speaking.

-Don’t worry though. I know President Daily also stopped by your house, but I had no idea what you did or did. On the contrary, you lamented that if you had done the work at home, you wouldn’t have had to deal with such trouble by sleeping until morning.

Lee Jae-heon frowned and asked again.

“…wait for a sec. what? Get work done? I? with who? Jaeheon Lee? With Yoo Hye-yeon?”

-What is there to hate so much? Even at the event, they would have introduced each other with that intention anyway.

“If I had married early, I wouldn’t have had a daughter as good…! Anyway, if you do well, you’re as old as my nephew! I don’t have that kind of taste! Who do you see as a perverted bastard! “Do you know who introduced me with such impure intentions?!”

-uh? I did not know? Wow, the youngest in our family is so pure. I’m very worried that I’m going to go somewhere and get bullied…

“Oh, stop fucking with me!”

―Anyway, you don’t have to worry, really. The alibi that you were at home is so clear and there is no hostile relationship, so I won’t treat you like a suspect, even if you are just a reference. Besides, how dare you treat someone from this party as a suspect? I am suspicious because I know you.

Jaehyung Lee’s sigh was heard through the cell phone.

-Do you know how surprised I was? My heart sank when I heard that you were involved with that girl recently, and that she followed you home and died on the way out. Considering that the people you killed have not yet been found, I was wondering if they had faked an accidental death using some really novel means… I suspected that it might be a similar case.

“…You are the first to suspect your younger brother, which the victim’s family does not, much less the police… You are a great family, right?”

―Hey, don’t be sarcastic. Do you even know how brutal you were on the sea that day? Besides me, that guy, Jung Eun-woo, also had a look on his face?

“Jung Eun-woo?”

When I muttered, ‘Who is that?’, Lee Jae-hyung answered.

―You know, there’s a guy who served as your secretary at the event. His eyes are black and his smile is creepy… Do you remember?

“Oh, it’s fine. “I heard you’re my sister’s secretary.”

-You were the one who contacted me first. It was Jeong Eun-woo who contacted me because he was the first to know about her death and check it out. Even though he didn’t say anything, he seemed suspicious of you. I am not a living witness to your butchering skills.


– Without saying anything, I asked you that day if you had ever studied work in Majang-dong? Fuck, that bastard is so damn good even if I use a metaphor. What’s even more creepy is that it was a joke. It’s clear you’ve lost your sense of humor.

“Why are you suddenly gossiping about Jeong Eun-woo?”

Jaehyung Lee sighed for the third time today.

-I understand first of all. I’m sure we’ll be able to resolve it here, but if the bosses come and ask questions, please accept them. It’s not because I really doubt you, it’s because it’s a show to lighten the daily boss’s mood.

“…All right.”

―…You have something strange on display at home or something like that, right? Is it difficult for me to cover that too?



It reminded me of the necklace I had stuck in a corner of a drawer, and the ‘work’ by Daeyoung Sung that I had bought and put away somewhere else, not at home. The latter doesn’t matter since it’s not in this area at all, but it wasn’t a necklace.

“…I have a jewel necklace with a bone in it…”

―Are you crazy?

“Oh, then what should I do? The writer I’ve been looking for is begging me to buy one. “You should buy that.”

-Oh my god. This brat… I’m really going crazy. Is this a work that shows that it is from that industry? Please say no.

“It just looks like a necklace.”

-That’s a good thing.

“I’m not the type of person who usually collects necklaces.”

―…Anyone can tell it’s a women’s necklace, right?

“How old-fashioned to distinguish between men and women in this day and age!”

―Let’s not give a damn, honestly, you don’t look like a pretty, shiny necklace that suits you. A ring might be fine, but what about a necklace? It’s troubling to think that it’s Yoo Hye-yeon’s necklace.

“Why are we even searching the house?”

-That’s not true… Just thinking about the possibility of it being discovered by the police makes the back of my neck hurt. There are very few police officers who know the industry but are considerate of it. You hide that really well. We won’t do a search or anything like that, but if you get noticed and reach the Daily Boss’s ears, you could be searched really well.


Lee Jae-heon nodded and opened his mouth.

“Then how about this? What do I call my dog as a detective? ”

It was referring to Hong Gyeong-jun.

―…Can you trust him? Aren’t you preparing to get revenge on me?

“At least it’s within the palm of your hand. “If you don’t want to see the woman you’re in unrequited love like a piece of meat, you should bend her down on your own, so what can you do?”

-If you apply that much pressure, even the smallest insect can fly out of your hand.

“Isn’t my ability to control speed and pace amazing? He seemed to be slightly confused. I think it would be a big help in building trust if I just let you know that I am not really the culprit this time…” ―Are

you going to pursue your hobby in the meantime? You are truly amazing.

Jaehyung Lee sounded tired, but did not stop him.

-I would be more comfortable with it if I could do it on my own. It seemed like you wanted to appease the Daily boss. I think it would be sorted out if you were investigated as a reference, proved your innocence, and described your daughter’s last appearance to the Daily CEO.

“I’m good.”

-Okay, let’s proceed like that. I’m doing a good job organizing the house.

“Except for a real necklace, you don’t have anything?”

-Hide it well. You idiot.

The call ended with a brief greeting.


It was already well past 5 am.

Lee Jae-heon looked at the mirror hanging in the closet and blinked slowly.

“…I’m tired.”

-i love you.

Was he being considerate of Lee Jae-heon, who was answering the phone? The voice that had been quiet during the call rang in my ears again.


“I’m sleepy….”

―I love you. I love you…


A pitch-black shadow wrapped its arms around his neck.

“…I can’t hug this on behalf of the author anymore.”

It was a type of monster that appeared next to survivors when their mental strength was low.

The shadow’s hair, which shimmered like fog, sometimes became short and sometimes became very long. It was difficult to guess who the opponent was just from the hair that was constantly shaking like waves and the monster’s all-black face.

Originally, it was a monster that resembled a wife. A figure with long hair tickling her waist, wearing a one-piece dress, gesticulating with her bare hands and feet. Perhaps someone’s love was overlaid on that image.


It was obvious who that ‘someone’ would be.

Your name is not Yoo Hye-yeon.

“That’s funny.”

Still, I’m trying to remember.

Even if that memory covers my wife’s image, puts love on top of love, ruins its original form, torments me with hallucinatory voices, and strangles me with both hands, it’s okay. Nevertheless, the love you gave me once brought me happiness or joy. It has value because it was given.

Lee Jae-heon unwrapped the bandages on his back and muttered to the monster biting his wound.

“Do you need a name too?”

Blood seeped onto the blanket.

Fortunately, it was Lee Jae-heon’s own blood.

(Continued in the next part)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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