Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 437

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Episode 437:

There was a ‘story’ in their world.

No one knows what the story is. They were used as mere chess horses, and it was overwhelming to even understand and accept their ‘role’, and there was no way to know how their fate and death would be used. You could see the flow of the story only if you were far away, but everyone was too small to see it.

Tiny, tiny humans. The people involved did not know the story created by the gathering of foolish and feeble things.

“…It’s over.”

And one day, they realized that their story was over when God left.

What kind of story was it? What a long and cruel story it must have been. Most people knew nothing, but only those who truly understood their role did.

“It must have been poor work.”

“Who would like a story like this?”

“It probably wouldn’t have sold?”

The story they created was a failure.

“Honestly, it’s unfair.”

Even though so much blood was shed.

The world where God disappeared gradually began to collapse. They never learned how to make their own lives. Those who lived as trash occupying the world’s space because their fate was never determined were better off.

However, people who thought they would receive their fate for granted, or whose fate ended with the story, fell into mania or depression.

The role and the truth of the world were separate things. People had to lead the story according to the roles they were assigned, and beneath the surface there existed a system that led that structure. That is the truth of the world. There is a separate external surface that God enjoys and appreciates, but there are also workers who advance the story on the inside.

“Where can you find such a terrible play?”

“I want to see the face of that bastard named God.”

Those who received the role knew the nature of this world. They were jesters for God. I had to make up a story to show him and follow his orders. People who were not ‘destined to die’ could not die. It was the same even in a world where gods disappeared.

When God left, the institutions that had been working for him began to collapse one by one. The manager who had the next highest authority disappeared somewhere and never returned, saying he would catch the ‘criminal’. The only ones left are those who cannot die and are living.

“I wish this world would just be destroyed.”

One woman was living like that too.

“That might be better.”

“Oh my, why do you agree with everything I say?”

“Now there is no God, so what does it matter?”

“That’s right.”

“The captain is also dead.”


The woman saw the man lying on the floor. It was a strange feeling to see a model student who always adhered to a strict work attitude now spread the word that it was none of his business.

“You hated the captain.”

“It was that kind of role.”

“You didn’t really hate it, did you?”

“My ‘truth’ came from someone.”

“It must have come from God.”


“I see.”

“Me too…”

the man muttered.

“I liked the captain too.”

“The number of years is increasing here?”

“You know that’s not what I meant.”

“I tried to make a joke.”

“Because he was a good person.”

“that’s right.”



The dazed man looked up at the woman.

“These days, one or two of our children are disappearing one by one. Do you know anything?”

“Didn’t you go on an adventure in search of death called dreams and hope? “That drug that the rebels were said to have created.”

“I don’t even know how to get there.”

The man muttered absentmindedly.

“I just can’t remember their names…”

Forgetting names was an important problem, at least in this world. There were only a few powerful people who could make people forget their God-given role.

“…Did the manager intervene? “But I heard that bastard is missing.”

“…I was just saying what came to mind. Forget it.”

“It can’t be like that. We’ve finally come to a world where I can live the way I want, right?”

“Do whatever you want.”

“I still have to find the captain.”

“You crazy bastard, why don’t you try kissing a cold corpse like you never did before? “I’m not a pervert who can’t be refuted.”

“Oh my, why are you being so sarcastic? “My love is pure.”

The man who heard the woman’s words closed his eyes again.

“No one knows what lies beyond death.”

“So are you going to stop it?”

“There’s no reason for that. Now, whether someone dies or not… is none of my business.”

“…Thank you for your hard work.”

“Thank you for knowing.”

“I hope to see you again later.”

“so do i.”


The woman smiled darkly.

“I need to find the captain’s house.”

Because I wasn’t allowed, I couldn’t visit your house or see your body even once. Wasn’t a funeral impossible for a villain who was punished according to the law of good and evil?

“I hope the body is intact.”

Of course, it’s probably irrelevant now.

* * *

Unfortunately, Jaeheon Lee couldn’t remember what the name of the possessed person in front of him was.

“Who are you?”

“Hye-yeon. Hyeyeon Yoo.”

“I don’t think it was called that.”

“Will you finally call my name a little sweeter? It’s sad, but I forgot so I can’t tell you. “It’s even more disappointing because I feel like if I cling to you pathetically now, you’ll have to deal with me at least once.”

“Don’t take our Mana’s seat.”

“For that matter, you’ve become quite soft and cute.”


People go around saying that dogs and cows are cute.

“I hope you realize that you are speaking to a 42-year-old dark-haired adult man.”

“Why don’t you see that that’s what’s attractive?”


“I really like those contemptuous eyes.”


“I don’t know why you’re getting cuter every day.”

The possessed person, whose cheeks were blushing shyly, took out a business card from his wallet. Seeing that there was no rank or anything written on it, it seemed like it was a personal direct phone number. Jaeheon Lee accepted it without hesitation.

“I want to talk more, but there are a lot of eyes watching.”

“Are those eyes from people in this world?”

“There is that and there is something else…”


Administrator or writer. It was said that an outsider like them was appreciating the two.

“Where would you like to see it?”

“Let’s have a meal, Director Lee Jae-heon.”

“That’s an honor.”

He smiled from an angle that was not visible on CCTV. A woman with jet black short hair who was looking at it intently smiled with her eyes wide open.

“You smile so thrillingly.”

“Pervert bastard.”

“Can’t you just look at it as something more trivial and disgusting?”

“Get out.”

“Wow, it’s powerful.”

The possessed person smiled shyly and gently waved his hand.

“Still, I like that you still remember me.”

“…Perverts like you are rare.”

“I like that too. Next time, I will contact you first. “Can I come visit you?”

“I’ll be waiting.”

“The day will come when the captain will wait for me.”

“Are you fussy again?”

“I fell in love with it at first sight.”

The possessed person withdrew his hand, smiled, and took a step forward.

“So, if I contact you, please accept it, Manager Lee Jae-heon.”

“…Of course.”


The possessed person, who did not respond, moved his shoe-clad feet and left the place.

Lee Jae-heon left the restaurant while looking at the business card she gave him. I tried to avoid people’s eyes as much as I could, but that didn’t mean I could sit around in the restaurant, trembling in confusion.

When he returned home, Jang Seo-ah greeted him. Lee Jae-heon picked up the child and looked at Lee Yun-byeol. He must have been waiting for Lee Jae-heon to arrive with Seo-ah, and was happily watching the two exchange greetings from a short distance away.

“Are you leaving work?”

“Ah yes. “Unless you have anything else to do…”

“No, you even ordered me to work overtime today. “We will provide you with a special allowance, so please be careful.”

“Thank you.”

After sending Lee Yun-byeol off work, I made the child sit on the sofa.

“I could have stayed asleep.”

By the time we had dinner, it was already past 11pm. It was much later than the usual time to put me to sleep. I don’t know if he was looking at something or if he was just having trouble sleeping, but the sleepless child was looking up at me with wide eyes.

Am I hesitating? As I was looking at the child who was licking his lips, he soon opened his mouth.

“…no, I do not want?”



I thought there was nothing to worry about.

“Thank you for waiting for me to come.”

I put my coat on the chair, sat down next to the child who was sunk on the sofa, and pressed my lips to his small forehead. It was only later that I realized that this was what the children in my previous life did when they waited for me to get home from work. Maybe it was because only part of my memory came back, but my behavior was out of control in many ways.

Despite that behavior, the child seemed to be happy, touching his forehead and laughing.

“I came to meet a police officer today. So it’s a little late. “I’m sorry I couldn’t come earlier.”

“It’s okay.”

“Our Seo-ah has a kind heart. “Does he smell like alcohol?”


“I’m glad. “I only drank it twice from a small glass, but I was worried it might stink.”

“I’m fine.”

“That’s disrespectful to an adult.”

“I did not know.”

“An adult who smells like alcohol in front of a child is a bad adult. “Remember that.”


“Are you in any pain?”

The child who was flapping his hands answered.


“…Does your head hurt?”

“It won’t hurt if you pat it.”


It’s not that it hurts, it’s that it just wants to be stroked. It’s a lie befitting a 6-year-old child.

The round head is so small that it fits easily in Lee Jae-heon’s hand. He gently placed his hand on the top of his head and gently stroked it, then moved down to his ear and gently touched his cheek with his thumb. He placed his lips on the child’s forehead once again and quietly moved away, wrapping his arms around the back of the child’s head and sitting in his arms.

His face is red and his smile is as small as white cotton.

“Don’t get sick.”


“After living my life, I realized I could grow up well without getting sick.”

“But man.”


“If I don’t get sick, who else will get sick besides me?”

“That doesn’t happen anymore.”

“Is that a lie?”

“I will do that.”

Even though it’s a shit world, if we go back a few times, we can turn it into something that never happened before. I thought that might be enough. My brain felt dull and hazy, like a melted wire.

Previous possessors could not be said to be sane. The first possessor he remembers died while trying to take advantage of Choi Min-hong, and the second possessor was half-crazy and intent on killing Lee Jae-heon. The third possessed person I met like that finally seemed to be able to communicate, so I felt like I could get some information.

Yes, what about a world where God disappears?

“…let’s sleep.”

“Let’s sleep together.”


Since it was someone else’s child, we tried several times to make him sleep in another room, but eventually he came out of his room and found Jaeheon Lee. It didn’t seem like it was due to trauma. If you ask me, is it just the typical greed of a child? If it was that cute of a greed, there was no reason not to grant it.

I picked up the child and laid him down on the bed in a familiar manner.

“Pat pat.”

“This is already taking advantage of adults.”


“I understand, so lie down properly and don’t act like a shrimp. The spine is distorted. Do you know how much money and effort it takes to fix it later?”


“You said you would do it?”

The child who was enjoying the touch and closing his eyes asked.

“Where are you going, uncle?”


I couldn’t immediately remember what the question was or how to answer, so I kept my mouth shut.

Sometimes young children had a good sense of the creeps. Since he’s already a smart kid, does that mean I should know his insight? I answered naturally while continuing to pet him.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“Don’t go.”

“I’m not going.”

“Don’t go…”


It was a voice that sounded like it was crying.

“…I’ll try my best.”

I couldn’t lie any more.

Honestly, it would be embarrassing to see a child cry at this age.

(Continued in the next part)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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