Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 426

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Episode 426

Lee Jae-heon did not tell Hong Gyeong-jun the story until the next day.

“Yes, I have made a connection with Seong Dae-young.”

―…You seem so calm in saying that you came forward as bait again.

“I don’t think it would be a bad thing from a detective’s standpoint.”

―Couldn’t that be good?

“That’s because the detective has a soft heart.”

―You are really obnoxious.

I don’t know what he was thinking, but Hong Gyeong-jun’s voice was calmer than I thought.

‘I guess he chose the latter between the human Hong Gyeong-jun and the detective Hong Gyeong-jun.’

Objectively speaking, Royal, which entered the industry from a customer’s perspective, was the safest background to catch the other party’s tail. There could not have been a better situation for Hong Gyeong-jun, who wanted to oust as many industry figures as possible, including Song In-myeong.

I hope that if I continue like this, I won’t end up in a secret world and explode with stress.

‘Even if you distinguish between a human being and a detective, Hong Gyeong-jun is ultimately only one person.’

If ‘Lee Jae-heon’ was harmed, the soft chick would accumulate heartache one by one.


At that moment, I thought of Lee Jae-hee’s secretary, Jeong Eun-woo.

‘I think there will be no problem with this if we discuss it with the person concerned first.’

Jaeheon Lee was trying to talk about him but changed the topic.

“I mean Seo-ah.”

―I feel very anxious that the story of Seo-ah is coming out at this time.

“I think it’s okay to be anxious. It was absurd to me too…”

– I’m listening.

“I met Seo-ah at the event.”


Hong Gyeong-jun, who had been silent for a while, opened his mouth with difficulty.

―…Human trafficking?

“It’s such a stark and direct word.”

―I also said this without going through my brain. But you are not denying it.

“Song In-myeong says it is not something as shallow as human trafficking, but a high-level product that allows you to feel a fantasy that is difficult to experience. Isn’t that true? “I haven’t looked into it in detail yet, but as long as the word ‘product’ is mentioned, money comes and goes, and the person being sold is a child… I wonder at what point this isn’t human trafficking.”

―I would like you to tell me in more detail. Buying and selling a child? really?

“They said it was a kind of adopted child system. “It is said that adults who have fantasies about good-looking and obedient children take the children and stay with them for the duration of the contract… and then return them to their original parents when the contract ends.”

―…Where is Seo-ah now?

“It’s at my house. In the first place, Song In-myeong was brought to the event as a gift to me. Thanks to you, I also found out about Seo-ah’s situation, but to my dismay, I am in the same situation as the detective.”

―Well… ha…

Lee Jae-heon laughed awkwardly at Hong Gyeong-jun’s perplexed voice. I think the person who had a great influence on the industry was probably the manager, but I felt like my classmate, who went to the same neighborhood, same school, and the same company, was causing trouble. If we were to make an analogy, it would be Jaeheon Lee’s ego rather than his past life.

sorry. I didn’t even know this kid would end up like this. There is no shame in it.

―…So, that means that in addition to Seo-ah, other children are also victims.

“Isn’t this an evil force that needs to be quickly expelled from society? “I have no choice but to take action on this.”

―Mr. Lee Jae-heon, I am still confused and frustrated enough without you, so could you please give me some free time? Just hearing Seo-ah’s name suddenly come up makes me feel upset.

“Wouldn’t it be me who wasn’t noisy? “I just want to look at reality.”

Jaeheon Lee hesitated for a moment.

“…I think I was helpful.”

I didn’t really understand why I hesitated. And it was quickly erased from my mind.

“Isn’t that right?”

-Of course it was helpful. Of course it was done, but…

“Hmm, I see. “Is it okay if we continue to do this from now on?”


Hong Gyeong-jun, who had been silent for a while, muttered softly.

―…I wonder if this was how Ha Seong-yoon felt as he dragged Jae-heon Lee to the pharmacy in the other world.

“As I keep saying, we were not taken by force, but we accompanied them by agreement. “It’s not like I was tied up and had my organs stolen.”

―Jae-heon Lee, it seems like he would be robbed without any hesitation, so please don’t use scary analogies. It must not be easy for a royal of this party to be this anxious, but I really don’t know.

“Why are you nagging this bastard and that bastard?”

―Please look back on your daily behavior. However, what I am worried about is Jaeheon Lee.

Hong Gyeong-jun said with concern.

―I wonder if other survivors will feel betrayed.

Unlike the other side of the world, the voice was not stiff but full of rich emotions.

―I recognized and accepted that Jaeheon Lee’s sacrifice was helpful. That’s because I know what kind of life the victims and their bereaved families live. They don’t just read the news, but they go and talk to them in person or even look at the mutilated corpses. When you experience something like that, your murderous will rises towards an unknown assailant. The mourning for a victim I had no relationship with is tormenting me. I want the other person to receive the punishment they deserve and to suffer forever after death.

“…I guess so.”

―Because there is such disgust and hatred, we can gratefully accept Jaeheon Lee’s sacrifice. It is rare to have the opportunity to reach into areas that cannot be reached as a detective, but Jaeheon Lee is the only person who can and has created that opportunity. If you don’t thank or welcome it, you’re not qualified to be a detective. However, the general public’s position is different. I feel sad. It certainly will.

Hong Gyeong-jun continued his sermon-like story in an uncharacteristically quiet voice. It felt like he was telling me, and it also felt like he was teaching me. It was a little unfamiliar to hear a voice that was soft and full of emotion, rather than a voice that was stiff or excited.

―The general public’s hatred toward criminals is very vague. It’s a natural thing. Other people’s concern for Mr. Lee Jae-heon will be much greater than their hatred for criminals. So, you should look around carefully. Aren’t you embarking on something dangerous? They will get angry and ask why you go out of your way to do something like that when you have no obligation to do so.

“It’s not that I don’t know.”

―I’m telling you because you don’t seem to know, but this is the same situation as Jaeheon Lee voluntarily suffering pain that his loved one should not have to experience. The other person even hid it. Jaeheon Lee only realized the pain later. If this were the case, don’t you think Lee Jae-heon would blame himself? Wouldn’t you feel any resentment?


Lee Jae-heon trailed off.

How did you feel at that time?

“…It’s definitely not going to feel good.”

I see my hands stained red and the woman’s body lying around.

‘You seem tired.’

I know this is a hallucination. It’s not even a secret world, but it’s a trace of the patheticness that leaked out because I was broken alone.

Lee Jae-heon also understood what Hong Gyeong-jun wanted to say. This is because he vaguely remembers how someone he loved got into an accident without his knowledge and ended up in the worst possible situation. I think it was probably like that. I can’t remember the details, but there was a time when I felt resentful of that person.

Why did you do that? I was the one who killed him.


“Why did you suddenly become silent?”

-I thought I made a mistake.

“There is no mistake. “If you live to this age and live in a secret world, it is natural that you will lose one or two of your loved ones.”

―It’s not natural at all… This is my mistake. You already told me something. It’s disrespectful.

“The reaction is funny, but you don’t have to do that.”

I remembered the first time I escaped from the secret world and brought Hong Gyeong-jun into my house. I think I brought up the story about Mana once. Rather than feeling sad about her death, did you talk about the happiness you still feel when you talk about her? A hallucination enters my slowly blinking eyes.

Once on the neck. Twice in the solar plexus. I think he stabbed me in the stomach five times and then strangled me. Because my body was stolen by someone else, my memories of that day were blurry, but the sensation of digging into my flesh was vivid. He, who should not have known the feeling of love, even brutally murdered his beloved wife. The children who saw this became angry at their terrible father and took a different path from him….

“It’s okay.”

I vaguely remember the feelings at that time.

Nevertheless, Jaeheon Lee liked talking about his lover. Even though the end was terrible, she was beautiful when she was alive and made me happy. If you are the one who created the worst, there is no need to deny even the happiness of the past.

Jaeheon Lee smiled leisurely.

“I understand what Detective Hong Gyeong-jun wants to say. Anyway, Assistant Manager Jeong and the others were a bit angry… a lot. “It felt like they were going to invade my house any time soon.”

-That must be shit.

“Would we, intelligent life forms, go to such an extent?”

―In the first place, what intelligent life forms are best at making is shit. Because their egos are certain, they don’t bend their opinions easily. Jaeheon Lee, you know this well, so why are you being so obnoxious?

“Once you’re over 40, it’s hard to change even the slightest habit. “My personality has always been like this, and if you don’t like it, just do it yourself.”

―Do you promise to never say that in front of the survivors? Please hurry because I’m anxious.

“I don’t make promises about an uncertain future.”

―Oh really, ah….

“I’ll talk about it on my own.”

I never thought I could hide it for the rest of my life. For that to happen, Lee Jae-heon’s actions were too many, Hong Kyung-jun’s terrible temperament was unsettling, Kim Yeon-woo’s uprightness was a variable, and most importantly, the bomb that Lee Jae-hyung set off the day before going to the charity party was quite big. It was so explicit.

Jeong In-ho, the protagonist of this world, must have noticed a sense of discomfort. You may even have figured out the cause and process of that feeling of discomfort.

Then, what was left was bread.

“I’ll contact you if I find out anything more.”

―…I hope you don’t get an angry phone call.

“You want something so big.”

Lee Jae-heon hung up the phone with a smile, played with his cell phone for a moment, and then sent a text.

[I’m planning on taking leave on Monday]

The reply was quick. Like a person who was always looking at his phone.

[I’ll see you then.]

[Are you coming?

] [You’re not hurt, right?]


[Do you think I only get hurt when I meet you?]


[Gross bastard]

[Thank you for the compliment.]

[When you come Bring snacks for the kids too]


[Bring Minhong too]

[What did you do again]

[See you on Monday.]


I turned off all notification sounds on my phone and threw it on the bed. Now that I’ve said this, In-ho Jeong will probably remember something about Seo-ah Jang. The kids’ snacks and Minhong mentioned it, but Seoah didn’t. You probably figured out that Seo-ah was at Lee Jae-heon’s house for some reason.

It would have been better to talk in detail face to face. It was the same for Lee Jae-heon and the person involved, Seo-ah. Lee Jae-heon leisurely left the master bedroom and approached the child who was engrossed in TV.



“Is that so?”

What on earth is so funny about two-headed penguins?

‘That miraculous ratio that cannot be seen in reality?’

Jaeheon Lee quietly entered the kitchen, thankful that the child was preoccupied. I saw it yesterday and it seems like he doesn’t like a lot of sweet things. I washed some fruit and put it on a plate.

A few light butter cookies and a cup of milk with just the right amount of honey so it’s not too sweet.

“Watch it while you eat.”

“thank you.”


Lee Jae-heon looked at his watch.

The current time is 9 am. It was too early for the child, who had been up until dawn, to open his eyes, but he said he liked it so why did he keep letting him sleep. A proper adult would have worried about the child’s sleeping habits and let him sleep longer, but it was none of Lee Jae-heon’s business.

And today is Sunday.


I thought of several department stores that had opened.



“Do you want me to buy you something delicious?”


The child, who finally took his eyes off the TV, spoke brightly.


“It’s not wrong, but I promise not to say that when I go out. “Unless you want to be pulled over by a passing police officer.”


“I don’t think you’ll get caught anywhere, my princess.”


I look at you because your smile is cute.

Lee Jae-heon slowly stroked the head of the child who was chewing on a cookie. No matter how much I dyed my hair, my already thin and delicate hair was damaged.

It was awkward to hold the head in one hand, so my hand gestures became slow for no reason.


I took my hand away.

“Does Seo-ah like animal pajamas?”

“i like you.”

“Do you like one-piece pajamas?”

“i like you.”

“Do you like shirt pajamas?”

“i like you.”

“So which of these is your favorite?”


The child’s mouth, which had been answering well like a machine with a button pressed, suddenly closed. He pursed his lips as if he felt awkward in this situation where he was given a choice, and gave the answer faster than expected.

“…Something fluffy….”

Animal pajamas?

‘I guess not…’

If it had been animal pajamas, I would have said it outright since it was one of the options just given. None of the pajamas above. Fluffy pajamas.

After thinking about it for about 3 seconds, Jaeheon Lee suddenly asked.

“Sleep pants? Both top and bottom?”


“One piece too?”

“there is?”

“Okay. After breakfast, you want to go to the department store. Do you want to go together?”


“Good sleeping pajamas.”

It’s a good thing to have strong tastes.

“While I’m gone, I’d like to take a look around…”

I said, I’m going to get financial treatment.

Now is the time.

(Continued in the next part)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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