Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 424

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Episode 424 It’s

an unfortunate fact, but in order to beat Seong Dae-young, Lee Dang’s help was needed.

To be precise, it is about this party’s insane lawlessness and the need for concealment power that can turn even crows into pigeons. It wouldn’t be difficult to sneak out and slit the head of art teacher Seong Dae-young if he wanted to, but it was obvious that there would be an uproar if a guy who was also a high school teacher suddenly died.

‘That’s troublesome.’

Whether Lee Jae-heon killed himself or enlisted the help of someone else, it was clear that he would absolutely need the help of a powerful person with excellent concealment skills. And the easiest hand for Lee Jae-heon to lend was Lee Dang. If I was going to get help from Lee Dang anyway, it would have been better to push Jae-heon Lee away from responsibility as much as possible.

When you think about it that way, the neatest thing was the scenario where Seong Dae-young dared to touch ‘Lee Jae-heon’ and Lee Dang took revenge. Looking at Seong Dae-young, who returned to his seat with a sigh, it seemed like it wouldn’t be that difficult.

“Dude, do you see that? “That’s what I made.”

“You can see it very well….”

“Oh, look closely. Do you know how easy it is to connect thin hair like that? “I went through so much trouble plaiting and stretching all the hair that was breaking off and putting it on the loom.”


I feel sorry for Song In-myeong, who painstakingly explains each and every ‘work’ up for auction, but Lee Jae-heon has no such hobby. Actually, I wasn’t even sorry. Even though the goal of provoking the target, Seong Dae-young, was achieved, I wondered if I had to watch the whole thing.

‘…I think I just need to make one connection with Seong Dae-young.’

Lee Jae-heon asked Song In-myeong.

“When will Sung Dae-young’s work come out?”

“…You’re going to buy Seong Daeyoung’s, not mine?”

“You seem to have forgotten why I came here, but I came to kill Seong Dae-young. Please cooperate.”

“Why don’t you buy mine?”

“You buy other people’s hair and use it for something. “I don’t have anywhere to put it at home.”

“I’d recommend a smaller one.”

“Oh, there’s no need. “If you get caught with something like that, you’ll be in trouble.”

“Something really small… something like a ring…”

“That’s because you said you don’t need it.”

Song In-myeong, who was obsessed with strange places, continued speaking in a determined voice.

“If you buy it, I’ll give you a gift too.”

“Do you know that this is a really funny situation?”

“You really won’t regret it.”

“Crazy bastard…”

It is true that he is easier to deal with than other chicks, but in some ways, I was tired of him. This bastard would have to be defeated at the right time, but since he was so useless, I didn’t think the day would come when he would become useless. If I just find the manager and kill him, I’ll throw this guy away too.

Song In-myeong made Lee Jae-heon buy a necklace.

“If you look closely at that string, is it a bone? “It was made by carving out a whole human leg bone…”

The disgusting explanation went in one ear and out the other. If the ivory necklace chain is a human bone, what on earth is the red jewel attached to it called?

“A gem is just a gem. “I did the work myself.”

“He knows how to make jewelry and is very dexterous.”

“Oh, the white thing you see inside the jewel over there is also bone.”

“You said that too early.”

My feelings were even more complicated because on the outside it looked like a normal necklace with a small jewel attached to a pale platinum chain. If only the materials had been ordinary, Song In-myeong could have become a famous writer. This talent may have been revealed in the first place because he enjoyed getting his hands dirty with murder, but it didn’t feel good anyway.

On the contrary, Song In-myeong, who was in a good mood, willingly considered Seong Dae-young’s work.

“Most of Daeyoung Sung’s works are so big that it would be difficult to take them home… Oh, that’s right.”

“What is it?”

“It’s small to use infants as ingredients.”


“Hey, I made this recommendation seriously, but why are you looking like that?”

Even if the ego of the previous life was strong, it does not mean that the personality of the old manager has disappeared. Listening to Song In-myeong’s explanation, I felt like I was eating dinner without even eating it. I was even more upset because Lee Jae-heon in his previous life didn’t have any hobbies like this. Suddenly, children’s characteristic fern-like hands came to mind.

Even when I received my mission, there was nothing against kids, but the world is in such a bad place. Even in this soft world, crazy people existed.

“…Do it in moderation.”

“Oh, are you angry? do not be angry. “I’m going to give you a really nice gift.”

“I’m not angry, so do it in moderation.”

“Is that so?”

I can’t believe that ‘Jaeheon Lee’ makes this recommendation despite knowing how kind he is to the kids.

You may have wanted to see Lee Jae-heon’s reaction to a work that did not suit his personality, but his ego from his previous life also suffered a blow. There was a different feeling of discomfort compared to when I was on duty.

“No, but that’s because I don’t know what you want. Can I buy just one of Daeyoung Sung’s works? Where should I buy it and put it?”

“…I hope it still retains its original form.”

“It’s circular.”

Song In-myeong muttered and nodded.

“That’s a lot. “Sung Dae-young is a writer who doesn’t put too much effort into the material he likes.”

“Is that so.”

Although it was said that it was a work in which the original material remains, this meant that it was an undamaged corpse. Even though it was an event that Song In-myeong had forced to participate in, there was no way ‘Lee Jae-heon’ could remain silent after seeing someone else’s healthy body. If possible, they will try to return it to the bereaved family or friends.

I hope that Seong Dae-young sees that and approaches me again. It is not difficult to hand a business card to a customer who likes your work. Since he is a very suspicious and cautious person, Lee Jae-heon may have to approach him first, but in any case, he feels reassured if he creates a connection called ‘work’.

“For a work like that, number 17 would be more appropriate…”

“What number was it now?”

“Number 12. “You just have to wait five more.”

“Are there many of Seong Dae-young’s works among them?”

“I have two.”

“What about after number 17?”

“Two of those too.”

“…If I try to leave the event midway, please catch me.”

“who. “Mister?”

“Then who would it be?”

“Is this the picture I’m holding on to? “What would Seong Dae-young think?”

“Is this my business?…”

It didn’t matter what Seong Dae-young thought of ‘Lee Jae-heon’. In any case, if you react by flinching or averting your gaze only to the art teacher’s work, the person named ‘Lee Jae-heon’ will be well remembered. I didn’t know whether the result would be negative or positive, but I knew well that it would make Seong Dae-young impatient.

I know this because I saw several similar crazy people in my past life.

‘Strangely enough, they paid more attention to me when I showed signs of dislike.’

I’ve never seen one of those guys who wasn’t a control freak. It’s extremely stressful to be in an uncontrolled situation, and that’s what it feels like when ‘Lee Jae-heon’ rejects Seong Dae-young’s work. If you really wanted to be interested in and approach ‘Lee Jae-heon’, you should have given the most harmless impression, but you couldn’t.

Seong Dae-young didn’t seem to have much patience compared to his caution, so it seemed like he could be easily lured in by gently provoking him. The reaction was even more dramatic when they showed Song In-myeong getting caught while trying to leave in the middle. This is a guy who can pierce the back of your head with his gaze.

“…That’s number 17.”


“You don’t like it?”

A mysterious woman trapped in glass, not plaster.

Like most ‘works’ on stage, it was beautiful. The glass sparkling on the stage under the dark hall lights is like a smooth and brilliant jewel. The brown hair, loosely fixed like ripe grain, looked so natural that it was hard to believe it was trapped in glass. A peaceful face with both eyes closed and mouth slightly open, like someone enjoying a languid wastewater. Although he is in a standing position, the arm supporting the ball as if he is leaning on something is impressive.

If the thing inside wasn’t human, would it have been worth seeing?


I didn’t want to store it in my brain, so I swallowed all the thoughts that came to mind.

Among people who are crazy about ‘art,’ Lee Jae-heon bought the 17th work.

* * *

The boring event has come to an end.

Seong Dae-young’s business card came with number 17, which Lee Jae-heon purchased.

“Is this the original format?”

“No, I only give you the work I bought, I don’t necessarily give you the artist’s business card. “I think Seong Dae-young is playing a trick.”

“Not bad.”

It was a little disappointing that I didn’t hand it over in person, but at this level, the intended goal was achieved. It didn’t matter if Lee Jae-heon contacted me directly under another excuse, and it was okay if he approached me first, pretending to be a coincidence. Even though Song In-myeong didn’t say anything, he was very trustworthy because he would comfort Seong Dae-young in the middle.

‘I wonder if a visit to Song In-myeong’s studio would be a suitable stimulus…’

Since the water had been opened, it would be easy to catch Sung Dae-young as long as the opportunity was clear. Even if progress is slow, if Sung Dae-young is left to chase the tail of ‘Lee Jae-heon’, the party that feels the annoyance will think about cleaning it up on its own. We fell into the mud together to pull the cautious guy out of the hole, but we were satisfied with this.

“But you have to take good care of that necklace….”

“It’s noisy.”

“Oh, it goes bad really quickly? Even if you touch it with bare hands. I’ve never bought any jewelry. “It gets scratched really easily, so you have to touch it gently.”

“It’s noisy.”


Song In-myeong, who was grumbling, soon said with a grin.

“Then can I show you my gift now?”

“…It’s already ominous.”

“No, you’ll really like it, right?”

Song In-myeong, who came out of the basement event hall, led Lee Jae-heon up to the 14th floor of the building. Small companies were located up to the 10th floor, and above that were officetels. In the unique atmosphere of a building where people live, Lee Jae-heon looked around the hallway and stopped Jeong Eun-woo, who had followed him late.

“Are you going to follow me again? “I’m starting to get annoyed.”

“But the Chairman…”

“There is no need to watch him take a break.”

“Wouldn’t it be okay to wait in front of the door?”

“Like that.”

The room I entered after barely shaking off Jung Eun-woo was safer than I thought.

‘Is this a common officetel?’

Approximately between 60 pyeong and 70 pyeong in size. Perhaps it was a house for a single or two-person household, but the size of the room was larger than the number of rooms. A normal atmosphere without any crazy human body exhibits that I was worried about. Except for the fact that it was too cool, it seemed like an ordinary house with everything you need, like a floor table and a kitchen.

Jaeheon Lee asked as he took off his outerwear.

“…So why did you come here? You will think that it was a proper gift. “If I had a necklace like this, I would leave right away.”

“It’s not like that. “I told you you would like it.”

“I feel anxious.”

I was worried whether Song In-myeong had prepared something as a gift that ‘Lee Jae-heon’ would like. There was something about Song In-myeong that kept getting on people’s nerves. They’re probably doing that on purpose.

As I was looking at him without hiding my anger, Song In-myeong started talking.

“I know that? “I recently found out that there is a product that provides an adoption experience.”

“…Adoption experience?”

“I also wondered what this meant. To be honest, not everyone in the same industry knows how to make a living. Why is it like that with Oseong alone? If there is a planning team, there is a separate marketing team. There may be times when we have meetings, but we don’t always work together. “We are similar too.”

“I don’t know what you want to say.”

“The main purpose of our industry is to fill needs that are often unmet. “It exists for customers who want to expand their world without being caught by the law, or for customers who want to buy things that cannot be obtained through ordinary means.”

“Why is that…”

“It includes experience. The world is wide and there are many unique tastes, right? “Maybe that’s why they made a lot of unique products.”

‘Lee Jae-heon’ said with a frown.

“I believe you don’t mean to give me that kind of experience.”

“Of course not! Even if I don’t give you a gift, you’re experiencing various things on your own, right?”

“It’s not an experience you enjoy.”

“I guess so. “I’m not doing it because I like it because my face is too bad.”

“…What on earth are we going to do? “Why did you drag me here?”

“I told you I would give you a gift. “I am confident.”

Song In-myeong opened the door that appeared to be the master bedroom.

“Because I brought you something you like.”


Little Inyoung is sitting inside the room, fiddling with a doll.

Her elaborately dyed hair was tied up beautifully, and her clothes were as cute as a little girl from a storybook. The white dress with moderate lace was even more unrealistic as it resembled the child’s porcelain face.


The child raises his head and lets out an exclamation.


“It’s a zombie guy.”

Why is he here?

Three seconds later, modern man’s conscience screamed with questions.

(Continued in the next part)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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