Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 423

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Episode 423

After receiving a call from Song In-myeong, Seong Dae-young decided to participate in the second part of the party by asking his sponsor. I didn’t want to show myself shaken by an immature brat like Song In-myeong, but I couldn’t help it. Because the bait he offered was really interesting.

‘I can’t investigate someone from this party who is my subject.’

The only information given is what I heard from Song In-myeong. It was hard to believe that Lee Jae-heon, who was still known as an abandoned member of the family, was actually a person who could not get over the hardships that befell him for the first time.

‘But what if that’s true?’

It’s true that Song In-myeong is an annoying brat, but he didn’t make up words that didn’t exist. Even if 10% lie or tell the truth, there are facts that are not disclosed. I don’t know if Lee Jae-heon will really be dragged to the party, but I would find out when I meet Song In-myeong in person. Surely you wouldn’t even see blood in a place like that.

Seong Dae-young, who was waiting for Song In-myeong and his guests, stopped a passing manager.

“for a moment.”

“Yes, author.”

“Could you please tell me the attendance list for today’s party?”

Seong Dae-young was a writer popular with customers who were obsessed with love.

Unlike Song In-myeong and other artists, he did not touch the original form of the material as much as possible. Did you like the fact that it became a part of the work in its entirety? A customer who had broken up with her lover due to an unfortunate incident even applied for a work in tears. I often received requests like that.

In this industry, a writer’s popularity soon becomes power. As popularity increases, stronger sponsors are met, and that background becomes the author’s strength.

So it wasn’t difficult to ask for a list of participants for the party that was about to start.

“Participation list?”

“If it’s really difficult, it’s okay to make a list. “I just want you to know who is coming in at the entrance.”

“That’s that…”



The manager in charge of the event nodded, even though he was embarrassed. Although Seong Dae-young is not a top-tier writer, he mainly creates works of universal taste. Since he is someone who will attract many customers in the future, I was a little reluctant to go against his will. This is a list that everyone knows anyway.

Moreover, although the manager was a man, he did not know when or under what pretext his family or people around him would be dragged into being material for Sung Dae Young. In addition to his personal feelings, the manager told Seong Dae-young the names of the participants, and among them was Lee Jae-heon.

“I think this is probably the end of this event…”

“Yes, thank you.”

After confirming that Song In-myeong had brought Lee Jae-heon, Seong Dae-young no longer harassed the manager. I was a little worried because I thought they would only show up for part 1, but seeing as they dragged on to part 2, I guess Song In-myeong was really impressed.

‘I’m still not sure what the case is.’

Song In-myeong was a very temperamental guy. I still couldn’t figure out why a fool who couldn’t stay still even for a minute had brought this party’s youngest child.

As I heard a few days ago, is Jaeheon Lee really that kind of person? A person who is so good that he stops a murderer for the sake of a stranger? Maybe it was all Song In-myeong’s lies and a vain attempt to lure Sung Dae-young. Just hearing Song In-myeong’s words, it seemed as if Lee Dang’s third child was a phoenix that could never be saved again.

‘It could be that they want me to incur this party’s hatred by being there. Even if a person named Lee Jae-heon is treated as a discarded card in this party, it is not at a level that a writer like me can touch…’

Fortunately, the opportunity for observation came quickly.

“Isn’t that guy over there Lee Dang?”

“okay. “I heard you’re a manager at Ohsung Planning…”

“I didn’t know you had this kind of taste.”

Since it was a place where only people who knew each other gathered, even if I was wearing a mask, I was clearly noticeable to people I was meeting for the first time. Lee Jae-heon was not the only person who came to such an event for the first time, but because of the name value of the party and Lee Jae-heon’s known personality, the masked participants started whispering. Regardless of whether you are a writer or a sponsor.

Thanks to this, Seong Dae-young was able to recognize Lee Jae-heon in time.

‘…It’s a lot quieter than I thought.’

When I heard the story, I thought he was an idiot who was not worthy of his age, but when he actually attended the event, Lee Jae-heon was standing quietly without talking to anyone. Song In-myeong, who seemed to be acting as his guide, barely answered when he spoke first.


Perhaps because of the story he heard from Song In-myeong, Lee Jae-heon seemed a little anxious.

‘If that bastard dragged me by force, it could be possible.’

Lee Jae-heon, portrayed by Song In-myeong, was different on the outside and the inside, and although he was fine on the outside, he was a soft person on the inside.

The eyes, the only visible area beyond the white mask, are frowned upon in an uncharacteristic manner, but what if that is some kind of acting? Seong Dae-young looked closely at the man he had just met, whose expression was barely visible.

“I thought the third party member was not interested in this type of thing.”

“Do you even know where you came from in the first place? The chairman of this party has such a bad personality that it would have been easy to push his younger brother, who knows nothing, into this event. Of course, I don’t know what purpose there is, but…”

“If you came here knowing, was it voluntarily or forcibly? I can’t tell because I can’t see the face because of the mask. “He doesn’t seem to be in a very good mood.”

“But it doesn’t look that bad, does it? “He had that exact expression in Part 1 as well.”

“Isn’t that person standing in the back the Chairman’s person? “That’s the level of surveillance.”

“If they’re watching you like that, it’s hard to even approach them and talk to them…”

Seong Dae-young, who was listening to the people whispering, nodded inwardly.

‘Most people don’t think that Lee Jae-heon was dragged by Song In-myeong and forced to come. Even if they were forced to come, they seem to think they were pushed by this party.’

This is probably because this party is this party, no matter how much of a nuisance it is treated as. He has a reputation, so you wouldn’t think he would have been forced to participate in this event by being led by a single writer. It was a natural decision, as it was like a lion being dragged by a rat by its leash.

That’s why Seong Dae-young had doubts. No matter how you look at it, Lee Jae-heon, who is in A’s position, is not only stupid, but he is smart enough to know how to hide his true nature. Why would he bend down to Song In-myeong? Even though Lee Jae-heon himself does not actually own a stake in this party, there is a background to it.



However, the way he occasionally twitched his fingers while listening to Song In-myeong’s whispers did not seem particularly comfortable. At the very least, it meant that I did not participate in this event as a customer or sponsor.

I made eye contact with Song In-myeong.

“…Tsk, you arrogant bastard.”

My tongue clicked as I saw this little guy, who was nothing special, looking at me with a sense of superiority. When my guy is so good, he makes such an arrogant face. Even though more than half of his face was covered by a mask, I could definitely feel the joy and joy in his eyes.

At that point, this thought occurred to me.

‘…What if Lee Jae-heon’s background was of no use?’

Of course, Song In-myeong is not strong enough to ignore Lee Dang, but what if Lee Dang, so strong, abandoned Lee Jae-heon? Or what if Song In-myeong and Lee Dang’s goals are the same? If you can’t receive any help because you are treated as a non-existent person within this party… I could roughly understand Song In-myeong’s words.

‘If Song In-myeong had threatened, he would have threatened with the life of an innocent person, and this party would not want to worry about such things as long as public opinion is managed well.’

It’s an annoying fact, but Song In-myeong had good influence and connections in this industry. Lee Dang, who had connections in this industry, would not have wanted to create a conflict with the industry by messing with a writer who was making good money if left alone. Objectively, it would be a loss if Song In-myeong pretends to take care of Lee Jae-heon, the only family member he abandoned.

Of course, that meant I was concerned about the secretary who was standing behind Lee Jae-heon, but no matter how much he was treated as an abandoned family member, he would have to keep an eye on Lee Dang-in to make sure he didn’t cause an accident. If you think about it that way, I understand the situation to some extent.

“You’re an unfamiliar face. Is this your first time attending the second part of the gala?”

That’s why Song In-myeong spoke briefly while he was away.

The eyes, the only ones visible among the faces covered by the mask, narrowed as if assessing Sung Dae-young, but soon widened. He had a calm and dry gaze that did not look like he was being threatened at all, but if Song In-myeong is correct, he was someone who had been acting for more than 30 years. This level of skill was not surprising.

“…Yes, this is my first time.”

…Your voice is calmer than I thought.

‘I imagined a higher tone.’

When it comes to children abandoned by the royal family, most people have a similar image. Either they are so stupid or frivolous that they can’t use their hands, or they are so crazy that they cause a big accident. What these people had in common was that they were not serious people. In that respect, Lee Jae-heon, who seemed dead and quiet, could be said to be unique.

“okay. I knew all the people participating in Part 2, so I thought about it. “I’m sorry if I was rude.”


Was it a reflexive voice?

“it’s okay.”


I saw my fingers trembling slightly.

It was such a faint movement that I thought I had seen something wrong because it was such a fleeting moment. When I raised my gaze and looked into his eyes, he wasn’t looking at me at all. Or maybe I can’t. Even though we tried to approach it as gently as possible, the only thing that was resolved was this much. I was more alert than I thought.

Sometimes there are people like this. A case in which a person becomes the weak because of his or her personality, even though he or she is not weak or stupid. Or, if you try to hide yourself because you have a lot of memories of what happened when you were a very weak person.

“By any chance… do you not like this position?”

Neither of them could be said to have high self-esteem.

“No, it’s just…”

“It’s your first time, so you might be nervous. However, you don’t have to worry too much as it goes on without much difference from other galas.”

“Is that so.”

It was rare to find someone who was both smart and sacrificial. The instinct for survival is called selfishness. There were very few people who were good at hiding themselves but were actually good on the inside. The more skillful you are, the more likely you are to learn bad things, so at least Seong Dae-young has never seen a good person who is skillfully deceiving himself.

Seong Dae-young realized why Song In-myeong was so happy. I can’t help but feel good because I have this natural monument all to myself.

“You were with student Song In-myeong earlier.”

It’s unfortunate, but as Song In-myeong said in a previous phone call, Seong Dae-young also liked this kind of person.

People who are capable enough not to be easily victimized, but who cannot be affected by malice and walk a difficult path. People like this struggle desperately to protect what is precious to them. Don’t let go of the relationship.


I really don’t use men.

“I had no idea that student would have such a customer.”


“Are you very close with them?”

When I asked Lee Jae-heon while hiding his true feelings, he became lost in thought. As I remembered something, my clasped hands became stronger and a voice as rough as desert sand was heard, as if it had been like that from the beginning.

“…Yes, that’s right.”

It was a calm voice, but it was telling a lie.


“We are close.”

What and for whom are you lying?

‘…i envy you.’

For a moment, I thought I was jealous.

It would have died down quickly, if only because of my pride, but strangely enough, the feeling of envy would not go away. I couldn’t figure out how good of a person he was to be sacrificed by such a good person. Given Song In-myeong’s personality, he wouldn’t have taken a person of such great status hostage, but what’s the point?


He looked at Lee Jae-heon, who was still not looking at him.

“I think the auction will begin soon. “Let’s go now.”

“…Go ahead.”

“It was fun talking to you.”

I didn’t try to show it, but I was nervous. I felt like if I stayed here any longer, I would easily cross the line and get angry. I didn’t understand why I was angry myself.

However, it was clear that Song In-myeong was annoyed as he approached Lee Jae-heon as if he had been waiting.

‘I don’t like it.’

it’s annoying.

Oh, I’m jealous.

* * *

Song In-myeong whispered, naturally sitting next to Lee Jae-heon.

“What did he do? Why is he so upset?”


“Hey, he’s talented.”

It was a voice that said it was so fun that it would kill me.

(Continued in the next part)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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