Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 410

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Episode 410

“I’m glad the students seem to be doing well too.”

Jeong In-ho, who was watching the reactions of high school students in the group chat room, nodded.

“It seems like he is doing well at the school he transferred to.”

“As expected, it’s not a joke to be friendly with kids…”

Kwon Yeon-hee smiled and sighed in relief.

Once you reach high school, it becomes rare to transfer schools, and if it’s a group, things get even weirder. The school, which suddenly received three second-year students and two third-year students, worried that the atmosphere would become chaotic and suspected something had happened, but that was covered up thanks to Lee Jae-heon’s power.

“After all, the power of money.”

“It is truly true that no one hates money.”

“I was fortunate that it was a private school.”

It was possible to suppress the teachers’ doubts with donations, but it was the students’ responsibility to adapt to the changed environment and make new friends. Teachers were not the only ones surprised by the sudden group transfer. There was even a scandal going around about whether he had caused trouble at his previous school.

Of course, it is said that even that blended in well due to the children’s unique friendliness.

“It’s still early days after transferring. “It will gradually get better.”

“It must have been hard for him to adapt… but I couldn’t keep him in the last school.”

Kwon Yeon-hee nodded vigorously at Kang Min-ah’s words.

“I still get goosebumps. “I can’t catch that bastard right away.”

Teachers are not called iron rice bowls for nothing. Of course, if it was discovered that he had committed a heinous crime such as murder, he would be fired, but the problem was how to publicize the crime. As soon as he returned to reality, Hong Gyeong-jun said he looked for information about the art teacher, but couldn’t even find the tail.

If Lee Jae-heon was to be pressured by the family he belongs to, there was nothing he could do, but…

“In that case, the manager would be in trouble.”

“I hope I don’t have to lend a hand to that family for no reason.”

Jeong In-ho and Kang Min-ah were embarrassed and ignored the option of being a two-party group. It seemed like only yesterday that I was kidnapped and had my fingernails ripped off by a guy called my older brother, but the thought of receiving help from that place made me sick to my core. It was just a few hours ago that Lee Jae-heon was caught and stopped while he was trying to contact his family.

The moment the story about Lee Jae-heon came out, there was a strange silence.



Kang Min-ah opened her mouth.

“As expected, there’s that… problem, right?”

Kang Min-ah, Kwon Yeon-hee, Noh Yeon-seok, Jeong In-ho.

Among them, Jeong In-ho was the only one who took care of the final boss with Lee Jae-heon, and it was Jeong In-ho who knew even a little about the abnormal symptoms that Lee Jae-heon showed in the swimming pool. It was no wonder that eyes were focused on him.

Before Jaeheon Lee fell into a long sleep that lasted a week, Gyeongjun Hong had a conversation with him. Thinking back to Lee Jae-heon’s pattern of falling asleep as if he were dead when his fatigue deepened, I could not help but think that the conversation we had at that time was a great burden to Lee Jae-heon.

And right after Lee Jae-heon woke up from his dream, he and Hong Gyeong-jun, Ha Seong-yoon, and Jeong In-ho talked about something again. Perhaps Jeong In-ho had heard something about Lee Jae-heon’s condition.


“Is the situation too sensitive for us to hear it from Jeong In-ho’s mouth?”

I don’t know because they weren’t there, but it was a story about Lee Jae-heon’s past when he was continuously tortured by someone.

“…I guess so.”

After organizing his thoughts, Jeong In-ho continued.

“It would be better to ask directly later when a position becomes available.”

A person’s personality is severely damaged through torture. They say they have become quite close now, but Jung In-ho is still just a third party. It was a story too terrible for someone else to tell it for me.

Kang Min-ana and Kwon Yeon-hee nodded.


Although it wasn’t Noh Yeon-seok who was missing from this trip to the secret world.

“Oh, I guess something happened…?”

“Didn’t Kang Min-ah tell you?”

“We were busy asking how each other was doing that evening…”

Kwon Yeon-hee turned her head.

“…!! That day… dinner?!”


“What, when did you two meet? “When and since when?”

“Ah no…!”

Instead of Noh Yeon-seok, who was bright red, Kang Min-ah smiled and answered with a calm face.

“As soon as I get out of this world.”


“Yeonseok came to visit me. “I was happy.”


Jeong In-ho looked back at Noh Yeon-seok as Kwon Yeon-hee covered her mouth with both hands and her eyes sparkled. His widened eyes met Noh Yeon-seok’s trembling pupils, as if he couldn’t believe this pink atmosphere.

Jeong In-ho opened his mouth.


“No, no, we just had a real conversation! “He just ate the chicken!”

Kang Min-ah added words to Noh Yeon-seok, who was crying bright red due to an emotion that he didn’t know whether it was unfair or not.

“So I was sad.”

“…?!! yes?!”



Kwon Yeon-hee and Jeong In-ho nodded, standing close together.

“Finally, there is hope for Yeon-seok….”

“This is already beyond the green light….”

“Stop making fun of me!”

“Do you think I’m teasing you?”

“…! Oh no…!”

Jung In-ho, who was happily watching Noh Yeon-seok immersed in Kang Min-ah’s counter, made eye contact with Woo Joo-young, who was coming out of the elevator, probably because he had finished his lunch. Woo Woo-young blinked at the noisy atmosphere and approached them.

A smile appeared on her face.

“What, what, why is this team’s atmosphere so good? “What’s going on?”

“Please congratulate the team leader. Finally, our Yeonseok….”

“Are you getting married?”

Jeong In-ho smiled with his characteristic sincere face.

“As expected, you are the team leader.”

“Wow really?”


The full-time employees smiled cheerfully at the almost sobbing Noh Yeon-seok. Kang Min-ah was looking at the big, shriveled figure with a smile.

Jeong In-ho thought to himself.

‘…Given this atmosphere, I don’t think either of you said anything about dating first.’

It didn’t seem like Kang Min or Noh Yeon-seok were waiting for the other to confess first.

‘Are you hesitating because of the situation?’

I don’t know what the change of heart was, but Kang Min-ah definitely seems to have opened her heart to Noh Yeon-seok. Noh Yeon-seok’s feelings for Kang Min-ah happened a long time ago, so they won’t get caught anymore, but if there’s a problem that prevents them from officially dating, is there anything more than a secret world?

Woo Woo-young probably had similar thoughts, so he didn’t make fun of Noh Yeon-seok or encourage them further. She sat down on the remaining chair and looked toward the empty office and asked.

“Has the manager arrived yet?”

“I think so.”

“okay? “Well, I’m sure you’ll take good care of it, but…”

Woo Woo-young’s face showed a little worry.

“I don’t know if you’re okay.”


It was a worry in the same context as what Kang Min-ah had just asked.

I don’t know the details of the other members, but those who worked hard to defeat the final boss, like Jung In-ho and Woo Joo-young, knew about Lee Jae-heon’s trauma at least roughly. The swimming pool, more specifically, the trauma of a space that is related to it or has similar conditions.

Kwon Yeon-hee, who saw the two faces, hesitated and asked.

“…You two know each other, right?”

“Uhm, that’s right. “I know how to know Daaeechung, but….”



Jeong In-ho said with a grin at the silence that had returned.

“Then shall we visit again?”

“huh? Where…”

“To the manager’s house.”


Woo Joo-young looked at Jung In-ho with a shocked face, but the other team members’ reactions were positive.

“Is that so? “If I buy a few snacks again this time…”

“The manager will give me a card, so why bother?”

“I’ll take care of the cooking this time too! “I’m confident.”

Jeong In-ho sighed, leaving the confused Woo Joo-young behind.

‘Is this the end for now?’

There were many things about Lee Jae-heon’s situation that even Jeong In-ho did not know. Even some of what I learned was too cruel to listen to with a sober mind. In a relaxed atmosphere, after drinking some alcohol, the side effects would be less. At least it’s not a story to share at work.

As Jeong In-ho was thinking like that, Noh Yeon-seok’s strange reaction caught his eye.



For some reason, he looks restless.


“Ah yes!”


It was clearly a face that wanted to say something.

“…Is there anything else you want to ask?”


Noh Yeon-seok, who was licking his lips, shook his head.

“I’ll ask more when I go to the manager’s house.”

“Oh yeah.”

Jeong In-ho thought with a calm face.

‘I don’t think this is a story that can be easily brought up, right?’

While they were in the other world, Noh Yeon-seok must have learned something. However, looking at the faces of those gathered, it appears that they are choosing someone to inform, and if that is the case, it does not seem like this is something they will reveal to the company.

Jeong In-ho smiled, pretending not to notice.

“Then, shall we try to seduce the manager? Employee Kwon?”

“Yes, Assistant Manager Jeong! “Please leave it to me!”

“Haha, I’ll trust you and leave it to you.”

And an unexpected answer came back from Jaeheon Lee.


“This Friday.”


Everyone has left work and only the people left are in the office.

Lee Jae-heon said with a shocked face.

“I… have plans on Friday.”

“Where is the manager’s schedule…?”

“Isn’t the Malbon bird very cocky? Well, no matter what, you don’t have to participate in family events. “It’s not an event hosted at home, but an event attended with family… Anyway.”

Jaeheon Lee shook his head.

“This weekend is full. “Do it next week.”

“…wait for a sec.”

Inho Jeong asked.

“A family event?”

“Then what event will I participate in?”

“house management?”

So this party?

Is there someone who pulled out all your fingernails?


The blood disappeared from the survivors’ faces.

* * *

Many people, including In-ho Jeong, tried to stop him, saying, ‘Please, can’t I go?’, but since it was a decision made by the family in the first place, they, as outsiders, could not argue. Lee Jae-heon was embarrassed by Kwon Yeon-hee, who was crying and clinging to him even though he knew the truth, but that was all.

In the end, Jeong In-ho, who left the company to return home without success, was able to encounter a large figure approaching him.



Despite Jeong In-ho’s call, Noh Yeon-seok only hesitated and did not answer right away.

“what’s the matter. “You followed me, right?”

Noh Yeon-seok and Jeong In-ho leave work in opposite directions. If I ran into him on my way home, I could only assume that the other person was following me.

“…Is there something you want to say?”


there was something to guess.

“I was planning to say something earlier this afternoon. yes?”


“It’s a difficult story to tell to people like Director Kang and Team Leader Woo.”


“Can you tell me?”



Jeong In-ho opened the car door.

“say it.”

Hesitantly sitting in the passenger seat, Noh Yeon-seok stuttered out quite a bit of the story.

When I was in the secret world, everyone was a mannequin, but Lee Jae-heon was the only one with nothing. People recognized Jaeheon Lee in a place that was clearly empty. Then one day, I met a snake-like police ghost and said that it could only appear in reality without Lee Jae-heon.

“Ah, they said they might see each other often in the future…”


“…The manager said he was originally a being that did not exist in this world.”

That’s why Lee Jae-heon doesn’t have a mannequin, and originally, the second generation was the end of the fourth generation of the Lee Dang group. They say he was created in a hurry because he failed. The snake-like police officer teasingly said that he felt sorry for Noh Yeon-seok, who had a boss who could die at any moment.

“And then I didn’t see him for a while… but he reappeared right before everyone escaped from the other world. Director Kang will be back soon, so… I hope there will be progress in my dating business…” “

… These days, ghosts seem to be doing matchmaking as well.”

“…and again….”

Noh Yeon-seok, who hesitated, continued.

“I wish we were meaner and worse.”


Jeong In-ho suddenly thought of Lee Jae-heon. The remarks were strangely similar to each other.

I asked back later.


“He said people like us ruined him, and he acted really scary… And what did they say? Do you believe in God? “He was so proud, as if he had met God…”

Even though he was thinking of something, his eyes trembled here and there as if he was out of breath, and his sentences were unorganized and rambling. Jeong In-ho, who saw his breathing becoming increasingly heavy, lightly rubbed Noh Yeon-seok’s shoulder.

“Calm down, Yeonseok. “Speak slowly.”


Noh Yeon-seok took a deep breath and continued.

“He rebelled against God and became a ghost, but he has no intention of interfering with God’s plan… So, he said it would be nice if the manager died, but even if he didn’t die, that would be okay….” “….” “

And the last one. “It was before it disappeared.”

Noh Yeon-seok said while looking at Jeong In-ho.

“To Gyeongjun.”


“…Please say hello.”

“Wow, really hahaha….”

Until a few months ago, I was confident that I knew how the world worked.

“…Why is there an uproar everywhere?”

Now I really don’t know what it is.

You damn bastards.

(Continued in the next part)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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