Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 409

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Episode 409

For some reason, there was a strong perception that Eonhak High School was a school that only rich people could enter, but there was no way such a rule would exist in a general high school with no restrictions on admission. In fact, Eonhak High School was a school that mainly attracted students who were good at studying rather than wealthy ones.

However, perhaps due to widespread awareness, some parents viewed Eonhak High School as a stream where dragons could be raised. I believed that my child, who was not good at anything except being good at studying, could become a rich person and support his family. This atmosphere did not subside easily, perhaps due to the fact that many parents were particularly picky about their children’s grades.


Seong Ji-ho was also one of the victims of such polarizing parents.

“It was torn. “Why is this house so big?”

“It has 4 rooms. What is this?”

“There are two bathrooms… Honestly, I’m a little scared of having a big house like this.”

Without even unpacking the luggage he had brought with him, Seong Ji-ho wandered around an unfamiliar house with his friends. It was a fun sight to see so many high school boys standing shoulder to shoulder and looking at each room, but the people involved didn’t think much of it.

We were just unfamiliar with the unexpected luck that had befallen us.

“…There’s only three of us. Is it okay for us to stay in a house like this?”

Hearing Kim Hee-chan’s words, which were both excited and nervous, Seong Ji-ho turned to Park Da-hoon.

“Hey, hey, give me a call. “I think I found the wrong house.”

“No, he’s probably at work right now…”

“Then at least send a text quickly. “What should I do if I tell you that I’ve unpacked my bags and it’s not my house?”


Park Da-hoon, who was massaging the back of his neck as if he thought there was some truth to Seong Ji-ho’s words, eventually took out his cell phone. Park Da-hoon’s face, worried that he might be disturbing him while he was working, was very colorful, unlike what he had seen at Unhak High School. Seong Ji-ho suddenly felt that this was unfamiliar.

Before I could even organize my thoughts, I received a reply on Park Da-hoon’s cell phone.

“…Across from this house.”

“Fuck, you’re a god.”

“Oh God.”

Seong Ji-ho and Kim Hee-chan praised Lee Jae-heon while pretending to pray.

“How can we give an apartment like this to us…!”

Yes. This splendid apartment with 4 rooms and 2 bathrooms measuring 54 pyeong was a gift from Lee Jae-heon as a dormitory for three people: Seong Ji-ho, Park Da-hoon, and Kim Hee-chan. Without any cost.

Even if it was a gift from blood relatives, it would be very burdensome and somewhat suspicious, but the students who saw Lee Jae-heon’s warm sincerity in the behind-the-scenes world never doubted his dark intentions. To be honest, even if they had dark intentions, there was nothing that Lee Jae-heon, a royal, could take away from them, who were ordinary citizens with no special interests.

“From today, I am a member of the Jaehoon Church.”

“This kid is a great player. “I was busy with work.”

“Stop the damn thing and pack your bags, you idiots. “He said he was stopping by this evening.”


Kim Hee-chan asked with an excited expression.

“Would you like to buy me something delicious?”

Park Da-hoon’s face crumpled.

“Shut up and sort it out, you fucking bastards. a little. “I’m embarrassed to death.”

“Huh? Hey Park Da-hoon, are you embarrassed of us? Then we should make it more embarrassing. Agent Kim Hee-chan!”

“…! Yes!”

“?! Hey you bastards…!”

Park Da-hoon shouted at Seong Ji-ho and Kim Hee-chan, who were lying cross-legged on the floor, but it didn’t matter. Seong Ji-ho’s heart almost jumped out of his mouth because he was so excited about the luck that he could not have imagined before meeting Lee Jae-heon, and the feelings of Kim Hee-chan, who was lying next to him and tearing apart, did not seem to be much different.

Seong Ji-ho rested his chin on his hand and smiled mischievously.

“Do you see Kim Hee-chan? “That is Jin Zhi Chung.”

“Ah, is that…?”

“Oh, what a bunch of bastards.”

Park Da-hoon, who was grumbling, cleared his throat and quietly lay down next to Kim Hee-chan.

“…? “What the fuck.”

“Kk hehehe….”

“…What the fuck are we going to do? What are you going to do? “Well, what the fuck are you going to do?”

“You’re crazy so quick.”


“Is the laughter real?”

“Wow… these guys are all idiots, it’s so fucking funny.”

Seong Ji-ho giggled at the formation of the idiot trio, Kim Hee-chan couldn’t stop laughing as if he had a hole in his lungs, and Park Da-hoon was embarrassed by his actions but didn’t get up from his lying down. No matter who looked at them, they were the same guys.

As we were hanging out without even unpacking our bags, the front door opened and two female students came in.

“…? “What are these bastards?”

“It looks like an amoeba.”

At the mutterings of Park Da-young and Maeng Na-eun, Park Da-hoon and Kim Hee-chan stood up, and Seong Ji-ho, who was caught and raised, protested against the uninvited guests.

“What the fuck is an amoeba? An amoeba.”

“What do you mean, it looks like an amoeba?”

“Is your eye sprained, Maeng Na-eun? “Where can you find such a handsome amoeba?”

“I don’t know if he’s handsome, but is the amoeba here?”

“Look at the way you talk.”

Maeng Na-eun and Park Da-young, who completely ignored Seong Ji-ho, looked around the male students’ dormitory.

“The men’s room is not much different from ours.”

“So it’s the same floor…?”

Kim Hee-chan asked what the women said.

“uh? Are you next door to us?”

The apartment that Jaeheon Lee saved had two units per floor, but in apartments like this one, which were built several years ago, it was rare for two units on the same floor to be vacant at the same time. Of course I thought it was a different floor or something else, but it was right next door. It was surprising too.

The women who arrived later than the men responded.

“Didn’t you hear from your uncle? “There was an original owner here, but I paid money to kick him out.”

“…I didn’t kick you out… Dayoung, that’s just an agreement… If you give me that much money, I’ll leave too…” “

Anyway, that’s right.”


Kim Hee-chan was surprised, Park Da-hoon was surprised, and Seong Ji-ho was also surprised. In particular, Seong Ji-ho, who was in the poorest financial environment among those gathered here, was even more surprised.

“Can you move the house… like that?”

He has never moved since he was born. The cost of moving was considerable, and not everyone in the household could afford to take the time to move. I’ve literally only imagined this kind of money-making, but this is the first time I’ve seen it actually happen.

In addition, this apartment was an 8-minute drive from the school and had excellent transportation links. It was natural for a building with these advantages to be expensive. The same was true for the apartment they moved into.

How much money do we have to spend to evict people who have been living in such places with no intention of moving to other homes?

“I keep saying this, but from today onwards, I am a member of the Reformed Church.”

“Everyone, please know. “I was busy with work.”

“Jaeheongyo… the tone is really nice.”

Maeng Na-eun wrinkled her face at the sight of the men whispering.


I started talking because the one-year age difference was not important in the underworld where it was difficult to survive right now, but they were still younger than Maeng Na-eun and Park Da-young. To Maeng Na-eun, it just seemed stupid for a group of juniors to gather together and create a religion.

Maeng Na-eun shouted, tearing out their heads as they seemed to be on the verge of creating the so-called Reconstitution doctrine.

“hey! You guys are coming over in the evening, so what are you doing without even packing your bags? Jaeheongyo?! “If it were me, I would get goosebumps and take back the chicken I bought!”

“Oh, the chicken crossed the line.”

“Our Naeun is good….” The

commotion ended with Seong Ji-ho, who turned his eyes at the word chicken, packing up his luggage and Park Da-young watching him with a faint smile. The male students were reluctant to show a dirty face to the kind of sponsor who bought them a house and opened a new school for them.

Fortunately, the students’ luggage was not very heavy.



It was Seong Ji-ho who spoke first.

“When everyone came out… did it come out well?”

There was a moment of silence at the cautious question, and Da-hoon Park answered with a sigh.

“It came out well. What is there that you can’t come out of in a family like that….”


“Park Da-young, relax your expression. “It’s not like you’re a damn thing, so why are you doing this?”

“No, just.”

Seong Ji-ho didn’t know much about the circumstances of Park Da-hoon and Park Da-young, but he guessed that they had caused some trouble by the way they ran out with their luggage as if they had been waiting for Lee Jae-heon’s offer. In particular, Park Da-young even noticed Park Da-hoon’s feelings for some reason.

That showed me that they weren’t an ordinary brother and sister relationship, but

Even though I wasn’t very quick-witted, I knew that it would be really bad to pretend to know something about such a complicated situation. Seong Ji-ho opened his mouth, trying hard to pretend not to see their awkward appearance.

“I was so fucking shit when I came out.”


“Well, I just said that.”

I confessed it out of anger, but at the same time, I regretted it.

Adults have a tendency to ignore peer culture, but the younger they are, the clearer the power relationship between them becomes. This characteristic was even stronger in Eonhak High School, where the spirit of competition was strong. The day Seong Ji-ho revealed his poverty and stupidity, he instantly became the weakest.

He didn’t think that the people gathered now would ignore him like that, but he couldn’t help but feel anxious. Seong Ji-ho awkwardly fiddled with his luggage.


Kim Hee-chan opened his mouth.

“…I…I…for some reason, I sent it to you kindly.”

“…okay? That’s surprising. Didn’t I tell you that your parents also have the same temper? “I thought he would be in the most trouble out of all of us, but I’m glad he did.”

Kim Hee-chan laughed when asked, recalling one of the stories we shared when we were in the secret world.

“That’s true, but I don’t know. “It looked like he was a little scared… but when I packed up my things and tried to leave, he packed a lot of things and sent me away.”

“Oh oh…?”

“But it didn’t seem like it was for me.”

Kim Hee-chan laughed awkwardly.

While Seong Ji-ho suffered from direct domestic violence, Kim Hee-chan suffered from psychological violence. Kim Hee-chan’s parents, who were obsessed with their only son’s grades, took even one point off his report card as a huge stress. This led to a trend of mistreating Kim Hee-chan.

“What can I say… I felt like I had to show someone that I lived a life of being cared for. “Maybe you did it in advance?”

“…That could be possible.”

Maeng Na-eun, who was quietly listening to the story of her two younger siblings, opened her mouth.

“…It’s a bit embarrassing. “I just left.”

“Hey, why are you embarrassed? “I say that’s fortunate.”

Seong Ji-ho grumbled and denied it.

Maeng Na-eun came from a single-parent family with only her father. People who just don’t care whether they leave home and become independent or not. Of course, there wasn’t any noise when I was packing my luggage.

Park Da-young hit Maeng Na-eun’s side.

“Are you glad I’m indifferent? thank god? Ugh, these bastards.”


“Ah… I’m sorry.”

Maeng Na-eun was embarrassed and Seong Ji-ho apologized. Although he was clueless, he was quick to reflect.

Since there was only a small amount of luggage I brought with me, the cleanup was quick. The students went outside to buy daily necessities such as toothbrushes and toothpaste, and the female students sat in the male students’ houses and ate the snacks they had bought.

“Why aren’t you going back?”

“uh? “What the fuck are you complaining about?”

“No, that’s not true….”

“I can’t get used to the house because it’s too big.”

“Well, it’s a bit big for just two people to live in, right?”

“What do you mean by 54 pyeong for two women?”

Around 7 o’clock, while we were chatting, the doorbell rang.

“Oh, it’s you!”

“Open the door, open the door!”

It was Lee Jae-heon who brought chicken.

“Fuck chicken!!”

“Haaaaah I love you!”

“Believers of Jaeheongyo, gather here…!”

“Jaeheon! Jaeheon!”

“…Jaeheon… What is he saying now.”

Lee Jae-heon, who had a total of 5 chickens on the table, asked with a shocked expression on his face.

“How is the house okay?”

“It’s not at a good level.”

Da-hoon Park waved his hand, but Jae-heon Lee remained steadfast.

“Now here. We each created one bank account. “You will be using your allowance every month, so use it sparingly.”

“Wow, thank you so much…”

Seong Ji-ho opened his bankbook without hesitation and blinked.


“…is it too little?”

“…use it sparingly?”

“If a young person is already wasting his life, he can’t use it.”

“Every month?”

“I have to put it in when I use it all…? So what on earth do you want to ask?”


Seong Ji-ho, who was licking his lips as if he had something he wanted to say, soon closed the bank account in a calm manner.

“I will take good care of you.”

“? “Oh yeah.”

The reactions of other students who looked at their bank account details were not much different. Maeng Na-eun and Kim Hee-chan, who were shameful, asked seriously, such as ‘Isn’t this too much?’ and ‘Where are we being sold?’, but their opposition was completely defeated by Lee Jae-heon, who dismissed it as a joke.

Park Da-hoon asked as he spread out various types of chicken on the floor.

“But why chicken?”

“uh? That’s right…”

Lee Jae-

heon muttered as he opened the cap of his Coke.

“…I know?”

“I thought he was a dad who brought snacks for his kids on his way home from work.”

“Student Seong Ji-ho seems to be very obnoxious about the Jo club.”

Jaeheon Lee smiled as he poured cola into a paper cup.

“I’m just afraid I’m hungry.”

The expression on their faces seemed quite happy as they said that, so the students didn’t bother to say anything more.

All I could do was change my mind.

“…Wassi is so fucking delicious.”

“I guess it came right after you bought it. It’s so crispy.”

“It’s been a while since I had chicken.”

It was a place where only really sick people gathered.

(Continued in the next part)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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