Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 400

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Episode 400 Eonhak High

School 1st floor lobby.

“It’s a bit of a long story.”

Kim Ki-jeong nodded at Do-yoon Han’s words.

“Well, didn’t you do that every time?”

“Maybe they are making plans to explore Eonhak High School… but I always wonder what they are talking about.”

“If you’re that curious, just ask.”

“It’s not like you don’t have any sense.”

Song In-myeong blinked at the sight of the two adults talking quietly in a light tone.

“Do you think this happens often?”

“…I guess you have the audacity to ask something like that.”

“Once again. Anyway, it seems like this happens often? “Even if there are people who have questions, there are no people who object, so the results are always good.”

Lee Jae-heon, Jeong In-ho, Hong Gyeong-jun and the Park siblings. Even though it was an unnatural situation where a significant number of people left without warning and were talking among themselves, no one complained. Song In-myeong immediately understood how this team worked.

“With this kind of structure, the fallout from the loss of a leading team member would be severe.”

“Why don’t you shut up?”

“Why isn’t that wrong?”

A small number of people make future plans and move the team. It could be seen as an excellent group task site in that they were followed steadily, but conversely, it had the disadvantage of having the fate of the team determined by that small number of people.

“No, even if Lee Jae-heon dies right now…”

At that moment, all eyes turned to Song In-myeong.



Song In-myeong raised his eyebrows in dissatisfaction.

“I didn’t say you were going to kill me?”

Vivian sighed heavily at her shameless response, as if she had gotten into a fight. Vivian, wiping her face with one hand, pressed Song In-myeong’s head in a tired voice and bowed her head to the people.


“What does a student have to be sorry about?”

Han Do-yoon spoke with a grin, but there was a thorn stuck in it. The tone was that he was very displeased with Vivian’s continued attempts to cover up for Song In-myeong. Although he was a person who always laughed heartily, that didn’t mean his nature was round.

Nevertheless, Vivian pretended not to understand and made an apologetic expression to diffuse the situation, and the survivors quietly turned their gazes away from him. He seemed to be wary of Song In-myeong.


“Why are you apologizing?”

“Shut up.”

Sadly, this situation was all too familiar.

“You need to shut up.”

It was so familiar that I wanted to yell at it and yell at it.

‘…It shouldn’t be like this.’

A corner of my brain shrinks from a sense of self-destruction.

Hong Gyeong-jun did not tell Song In-myeong exactly what he had done. He said that his crime was so terrible that it was not even on the news, and he just hoped that Vivian would forget the existence of Song In-myeong as soon as possible.

From there, Vivian guessed that it was not a crime that simply killed people serially. Song In-myeong was a crazy person who talked about art as a habit and saw people as material. I had a rough idea of what he might have done. Vivian still couldn’t get rid of that guy.


Vivian muttered with her eyes tightly closed.

“…I want to see the boots.”

“Oh, me too.”

“You can’t.”

Vivian would probably be slapped on the back by Seo Jang-hwa as soon as she returned to reality. If you met Song In-myeong, you should have broken that bastard’s head. Why did you just look at that? Just thinking about that dependable figure made Vivian feel like she could breathe easier.

As he slowly exhaled, Song In-myeong no longer bothered Vivian.



“Are you finished shoveling?”

“Please, don’t you…”

Vivian, who was about to scold in anger, took a breath again.

I know that it’s not a pure act of consideration to not do pranks that cross the line as much as possible, but even so, I feel frustrated because I feel anxious. Vivian tried to ignore Song In-myeong and looked toward the bathroom.

As if the talk was over, people were coming to the lobby.

“…Jaeheon Lee.”

“Did you wait?”

“little bit.”

Lee Jae-heon, who approached Vivian, grabbed Vivian by the back of her neck with a sour expression and pulled her away from Song In-myeong. Vivian’s expression turned strange as she remembered the night at the Eonhak-ro shopping center a few days ago, but neither Lee Jae-heon nor Song In-myeong seemed to care much about him.

Jaeheon Lee said to Vivian.

“Didn’t I tell you not to stick around?”

“But since Detective Hong Gyeong-jun and the others aren’t here, even I…”

“Student Vivian especially shouldn’t stick with this bastard.”

Jaeheon Lee clicked his tongue and said, letting go of Vivian’s neck.

“Song In-myeong, please come with me.”



Both Song In-myeong and Vivian looked at Lee Jae-heon in doubt. It was because she did not understand Lee Jae-heon’s remarks, but Vivian turned her head to look at Hong Gyeong-jun and Jeong In-ho, who had come out after having a sufficient conversation with Lee Jae-heon.

Soon, In-ho Jeong and Vivian’s eyes met.

“? …??”



In-ho Jeong nodded silently at Vivian’s glance asking, ‘What kind of bullshit is this?’ Instead of resolving her doubts, Vivian’s confusion grew even more.

I had no idea where the idea of putting Song In-myeong and Lee Jae-heon together came from. It’s not like leaving fish to a cat, so what…

Song In-myeong’s thoughts weren’t much different, so he asked Jeong In-ho with a shocked expression.

“Are you crazy?”

“Indeed, it would be better for Vivian to keep her mouth shut, as she always said. In our minds and bodies.”

“No, then what the fuck is it? “This is a decision no person with a brain would make, right?”


Jeong In-ho let out a happy smile on his face as he said he had a lot of things he wanted to say, and the Park siblings who had been talking together avoided Vivian’s gaze with awkward faces. Only Hong Gyeong-jun sighed loudly and explained.

“We are not unaware of the risks, but we decided that we had no choice in order to carry out this plan efficiently.”


“…Damn it.”

In the end, Hong Gyeong-jun got nervous and avoided eye contact due to the gaze he received from Song In-myeong, asking, ‘Are you out of your mind?’ The fact that the police’s judgment was worse than that of a serial killer was enough to crush his pride. In the end, Vivian, who did not receive a proper answer, looked at Jaeheon Lee.

Lee Jae-heon nodded with a carefree expression.

“That’s it.”

“What happened like that?”

“This is a measure to utilize Song In-myeong and myself 100%.”

“What do you mean….”

* * *

4th floor: In-ho Jeong, Jae-heon Lee, Vivian, In-myeong Song, Gyeong-jun Hong.

3rd floor: Park Da-hoon, Woo Soo-young, Yoon Garam, Munsan-gun.

2nd floor: Han Do-yoon and Kim Ki-jeong.

1st floor: Dayoung Park, Jiho Seong.

* * *

First of all, except for Jung In-ho’s position, everything was the same, but Lee Jae-heon and Song In-myeong were a little different from the last episode.

“Are you sure this is okay?”


“It’s just you and me here.”

The two were in Building A.

“It seems like you trust me too much….”

“I guess I trust me, not you.”

“I’m full of confidence.”

“Besides, it’s not that sticky.”

To be precise, Song In-myeong took a seat in front of the bathroom and Lee Jae-heon took a seat in front of the annex swimming pool. It was a result that reflected the problems of the previous episode, when everyone went to the art room together and their relationship fell apart. The art teacher had the tendency to get hot easily when he saw Song In-myeong or Lee Jae-heon.

Song In-myeong seems to be irritated and trying to kill her quickly, and Lee Jae-heon is a little different in that he is treated as precious material, but it is true that he is excited anyway.

“But isn’t this a too easy judgment? “How could you act like this, knowing it would ruin the plan?”

“…I haven’t pushed for anything like this.”

And through several regressions, Song In-myeong’s cooperation became trustworthy.

From the beginning, Song In-myeong’s abilities in the other world were among the best among the survivors. He had a strong spirit in a bad way, but if he wasn’t strangely excited, he was a great person, and through many regressions, it was revealed that Song In-myeong was at least cooperative this time.

‘Because Song In-myeong has never once interfered with the plan.’

If a plan fails, it fails. Song In-myeong never intentionally ruined something. Even Jeong In-ho, who despises Song In-myeong, acknowledged that point, so everything was said. Song In-myeong wants the favor of ‘Lee Jae-heon’, so if he sticks around like this, he will become more docile.


But that seemed to make Song In-myeong’s heart flutter.

“what? What is it really? “Do you believe me?”

“What a bunch of bullshit… what are you going to do when the teacher monster comes out?”

Yoon Garam, who showed even more strength in this episode, burned all the plaster pieces up to the 4th floor, but the teacher monster that appeared at certain times was not dealt with. I was too busy hiding and coming out every time they came out, but talking loudly would only cause more trouble.

“No, but…”

“But, go to sleep and come to your senses. “Stop rumbling inside.”

“Are you a bigot?”


As I live and live, I have heard harsh words from crazy people like that.

I made a face to tell him to please shut up, but Song In-myeong just laughed. In the other world, the only person who smiled like that was Song In-myeong. While the other chicks were suffering, it was a strange feeling to see him alone with a bright smile on his face.

“…Why are you smiling so much?”

“It’s so funny I can’t help but laugh.”

“It’s unpleasant, so please take it away.”

“But look, Jaeheon Lee. “I’m in front of your swimming pool right now.”

“That’s it…”

“Afraid of water.”


I was speechless.

And that seemed to make Song In-myeong even more happy.

“I saw it all at the swimming pool that day. That was the first time I realized that he was a person who could make that kind of expression. Do you have bad memories of water? It seemed to be okay in the park lake, so I don’t think it was just because of the water…” It was

natural to be speechless, but Jaeheon Lee thought this was an opportunity, so he kept quiet. Even if Song In-myeong had an expressionless face, he was a bastard who would drool on his own.


“There’s no way it wouldn’t be funny to stand right in front of the swimming pool while hating it so much. mister.”


What should I say?

“I don’t think it’s a bad move.”

“…bad behavior?”

“It’s helpful. To me and to others…”

“And what if you die?”

“It can’t be helped.”

‘Lee Jae-heon’ muttered in a low voice.

“But I won’t die this time. maybe.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because I haven’t lived a life where I could die that easily.”

“People die surprisingly easily.”

“They don’t die that easily. “What’s easy is breaking.”

“Oh, you understand?”

“I have seen many broken people.”

He blinked slowly and made eye contact with Song In-myeong.

“People like Song In-myeong don’t break down easily. That’s definitely… envious.”

“…are you jealous of me?”

“…It was a lie.”


“I think people will come soon.”

‘Lee Jae-heon’ sighed deeply.

“What Mr. Song In-myeong said doesn’t make sense. “Can I ask you a favor?”


When the short story was over, Song In-myeong did not refuse his request.

It was only natural that so much effort had been put into it.

(Continued in the next part)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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