Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 394

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Episode 394

4th floor: Lee Jae-heon, Vivian, Song In-myeong, and Hong Gyeong-jun.

3rd floor: In-ho Jeong, Munsan-gun, Da-hoon Park, Woo Woo-young, and Gar-ram Yoon.

2nd floor: Han Do-yoon and Kim Ki-jeong.

1st floor: Dayoung Park, Jiho Seong.

* * *

They changed the composition of survivors for each floor.

“Please take care of Mr. Munsan.”

“Oh no, it’s me….”

First of all, Munsan-gun.

‘Perhaps because my experience as a teacher has been recognized, I am relatively free to move within the school.’

Jeong In-ho nodded inwardly as he recalled what he had discovered through much trial and error.

Unlike the other survivors, Munsan was able to freely roam the hallways during class time like a teacher monster and free from school rules those he judged to be ‘students’ or ‘objects to be protected’. If it was an elevator instead of stairs, it was possible to move between floors freely.

‘It’s only once or twice on one floor or so, but that alone is something I’m thankful for.’

In this way, the capabilities that Munsan-gun could show in exceptional areas of the doctrine depended on his mental composure. Munsan, who was in a panic, had a hard time even withstanding the teacher’s monster’s gaze in the hallway, let alone in the elevator.

“If you’re not feeling well….”

“It’s okay, really. “I also want to help you with something.”

“is that so. thank you.”

Nevertheless, the condition of being able to use the elevator in urgent situations was attractive. It was difficult to get to the 4th floor, where the art teacher lives, but Munsan-gun was also able to be used stably on the 3rd floor, where no problem could arise.

As in previous episodes, Jeong In-ho nodded at the calm appearance of Munsan-gun.

“If you have any difficulties, please let me know at any time.”

“I’m more worried about Dahun than I am. “He’s still a child…”

“Oh, I’m also worried.”

Jeong In-ho suppressed a laugh as Munsan-gun called the tall, tall teenager a ‘child.’ On the outside, he had a clouded expression on his face as if he was worried about Park Da-hoon, but on the inside, it was a little funny how he treated the dark-hearted, sturdy 18-year-old student as if he were a kindergartener.

Jeong In-ho spoke as he looked at Park Da-hoon, who had made it up to the third floor after several regressions.

“But Da-hoon is noticeably faster on his feet than other survivors. In an emergency, they will be able to run away, and they will also be able to wait in the hallway or lobby and play the role of opening the door for survivors who have finished class.”

Thanks to the experience of regression with Park Da-young, Park Da-hoon became skilled at running away or opening the door at the right time. Since it was the school he originally attended, it seemed like having some psychological comfort played a role.

“Not only because it was useful in terms of ability, but also because I had a strong will to go up…”

Jeong In-ho looked at the stairs leading to the second floor.

“More than anything, I can communicate with Dayoung remotely.”

Da-hoon Park, Jae-heon Lee, In-myeong Song, and Gyeong-jun Hong. Although they had gone up to the second floor to get a ticket to use the elevator, they were communicating in real time with Park Da-young, who was concentrating with her eyes tightly closed.

‘It would be a shame if I didn’t use my fully awakened abilities.’

As a result of going through several regressions, Park Da-young and Park Da-hoon learned how to use the communication skills that had been causing so much trouble for the siblings. Although it wasn’t at the level of exchanging direct sentences, at least we could exchange news about where we were, what we were doing, and what was happening.

“Park Dayoung, do you really have to pray like that? “Put your hands together…”

“Shut up, I’m praying.”


Jeong In-ho secretly praised Park Da-young, who embarrassed Seong Ji-ho, who was joking around without understanding the mood. It seems that he has not yet realized the danger of the hidden world, so he often plays little pranks like that, but this is a world where even a moment’s carelessness can lead to death. Something like that should have been blocked in advance.

Woo Woo-young seemed to know this as well, so he distracted Seong Ji-ho, and the tall Yoon Garam subtly blocked Park Da-young from Seong Ji-ho’s view. Seong Ji-ho seemed to be quite pleased with the attention from the adults, and he listened obediently.

Then, Dayoung Park opened her eyes and saw Inho Jeong.

“I got one.”

“Elevator ticket?”

“The detective from Class 8… seems to be coming down now.”

“Who was injured?”

“I don’t think there is one.”

Although the answer was unclear, Park Da-young’s eyes were those of a confident person. As he was confident that he knew Dahoon Park’s emotions better than anyone else, it seemed like he could communicate clearly to some extent even if he was only exchanging emotions.

“I was a little nervous, but I didn’t seem sad or surprised.”

“So that means it was resolved smoothly. “Thank you for your hard work.”

“Well, with this much….”

Park Da-young laughed.

She may seem humble, but from her perspective, as she remembers several episodes, it would actually have been funny to hear her say ‘good job’ for only confirming one level. Park Da-young lowered the hand she was holding tightly as if she was no longer using her abilities, but Park Da-young’s eyes remained purple.


“Is the color still weird?”

“It’s not strange.”

“You keep saying it’s purple. Ah, when will this go away….”

“Don’t overdo it.”

“I didn’t overdo it.”

Kim Ki-jeong, who had been standing near the stairs until now, opened his mouth to the conversation between Jeong In-ho and Park Da-young.

“It’s coming down there now.”

“Thank you for your effort. Come over here.”

“I don’t think I heard a monster…”

“Yes, you did well.”

Although Kim Ki-jeong had no memory of returning, his sensitive hearing was able to distinguish between the sounds of monsters and human footsteps at once. Kim Ki-jeong, who was listening to the footsteps and voices of survivors moving around the second floor near the stairs, hid behind Do-yoon Han as soon as he thought they would come down. I judged him to be human, but his timid personality seemed inevitable.

Park Da-hoon, who came down to the first floor, froze as soon as his eyes met his sister.


“…Good job.”


Seong Ji-ho nodded.

“Even if it were me, it would be awkward.”

In my impressionable adolescence, such explicit emotional exchanges seemed to arouse a strange sense of rejection. Jeong In-ho laughed quietly at the sight of the siblings looking very awkward even though they had gained experience through regression several times. Still, compared to the beginning, I have become quite skilled, perhaps because I have gained know-how.

Jeong In-ho turned his gaze and saw those who had returned from exploring the second floor.

“Were there any other problems?”

“There were no injuries.”

Jaeheon Lee shook his head excitedly. Jeong In-ho seemed to have no other injuries other than being a little tired, so he nodded obediently. Looking at Lee Jae-heon, whose steps were awkward, it seemed like the injury he suffered in real life was still affecting him, but the situation was difficult to just block like last time.

Perhaps because he had a longer experience in the underworld compared to other survivors, Lee Jae-heon was particularly influenced by his own mental power. It is true that on average my physical condition was bad, but if I was stressed, it could cause more problems.

‘…The reason why he went crazy every time in the previous episode may have been because he sensed that we were trying to push Lee Jae-heon back. Since you are a perceptive person, you should be careful not to get stressed….’

“Here’s your ticket.”

“Who got this?”

“Thanks to the detective who did well on the paper test this time.”


In-ho Jeong accepted the ticket.

“If you see that Song In-myeong is not visible… did you leave it behind?”

“I left it behind. “You have a ticket, so you can go up to the third floor right away.”

“It’s good. Of course, if you want to go up to the 4th floor, you have to get another elevator ticket…”

In response to Jeong In-ho’s rebuttal, Lee Jae-heon quietly asked.

“Before that… didn’t you say that you need to find the key in the grade room in Building A on the 3rd floor?”

“yes that’s right. The key there is real. “Don’t worry, I will guide you to the grade room.”

No matter how anomalous the monsters that come out of the grade room where the real key is hidden are, they are only compared to other grade rooms. In the end, it could not have any significant impact on the concept of regression, which transcends time and space. Thanks to returning several times, I have become somewhat adept at taking the real key with me.

Yoon Garam intervened in Jeong In-ho’s words of reassurance to Lee Jae-heon.

“Hey… don’t I have something to do?”

Jung In-ho and Lee Jae-heon made awkward expressions as Yoon Garam blushed shyly as if she was looking forward to it. In response to neither laughing nor crying, Woo Joo-young came over and poked Yoon Gar-ram on the back.

“President Garam Yoon? Please restrain yourself.”

“But I’m looking forward to it…”

“What if I’m looking forward to something like this? And you can’t get so excited and ruin your work. “I’m asking you to be serious and think that you are going for work, not for fun.”

“Everything Jooyoung said is correct.”

“It doesn’t look like everything is right, but this is…”

As can be seen from Garam Yoon’s excited reaction, the task she was in charge of was arson.

“…Do you look bad, Detective?”

“…No matter how much of a secret world it is, it still feels uncomfortable. It seems like the place where the fire had to be set was a school that seemed to be in good condition on the outside. “I feel like I have to help an arsonist right in front of me, so it’s a little…”

“It’s not a very clean school even on the outside. “I think my eye is a little sprained.”

“Do you have a disease that causes thorns to grow on your tongue if you don’t start a fight every time you see my face, Jeong In-ho?”

“sorry. “I can’t speak well, so stop.”

Jeong In-ho, who had a habit of arguing with Hong Gyeong-jun, looked at Yoon Gar-ram.

“Yes, after getting the key from the grade room on the third floor.”

“I’ll be ready.”

“If you are Garam Yoon, you will be able to do well.”

The only survivor who could start a large-scale arson, Garam Yoon’s mission was to set fires here and there and activate the sprinklers while avoiding the monsters in the school.

In addition, it would have been even better if they could burn as many pieces of plaster scattered in the hallway as possible. If it was baked at a high temperature and then hit with cold water from a sprinkler several times, the plaster pieces of the other world would shatter.

“Don’t worry, we won’t have to burn anyone else.”

Despite having no memories of before returning, Garam Yoon was always full of confidence. In fact, it was worth it. So far, there has never been a time when Garam Yoon was unable to control the fire and burned survivors.

Kim Ki-jeong, who was quietly listening, muttered.

“…I think it would be okay if Song In-myeong gets a little burned….”

“Kim Ki-jeong.”

“I didn’t say anything.”

“I understand your feelings, but please refrain from speaking in front of me. Even if he looks like this, he is a detective, so he can’t just listen to his colleague’s predictions of crime as a joke. Although it is a world outside the sphere of influence of the law, it is not an acceptable statement from a moral or ethical perspective. “You’re burning people to death.”

“…ah…? Even going so far as to kill him by burning him…?”

Jung In-ho sent a salty look at Detective Hong Gyeong-jun, who subtly interjected his true feelings. Even to Detective Hong Gyeong-jun, who became more obsessed with the law as his mentality worsened, Song In-myeong seemed like a guy who would be a waste to kill.

Unusually, Jeong In-ho internally agreed.

‘When I see you making a fuss about whether you want to move to their company, it makes me want to tear your mouth open.’

The feeling of being treated as a serial killer by a serial killer was quite unpleasant. In the last episode, which clearly failed, Jung In-ho even intentionally threw Song In-myeong into the jaws of a monster.

“…Anyway, everyone should remember it well.”

Breaking off the small talk, Hong Gyeong-jun once again reviewed the plan to his colleagues.

“Once you get the key and elevator pass on the 3rd floor, student Da-Hoon Park will give a signal to student Da-Young Park. Mr. Kim Ki-jeong on the second floor will judge based on the sound, and later Mr. Garam Yoon will begin the arson work. Even if the sensor detects only one sprinkler, the entire school will be activated, so Garam Yoon does not need to move around. The monster is likely to go on a rampage, so stay hidden as best as you can. “After about 30 operations, the pool will fill up with some water…”

“After this, the search team on the 4th floor will move, right?”

“That’s right. “You remember it well.”

Hong Gyeong-jun nodded to Woo Woo-young’s question.

The place where Yoon Garam will do the fire prevention work is on the 3rd floor. Depending on her capabilities, there was a possibility that the fire could spread to the second or fourth floor. In that case, the plaster pieces scattered in the hallway would be completely shattered by the fire and water, making it much easier for the survivors to move around.

‘If you do this, you won’t have to worry about turning into a plaster monster if you’re hiding near a plaster statue.’

Jung In-ho slowly blinked, remembering how Kang Min-ah was broken in the previous episode.

The role of the plaster pieces is to turn nearby survivors into plaster monsters or, if they have eyes, to inform the teacher monster of the survivors’ location, but the plaster pieces that were pulverized after Yoon Garam’s misdeeds do not fulfill that role. I figured out from the last episode that I couldn’t do it.

Even if the burned monsters go on a rampage or not, they become extremely sensitive, but if they hide well, it’s not to the point where they can’t withstand it…. “Once the search for the

fourth floor begins, everyone must be ready to run away at any time. “At least you know where the accessible bathroom is and how to escape… It’s a kind of mental preparation.”


“Unlike other monsters, the final boss of Eonhak High School is likely to freely roam the school. If there is no place to hide, if someone else shouts from afar to divert the monster’s attention and run away, creating a class without school rules… I think that wouldn’t be a bad idea. “It’s a place where school rules don’t apply.”

Jeong In-ho continued Hong Gyeong-jun’s words.

“Remember. “It starts from the 4th floor.”

The requirement was how well one could attract the attention of the final boss. The cunning monster was able to use tricks at a higher level than other plaster monsters, such as taking other survivors hostage, killing those who were present, hiding, and then ambushing them. It wasn’t easy to lead such a guy to the swimming pool.

‘It would have been nice if it could have been solved with just water from the sprinklers… Unlike the plaster monsters, the final boss didn’t get hit that much at all. It may have some impact, but once the fire burns, monsters start rampaging. Only after the other monsters calm down will I be able to afford to become an art teacher…’

Jeong In-ho, who had gathered his thoughts, looked at Lee Jae-heon.

“…I’m sure the manager will get your attention.”

“Was it really necessary to tell this to so many people again?”

“If Garam Yoon encounters the final boss, please heat it as hot as possible. That way, it will be more effective when dipped in water, and the manager will become safer a little faster.”

Garam Yoon nodded with a solemn face.

“Please just leave it to me.”

He was truly a reliable arsonist.

(Continued in the next part)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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