Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 38

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Episode 38

“It looks like your judgment has been clouded because you had a rough night. “I feel really bad for this ugly doctor who says all kinds of nonsense.”

“…Let’s just say the first verse.”

“There was a lot of talk like this. sorry.”

Of course, he didn’t seem sorry at all.

Doctor Ha Seong-yoon unwrapped the cloth that the new old man had hastily treated in the morning. They tried to stop the bleeding and create a support using handkerchiefs and torn clothes, and although the workmanship was excellent, it was only first aid. Patients like Jaeheon Lee needed more serious treatment.

Doctor Ha Seong-yoon’s face stiffened slightly as he checked the torn and torn wounds. His poker face was so great that you probably wouldn’t have noticed it if it wasn’t for Jaeheon Lee.

“…Who did you chew on? “There are teeth marks.”

“Teeth marks?”

It was Jeong In-ho who answered, not Lee Jae-heon.

The doctor looked at Jeong In-ho and wrinkled his nose once, but only for a moment. He seemed to think of Jeong In-ho as Lee Jae-heon’s protector, and continued speaking with skill.

“These are your teeth marks. But what I’m not sure about is that it’s so dense that it looks like it was bitten with shark teeth… Ah, it feels similar to the flower monster I encountered at the flower shop.”

“Was there such a monster?”

“Yes, they had teeth instead of pistils and stamens. “He was also big.”

President Garam Yoon’s body, who was standing quietly, trembled at his words, but whether he knew it or not, Doctor Ha Seongyoon stood awkwardly and smiled softly, rolling his eyes at Director Kang, who was looking at me.

“Did you hurt your hand earlier?”

“Oh no. “I just thought… it was Monday and you were at the flower shop.”

“I didn’t really miss anything, but I took time off because I had someone to meet.”

“…There’s a holiday just two days later? “The doctor is very busy. Isn’t it a bit of a waste?”

“Rather than saying it’s a waste, well. well.”

He continued.

“We meet every first day of every month. I was buying flowers to bring to my friend…”


The leisurely voice stopped for a moment, and Manager Kang Min-ah closed her mouth discreetly. Since it is not common to give flowers as a gift in an ordinary friendship, it seems that he thought it was a sensitive topic in some way.

Fortunately, Dr. Ha Seong-yoon did not talk about the topic any further, but instead received a bucket of water from employee Kwon Yeon-hee and continued talking.

“The affected area is very dirty… I will pour water on it to wipe off the blood and then check its condition. “It’s going to hurt a little.”

“Do you really need water? Isn’t it a bit of a waste? If you just brush it off with something like newspaper….”


“Yeah, whatever. “It doesn’t matter.”

“I guess so.”

The doctor’s lips slightly twitched, but Jaeheon Lee didn’t see it. He was already fiddling with the bandage on his shoulder that wasn’t working properly and wondering whether he should change it too.

In the meantime, the doctor poured water on his leg, and there was an exclamation from the group who were watching with anxious eyes.

It wasn’t elasticity in a particularly good sense.



“Ah uh.”

Sad, shocked, disgusting.

It was none other than Manager Lee Jae-heon’s wound that agitated the group with a mix of emotions.

At the edge of his wound, as Dr. Ha Seong-yoon said, there were small teeth marks left. As the thick, hardened blood and the blades of grass tangled in it scattered along the water, the bright red injuries were clearly visible, and the faces of the group turned pale as their legs were so badly damaged that they could not bear to continue looking at them.

The only ones who did not avoid it but noticed it were doctor Ha Seong-yoon and the main character, assistant manager Jeong In-ho. Lee Jae-heon did not feel the need to look at the wound, so he did not look at it.

The first to speak was Dr. Ha Seong-yoon.

“…I may be rude, but are you conscious?”

“…So what on earth was I talking about just now?”

“sorry. But usually, um.”

Even under Lee Jae-heon’s bitter gaze, the doctor could not relax his stern expression.

“At this level, you should have fainted.”

At least I had no energy so I had to go to sleep.

It was something I couldn’t do as a doctor who had to maintain a cool head, but I couldn’t help but feel sad.

Because it is used so often in movies and dramas, fainting may not seem like a big deal, but it was the body not being able to withstand its limitations and blocking the mind. In a sense, it also meant that it played a role in reducing the burden on patients. How painful would it be if a patient whose leg was amputated in an accident remained conscious?

But the shoulders, arms, and legs. Director Lee Jae-heon’s physical condition must have been at its limit ever since he suffered a shoulder injury, which appears to be the oldest, judging from his mottled body, which was so spotless that no part of it was healthy.

‘But the reason I’ve endured until now is probably because of my mental strength.’

Doctor Ha Seong-yoon understood the current situation based on his experience so far.

Occasionally, I would encounter patients like that when I went abroad to volunteer. These guys stopped by Hwangcheon-gil to tell me that they had a mission when even being taken to the emergency room wasn’t enough. A patient who says he’s fine, is fine, but eventually collapses at some point, surprising doctors like me.

That might have been possible only if one relied entirely on mental power, but people with this much mental power were not that common.

That made it even more unfortunate, but…


It was also an interesting or surprising thing.

In any case, there is a patient in such an amazing condition under such a disgusting sky.

“…Doesn’t it hurt?”

“Nothing in particular.”

To all of that, Jaeheon Lee just blinked his eyes slowly. It didn’t matter to Lee Jae-heon because the pain wasn’t enough to kill him once, and dying like that didn’t mean he would die at all. As a result, there was no loss to him.

In fact, he knew that it was a big wound that would require surgery, but this was a park with a side view. There was nothing the doctor could do for him except wash away the debris with the water he had and wrap him in clean bandages. At least we can’t give antibiotics.

So, it would be a good thing if the treatment was somewhat mild.


He suddenly lost consciousness due to drowsiness, but soon came to his senses when he heard a voice.

“This leg… it’s done for now.”

“Is that so?”

Jaeheon Lee didn’t notice that his voice had subsided unlike before.

However, the people who felt that something had changed were nearby assistant manager Jeong In-ho and doctor Ha Seong-yoon, but they did not say anything else. Only Dr. Ha Seong-yoon continued talking while rolling up the pants on Lee Jae-heon’s other leg.

“Did you even fall while you were walking? “My knees are in very bad condition.”

“…I was being chased for a bit…”

“So I guess I fell. “At this rate, you would have been rubbing your pants and injuring your wounds once more, but you would have just sat somewhere and waited for us.”

“There were a lot of monsters…”

Lee Jae-heon, who thought for a moment, nodded slightly and continued.

“I was worried.”

I was worried because I didn’t know what kind of accident would happen, and as expected, Assistant Manager In-ho Jeong lived up to his expectations perfectly.

Do you know how surprised I was when I saw the way my eyes rolled back?

‘Just looking at it, it was right before work started.’

However, at Lee Jae-heon’s words, employee Kwon Yeon-hee began to cry again.

“I’m the manager….”

“Oh, don’t cry, really.”

“Are you worried about us?”

“What is he saying now? You’re not worried then? “They released bright yellow kids at the water’s edge?”

Lee Jae-heon clicked his tongue and looked at his leg, which was being healed.

“But when I made the effort to find them, the kids were out of their minds and Assistant Manager Jeong was on the verge of causing an accident… I wonder what would have happened if I had just waited.”

“You caused an accident, manager. Isn’t he a talented person who can be useful in his own way? “I’m now the assistant manager….”

“Oh, it’s noisy. Be still.”

To put it bluntly, he wasn’t away for a week or even a few days. It was absurd for Lee Jae-heon, who had been through all sorts of hardships, to think that the entire group was out of their minds when it was only one night.

‘The chicks in my previous life weren’t like this.’

Anyway, kids these days have no persistence or patience. I’m just overflowing with baseless confidence. Of course, Lee Jae-heon said he didn’t do anything particularly well this time, but that was just how he felt.

He blinked his eyes trying to close and blurted out his words.

“…Well, I understand that you were surprised because you were taken away by a monster…”

Lee Jae-heon had lived in a group for quite a long time in his previous life, and he had a knack for checking the condition of the chicks. In his opinion, the chicks were all mentally unstable.

First of all, employee Yeonhee Kwon. I’m clinging closely to my siblings, but I’m on the verge of going crazy from stress. The siblings, who were receiving protection rather than protection from employee Kwon, seemed to be considering the possibility of escaping due to the fact that the person in power in the group had changed.

The owner of the flower shop was worried that he might not be a certified plant fanatic, so he sat down and looked at the tree. Intern Noh Yeon-seok is like that.

‘You deserve it.’

I felt it even before I remembered my past life, but that bastard’s mind was extremely sound and soft, and he experienced a lot of different things while being influenced by the other side of the world, so it was natural for him to lose his mind. I vomited as soon as I left the office, so there was no need to say more about how bad my condition was. Just standing there now was easy.

Doctor Ha Seong-yoon was a bit of a bastard from the beginning, so aside from that, this kid keeps measuring angles, and I don’t know what kind of angle he’s measuring. Lee Jae-heon looked away because he could guess the main character’s condition without even seeing it, and on the other hand, he didn’t want to see it.

And Chief Kang….


Lee Jae-heon blinked, and the slightly twisted eyebrows represented his feelings.

‘What kind of condition is that?’

He rolled his eyes here and there in confusion for a moment, but then nodded.

‘…Anyway, is overall care necessary?’

I wonder if something had happened while I was away for a moment to make me feel so mentally ill, but what can I do? Lee Jae-heon didn’t really like raising children, but in order for them to do their job, they had to have the minimum mental strength.

Jaeheon Lee suddenly became irritated and lashed out at Assistant Manager Jeong, who was observing me like an insect.

“Didn’t I tell you to take good care of the kids before I left?”

“…You did it, yes.”

“It will be difficult if things continue to be handled like this, Assistant Manager Jeong. “I’m really at a loss for words…”

Assistant Manager Jeong said with a faint smile, not knowing how quickly the situation was burning.

“Then don’t go.”

“…is that up to me? How can it get to this point just because I was away for a moment? huh? How does this work? uh?”

“Will you correct it?”

“What are you correcting, man? Is this the military? Am I the rider above? Fuck it you disgusting bastard. “Because I don’t want to have anything to do with you.”

If I had seen that bastard in the military, he would have at least deserted. Usually, those guys go crazy one day and go on a shooting rampage, but the soldier actually has a gun.

Lee Jae-heon felt that the filter that had been attached to his mouth had been removed, but he did not say anything. Anyway, even if it was a bit boring now, there was no one to say anything.

He was dumbfounded and shocked, so he pressed his finger to Jeong In-ho’s forehead and said.

“They say there’s no one in the world you can trust.”

“Do you have a headache? First of all, please ask for some sleep…”

“Are you doing this on purpose…? huh? “You did that on purpose now?”

“yes? “It can’t possibly be like that.”

“Huh… no…”

I didn’t ask because I was curious, so I hope you just say ‘I’m sorry’ with a scared expression.

It was awkward and funny to even think to himself that coming back from the dead meant raising his voice like an old man, but Lee Jae-heon couldn’t stop scolding even though his neck was all curled up. It was that frustrating.

I’ve dedicated my body to taking care of my body and mind, but what is this? Lee Jae-heon was so dizzy that his group’s mental state was completely lost while they were away for a moment. I haven’t done a lot of stock trading, but I felt like I knew what it felt like for someone who had invested all his stock in one place due to unavoidable circumstances and then fell into the abyss.

‘And I didn’t want to know how I felt.’

As much as possible, I wanted to live a very happy and luxurious life with peace of mind and body. Instead of feeling dizzy, which is not possible in this other side of the world.

Of course I do. I can’t say it’s entirely Lee Jae-heon’s fault for suddenly leaving, but…

“Honestly, at that age, don’t you need to take care of your mental health?”


“Don’t laugh. Smile because you did something good.” “Am I really that easy?”

How on earth are these chicks good?

Lee Jae-heon felt a pull in the back of his neck when he saw these grown, black people unable to take care of their own mental health.

He felt his head throbbing as he saw Assistant Manager Jeong smiling with a shy face. To be honest, I didn’t do anything well, so I was planning to end it with a few jokes, but as soon as I saw that sincere and gentle expression, my thoughts disappeared and annoyance that wasn’t there before began to appear.

“Hey, don’t laugh. “I saw your eyes relax a little while ago.”

“Oh my gosh, have you seen it?”

“…oh my? No, did this really taste good? Assistant Manager Jeong, you told me to sleep when I was tired, but I didn’t. I was told to always take care of my physical strength. uh?”

He was trying to say something more, but when it didn’t seem like it would work, he finally sighed and opened his mouth. I felt like preaching against a concrete wall would work better than this.

“…So what I’m saying is….” “


“Anyway, I’m not just saying this, so take a break if you’re tired.”

There is nothing more useless than unoiled gears.

“You’re good at that, right? “Hit and run and turn your head like a bastard… you know?”

Baby snakes are valuable because they are originally snakes. In short, a chick that can’t even do that isn’t even worth raising.

“It’s because I don’t have anyone else to entrust the work to except Assistant Manager Jeong.”

The best of these creaking soft bones was the protagonist. If this bastard broke down, there was no way he could manage the others.


And surprisingly, Assistant Manager Jeong seemed a little moved by those words.


Even though Jaeheon Lee had no intention of impressing people at all.

Jeong In-ho, who hesitated for a moment as if surprised, nodded.

“…thank you.”


What are you doing, really?

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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