Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 377

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Episode 377

Song In-myeong’s proactiveness in deciding to cooperate once was incredible.

“Ugh shit!!”

“Isn’t it too much to say shit about people?”

“Ugh! Argh!!”

It was so massive that it made the survivors scream.

“Why is that bastard here!!”

Kwon Yeon-hee, who was disgusted by putting her soul into it, shouted.

That’s right, Song In-myeong was now stuck in front of the police station where the survivors were gathered. It can be said that this is a true scene created thanks to Jeong In-ho, who resolutely locked the door as soon as he discovered Song In-myeong. The survivors were astonished by Song In-myeong’s noble appearance, which clung to the glass door like a cicada.

“Oh, why don’t you be surprised? Don’t be surprised. “I just came to have fun.”


“The reaction was crazy. “Thank you for the enthusiastic cheers.”

In response to Song In-myeong’s bullshit, the survivors began to gather their own weapons one by one.

The response was quick thanks to the news that Song In-myeong had recently been confirmed to have appeared on the mountain behind the school. Only Lee Jae-heon and his friend Vivian, who had completed a non-deal deal with Song In-myeong, showed ambiguous expressions.

I asked you to help me explore Eonhak High School. Did I tell you to make the survivors compete?

“Can’t I come in? “It looks really comfortable in there, please join me too.”

Rattle rattle rattle rattle.

“hey? Can you hear me? excuse me? Will you please join me? huh? hey?”

“It’s not a horror thriller…”

“Song In-myeong’s genre itself is close to a horror thriller.”

Jeong In-ho and Hong Gyeong-jun shared the same sentiments. The sight of a serial killer grabbing the handle of the police station’s glass door and shaking it violently, constantly demanding to be let inside was a horror in itself. In fact, the high school students who heard about his identity were huddled together in a corner and shaking.

While Park Da-hoon and Park Da-young were comforting them, Jeong In-ho stood facing Song In-myeong with the glass door in the middle and analyzed the current situation.

“But seeing as they didn’t break down the door, I don’t think they came to attack.”

“Okay, I see. I’m begging so hard right now. “The tool I’m holding is just decoration?”

“It’s more likely that they came here to play a joke or just talk.”

At Jung In-ho’s conclusion, Song In-myeong smiled brightly, unlike anyone else.

“Wow, as expected! Are you saying you get along well with me? You really won’t come to see our company just once….”

“I wish you would just shut up. “I don’t want to have to deal with that damn detective again because of you.”

Hong Gyeong-jun looked back at Jeong In-ho.

“Dog detective?”

“Shall we grab your collar one more time?”


“So what.”

Song In-myeong intervened.

“Are you going to fight? “Please include me too.”

“You go away.”

“Ah, you’re so fucking strict.”

Jaeheon Lee thought to himself as he watched the sitcom that didn’t work.

‘…I guess you don’t want to talk about the negotiations that Vivian and I had together. ‘I’m glad I have the social skills to be at least noticed.’

Song In-myeong had to sell Lee Jae-heon to get into the police station. If you bring up the story that you received cooperation for the exploration of Eonhak High School, you will be able to get in among the survivors more easily than doing the ridiculous thing you are doing now.

Nevertheless, filming a skit like that… was tantamount to a declaration that Lee Jae-heon and Vivian would not be caught up in Song In-myeong’s notoriety.


Once again, Lee Jae-heon had the intuition that his life was somehow messed up.

‘Why are they so considerate? Is that Song In-myeong? why…?’

There was no reason for Song In-myeong to consider the position of Lee Jae-heon, a material he had only seen a few times, to this extent. On the contrary, isn’t he a person with a personality that makes it fun to see Lee Jae-heon in trouble? At this point, Jaeheon Lee became curious about how Song Inmyeong was looking at him.

Why does a man who has abandoned his conscience for a long time endure his humanity and accept Lee Jae-heon’s position?

‘Fawning like a cub who desperately wants to be liked by me…’

Thinking that far, Lee Jae-heon frowned without realizing it.

“…Jaeheon Lee?”

“it’s okay.”

“…I apologize for causing trouble.”

“It is not Vivian’s fault that Song In-myeong came.”

“Still, I’m sorry.”

Vivian really had nothing to be sorry about. The reason he frowned was because I felt ashamed of myself for coming up with a truly horrifying hypothesis.

Song In-myeong is a fawn. Even if it’s wrong, it’s confusing, and even if it’s right, it’s disgusting.

‘It reminds me of some of the stalkers from my past life…’

Hey, can it really get to that point?

Lee Jae-heon ended up denying reality. I thought that a reality that did not come immediately was no different from a delusion. If he had seen it in the future, it would have been a judgment he would have spit out as a curse.

“…I don’t know everything, but I hope this atmosphere turns out somehow.”

“I agree.”

Vivian agreed with Jaeheon Lee’s words.

There is a hamster screaming at the sudden appearance of a serial killer and a group of students shaking like scared puppies. A monster is worrying about asking questions outside the police station.

Some survivors calmly raise their weapons. There are also some people who just watch as if it were someone else’s business. There was one old man who clicked his tongue as he looked at all the scenes…

“This is shit.”

“It’s kind of like that.”

“It’s hard to make a living.”

The road to wealth and fame was long and arduous.

* * *

Song In-myeong was far from an ordinary stupid criminal, as can be seen from the fact that he went to college without a problem while doing bloody things behind the scenes. He showed meticulousness and delicacy in slowly penetrating the strong wariness of the group of survivors.

Stop by for a moment and disappear. He stops by again for a moment and disappears. No matter how many times we argued, he never broke the glass door to come in or crossed the line with his destructive remarks. Even when the survivors left the police station, they did not touch it, and only made themselves known at certain times every morning before disappearing again and again.


At that point, even an idiot couldn’t have known Song In-myeong’s intentions.

“Are you… pretending to be friendly with us?”

“It seems like that.”


“What if you ask me that, Jeong In-ho?”

“You’re a detective.”

“Since when did being a detective mean an all-rounder?”

It was bad for our gastrointestinal health that a serial killer who had been with us for a long time kept sending us signs that he wanted to be friendly with us. Although Jeong In-ho denied reality, he wore an iron bar that was placed in a corner of the police station. That unique, sly smile was a bonus.

But I couldn’t leave the situation like this.

“Song In-myeong is showing no signs of giving up. “We will continue to take this approach in the future.”

“If you try to capture them, they quickly run away… and dodge all the traps. “You ghost-like bastard.”

“We can’t leave it like that. As this crazy situation continues without any conclusion, the students are very confused. “The response was that they had no idea how to deal with Song In-myeong.”

“I guess we’ll have to see the conclusion one way or another.”

In the end, the survivors decided to talk to Song In-myeong.

“You can tell me there.”

“really? Against a glass door? “Can you hear my voice clearly?”

“It sounds scary, so just say it there. “Before Detective Hong Gyeong-jun throws a fit at the very idea of having a moderate conversation with a serial killer.”

“Oh, that’s troublesome. Okay, do it here.”

Song In-myeong, who gave his thumbs up, sat down in front of the police station door. The pipe he was holding was also thrown aside, as if he wanted to show that he had no intention of attacking no matter what. Jeong In-ho, who was smiling vaguely at Song In-myeong, whose visibility suddenly lowered, also quietly sat down on the floor.

In-ho Jeong, Yeon-woo Kim, and Seong-yoon Ha. Azalea. And Song In-myeong beyond the door. The conversation went smoothly thanks to Song In-myeong, who was incredibly cooperative.


The conclusion was reached not long after.

“Do you want to help?”

“That’s it.”

“Can you please take a look at the other side of the world instead?”

“You’re good at summarizing.”


“In reality, you can come catch me.”

Kim Yeon-woo grabbed Jeong In-ho’s hand as he silently picked up the iron bar.

“It’s not time yet.”

“All right.”

“Oh why… what did I do?”

Jeong In-ho said with a cool smile.

“Who was it that made a hole in my stomach?”

“Honestly, isn’t it an achievement to be self-employed?”

“If you came here to start a fight, say you came to start a fight.”

“huh? It’s not? Look at me, I’m so calm. right?”

“Has everyone died?…”

“Are you really here to conclude peace negotiations?”

After a long discussion, Song In-myeong’s peace negotiations were finally concluded.

“You can’t kill this thing.”

“Can you kill me? “Do you have ability before courage?”

“See you in real life.”

The main reason was that they could not kill Song In-myeong with their abilities.

I think it was worth catching Song In-myeong when he was at the park, but he may have made a fortune in the meantime, but now he can’t be caught at all. Even before the peace negotiations were concluded, several attempts were made to catch Song In-myeong, but all attempts were foiled as he sensed his murderous intent and malice and jumped out.


“…Let’s stop now. “It seems like they are being criticized by the underworld.”

“You look like a bastard who wants to side with the other side of the world.”

Kim Yeon-woo and Jeong In-ho clicked their tongues.

In the underworld, all survivors already knew that there was nothing they couldn’t do with just their mental power, to add a little bit of exaggeration. It was no wonder that Song In-myeong, who seemed completely unaffected by the pressure unique to the behind-the-scenes world, showed off talent that was even greater than reality. Because he too would have adapted to this world.

It is also unpleasant to continue provoking Song In-myeong, who has no aversion to murder. We should have refrained from causing any more conflict before the serial killer, who has no conscience, explodes.


So, the conclusion is.

“This doesn’t really… really seem right.”

“I still can’t go to the police station?”

“If you don’t turn yourself in, you will never come to the police station again.”

“Does this include embroidering in the other world?”

“Do you want to include it?”

Song In-myeong took his place as an extra worker.

Checking the lock on the glass door once again, Hong Gyeong-jun bit his tongue and looked as if he wanted to die. There’s a dog behind a piece of glass that you’ve been chasing, but you can’t catch it.

“Ha Seong-yoon, can you go to confession as a non-believer?”

“Please come to the cathedral first. “Praying when no one is around is also very good for your mind and body.”

“It’s a kind of mental training. “I’ll see you soon.”

“I’m not a priest, so if you’re looking for a priest from a nearby parish… who are you looking for in the first place?”

“It’s crazy how real this is. “I don’t know how I should look at the families of the victims who were harmed by that bastard.”

“In this case, since the detective is a deceiver, wouldn’t it be better for their physical and mental health not to see them?”

“That is correct….”

Police officer Kim Yeon-woo, who may have judged that there was nothing he could do in the current situation, was relatively less resistant, but Hong Gyeong-jun was reluctant to compromise with reality rationally, so he started a fight. The fact that he had somehow accepted the serial killer he was chasing as one of his personnel seemed to be painful.

Of course, it was none of Song In-myeong or Lee Jae-heon’s business.

“You don’t seem to have any thoughts?”


“Yes, uncle.”

Song In-myeong smiled lazily at the sight of Lee Jae-heon standing blankly next to Hong Gyeong-jun.

“What are you thinking so carefree? “I know what I can do.”

They made a deal to see each other three times even if they met in real life, but Song In-myeong seemed to be talking about a separate issue. He’s probably asking if he’s so calm because he trusts a person named Song In-myeong.

So how should I react to appeal to this crazy guy?


Well, the answer was obvious.

“If something happens, you’ll kill me first.”


“There’s no need to worry, right?”


Song In-myeong smiled satisfied once again.

“That’s great.”

After that, Jaeheon Lee had to listen to a long nagging from Gyeongjun Hong.

Of course I spilled it.

(Continued in the next part)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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