Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 375

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Episode 375

“Did something happen?”

As soon as he returned to the police station, Lee Jae-heon showed a shocked expression when Hong Gyeong-jun asked.

“What could happen when I go to the convenience store right around the corner?”

“Then I’m glad… I’m not.”

Oh right.

“I forgot.”

“Blood was dripping from your palm, but you forgot.”

“As you get older, you start to become forgetful. “It’s a given.”

“Even so, I don’t forget the pain.”

“I might have forgotten something.”

“You don’t understand. “It can happen.”

Hong Gyeong-jun, who nodded, called Ha Seong-yoon, and Ha Seong-yoon looked at Lee Jae-heon with lukewarm eyes. Jeong In-ho, who followed Ha Seong-yoon, put pressure on Lee Jae-heon with a neat smile.

‘These bastards… they got along well in the apartment, but then they became even more disgusting.’

It’s good to see that he’s grown, but it would have been better if the disgust wasn’t directed at Jaeheon Lee himself. Looking at the way it was going, it seemed like it was a difficult wind.

“blood? “What if I ask for your blood and really give it to you?”

“sorry. “Even though I was next to him, I couldn’t stop him.”

“It’s not something Vivian should feel sorry for. Oh, and you said you drew it with a piece of glass? Are you crazy? Teacher, don’t avoid your gaze and look at me. When someone speaks, shouldn’t you look them in the eye?”


“Don’t even make a face that says you don’t like it.”

“With nothing more than a torn palm…”

“Is that what you’re going to say in front of the doctor right now? “How could a person like this even think of coming to the hospital and receiving treatment?”

“In real life, when I get hurt, I go to get treatment. But the circumstances are not right now…”

“Don’t go on unnecessarily and conclude.”

“This level will be cured quickly without the use of medication.”

“It’s not the problem of using medicine… You don’t think I’m scolding you for reducing my medicine collection, right? yes? Please say no. “I don’t want to live with the stigma of being a doctor who cares about medicine.”

In the end, Lee Jae-heon was able to be released only after hearing nagging for a long time.

“If I keep doing this, my ears will start to bleed.”

“Isn’t this an exaggerated description coming from someone who heard my anxious request in one ear and out the other?”

“It’s not like I’m short on blood, so wouldn’t it be a benefit if I shed a few drops and got some food? “I don’t understand why you’re overreacting like this.”

“Try sitting down again.”

“It’s hard to make a living.”

After about an additional 30 minutes of nagging, Jaeheon Lee ran away.

And I thought.

‘At this rate, you can guess how bad Lee Jae-heon’s condition is.’

Since the beginning of the underworld, when he realized that the current survivors are not immune to his twisted common sense, ‘Lee Jae-heon’ has tried to avoid revealing any loopholes in common sense as much as possible. It’s said that soft chicks didn’t talk nonsense, but now it was flowing out.

By this time, the survivors who had spoken to him would have known that there was something strange about his condition. In the past, I was ‘considerate’ so that the chicks wouldn’t be surprised, but now I can’t even show such hypocrisy.

“Jaeheon Lee.”

Among those who noticed this was Vivian.

“I don’t know if I’m overdoing it.”

“We agreed and went together, but what kind of trouble is that?”

“Well, I didn’t know that Jaeheon Lee would cut his palm while I was looking away.”

“I listened to that story for over an hour. Please restrain yourself.”

“All right.”

Vivian, who said that, only had in mind the fact that she could not control ‘Jae-heon Lee’ and did not seem to care much about the problem with Lee Jae-heon’s personal identity.

No, I was definitely paying attention. Unlike Song In-myeong, who sublimated even empathy for the pain of others into intentional art, Vivian had the ability to empathize to the point where she felt sorry for someone she knew was sick. Nevertheless, showing such a blunt reaction meant that he was deliberately turning his eyes away from the pain of ‘Lee Jae-heon’.

‘…As expected of you…’

If you do it well, you’ll grow up to be a chicken.

That was my thought as I watched Vivian take the bait that was gently offered to her without hesitation.

‘This is the first time I’ve seen a chick that becomes a chicken without the chick process, recalling its past life. ‘He seems a little reluctant to sacrifice someone, but at this level, I can easily make him an adult.’

He nodded inwardly and continued speaking calmly.

“…Anyway, it’s okay, so let’s go together next time when we have time.”


“I feel good because they seem to be a lot more proactive recently. “They are all good people, so don’t distance yourself and become friends. You will definitely receive help when you return to reality.”

“I know.”

Jaeheon Lee did not try to impose his presence on all survivors. The main character and his companions had no choice but to become wealthy and wealthy, and there was no reason to dye other survivors in their own colors if it was not necessary.

Of course, it will be easier later if you do it, but the process was too cumbersome. Maybe one day the time will come when you need it. If you get along well with each other, they’ll take care of themselves, so why bother?

In that context, Vivian was also never touched separately by Lee Jae-heon. Vivian was truly an example of someone who would take care of herself if left alone.

‘But to put it conversely, the fact that I can learn unethical skills so quickly even though I’ve never even tried my hand at it… doesn’t that mean I’m that talented?’

I felt a little happier. For Lee Jae-heon, who was excited to use Song In-myeong once he could control it, the existence of a capable and obedient survivor was precious. He wasn’t even a criminal.

‘I think I can use it like this in the future as long as I keep my mental distance from Vivian. Even when I return to reality, I will have to refrain from deepening the relationship.’

Jaeheon Lee didn’t know.

How will his ‘natural behavior’ in the extreme situation of the underworld be viewed and accepted by the survivors who are cornered?

* * *

Vivian was quite confident in her plan.

Whatever Song In-myeong’s intentions were, the fact that he showered affection as a friend on Seo Jang-hwa and Vivian himself was true. This means that although there may have been a difference in direction, the depth was the same as Vivian knew. There was no way that amount of affection would have evaporated just because we were apart for a few days.

In addition to himself, Lee Jae-heon showed interest in Song In-myeong. Although it was impossible to bring in Kim Yeon-woo as he was a police officer, Lee Jae-heon was enough. Since Song In-myeong’s ‘friends’ and ‘materials’ were gathered in one place, he would definitely try to make contact.

Vivian came out alone at night and walked outside the mall. It was his last remaining conscience that did not wake Lee Jae-heon.

“It’s been a while.”

Then, Song In-myeong appeared as if he had been waiting. Vivian, who felt a little guilty about using Lee Jae-heon as bait, approached Song In-myeong when she was alone, just as she wanted.

Vivian called his friend.

“…Song In-myeong.”

“Didn’t our Gomtaeng miss me?”

Vivian’s plan to meet Song In-myeong without sacrificing anyone else was realized.

“I dragged that guy in because I wanted to see him. right?”

Still, I couldn’t figure out what kind of expression to make.

Should we blame Song In-myeong for betraying our friendship and leaving? Or should they laugh at me for dragging an innocent person in just to meet this bastard?

Or perhaps relief that Lee Jae-heon is not here. In the end, I felt ashamed that my ridiculous plan had succeeded. Funny about everything.

“why? Smile, kid.”


“You look like you don’t know what expression to make. Then you should smile when you meet me. Your plan was successful and I was rescued safely, right? Aren’t you wandering around alone because you wanted to meet me? “I even left the man I had dragged in to the police station.”


“Gomtaeng… don’t I know you?”

Song In-myeong smiles with an incredibly refreshing face.

“We are friends.”




“You killed someone like that and didn’t say anything to us. Saying things like that…”

“You can say as much as you want, right?”


“You idiots can’t leave me. Do you think you’ll let me leave? Oh, of course….”

The madman’s affection is visible through the languidly bent eyelids.

“You won’t be able to abandon me either.”

“…Why do you think so.”

“Wow, did you think you could throw it away? “This is so fucking funny.”

A laugh escapes from between the torn lips.

“How long have we been together? What and how much did you exchange? Where did you go, what pictures did you take, what did you see, what did you eat, what time did you spend? Have you ever not celebrated your birthday even once? Have you ever had a fight but never made up? Look, we fought for a moment.”

“That’s bullshit.”

“It’s bullshit, but if I act pitiful, they’ll get over it. “I know everything.”

Song In-myeong lowered his eyebrows and looked tearful, as if the smile he had just shown was a lie.

Vivian’s heart sank because it was the first time in her life she had seen a face contorted as if she couldn’t bear it because she was sad and anxious. I felt like I was going out of my mind because I felt obligated to comfort my friend right away.

A voice filled with fear and anxiety flowed from the disgusting evil man’s mouth.

“I’m so scared, Bian.”

“don’t do it.”

I didn’t want to hear it.

“I really… It wasn’t because I wanted to do it too. But what if you don’t? Do you think those scary people will tolerate my rebellion? No, if I didn’t do something like that, I would be the one dying. I fucking didn’t want to die. I’m scared too… I didn’t want to do this either…” “

…Don’t do it, really. stop.”

“Please, okay? I don’t want anything big. I will never come back to see your face again. I can burn all the photos I’ve collected, I can throw away the clothes we made together, and I can erase all traces of myself. Just don’t forget me, Bian. I’m scared. You were the only friends I had, but I was so scared that I would be forgotten like this. I think I will remain a pleasure murderer in the unanswered dog …. ”

“ Stop …. ”

“ I was wondering what an ordinary life was. ”I went to college and met you. I really enjoyed it… Does anyone know that I felt that way too? Shouldn’t everyone remember at least one person? I know I’m bad, but I really… I really couldn’t help it. Do you know what it feels like to have to fucking cut a corpse into pieces? I had to do that from a young age. I had a hard time too. “I’m not asking for anything big… Bian.”


“I just want you to remember what kind of friends we were. “Is that difficult?”

I know that the way you even cry is all a lie and an act.


I know, but….



“…Look at this. “You can’t abandon me?”

The sight of him smiling brightly with tears still in his eyes is just like the Song In-myeong I know.

Because it’s like my friend Song In-myeong.

“We’re friends, right?”

I wanted to nod my head.

I tried to nod.

“—Use it.”

I would have done so if it weren’t for the hand covering my eyes.

“What a crazy person, seducing an innocent young man.”

“…! Oh wait…!”

“Is it fun to play with poor kids?”

A large hand reached out from behind and covered my eyes tightly, applying force, and my body was automatically dragged backwards. It was an embrace that didn’t feel warm at all, but it was big and firm enough for Vivian to lean on it.

I heard Lee Jae-heon’s cool voice, I don’t know when it appeared.

“Our student Vivian has been doing well without you so far. Because of you, I thought too much and I couldn’t get close to people, but that was a long time ago. I’ve been doing really well these days. The conversation increased significantly and he joined the investigation team. “I help you too.”


“Friend? Don’t be a jerk, Mr. Song In-myeong. You just covet the elaborate material called friends. The effort you put in will be forgotten as time passes. That was all your influence. Instead of harassing innocent students, turn yourself in and find some light.”


Vivian, who removed his hand from his voice, opened her mouth in a voice that seemed to be somewhat angry.

“…Jaeheon Lee?”

“Why are you going out alone and meeting that crazy guy?”



Vivian covered her numb forehead with both hands. It really hurt.

“What what what….”

“I guess you don’t understand the current situation since you gave me personal information and went with me? Do you think I went with you so you could meet that bastard alone?! Fuck you, Vivian! You’re a chick who didn’t even graduate from college, and she’s a bastard who walks around smelling like blood! “Why are you so great that you go out alone in the middle of the night, trembling like an ex-boyfriend waiting for his ex-girlfriend, and seeing trouble out of nowhere!?”

“Uh uh.”

“I know you feel guilty about being related to Song In-myeong and that’s why you don’t rely on other adults. I entrusted this body to you so that I could use it all, but now you’re leaving me alone to meet Song In-myeong?! I said I would help! I told you I would give you a chance to sort things out! You face such a natural disaster alone and go out without even saying how you are going to handle it! “If you encounter something like that and want to solve it yourself, have an adult by your side and meet!!”

“Oh my gosh…!”

puck! puck! puck!

With each syllable, a hand slaps my back.

“No, I just came out alone….”

“Then what do you think I’m angry about now?”


Only then was Vivian able to grasp the situation.


He was scolding me for trying to solve the problem on my own.

Lee Jae-heon, who had no obligation to help me and was just taken advantage of. Vivian….

“What kind of confidence did you have when you confidently went out alone and didn’t solve anything properly, and you were going to be swayed by Song In-myeong like this…” “Oh, ca

n’t you see me now?”

“Shut up, Song In-myeong. “Because I want to make it invisible to the rest of the world.”

“Wow, it’s bloody.”

Song In-myeong smiled heartily, his eyes darkening.

“…You two get along well~…”

A face that looks quite satisfied with something.

Vivian was shocked.

“No, this is… it’s not like that…”

“No, it’s not like that. “Shut up, student Vivian.”

“Wait a minute, Jaeheon Lee.”

“If you have anything to say to this student from now on, you will have to say it to me. “Student Vivian seemed to have made up her mind and was trying to end her friendship, so I did my best to help her, but it’s meaningless when she’s bewitched by a natural disaster like you.”

Song In-myeong laughed at Lee Jae-heon’s words.

“Aha, you will deal with me instead of Vivian?”

“It’s not that big of a statement. “When a younger child steps forward to solve a difficult problem, it is the adult’s duty to help. It is natural.”

“…That’s right….”

Song In-myeong said, gently stroking the corner of his mouth with his finger.

“That’s great.”

It was a very satisfying voice.

(Continued in the next part)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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