Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 368

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Episode 368 Yoon

Garam considered Ha Seongyun like a god.

It did not mean offering sacrifices or praying to him. Just out of gratitude for making him human at his craziest, adoration for the love he gives equally to so many people in the world, and awe of the way he never loses his smile no matter what happens, it’s like he’s not human but something beyond. It was just considered.

A huge, pure white snow that you can only picture in your imagination. A snowy mountain I have never seen before. A clean sight. To Yoon Garam, Ha Seongyoon was that kind of person.

“Are you okay, Garam Yoon?”


“…Ha Seong-yoon is still….”


Yoon Garam smiled at Kim Ki-jeong, who asked me with an anxious face.

“are you okay.”

Now Garam Yoon finally saw Ha Seongyoon as a person.

He wasn’t perfect. He was a person who got irritated when something he wanted to do was thwarted, hated everyone because he couldn’t love them, suffered when he was sick, and cried when he was sad. They mistakenly thought that Ha Seong-yoon was not a person simply because he looked excessively perfect compared to others.

It wasn’t until I crawled out of my comfortable gutter that I realized we were treading on the same ground. I realized that you weren’t looking down at me, but just making eye contact.

“Teacher, I didn’t give up.”

So there was no way Ha Seong-yoon would have given up.

“So it’s okay, really.”

“…I’m glad if that’s the case…”

“There’s nothing to worry about.”

“is that so.”


Ha Seong-yoon was a human, but at the same time, he was a strong person who seemed not to be human. He is obsessed with life and its goals, so the reason he doesn’t move to live is probably because he can’t get out of his worries. Because Ha Seong-yoon is a person who always thinks too much.

I just haven’t decided how to act yet.

“Because you’re just waiting.”

Garam Yoon didn’t know what his teacher saw in this apartment or what stimulated him. I wasn’t even curious because I didn’t think someone like me had the right to know that.

But now I’m a little curious.

“…You can ask when we meet.”

I wanted to know.

When my family is on fire and I am crying and smiling. Ha Seong-yoon loved and saved Yoon Gar-ram in the way he was most familiar with. It was Ha Seong-yoon who helped Garam Yoon, who often couldn’t take his eyes off his cigarette due to his funny constitution, grow into a proper cog in society.

And now Ha Seong-yoon was hoping for help.



“…Shall we begin?”

I wanted to help.

* * *

Room 1201, Building 119.

My comfortable home.

I like the house. The house is scary. There is no mother here. There is only dad. I don’t know when that will happen, but Dad will come back. This is daddy’s house and daddy loves me. So even though the house was on fire, I waited.

And then dad came.

―Kkii Iik.



Dad, Dad.


Don’t be sick.

scary. The house is on fire again. I have to break up with my dad again. They tried to tie it all together, but a bad firefighter came and burned it all down. Dad is sick. Dad is sick…

“It’s over there!”

Suddenly the lights start to disappear.

“I’m still attached to Jaeheon Lee…”

“I don’t think it will have a good impact. “Let’s take it off quickly.”

“It would be quicker to take it to the corner.”

why? why? Is it always full of fire where I am? The fire gradually disappears. No, another fire is rising. Bright yellow lights are twinkling here and there. That’s not the fire I know. My fire doesn’t sparkle like that.


I decided to die with my dad in the bright red fire.

It’s all because of you.


I was angry.

This is our own home. No one can harass my family. The same goes for bright red fire and pitch black smoke. We could have continued to be together if those things I never invited had not been destroying my house. It’s all because of them. Those things bother us, Dad.

I hope you die in bright red flames.

“…! Be careful, Mr. Doyun!”


A bright red fire rose up in front of the uninvited guests. ran back It didn’t burn to death. They are still alive. The bright yellow light pushes out the red light. He comes over to separate me from my dad. No, my dad. my family It’s mine. The fire blazed up and covered the whole world.

I hugged my dad tightly with both arms. The strings that bound my dad fell off and the fire disappeared, but my dad was burned black anyway because of those bad adults. Still, he’s dad. It’s my dad. our family. my family It shouldn’t have been taken away.

“The flames are too strong, Boss Yoon!”

“It’s my first time controlling the fire…! Please avoid it yourself! “Everyone is covering their mouths. Be careful not to let the fumes get in!”

“Kijeong, go to the bathroom quickly!”

“Are you treating me like a weakling right now?!”

“You’re weak and you’re sleeping…!”

Noisy. It’s not polite. Mom will hate it. I’m going to come and scold you.

―…squeak squeak ugh.


I hugged my dad more strongly.

Dad hasn’t come back yet. You have to hold on until Dad is finished. Dad, Dad has finally arrived. Tears came out freely. My eyes hurt. My whole body is hot. hot. I’m suffocating, Dad. dad. My pitch-black dad.

They are coming to steal Dad away again.


I wish I was crushed to death by a burning pillar.

“! On top of Garam Yoon!”

“This is crazy…!”


The fire fluttered and something large fell.

With this, they won’t be able to come. Even that bright yellow fire-like monster won’t be able to come. No matter how much you don’t ride, you won’t be able to climb over the pillar. I shed tears and tied my hands tighter with the chain. No matter how hard you hit the large nail that holds the chain together, it won’t go any deeper. It’s shaking.

why? why? why? I told you that if you wait, I will give you your father. They said if I tied it up, my dad would come. If the chain is broken, it will be harder for Dad to come back. It can’t be released. It can’t be released.


A monster resembling fire shouts.

“I…! “Did you think you couldn’t get over something like this?!”

―…! Squeak…!

“It’s not even funny, you underestimated me too much. huh?”

A monster resembling fire approaches between the pillars.

Bright yellow lights surrounded me.


no. It wants daddy. Tried to separate my dad from me. I have to protect my dad. Dad Dad Dad.

“Come here.”

―…. I pulled out the nails of

the chain

that bound my dad and held his hand.


He got very angry and ran away.

“! Han Do-yoon, the monster is running away!”

“yes?! What about the doll…!”

“Jaeheon Lee ran away with the doll! “It’s a tattered doll that’s already been burnt in a fire…”

“Oh my gosh, I’m going crazy…!”

Bad things are chasing me. Chasing after dad. Don’t come, don’t come, don’t come.

My dad was much taller than me, but he was still lighter. I held his hand and he held it. We could go together. I ran away to my room. Now, I have to hide in a room without my mom and no one there and keep my dad hidden. I should hide next to him too. You have to hide so no one can find you.


“The door…!”

“The door is locked, don’t you have a key?!”

“yes?! “There is nothing like that!”

Stupid adults. The door is closed so you can’t come in. thank god. thank god.

―Squeak, squeal, squeal.

You have to hide.

I have to hide my dad.


Dad was crumpled under the large desk. It goes in well. It became wrinkled. Was dad always this fluffy? Was it light? But thank goodness. I hid my father. I pushed the chair hard and locked my dad out of sight. Dad can’t go anywhere else. I won’t go anywhere else either.

Poor dad. Jet black dad. I feel sorry for you. It hurts. Dad is sick. I’m distressed and scared.


It’s all because of uninvited guests.

I just ran and slammed my body against the door. Wherever I was, there was always fire. If I stick to the door, look, it catches fire like this. I knew it would be like this. Because I’m completely black. Because you’re going to burn me. The place where I am is full of fire, so eventually the door catches fire too. It’s natural, it’s natural. Well then.


―…! Squeak!

“열어 개새끼야!!”

Boom, boom, boom!

The door is shaking.

―Squeak, squeak, squeak…

I can’t do it, I can’t do it. You can’t come in.

“Why don’t you come out here?! He got hurt because of you! It’s because of you! “You killed them all!!”

“Go Garam. calm down.”

“Hang on, it looks like it’ll be out soon. “I heard that my dad is going to die because of Ji, so why don’t you come out?!”

The monster that resembles fire is all my fault.


It’s not my fault.


It’s not my fault.


It’s not my fault.

Slam the door! It was opened and caught not by a monster resembling fire, but by an adult dressed in red. Just like when we first met, we hugged our legs and wrapped our arms around each other. Monsters don’t burn, so to make that thing sad you have to kill the same monster. They’re all monsters. All adults are monsters. Bad monsters. Naughty monsters.

“Whoa whoa?!”

“Han Do-yoon, stay still! “I am right now…!”



I bit my leg and ran to the bathroom.

“uh? Uh oh…!”

“Go there now! “Can you hear me, Jeong In-ho?!”

I’m going to kill you all. Ride with me. It’s all because of you. Dad is hurting because of you. Dad got blackened. You made it that way. You did it, you did it. You made us sick. It killed my family.

I stretched out my arm and opened the bathroom door. There is a tall, skinny adult like me. He is a pitch-black adult. The face is white. It’s like paper. Is it a bad monster? He is a bad adult. Adult.


“Be careful, Mr. Kim Ki-jeong.”



An adult wielding a long club. Bad adult. sick. You’re right. it hurts.

―Squeak! Ugh….

Do you know not to get on here?

“It’s burning fire!!”

“Oh my….”

“We have to get out, it’s on fire!”

“I thought all bathrooms were safe, but it seems that’s not the case.”

“Now is the time to calmly evaluate…!”

Everything where I am is on fire.

―Squeak, squeal, squeal…

I hope they all die. I want to die with my dad. Where is dad? I’m sick. I’m sleepy. I’m sleepy, Dad. I feel sorry for you. It’s scary, it’s painful, it’s hard. help me. Dad, I’m here.

I wish I had died with my dad.


Tears are pouring down.

“…he’s crying….”

“Don’t be fooled, he’s a monster.”

“No, but that…”

“The bathroom in the innermost area might be okay. “Let’s go to where Hong Gyeong-jun is.”

“You want me to go out? “Is the fire that strong?”

“Better than just staying here…”

the fire-like monster shouted.

“Jung In-ho, is there still a monster over there?!”

“! yes there is!”

“I found your doll here! “There is no fire here yet, so come to the study!!”

“Move now! Kim Ki-jeong, please move.”

“Han Do-yoon is going there. Come with Hong Gyeong-jun!”

Are there any other mean adults?


Monsters, monsters. All monsters must die. bad. Because it’s bad…




An adult dressed in fire-like clothes looks at me.

I can not see it well. What kind of expression is it? Even when I shined it with a flashlight, the world turned white and I couldn’t see any faces. But you can tell. Are you laughing at me? I guess so? Because I don’t know how to do anything. They are obviously laughing at me because I am a weak and worthless being who cannot protect my father or die with him.


He’s laughing.


I wish you all died.

“―Han Do-yoon!!”


The flames rose once again, but the skinny adult was unable to kill the firefighter by pulling him back. The fire missed. I should have died. Why don’t you die? Should I die? Shouldn’t you die if you touch the fire? Why are you alive?

“Come to your senses, please! “You didn’t kill that one!”

“…Kim Ki-jeong….”

“It’s not any of us’ fault! So just run away, you’re not a firefighter here!!”


Why are you alive?



“I’m not a firefighter now.”

―Kkii Iik…

“…I want to live too.”



“I’m so sorry…!”

Two adults run somewhere.


I am left alone.

It is full of only yellow lights, not red. This isn’t our house.


I miss my dad.

No voice is heard anywhere. I wanted to scream and call my dad, but no words came out. My neck hurts. My eyes hurt. It’s hot. I’m sleepy. It’s hot. I’m suffocating. dad. I miss you dad. Yellow lights bother me. I want to go out. It’s frustrating and it’s so shiny it hurts my eyes.

I returned to the desk where I had hidden my father.

“…You really came.”

“Jaeheon Lee is obsessed with dolls.”

“It doesn’t look good….”

“I’m rather grateful.”

Dad is in the hands of mean adults.


My father, not me…

was saved by adults.


“I don’t know why, but I’ve become quite weak.”


“It would be easy to kill.”


I cried and cried and cried again.

I looked up at the monster that resembled fire.

“…You’re not running away?”


“Good idea.”

I eventually die from fire.

Dad lived.


I’m feeling sleepy, Dad.

* * *

Counter-fire means blocking the path of the fire by burning out the previous combustibles. When two fires ignite with nothing left to burn, the flames gradually get smaller and eventually go out. Of course, without high-level control, the fire will only grow bigger, so you must carefully fire back, taking into account wind direction and structure.

However, there was no wind at all in room 1201, and Yoon Garam’s fire could be controlled, albeit clumsily, by her will. No matter how you look at it, it was not about rubbing the fire of a childish fire monster.


The whole place was filled with Yoon Garam’s bright yellow fire.

“…It’s better now.”

Yoon Garam, who burned down the pitch-black monster with his own fire, laughed.

“It looks good.”

I felt like a corner of my frustrated heart had been cleared away.

No matter how much of a monster it was, the judgment of the child-inspired monster could not be compared to that of the adult Yoon Garam, and even the willpower to control fire was very different. It wasn’t that difficult to replace No. 1201 with her pale yellow fire instead of the pyrotechnic monster’s bright red fire.

It was easier than I thought. It’s a pleasant and ecstatic thing.


“…Mr. Garam?”


Okay, you need to calm down.

Garam Yoon smiled awkwardly as if he had finally figured it out and slowly suppressed his ecstatic emotions. As the sparkle that filled my head slowly faded away, the fire that filled room 1201 also gradually disappeared.

When Yoon Ga-ram, who was watching Woo Woo-young, all the fire disappeared, the clean house came into view.


It was like a model house I saw when checking out other apartments.

It’s a pretty house where you can’t easily sit or lie down, it’s too clean, it’s repulsive, and there’s no trace of anyone living in it. As Yoon Garam was quietly looking around the house, which seemed like she hadn’t seen it in a long time, her eyes soon met with a person.

Pure white person.




Ha Seong-yoon with a tired face.


I choked.

“…good job?”

“…good job.”


“Do you want to come here?”

As Ha Seong-yoon opened his arms, Yoon Gar-ram carefully hugged him.

Ha Seong-yoon said while stroking the back of her head.

“…thank you.”


In the end, Garam Yoon cried.

I did it because I liked it so much.

(Continued in the next part)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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