Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 326

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Episode 326:

I was worried for a moment about Park Da-hoon’s personality, as he seemed to have finished rationalizing too quickly, but after seeing the other person freeze at his words, Lee Jae-heon was able to calm the anxiety that was pounding deep in his heart.

‘This is how the secret world ruins people.’

It was almost similar to the thought I had just before, but the weight was different. Contrary to what I had been muttering to myself trying to convince myself, I was truly relieved now. I was convinced that Park Da-hoon’s quick rationalization was really the result of being pushed into the underworld, so it was worth it.

It was good that Park Da-hoon broke away from being a chick, but it shouldn’t have been like this.

“…Are you okay?”

“Oh, it’s okay.”

“You don’t look good.”


“…I won’t say anything, so just raise your head.”

As he spoke as if he knew everything, I saw Park Da-hoon raise his head with difficulty.

“It seems like you’re reflecting, is that correct?”


The longer he paused, the more pale Dahun Park became.

Even though I was pretending, I felt like I couldn’t understand myself, thinking, ‘Why did I just do that?’ I could understand his feelings because he rationalized the murders he committed like a crazy psychopath.

‘From what I’ve seen, it seems like the rationalization was as fast as it was scary.’

Although the Park siblings may have a selfish side, they were not the type of guys whose nature was lost like their teammates in their previous life. As smart as he was, he was able to trample on others and rise to a better place, but in the end, all he could do was look after the adults. In that respect, that is the limit of the Park siblings.

Nevertheless, the reason why Park Da-hoon rationalized the murder of ‘Park Da-hoon’ so quickly was probably because he was afraid of the murder he had committed or might commit in the future.



Park Da-hoon was speechless for a while. It was a face with a lot to think about.


“Oh yes yes.”

“for a moment.”

Jae-heon Lee quietly walked out of the simple building, leading Da-young Park, who quickly approached me as he waved his hand. Now that I had poked enough, it was time for Park Da-hoon to mature on his own.

‘Grape juice doesn’t turn into wine just because you’re nearby.’

Park Da-young, who came outside together, glanced at the makeshift building and joined Lee Jae-heon.

“I’m sorry.”

“Why are you so sorry?”

“…It’s just…all….”

Park Da-hoon’s anxiety was probably contagious as he pretended not to notice.



Lee Jae-heon, who was watching this, patted her shoulder.

“It’ll be okay, don’t worry.”

“Oh yes.”


Lee Jae-heon said after a pause, making eye contact with Park Da-young.

“Let’s try to worry about Dayoung.”


Judging from the way Park Da-young’s shoulders stiffened for a moment, she seemed to think that Lee Jae-heon was going to point out something she had done wrong. However, Park Da-young, who had worked so hard to take care of her younger brother, who had regressed, could not have been at fault.

‘It’s strange to see that you can’t be shameless.’

When I think back to the Park siblings who ran away in the beginning, leaving Lee Jae-heon and Kwon Yeon-hee behind, the feeling of separation becomes even greater. Jaeheon Lee gave an OK sign to the adults who were looking at us with concern, pretending not to be us, and led Dayoung Park near the bonfire.



Garam Yoon, who was sitting at the bonfire, smiled brightly and welcomed him.

“You came with Dayoung?”

It meant that they had left Park Da-hoon somewhere and came alone. Perhaps he asked it out of consideration for his older sister, Park Da-young, but the true meaning of it was known to Lee Jae-heon, Park Da-young, and Yoon Gar-ram. After worrying for a moment about whether this was really meaningful consideration, Lee Jae-heon naturally sat down near the bonfire.

“He’s been through a lot.”

Garam Yoon nodded when he said that Park Da-hoon had been taken care of and Park Da-young was also brought in separately because she seemed to need care. It was similar to Ha Seong-yoon’s, but it was a more relaxed and leisurely gesture.

“That’s right… you worked hard, Dayoung.”

“Oh no. What do I…”

“Even if it’s family, taking care of someone is difficult and a great thing. Da-hoon seems very confused these days, probably because the attack he received in front of the school was very difficult. “I wasn’t eating well, so they took care of that for me.”

“Because it’s just something I do…”

“Dayoung is a really good older sister. “I think I can be a good parent.”


If you look closely, Yoon Garam was also a pretty disgusting chick.

“…I don’t know if I can become a good adult.”

“You are already a good person. “Because a good child like you grows up to become a good adult… there is no need to distinguish between children and adults.”


“It’s just that.”

Jaeheon Lee was impressed by the clean finish.

‘You have to do this to become the final boss.’

Garam Yoon may have been greatly influenced by Ha Seong-yoon, but there were times when she observed people from a distance, like Ha Seong-yoon, acting like a third party. Most of the time, he was staring at the bonfire and staring at the bonfire, but since he was part of the original protagonist’s group, it meant that he was smart.

‘If you’re even saying that, it means you already know everything… It’s scary.’

Garam Yoon probably noticed that there was a problem with the Park siblings’ home environment and that they were extremely wary of the existence of ‘adults’ as a result. I wondered if they were saying such things because they assumed that such caution would have a negative impact on the Park siblings.

Park Da-young, who also understood what she said, quietly lowered her head.


It seemed like it was difficult to manage his facial expressions.

‘I’m not sure why.’

Did you feel embarrassed when Yoon Garam, who you were not that close with, found out your shameful feelings? Or maybe it was just that the comfort I received from an adult I didn’t trust was unfamiliar. If there’s one thing that’s certain, it’s clear rejection that was on Park Da-young’s face right now.

“…you’ve had a lot of trouble so far.”


“I’m sorry for not paying you much attention.”

He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and patted them as if to shield them from Yoon Garam, and Park Dayoung leaned her head on his shoulder.

‘…huh? ‘I didn’t mean to go that far?’

I thought it was this time, so I could clearly see his inner feelings, but I didn’t say anything and just gave him a pat, and I heard a small laugh. As expected, it was a comment made by Park Da-young, who had not yet recovered mentally, to forcefully lighten the mood.

“It’s so hard because I misplaced a younger sibling.”

“We get along so well, but why?”

“Huh? Because it’s bad? “What can you do with such a frustrating bastard…”

His voice was so playful that even when I heard it while riding the KTX, I could tell it was empty. But Lee Jae-heon, who knew that this was really funny and not a prank, just sighed.

“It was a lot of hard work.”

“…I know it too.”

“I hope you don’t have a hard time.”


Park Da-young, who was speechless for a moment, wiped the smile off her face and mumbled.

“…Why am I really like this….”

Yoon Garam could be seen turning his gaze elsewhere at the sound of a crying voice. Lee Jae-heon nodded his head to roughly express his gratitude, showing that he was concerned about not seeing him cry, and Yoon Garam nodded as well without looking at Lee Jae-heon. For some reason, he looked a little happy, which gave me goosebumps.

‘As expected, it’s not that easy.’

I was even more horrified when I thought of Yoon Ga-ram, who killed Lee Jae-heon right before his return, and although he could not kill him, he at least held him on the first floor and caused his death. Considering the way he was laughing like crazy while making fire, Yoon Garam probably needed some care, but I had no idea how to touch him.

‘…No, maybe if I use the key ring monster… I think it will work out somehow.’

Of course, the important thing now is Park Da-young, who is on the verge of crying.

“…It must have been very difficult.”

“Yeah, it wasn’t that hard… I don’t know.”

Park Da-young, with the tip of her nose and the corners of her eyes turning red, muttered while holding back tears.

“I’m embarrassed, why are you acting like this?”

In fact, objectively speaking, there was no reason for Park Da-young to cry this much.

‘Because she is not Park Da-young before regression.’

In the current episode, Park Da-young returned before her younger brother entered school, and the only thing that happened after that was moving to the garden and running around to take care of her mentally ill younger brother.


Oh, of course it was worth crying. Because I am now 19 years old and a young student.

‘If you were an ordinary student, this would be something you would cry about… but this is Park Da-young.’

The prejudice against adults instilled in the Park siblings was so severe that in their early days, they even tried to portray themselves as brave and helpful in order to somehow impress adults.

In reality, he was brave and helpful, but when I think back to how he lived with the anxiety of ‘if I don’t show up well to adults, I’ll be abandoned’, it felt a little awkward to suddenly show him crying like he did now. It must have been difficult, but it wasn’t something that made me feel as sad as I do now.

“I’m sorry, I really, really don’t know.”


“This is really… ha…”

Lee Jae-heon said, patting Park Da-young, who was pressing her eyes with both hands.

“Maybe it’s because I’m relaxed.”

“…There is that, but it’s not that… it’s more…”

“Why did you have a hard time?”

“…that’s right.”

Park Da-young’s face was covered in tears as she removed her hand.

“It was difficult.”


“…comfort me.”

“Oh my, you worked hard. great job.”

“Please do more.”

“Pat pat.”

I didn’t seem to want to make the atmosphere any heavier, so I played around with a light joke and saw his face, which was hot from crying, smiling sarcastically. It seemed that his absurd prank had worked.

“Ah, but really, why am I like this… It’s so pathetic.”

Even just looking at him, I could see that he was having trouble controlling his emotions.

Lee Jae-heon, who had been watching the Park siblings recently, knew of course, but even Yoon Gar-ram, who was glancing in this direction, seemed to have noticed it, so Park Da-young, whose head was spinning so tightly, would have realized that there was something wrong with my condition.

‘Park Da-hoon also seemed to know the general idea.’

As I patted Park Da-young, who was feeling awkward about my fluctuating emotional state, the other person’s face, who was already strangely uncomfortable with my consolation, grew even hotter. I wanted to stop receiving his comfort, but it was true that I felt sad, so it seemed difficult to shake it off.

“That old man’s hand…”

“Why are you asking me to comfort you?”

“…don’t make fun of me…”

Did you pretend not to know this too blatantly?

“I? when?”

“Oh really…!”

“How dare this chick irritate an adult?”


“Your voice rises.”

When he giggled and teased me, I reacted even more violently than usual, probably because I was embarrassed. Seeing as Yoon Garam was enjoying watching her like that, Lee Jaeheon wasn’t the only one who was having fun with the current situation.

Lee Jae-heon, who was moderately satisfied, stroked Park Da-young’s head indiscriminately.

“Kwaang! “My head!”

“How can you act so cute at that age?”

“I’m cute!”

“Yeah, I hope it’s cute.”

Lee Jae-heon looked behind Park Da-young and continued.

“But shouldn’t we also consider the perspective of the listening relatives?”


Park Da-young, who was straightening her hair, turned around to check on her younger brother and made a straight face. As soon as she came out of the simple building, Park Da-hoon, who heard Park Da-young say ‘I’m cute,’ also looked at his older sister with disgust and asked.

“Are you crazy?”

“What the fuck. “I’m cute.”

“I hope so.”

Park Da-hoon flopped down next to Park Da-young and watched the adults.

“There… there was something I didn’t tell you…”

“Oh, I was just about to say that.”


“Isn’t it related to Park Da-young? Your sister is influenced by you too easily. Something like that.”


Lee Jae-heon, who got the answer from Park Da-hoon’s stuttering reaction, nodded and pointed to Yoon Gar-ram.

“You know what our CEO Yoon’s abilities are.”


“Building a fire.”

“It sounds a bit cheap, but I’ll pass on it for now. People with some talent in the underworld, like our Garam, who is a representative example, are a kind of um. “You can gain superpowers.”

“I know that too.”

“Then this is the point.”

The hand that was pointing at Yoon Garam turned to the Park siblings.

“Isn’t that what happened to you too?”




Like the quick-witted Park siblings, they came up with an answer quickly.

“…No way…”

“Can’t you control your emotions?”


Park Da-hoon’s face turned pale along with Park Da-young’s death-like exclamation.

“…No way, fucking Link….”

Link. Literally translated, something that connects or a link in a chain. It is a word mainly used when two or more people share something. Jae-Heon Lee kindly explained to Da-Hoon Park, who was stuttering and could no longer speak.

“Is it an emotion or a thought… I don’t know what it’s targeting exactly, but it seems like the two are connected. Otherwise, Dayoung wouldn’t suddenly start crying.”

At those words, Park Da-hoon turned to his older sister.

“Did you cry?”

“Did you cry too?”

“I cried.”



It seemed that the sorrowful emotions that Park Da-hoon cried while in the temporary building were transferred to Park Da-young. The two couldn’t help but feel disgusted at the fact that they were somehow connected to each other. Seeing that warm appearance, Garam Yoon burst out laughing and Jaeheon Lee nodded with a happy smile.

He muttered while maintaining a warm smile.

“I guess they’re brother and sister, so their reactions are the same….”

They’re really good friends.

(Continued in the next part)

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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