Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 300

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Episode 300

Eonhak High School was a ‘L’ shaped structure with a connecting hallway at the end of Building A and Building B, and the art room was located at the end of the hallway in Building B. In other words, it was the furthest location from the classroom, right in front of the connecting hallway. At least that was the case when I checked the map on the first floor.

―That’s why the kids hated it so much during art class. It was difficult to move from any classroom… especially for the kids who were on the first floor.

“I see.”

―Did you ask about the structure of the art room? Uh, so there’s a warehouse inside. No, is it called a supply room? When you enter through the back door, there is a door on the left wall that allows you to enter the next classroom. I believe the classroom next to it is being used as a warehouse. I think the science lab had a similar structure.

Fortunately, Jeong In-ho, Ha Seong-yoon, and Kim Ki-jeong, who came up to the fourth floor, found a classroom without school rules and stayed there for a while. Before heading to the art room, I wanted to hear the students’ stories at least once, and student Seong Ji-ho happened to be on the first floor, where there were no monsters.

Perhaps because I was anxious to be alone with the patient, I answered the phone right away. Seong Ji-ho spoke as if he was gathering information about the art room that he knew.

―So, as you may have already heard before entering school, there are a lot of plaster statues in the warehouse. If there really is something in that plaster statue, you need to be careful in the warehouse… But didn’t Park Da-hoon explain the structure of the art room itself? I don’t know much.

“Just telling you is helpful, so tell me as much as you can without worrying about overlapping information. I have to go into the art room soon, but I think hearing some stories will help me sort out my complicated thoughts. “Recovery like this is also meaningful.”

―…Well then, should we at least talk about the art teacher?

“…Art teacher?”

From what I heard from the Park siblings, I think they said he was overbearing and greedy for power, so I was curious about how Seong Ji-ho would evaluate the art teacher.

“That’s good, because the underworld is a world created by people’s thoughts… I think it would be of great help to know how students like you viewed that person.”

―…If it helps, yes. It would be nice… but

Seong Ji-ho’s voice, who seemed to hesitate for a moment and was silent for a few seconds, was soon heard.

-First of all… there was no one who liked that teacher. Oh, of course, among the teachers at Eonhak High School, there wasn’t one I liked, but that person was even better.

“You added it? “Can I ask what it means?”

―I don’t know, but I think that teacher is very rich and well-connected. The other teachers also wrote essay writing, and when a problem arose with the art teacher, the other teacher always… I transferred to another school the next semester or year. So uh uh… powerful person? Just a tyrant? It was that kind of image.


Jeong In-ho blocked the cell phone with his hand and asked the two people who were listening together.

“Shouldn’t we submit a petition to Eonhak High School’s National Newspaper?”

“Are you going to report the entire school teaching staff? Hmm, that seems really good.”

“That’s not what’s important… Why on earth is something like this at an ordinary high school…? Power? Even though Eonhak High School is a school with excessive sexual greed…”

When Kim Ki-jeong was confused, he called out on his cell phone, ‘Hey?’ A voice was heard saying: Jeong In-ho naturally removed his blocking hand and spoke as if nothing had happened.

“I have a question, but I understand that it is not easy to exercise such unilateral power in normal high schools. “Do you know anything?”

-Uh…uh, I’m sorry. I don’t know that either. I don’t know, but the rumor is that that teacher’s family is awesome. So the principal said he was just having a hard time. They said it was a very scary house with a lot of money, but I don’t know if this rumor is true… Maybe it’s just something the kids are saying when they say things behind that guy’s back, like he’s a gangster or a loan shark.

“He’s a loan shark…”

Ha Seong-yoon’s face became faint as he listened to student Seong Ji-ho’s words.

“Suddenly someone comes to mind.”

“Me too, but… isn’t this an ordinary school? There’s no way he’s really a loan shark. “If your family had as much money and power as yours, you wouldn’t work at a school like this, right?”

“It just occurred to me for a moment.”

Ha Seong-yoon also didn’t talk about Lee Jae-heon anymore, perhaps because he was just recalling related memories. In the first place, no matter how advanced Eonhak High School is, it is a regular high school that anyone can attend. It had to be seen as highly unlikely that such a school would really have ties to gangsters or loan sharks.

Student Seong Ji-ho asked if he had heard their story.

-Why why? That Lee Jae-heon guy… is he a gangster? Somehow, the impression is….

“He may look like a gangster, but he is a kind-hearted and kind person. Please be kind.”


Seong Ji-ho was silent for a while.

―…and… um.

Seong Ji-ho spoke hesitantly, as if he had decided on something.

―I really liked plaster statues. That art teacher.

“…A plaster statue?”

―I don’t know if this is a helpful story, but that’s what I saw. That teacher’s house is… well, if you put it that way… they really ignore the students. He also takes care of a lot of people, but do you know that he does it all through the students’ families? So, they made me work a lot. I probably did the most lifting of the plaster statue.

“It must have been difficult.”

Jeong In-ho found out that the art teacher at Eonhak High School was of lower character than he expected, and that Seong Ji-ho, a student who muttered as if he was being wronged, had a bad family environment. I remembered the story I heard on my way to the shelter about students Kim Hee-chan and Seong Ji-ho, who were embarrassed at school because of their different family backgrounds.

And I quickly shook off my regret.

‘What kind of sympathy can we have for everyone in the same situation?’

Jeong In-ho also knows how much this kind of cheap sympathy hurts the other person’s pride. Some people might appreciate the consideration, but I don’t know. Seong Ji-ho was a very proud child.

“Then in what way did you say you like plaster statues?”

―Ah ah… That…

Seong Ji-ho hesitated for a while and muttered softly.

―I just bought a lot of plaster statues… with school money… Yes.

Jeong In-ho’s smile deepened at the unreasonable answer that no one could be fooled by.

“I don’t think you said you liked plaster statues just for that reason?”

―So it’s really just… I mean, that’s what it is.

“Jiho, you often use the word ‘so’ whenever you’re embarrassed. I’m really sorry if I threatened you, but can you give us the right information? “I have to go into the art room after this period, but I’m anxious.”

―Oh, so no, ah….

“What’s so scary? Please let us know and we will help as much as we can. We’ll do it in real life, not just here in the underworld. “Don’t worry, will you let me know?”

Seong Ji-ho, who was eventually caught up in the appeasement through appropriate sticks and carrots, spoke in a solemn voice.

―…I’m not going to tell anyone else about this.


It was a bit of a random question. Perhaps, thanks to his belief that he would escape from this world someday, he had the ability to impress the students with stories from real life, but for a guy who suffered a lot every time I first saw him at Unhak High School, he had a hopeful and naive spirit.

Are you worried about being criticized for freely revealing other people’s secrets?

‘In a world where you die if you touch it, there are such pure views.’

Jeong In-ho, who was wondering what to answer, opened his mouth.

“You wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t necessary…?”

-Do you know that that guy is really a fucking pervert?


Everything from the words to the tone became gruff.

Jeong In-ho tilted his head at the suddenly excited voice, Ha Seong-yoon touched his earlobe, and Kim Ki-jeong frowned. Before the puzzled adults could ask about the exact situation, Seong Ji-ho spoke as if he was horrified.

―I called you that day too and went to sort it out…


-That crazy guy… I saw that crazy guy kissing the plaster statue.


―…It’s true….

The adults were left speechless by the unimaginable remarks.

―But do you know what’s even crazier? He pursed his lips like a crazy person and suddenly, with a straight face, destroyed the plaster statue. I almost cried because I thought I got caught at that time…

“Jiho, calm down first… Okay, let’s talk slowly. so?”

―Everything… Fortunately, I wasn’t caught… No, shit. Why am I glad about that? You didn’t even catch me, so you suddenly lost your face and destroyed the plaster statue? I dropped it on the floor and… I mean, lady…

“Calm down, Jiho.”

Perhaps, it seemed like a mild trauma had occurred due to the intimidation of the behind-the-scenes world and the space called school. Seong Ji-ho’s breathing, which had been wheezing, gradually calmed down.

-I didn’t get caught, but I knew then that the art teacher at my school was really crazy. If I tell other kids or teachers, I too… I think I will be forcibly transferred to another school just like those who fought with that teacher…

“That’s right.”

In fact, Seong Ji-ho, whose home environment was not good, would have been unable to say anything. If the art teacher really decides to send Seong Ji-ho to another school, and that school is far away, wouldn’t he be able to move? You won’t be able to afford it.

‘Of course, if it were me or this doctor, I would have done something… but it would be difficult to expect such a thing from such a naive student. It would have been brave just not to find out that I was witnessing that situation.’

After calming down the rambling student, Jeong In-ho hung up the phone and immediately asked the adults who had become speechless.

“…What should I do with this?”

Ha Seong-yoon smiled resignedly.

“The level of difficulty was so high that it seemed somewhat perverted.”

“Isn’t that because… this is a school with a lot of rules? “The manager said that hospitals and the military would be similarly busy.”

“Anyway, those rules all reflect the tightness of reality. Even if I were in a secret world, I couldn’t help but reflect the thoughts of this crazy person. “He’s a pervert who’s perfect for harassing innocent survivors, right?”

“We don’t seem to be particularly sane either…”

If Woo Joo-young, an extremely normal person, had realized something since he first entered this secret world and joined the survivor team, it was that the existing survivors, whom he had previously thought were quite normal, were surprisingly crazy. However, Ha Seong-yoon, who probably did not know what Jeong In-ho said, smiled shamelessly and said,

“If you can maintain your daily life, you are fine.”


If you think about it, Ha Seong-yoon had a side that could secretly annoy people. Even when I was at the park, I felt so sick to my stomach and my fists tightened as I saw Jeong In-ho fluttering his mouth without any regard for his spirit.

‘It seems like he only does this to me.’

Anyway, Jeong In-ho, who ignored Ha Seong-yoon, who seemed somewhat unreasonable in some strange ways, looked at Kim Ki-jeong.

“What do you think, Kim Ki-jeong?”

“What what what?”

“No… it’s just nothing. I wanted to hear how this art teacher’s thoughts work… even if it’s not necessarily like this, I wanted to hear his ordinary impressions. “I’m so embarrassed that you’re so surprised.”

“It’s not like that…”

Kim Ki-jeong muttered quietly, looking at Jeong In-ho and Ha Seong-yoon as if they were disgusted.

“…It’s useless to keep two identical pairs….”

“I can hear everything.”

“I was just listening to the sound. “I was wondering if I could hear anything.”

The place they are sitting is the front door of the classroom. The location was designed so that even if a monster came in at any time, it could escape. Jeong In-ho smiled at the fact that Kim Ki-jeong was steadily doing his job.

“You are sincere.”

“…Rather than that… I just don’t want to die. “Because I’m not as strong or able to save someone as Han Do-yoon…”

“It seems like you two have a really good relationship.”

“Don’t say that, even as a joke.”

“I’m serious…”

“Use it.”

Kim Ki-jeong, who was already frowning even more, hesitated and spoke as if he was thinking.

“…First of all, that art teacher… seems like a pervert.”

“I guess so. For the safety of my students, I need to find a way as soon as I return to reality. “Can I report it to the police?”

“Wouldn’t that be difficult? Since the teacher secretly didn’t really harm anyone… I can clearly see him making an uproar, asking how they could arrest him for licking a plaster statue. Even the police will find it difficult.”

“That’s not important right now, but…? So what is your opinion?”


Kim Ki-jeong muttered, narrowing his eyes.

“…same as Song In-myeong?”


“oh my god.”

“Oh no, wasn’t that bastard really a crazy pervert? Jaeheon Lee also gets sick of talking about that person. Of course, it may not be the same crime as that idiot killer… but that’s just how I feel.”

Ha Seong-yoon made a humming sound at those words and said.

“I’m curious. “What kind of person do they do that allows them to wield so much power that even students at a regular high school notice it? It’s not easy for teachers to interfere with each other.”

“I guess you know the school’s internal situation well?”

“I know this well because my mother’s family has been a teacher for generations. Even though times have changed a lot, teachers continue to emerge. “When we get together often, we end up hearing various stories.”


“As far as I know, there is a hierarchy for teachers, but it is not as overbearing as other companies. It must be said that it is difficult to do so. “It’s not like the boss pays a salary like a regular company.”

“But how will you interpret this case? From what I heard, it sounds like he is almost as overbearing as the manager at the company.”

“Then maybe the family is really crazy like the manager.”

“…Are you crazy?”

“In terms of character and financial power.”


Jeong In-ho pondered for a moment and asked.

“Why does someone like that become a teacher? It is said that hiring teachers these days is quite difficult. Although it is a stable job, it is difficult to earn a lot of money and it is difficult to enjoy the power of a good family.”

“How do I know that, you shameless friend? I was just sharing my impressions. “Like Kim Ki-jeong, who reminds me of Song In-myeong.”

“…Song In-myeong….”


Kim Ki-jeong muttered in a slightly subdued atmosphere.

“I don’t know, but it’s a little ominous. Why am I like this…?”

“We’re not sure about that either.”

Ha Seong-yoon said with a smile.

“But I wonder where the pervert that Kim Ki-jeong was talking about is and what he is doing.”

I hoped he would die on his own, but life doesn’t always work out the way you want.

Especially in this underworld.

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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