Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 295

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Episode 295


One by one, the search team members who were looking at the disconnected phone with complicated expressions came to their senses. Hong Gyeong-jun confirmed that no monsters had come near us yet, and only after Jeong In-ho confirmed this once again did the survivors open their mouths.

It was Ha Seong-yoon who spoke first.

“I guess I’ll have to change my plans.”

Jaeheon Lee agreed with him.

“If we go according to the initial plan, Kang Min-ah won’t be able to survive.”

“Class will end soon. There is also a grade room on the first floor, so the teacher monster will come down here too. Before a problem arises, it would be better to decide on a number of people to save Kang Min-ah and let the rest hide. “After saving Kang Min-ah like that… Yes, it seems impossible to stick to the original plan.”

“I don’t know what other variables there may be, so for now, let’s simply change the composition of the standby group for each floor.”

At Lee Jae-heon’s words, the search team members, including Ha Seong-yoon, nodded obediently. It wasn’t because he really thought his words were valid, but rather it seemed like he hadn’t yet adjusted to this sudden situation. Jaeheon Lee started organizing first with a grateful heart and consideration for the chicks.

“The original plan was for me and Seong Ji-ho to be on the first floor, and the detective and Da-hoon to be on the second floor. Manager Kang and President Yoon are on the 3rd floor. On the 4th floor were Mr. Kim Ki-jeong, Mr. Jeong In-ho, and Mr. Ha Seong-yoon. “Right?”

“you’re right.”

“Now that the situation has come to this, it makes no sense to send Kang Min-ah to the third floor. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t send the students to the 3rd floor, and Kang Min-ah might have some kind of problem… Let’s assume that Kang Min-ah and Yoon Garam, who were previously on standby for the 3rd floor, will take charge of the 2nd floor.”

“Then Seong Ji-ho and Da-hoon are on the first floor… no, wait a minute. So, are you saying that the manager will be in charge of the third floor?”

“I will be with Detective Hong Gyeong-jun. “I don’t think it’s too much of a burden since it’s just a matter of waiting anyway.”

“You’re saying that even after hearing the phone call just now?”

“Then what are you doing this for?”

Lee Jae-heon raised the corners of his mouth as if laughing.

“Come to your senses, Jeong In-ho. I know you’re in disarray and worried about the well-being of your close colleague, but we have so much work to do. What are you worried about? “Do you think Kang Min-ah has become a monster?”


“They said they went into the bathroom in Building B, and after an hour, they are automatically kicked out. If Kang Min-ah really became a monster and lost Izzy, I would definitely be worried. In particular, in Garam’s case, he may encounter Kang Min-ah, who has become a monster. “I know it’s a worrying situation.”


“It looks like things have calmed down a bit, but let’s think realistically now. Rather than wasting time wasting precious mental energy, I should think about how to save Kang Min-ah, how to deal with her if she really turns into a monster, and how to spend the class time that is just around the corner. “I think it’s a priority to worry about that.”


Jeong In-ho’s face was frowning as he said that, but Ha Seong-yoon, who was standing right next to him, seemed to immediately regain his senses after Lee Jae-heon’s words. He spoke in his characteristic soft and calm tone.

“There was no need to press me in such a sharp tone.”

“Isn’t it because everyone came to their senses?”

“So what I meant was… you didn’t have to play the bad cop. “I’m thankful that everyone has regained their composure thanks to this.”


As I frowned at the absurdity, Ha Seong-yoon nodded as if he knew everything. He changed the topic without even properly answering Lee Jae-heon’s question.

“What Jaeheon Lee said is correct. The layout is also quite appropriate. Dahun and Jiho are on the first floor, and CEO Garam Yoon and Minah Kang are on the second floor. Detective Hong Gyeong-jun and Lee Jae-heon on the third floor. “If we proceed with the 4th floor as originally planned with me, Kim Ki-jeong, and Jeong In-ho… it’s roughly balanced.”

“But the structure is such that no one can protect each other in case of an emergency. “It’s a plan that won’t go away.”

Hong Gyeong-jun tapped his arm with his fingers and continued speaking.

“On the first floor, there are only young students, so mistakes can easily occur, and on the second and third floors, there are injured people who have difficulty even moving. The 4th floor is as planned, but it is more difficult than the other floors because you have to enter the art room. “If I don’t get off school on time and get swept away by the monster, I will collapse in an instant.”

“It’s just the end of fourth period… I guess there are still four more hours left anyway. I thought that if leaving school this time was difficult, it would be okay to stay for about 8 more hours, so I came in right before the 4th period class. Isn’t it too much to just stay hidden all this time? “From any perspective, it is much more reasonable to work diligently and prepare for school in some way.”

Hong Gyeong-jun’s fingers stopped at Ha Seong-yoon’s words.

“…Isn’t that what you passed on to Jaeheon Lee?”

“Oh my god. “What nonsense can I say?”

“Absurd words… Absurd words. Are you saying this because of the word ‘reasonable’? No, it’s just an ordinary word.”

No one listened to Lee Jae-heon.

This topic could have been quite long, but unfortunately they had no time left. The survivors each nodded as they heard the bell ringing to end class.

“Then Ha Seong-yoon, Yoon Garam, and I will check on Kang Min-ah’s condition and come back. “I don’t know if Ha Seong-yoon can go up to the second floor again…”

said Ha Seong-yoon, who climbed the stairs as if to show off Jeong In-ho’s words.

“Oh, that works. It seems like you can still go up without paying anything. Let’s go see Kang Min-ah before something goes wrong. “Please come up.”

“Yes, so the rest of you, please hide in the bathroom or under the chairs. If there is a plaster statue nearby, you should avoid it as much as possible… but in any case, never contact us until we call first. Of course, if your life is in danger, you can call.”

After leaving a hasty request, Jeong In-ho followed Ha Seong-yoon and Yoon Gar-ram up to the second floor. If Kang Min-ah was still human, he planned to find a place where Yoon Garam and Kang Min-ah could hide and hide her, but if she turned into a monster, he planned to deal with her or lock her up somewhere.

‘…There is a high possibility that I won’t be able to do that.’

Kang Min-ah is probably turning into a plaster monster, but at school, the plaster monster was too burdensome for a survivor to fight against. It is stronger and faster than the student monster or the teacher monster, so if Kang Min-ah had become a plaster monster, there was a high probability that she would just check the status and avoid it.

Actually, it was a useless idea right now.

“Okay, students this way.”

“yes yes?”

“hurry. “Before the teacher monster comes down.”

Jaeheon Lee led Dahoon Park and Jiho Seong.

“For your information, I think there’s a bathroom in there too. There’s a lot of space to hide. However, due to the structure of the school, it seems like the monster will be the last to reach the bathroom at the end of Building B, so the students will hide there.”

“Now wait a minute. “They say that the more people enter the bathroom, the less time you can spend in it.”

“It’s okay because 60 minutes is divided by the number of people. There’s no need to stay inside for an entire hour anyway, since all you have to do is avoid the teacher monsters who come and go when class starts and ends. “You should be able to hide in about 30 minutes.”

“Uh… 30 minutes? “30 minutes?”

Kim Ki-jeong asked with an awkward frown on his face.

“Jaeheon Lee, are you planning on staying outside…?”

“…? That’s natural. Who knows, a monster might open the door and come into the bathroom. “There must be at least one person guarding the front.”

Jaeheon Lee looked at Gyeongjun Hong.

“Detective, you need to protect Kim Ki-jeong. “I’ll take a look at this…”



“What are you doing?”

Lee Jae-heon responded to Park Da-hoon’s calm voice.

“Isn’t that better? No matter what…”

“I don’t like it. Let’s go in together. They said I just need to pay attention to the beginning and end of class. Even if three people enter, there are still 20 minutes left. That’s enough. “I think it’s okay.”


Lee Jae-heon, who was about to say something, heard the ding of the elevator arriving and hurriedly led the students to hide in the connecting hallway. When I hid behind the wall and looked, Hong Gyeong-jun and Kim Ki-jeong were nowhere to be seen, as if they had quickly hid themselves. Jaeheon Lee was relieved and watched the elevator come out.

No, to be precise, it was ‘things’.


A mannequin monster dressed in a variety of clothes. They headed towards their respective grade rooms with their characteristic elastic footsteps.


After seeing the teacher monster coming towards the curved hallway, he immediately led the students to the bathroom. The moment Jaeheon Lee brought the two students inside and stood in front of them, he felt a strange sense of déjà vu.

Oh right. It did.



“Uncle, come in. “Quickly… please.”


“Come in!”


Lee Jae-heon fell to the bathroom floor while being grabbed by the collar.


“Ah, I’m sorry about that. I’m really sorry. This is because I am in a hurry. “I didn’t mean to hurt you…”

“…It’s okay, so just shut your mouth. “I’m so distracted.”

At Lee Jae-heon’s words, Park Da-hoon faithfully kept his mouth shut. At the same time, he was checking Lee Jae-heon to see if he had any other injuries, and he realized that the 18-year-old student’s gaze was filled with anxiety and fear.

yes. Jaeheon Lee realized that that gaze was similar to someone else’s.

‘Jung In-ho… Kang Min-ah.’

It was the appearance of people doing their best to avoid encountering their own karma before returning. Lee Jae-heon sighed slowly, recalling what he had done to Park Da-hoon before.

“…I’m really fine. “You don’t have to worry.”


“I am… um.”

Lee Jae-heon, who thought for a moment, continued.

“We were already trying to hide together. I didn’t know that the teacher monster would come so openly close, so I tried to hide, but I was caught by the collar and was only startled for a moment. “You’re not hurt anywhere, so calm down.”


A look of relief appeared on Park Da-hoon’s face. Seong Ji-ho rubbed goosebumps on his arms as if he was very unfamiliar with Park Da-hoon, but Jae-heon Lee was very happy to see that the lie he had just made up had worked. It was visible that the chick’s spirit was recovering little by little.

Lee Jae-heon opened his mouth at the sound of the monster’s footsteps, which he could no longer hear.

“…Now that I think about it, it looks like there is a grade room in Building B too?”

“…yes that’s right. I didn’t know there was a grade room sign because it disappeared… In reality, there was one in building A and one in building B. “I’m sorry for telling you now.”

“I have a lot to be sorry for. Okay, let’s take a rest and join my friend over there.”


“I’m going to rest too, so take a break.”

“all right.”

Even as he said that, Park Da-hoon just looked around the bathroom and hesitated.

‘Are you embarrassed by your memories from last episode?’

Because he was the last survivor, the method of obtaining memories from the previous episode was different from that of Jung In-ho or Lee Jae-heon. The last survivors said that they felt like they had seen someone else’s video rather than their own memories. Park Da-hoon also knew the previous episode, but seemed unfamiliar because he had not experienced it directly.

Lee Jae-heon sighed inwardly and led the two students to sit in the deepest part of the bathroom.

“Well, if you want to rest, why don’t you take a break. “Nothing happens by loitering around.”

“…that’s right.”

“What about your cell phone?”

“I’m holding it.”

Seong Ji-ho took out his cell phone. His face was strangely clear, and it seemed like he was relieved to be with an adult named Lee Jae-heon. Lee Jae-heon said, pressing Seong Ji-ho’s head a couple of times.

“You are holding it. just in case.”

“Oh yes yes.”

“…Do kids these days hate having their hair touched?”

“no…? “No, I’m fine.”

“Okay then, I’m glad.”

Lee Jae-heon, leaning against the wall, adjusted his grip on the crowbar and muttered.

“…Let’s get some rest.”

There was nothing that could be done right away until the search team on the second floor was contacted, and a lot of things happened too suddenly. The young chicks on both sides needed a break.

Probably to Jaeheon Lee as well.

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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