Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 291

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Chapter 291

The garden was in really good conditions so that I could make a decision as soon as I finished assessing the situation.

“First of all, there aren’t really any rules.”

Jeong In-ho, who returned to the shelter, spread three fingers and said.

“Number 1: Don’t harm other people’s gardens. 2. Growing crops with care. Number 3: Don’t bring in pets. “This is all.”

“Uh… who told you all that? “It’s very detailed, unlike at school.”

“There was a sign posted. It was written in a very cute font that kindergarten teachers would find useful. It looked like it was written with crayons.

“I’m not that curious about that…”

Kim Ki-jeong asked, scratching the back of his neck.

“But number 1… don’t harm other people’s gardens. Wouldn’t there be no reason for us to move to the garden? “It means that even if there is food, you can’t use it.”

“Oh, that’s okay too.”

“yes? why?”

“The residents are friendly.”


With a pale, tired face, Kim Ki-jeong stuttered.

“Speaking of residents… aren’t those mannequins the only ones here?”

“No, it was a scarecrow.”

“Wow, I’m going crazy.”

While Kim Ki-jeong insulted the diversity of the underworld with words, Do-yoon Han raised one hand. The survivors were very worried about him because he had experienced something more difficult than they could have imagined, such as being kidnapped, but seeing him look quite cheerful, he seemed to have recovered while resting at the shelter.

“You said it was a scarecrow, but from what you say, I guess there is no aggression?”

“Yes, that was really friendly. “It may be funny to say this, but it makes me wonder if there is such a group of people among humans.”

“I didn’t know that the other side of the world was so gentle.”

“Of course it was creepy.”

Kang Min-ah lowered her head as if she greatly agreed with Jung In-ho’s words.

“The upper body is human, but the lower body is a wooden stick.”

“To be exact, it looked like a person was split in half and a pole was placed at the bottom. “It didn’t just look like that, blood was actually dripping from the cut torso.”

“I wouldn’t know it once I got out of there, but it was so disgusting that my whole body was bleeding like sweat…” “

Even the eyes and mouth were sewn up beautifully with thread. “It may not be enough to be a doctor, but if you were to make a doll, it was pretty decent.”

“The inside of the head was full of rice straw, and it looked a little disgusting because it looked like rice straw had been stuffed inside human skin.”

Han Do-yoon gave a thumbs up to the conversation between Kang Min-ah and Ha Seong-yoon.

“Okay, I’ll stay here!”

“No, but he was really kind… and gave me some seedlings.”


“I also gave them seeds. They said they would welcome a new resident…”

“Are you even talking? “I heard your mouth was sewn shut?”

“They were carrying signs. Floating along the field road…”

“What is it? “Are you a ghost?”

“It looked more like a balloon than that. It wasn’t really that big of a thing floating off the ground. “I didn’t go anywhere unless it was on a designated path.”

“It’s funny and it’s also gross….”

“It’s like that with all monsters in the other world.”

Garam Yoon intervened in the conversation between Minah Kang and Yoon Han.

“What does a survivor have to say about the garden? desire? will? Anyway, the moment we want to belong to it, our own area is created inside it. “It felt like they were encouraging me to come quickly.”

Jaeheon Lee intervened in her words.

“The problem is that such spaces usually end up causing trouble later.”

“…But let’s move the shelter there?”

“I know that those types of traps don’t reveal the truth until much later. I think it’s either when the crops are fully grown or when I announce that I’m going to abandon the garden. If it’s the former, I think they’ll attack you by saying, ‘Actually, you were the fertilizer for these crops!’ If it’s the latter, they’ll attack you by saying, ‘You’re ridiculous for daring to leave the garden?’…” “I guess you’ve seen a lot of movies.

“Did you know that the underworld is created based on the thoughts of humans? Movies were created by humans, and those who watch movies are also humans. There are all kinds of clichés in the behind-the-scenes world, so what a naive statement. “When I return to reality, I’ll have to do some prep work with movies and cartoons.”


Han Do-yoon let out a subtle laugh, not knowing whether it was admiration or sarcasm. Lee Jae-heon silenced the man who had been scolding him and continued speaking.

“Anyway, monsters attacking survivors is the same everywhere in the other world. Of course, there may be problems such as sudden rules being introduced, crops grown being poisonous, or vitality or mental strength decreasing the longer you are in the garden… but if you take that into account, the garden is a pretty good candidate for a rest area.”

“It doesn’t sound okay already…?”

“We’ll have to check that now.”

Lee Jae-heon looked at the students at the sound of Lee Yun-byeol’s trembling voice.

“I had to stop by a shopping mall, but I found out that the way to the garden was not as difficult as I thought. From now on, we will only allow students to participate if they volunteer, so please let us know if necessary.”

“Uh, then this time I…!”

“Uh-huh, I’m not saying I’m going right away. “Calm down, student.”

Jaeheon Lee waved his hand at Naeun Maeng, who suddenly raised her hand.

“Before going to the garden, I have to send Han Do-yoon to the pharmacy first.”

“Oh, are you going to the pharmacy?”

“Yes, I’m going. “If you wish.”

“I heard it hurts if you go there….”

“You act like an adult who doesn’t want to go to the dentist.”

Lee Jae-heon, who had a puzzled expression for a moment, soon straightened his face and nodded.

“If you don’t like it, you don’t have to go. “If the kidnapper didn’t have a brain hemorrhage after being hit by dozens of blows to the head, it would be a blessing in disguise.”

“Is that a brain hemorrhage?”

“That’s what they say… Of course, if it were reality, it would have been possible, but surprisingly, according to Dr. Ha Seong-yoon, he is fine. No, I couldn’t check it properly because I didn’t have a testing device, and even taking that into account, it’s not like I was completely fine. However, if you give yourself time, you will recover, albeit slowly, so there is no need to stop by the pharmacy.”

Lee Jae-heon, who recalled the setting in the novel, continued.

“Because the side effects… are not mild.”

“…Was there something like that? But student Kim Hee-chan, CEO Yoon Garam… and Lee Jae-heon also took the medicine and didn’t have any problems?”

“It’s not a side effect that comes from taking the medicine, but a side effect that comes from buying the medicine. “The pain you receive there is pain, but the mental power that has been lost like that cannot be recovered.”

At those words, Garam Yoon pointed at himself with a finger. Looking at him with his head tilted to one side and his eyes wide open, I thought, ‘My mental strength?’ In other words, the meaning was read as ‘I’m fine, what are you talking about?’ or ‘You never said anything like that to me.’ Jaeheon Lee shrugged his shoulders.

“Actually, me and Garam Yoon… in a way, we have good mental strength, so we don’t notice any major side effects. Because the world behind the scenes is one where the crazier you get, the more preferential treatment you get. “I don’t attach any meaning to the pain I feel while taking the medication, and I feel less anxious because I know I’ll be fine after a short sleep and wake up.”

“Uh… So you’re saying I’m not like that?”

“Mr. Han Do-yoon is the kind of person who would say ‘fuck you’ when he’s sick, so there’s nothing we can do about it. “It’s different from me, who thinks of pain as a kind of inconvenient burden, and Garam, who accepts the painful condition as a fact, without any regrets.”


“People who cry and feel resentful when they are sick are bound to lose their mental strength while buying medicine at the pharmacy. To recover your lost mental strength, you need a lot of time… food… and a comfortable home. If you can endure it like this, it might be better to just endure it.”

“I just said Garam… No, no. “Boss, don’t stare at me like that…”

Han Do-yoon cleared his throat and opened his mouth.

“Then I will stay here. “I can’t help it because I’m an ordinary human being who feels unfair when I’m sick.”

“It won’t be bad. According to Ha Seong-yoon’s words, there are no symptoms that would be a major problem if left untreated, and the patient will recover naturally through rest. It may take some time, but it’s a good decision if you want to save your mental energy. And the next item on the agenda is….”

“It’s not about going to Unhak High School, is it?”

“That too, but not right away. “Please take a look at this first.”

At his words, Kim Yeon-woo quietly took out his luggage.

“…basket? “What is that classic, traditional basket that looks like something out of a children’s book?”

“The scarecrows gave it to me.”

“Oh my god. “Have you ever seen such good people?”

The situation in the basket was so rich that Han Do-yoon reflexively praised it. Starting with sturdy tomatoes, fresh-looking cucumbers, green cabbage, nice potatoes, thick sweet potatoes, and, I wonder who grew them, even blueberries and corn.

“…? “For a moment, I understand that the blueberry harvest season is in June.”

“There was a greenhouse.”

“Besides, corn is ready at the end of May at the earliest….”

“You are wise. “They must have grown it in a greenhouse.”

“Does that make sense? Does it work?”

“If it doesn’t work, it’s the power of the other world.”

“iced coffee…?”

Just as Kim Ki-jeong was amazed by the scarecrow residents’ garden labor and the all-purpose setting of the underworld, which was more serious than expected, Azalea sneakily approached and looked around at the crops and lowered its head.

“Oh my, it’s in good condition. “It’s very delicious even if you eat it raw.”

“If possible, let’s eat it grilled.”

“Would you like to grill tomatoes and cucumbers? “Well, I like it, but…”

Azalea asked, adjusting her glasses.

“Isn’t this poisonous? “Those scarecrows went crazy giving gifts, didn’t they?”

“No poison.”

“Have you tried it?”

“Thanks to you, I got scolded.”

“Fish oil.”

Lee Jae-heon frowned at Azalea’s gaze as if he were an immature child.

“…Don’t you usually appreciate it if you check for poison first? “Why do I always get scolded like this?”

“I’m so glad I didn’t get married.”

“What kind of cruel words…?”

“Anyway, it’s not poisonous. So what does this gift mean?”

Jeong In-ho, who was looking at Lee Jae-heon with pitch-black eyes, smiled and answered.

“It seemed like a kidnapper baiting children with candy. Right now, it seems like the intention is to settle the situation rather than attack…”

“…Uh… So is this a business gift…?”

Kwon Yeon-hee, who was looking into the basket, seemed to remember her brilliant performance in the past, saying, ‘Monsters are good at business…’ She smiled and looked at the crops next to the azalea.

“Something is good. I’m sorry for sounding like I’m complaining, but I’m a little bit stoked to keep eating only convenience store food… No, you’re complaining, right? Anyway, it’s nice to see fresh vegetables.”

“I refused to give him an old pumpkin because it seemed too heavy.”

“Aren’t those monsters angry? “You stole so much from me… and even refused the gift…?”

“They were really kind people. “He just smiled and let me go.”

Kwon Yeon-hee made a strange expression at Lee Jae-heon’s words.

“…The more I listen to it, the more I feel uncomfortable because it feels like a trap. “Why are you so nice to me?”

“Pompitz likes people even if they don’t receive anything.”

“Uh uh… what about that guy? Since he’s a dog, I can kind of understand… but if he’s a monster with a human motif… it’s a bit…” “

That’s true. “It’s natural that it’s hard to believe.”

Jaeheon Lee shrugged his shoulders.

“So shouldn’t we eat everything we can?”

“…Is that how it happens?”

“Plus, it says that pets are not allowed in the garden, but perhaps because of that rule, other monsters weren’t able to enter.”

Kim Ki-jeong muttered to him.

“If that’s the case, you can sleep with your pet and just put a sign saying no animals allowed…”

“This is probably a result of the reality that it is difficult to sanction even wild animals. I waited for an hour just in case the monster passed by, but it did not come into the garden. “I thought I was going to take a look, but I passed by quietly.”

“…It’s definitely more comfortable than the mountain behind the school. “If you live there.”

“It may be better than just watching inconveniently due to disadvantages that may arise at any time.”

Woo Joo-young accepted Lee Jae-heon’s words.

“Well then… how about a few people spend time in the garden for a week or so? With the number of people who can quickly recognize and easily escape even if something happens….” “

It won’t be too late to make a decision after stopping by two more times. “Going to the pharmacy has also been canceled, so I think it would be a good idea for people who don’t usually go out often to go as well.”

At those words, Lee Yun-byeol raised his head.

“Someone like me…?”

“If it’s not too uncomfortable. “If you are worried about Seo-ah and Min-hong, there is nothing you can do, but since you never know when you might end up alone, I think it would be a good idea to learn basic search and response techniques.”


Lee Yun-byeol nodded slowly.

“Please do me a favor. “I think I need to learn more…”

Her gaze was directed at the sleeping kindergarten students.

“I was lucky enough to be with Kim Ki-jeong this time, but there is no guarantee that will happen next time. “If I want to protect my children, I think it would be a good idea to learn something.”

“Actually, if you just remember how to hide well and hold on, there won’t be any major problems… I understand.”

To conclude, Yunbyeol Lee did not adapt well. If a monster popped out on the way, I would panic, and just seeing the monster standing still would make me motion sick. Nevertheless, Lee Jae-heon was satisfied with the way he persevered, paying attention to not having a negative impact on others due to his poor condition. For a weak-hearted young resident, Jumin was a hard worker.

When it was confirmed that there was no major problem in the garden, Lee Yun-byeol and other standby crew members learned search methods, and Han Do-yoon and other patients recovered mentally and physically to some extent.

The exploration of Eonhak High School was finally decided.

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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