Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 282

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Episode 282

The reason why Yoon Garam did not use his abilities even after realizing them was firstly because of his accustomed caution and secondly because of the gaze of people around him. She needed someone who would accept her strange constitution without worrying too much about it.

Fortunately, Woo Joo-young was a person who fit those conditions quite well.

“Woah! Boss, boss, fire in your hands! fire! Argh! fire extinguisher…!”


It had been such a long time since I had seen such an ordinary reaction, so it felt refreshing. Even after Woo Joo-young was introduced to Yoon Gar-ram’s abilities and cleared up the misunderstanding, he did not think that he would be hurt by her fire, asking, “So, boss, it doesn’t hurt?”

‘No, even if you are afraid of my fire, you probably thought it was rude to show such a thing.’

Woo Woo-young was clearly afraid of Yoon Gar-ram’s strong and brilliant fire. However, that was a feeling that only applied to Yoon Garam’s fire and did not extend to Yoon Garam who lit it. At least that’s how it seemed to Garam Yoon.

It was a pleasant thing.

“Hey, it’s open…! “This is open!”

“Please go in first and hold the door.”

The things burned by Yoon Garam’s fire did not produce smoke, and although it was sometimes dangerous, the flames did not harm them. Even though it was difficult to control the intensity of the fire, Woo Woo-young and Yoon Gar-ram were only a little hot and did not get burned.

“Wow, why are you chasing me even though my body is burning…!”

The toy monsters that chased after them, burning black and melting as if they had no sense of pain, were quite scary. The sight was so bizarre that even Yoon Garam had hiccups, but they were still able to reach the emergency exit.

As soon as Yoon Garam came in, Woo Sooyoung closed the door and shouted.

“Please lock the door! “There’s no lock?!”

“If the emergency exit has a lock, isn’t it subject to reporting…? Oh, there it is. Woo Woo-young, please step aside!”

“Why does this look so complicated…!”

“If I just turn this one….”


The two fell to the floor with the sound of the door being locked.

“…Why is there that movie? A child’s doll is chasing me with a knife…”

“I know. “I saw it before.”

“Well, I’ve never seen it before. “I just felt like that…”

The fear was even more severe as the toys, which had mutated into strange shapes and even caught fire, chased after them. Woo Woo-young and Yoon Gar-ram were able to quietly go down the emergency exit after sitting right behind the door and calming their pounding hearts.

And at the end, fortunately, there was Kang Min-ah.

“Garam, Team Leader Woo!”

“Mr. Kang Min-ah…! “How can we get here…!”

“I came here because there was a fire in a building. That person, Garam Yoon, knows how to start a fire…! Are you hurt anywhere? Ah, team leader’s hand…”

Only then did Woo Joo-young realize that his hand had been greatly chafed.

“It was okay when I didn’t know, but why do I feel so bitter when I find out…?”

“It’s like that with all wounds.”


When I saw Kang Min-ah’s face, I guess it felt like she was alive, and the anxiety and fear I had been suppressing inside the toy store slowly came back to me. Woo Joo-young tried to control his nervousness by crying like he did when he first entered the other side of the world.

The people around me who soothed my restlessness were also quite a source of comfort.

“Thank you. Everyone must be having a hard time, but I’m the only one acting foolish like this….”

“Because it’s your first time working in the behind-the-scenes world, team leader. If things had gone as planned, they wouldn’t have come… It’s truly amazing that they even participated in the search team. “Don’t be like that.”

“Thank you so much.”

Then a question suddenly occurred to me.

“…But was it the weekend when you escaped from the other world?”


“No, you all didn’t miss a day without saying a word or called in sick… Ah, Kwon Yeon-hee did make a bet. First of all, everyone went to work. “If I escape, will it be the weekend?”

“…no? “It was a weekday?”


Woo Woo-young asked with a confused look on his face.

“But you went to work…?”

“Well, if you leave carelessly, it’s hard to catch up later… You have to check what happened while you were away. “It’s not just about living and dying today.”

“…It’s true, it’s true, but still… no… that…?”

I had already assumed that Jaeheon Lee’s sick leave was due to injuries to his legs and abdomen, but their circumstances at work were a separate issue. When Woo Joo-young heard that the survivors of the underworld went to work immediately after escaping, Woo Soo-young’s face became indescribably pale.

“Yeonseok also came to work….”

“Yeonseok is especially an intern. “I would have been more careful about falling in.”

“I feel some inexplicable guilt. “Ahhhh…”

They relaxed while chatting inside the emergency exit, and carefully came outside, thinking that they couldn’t be late any longer. Fortunately, there were no monsters nearby.

Garam Yoon muttered as if he was anxious.

“…Would the monsters around here have avoided it if Kim Yeon-woo had been there?”

“I don’t know about that, but… But there are only two people, In-ho Jeong and Yeon-woo, and they are searching the shopping mall. “The monsters there are definitely avoiding the police… If a police officer like Kim Yeon-woo is not involved, it will be more difficult to endure.”

“That’s right.”

Yoon Garam nodded at Kang Minah’s words. The most likely candidate for Han Do-yoon’s location was a shopping mall or apartment complex, but there were strangely damp monsters wandering the streets. There were already only two people, and it would have been really dangerous if there hadn’t been a police officer who was avoiding the monster.

As they looked around the few other buildings, they were able to spot survivors running urgently.

“Mr. Inho! And Mr. Kim Ki-jeong…?”

Kang Min-ah’s voice, which had been welcoming her, became blurred. The fact that In-ho Jeong and Ki-jeong Kim were together meant that the two had joined forces.

“Have you found Han Do-yoon by any chance?”

“yes! “I found it, I found it, but that’s not the problem now.”


Kang Min-ah’s senses, accumulated from past experiences in the underworld, flashed.


“…That is correct. “I didn’t say anything, but you managed to guess it right.”

“Why Manager Boo? “I even left it behind this time.”

“The guy who sprayed sleeping pills every night and even kidnapped and assaulted Han Do-yoon. According to what Han Do-yoon said, there is a high probability that the target is the manager.”


As the expressions of Kang Min-ah, Woo Woo-young, and Yoon Ga-ram became clouded, Kim Ki-jeong continued speaking with a pale face.

“That guy… I guess he’s Jaeheon Lee. I used to be with Jaeheon Lee… It’s like I’m a colleague from another world. Han Do-yoon said.”

“…Why is someone like that looking for the manager? Oh no. I can find it, but I don’t think I’m looking for it in a good way… Why…”

I did think that a day like this might come. According to what Jaeheon Lee said, unlike fixed members, sub members can leave at any time and rejoin when circumstances allow. A sub member who had been together once or twice in the past could find Jaeheon Lee.

However, it did not sound like a good idea that the crazy man who sprayed sleeping pills every night to monitor their movements and even kidnapped and assaulted Han Do-yoon was looking for Lee Jae-heon.

“We don’t know much either. I don’t know, but we all have to go back together, so we’re the only ones who came to look for you. “Others are heading to the shelter.”

“…among the people remaining in the shelter now, are there any who are skilled in combat?”

“… Ha Seong-yoon can run as fast as Da-hoon…”


Woo Woo-young muttered without realizing it.


The main camp is attacked when all combat personnel have fled.

It was a situation that made even her, who had not yet adapted to the other side of the world, want to deny reality.

* * *

If there was a fight between a possessor with formal education and an ordinary doctor, it was natural that the doctor would lose. The possessed person knew that too, so he wasn’t too embarrassed when he encountered Ha Seong-yoon.

But he was mistaken.

“Ugh gulp ugh…!”

First, the possessor was not a soldier with formal training.

No matter how much one remembers the technique, the body belongs to an ordinary person and the underworld continued to look for an opportunity to kill the possessed person. This was a completely different case from Lee Jae-heon, who received the privilege of being able to use technology as soon as he recalled his past life. The possessed person was on the verge of death.

“You’re not crazy, this is….”

And the second time.

“Fuck, this is why… this is why, ugh. “There is no one in their right mind among doctors.”

“Is this bastard running his mouth?”

Ha Seong-yoon was not an ordinary doctor.

“On the topic of trash…”

The world behind the scenes brings about real changes depending on a person’s spirit and also shakes up that person’s spirit. Ha Seong-yoon, who was obsessed with his professionalism and the patient’s condition, could not have been an ordinary doctor. In his hand was a small but extremely sharp scalpel.

The possessed person’s blood dripped down below.

“Do you know who you killed just now? What a fucking stupid friend you are. “I don’t know what an idiot like you has done.”

“I’m not dead, I’m not dead yet! Oh really…! Normally, this idiot should have gone out and searched for it a long time ago…! “Get away from me, please!”

“How could such a coward think of killing someone?”

The possessed person was insane.

He was forcibly taken from his body against his will, and when he came to his senses, he found himself in a world created by a woman he hated. Not only that, the world was trying its best to kill him, but he didn’t want to die obediently. Unlike Lee Jae-heon, he had no name and could not leave behind anything if he died here.

“Ugh ….”

I didn’t want to end this ending even if I couldn’t help dying.

“Please, Captain.”

“This person keeps….”

“Please die, okay? Just once…! Please die just once.”

The possessed person knew that Lee Jae-heon was not dead yet. I had often seen him in his past life showing tenacity and not dying even after his solar plexus was pierced, but didn’t Lee Jae-heon also end up with an unremarkable body when he came to this world? I couldn’t understand why it hadn’t died yet.

To us, death is just a temporary illness or injury.

“Is it that difficult to die just once…? “Is that really more important than me?!”

Why do you think it’s so difficult to die for your subordinates that you endure it like that? I asked that much. Unlike Lee Jae-heon, this is the eternal end for him.

The possessed person fell down with his neck covered in blood. The bleeding from the neck where the doctor had stabbed was so severe. It was an extremely weak body.

“Daejangniim… I don’t want to die….”

“You must be crazy.”

“I don’t even have a name. I don’t even have a name. “I can’t leave anything behind… but you’re not the boss.”


“It doesn’t matter if you die.”

My mind was blurry. The injuries he received from the monsters that attacked him on his way here and the pressure of the other side of the world itself drove him crazy. Moreover, the crazy doctor even pierced his throat with a scalpel, so it would be even more surprising if he didn’t die after doing this. With such a shabby body.


Actually, I didn’t want to fight like this if we met again.

“I am me.”

Even though he was an ugly subordinate who always annoyed you, wasn’t there a time when he got along well and was scolded and mistreated? We respect you, adore you, and pursue you. It wasn’t just a matter of performance or grades, it was because there was no one who cared for us as much as we did.

To our shame, we couldn’t smile when you died. The end of life is something that should be celebrated joyfully, but it withers like a spoiled chick and eventually cries…

“We… “What a boss.”

So anyway, I was happy to see you again.


I thought maybe we could go back together.

I thought about it.


That’s right.

* * *


Ha Seong-yoon, who had been blinking as he watched the body quietly disappear without a sound, immediately came to his senses and ran to Lee Jae-heon. When I looked at Lee Jae-heon with his bloody hands, surprisingly, I found that he was still alive.

It was nothing short of a miracle that I was still alive despite having a large hole in my solar plexus, but I was nervous.

“Damn it, I don’t even have any medicine…! Jaeheon Lee, are you conscious?”


“Yes, it would be even weirder. “Wow, how did something happen like this…”

He was breathing lightly and his heart was beating, but breathing with crushed and torn organs was truly next to impossible. Even if the situation had not been like this, Ha Seong-yoon would have flirted with writing a thesis on Lee Jae-heon. It was such an absurd situation.

“If I had known this would happen, I would have let the pharmacy buy more medicine.”

The medicine that heals bones and heals flesh could have been used for Lee Jae-heon’s injury, but out of concern that Lee Jae-heon’s condition would worsen, he was prevented from buying extra medicine. It was the best at the time, but it was frustrating when things turned out this way.

The good news is that Lee Jae-heon continues to hold on, as if he has no intention of dying….


At that moment, a thought crossed the doctor’s mind.

“Is there that fruit here too…?”

It is a fruit that heals injuries by taking over all the pain of a small, round person. According to Lee Jae-heon, this fruit, which is effective but has major side effects, is so common that it can be found anywhere in the underworld. It was likely somewhere around the hill behind the school.

Without even thinking about it further, Ha Seong-yoon got up from his seat.

“Teacher Ha Seong-yoon…!”

“…Mr. Munsan?”

The person who appeared with Munsan-gun sticking out between the trees was Azalea, and her hands were full of unidentifiable grass.

“Are you okay?”

“Oh my, my goodness, look at that. “There is no body.”

“But still…! “You’re still alive, right?”

Before Ha Seong-yoon could open his mouth, Jin Dal-rae approached Lee Jae-heon. Ha Seong-yoon asked in a daze as he watched her tearing the grass here and there.

“What…are you trying to do?”

“What doctors hate the most.”

“Folk remedies?”

“You’re quick to notice.”


“Just stay and somehow it seems like it will work out.”

And it became real.

“Look, I thought it would work.”



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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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