Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 278

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Chapter 278

: Names were an important concept for residents living in the world of past lives. If God gives you a name, your fate is determined accordingly. Those without a name had little power.

Therefore, it was surprising that Lee Jae-heon had forgotten the name of his previous life.


Lee Jae-heon, who was dazed for a moment as he looked inside the empty shelter after Ha Seong-yoon left, wiped the corner of his mouth.

‘…As expected, there is only now.’

There were two entrances to the shelter, front and back, in case a monster attacked, and Lee Jae-heon fell into the back of them. Most of the survivors were in the front where the bonfire was, so they wouldn’t have seen Jaeheon Lee escape.

“…? “The grass just shook.”

“Are you a monster?”

“Oh, I guess not. “I think I saw it wrong.”

Perhaps because Jaeheon Lee’s condition was so bad, he almost got caught once, but fortunately, Naeun Maeng’s eyes were tired, so he was able to get out easily. If he had been caught by a minor, the worst among chicks, Lee Jae-heon would have felt a sense of self-destruction. Even if you get caught, by something so soft.

That’s what Jaeheon Lee thought as he quietly left the shelter.

‘Why did I forget my name?’

There was no particular emotional regret. The memories of his past life that he recalled were truly disgusting, and it didn’t matter if he thought that his past life was because of his name and the fate that came with it. If Lee Jae-heon, who was even reincarnated, has any regrets, it is that he was much more free to move in the world of his past life than in this world.

“…Still, it’s surprising that you forgot the name.”

I’m also embarrassed that I hadn’t remembered that fact until now. The fact that it was erased so cleanly means that there was some kind of trick, but I couldn’t even guess what happened.

At this point, Lee Jae-heon also wanted to meet the possessed person.



took off his gloves and threw them on the floor.

‘There’s no need to go heavy.’

The same went for shoes and socks. I left my coat behind at the shelter anyway, and it was a bit disappointing that I didn’t bring a crowbar, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t a way to deal with the attack. If necessary, you could use a belt, and if the opponent had a weapon, you could take it away.

Lee Jae-heon, who had lightened his body, looked up at the trees on the rugged mountain behind him.

“We should check from above.”

If he was from the same organization, he would have left a mark so that Lee Jae-heon could recognize him. In that case, I don’t know if it was a favor or a trap, but I thought it would be a good idea to climb the tree and check the surroundings.


Lee Jae-heon exhaled and kicked his foot.

I stepped on the trunk of the tree, grabbed the highest branch I could reach, climbed up, and then grabbed another branch to climb up. Unlike the smooth trees in the park, this tree was lumpy and bent like a pine tree. So, if you put your mind to it and move, you could climb it.

Jaeheon Lee eventually climbed to the top and looked around.

“…It really exists.”

A palm print painted in blood on the top of a tree slightly sticking out. Needless to say, the handprint, clearly stamped with visuals that looked like something out of a horror movie from this world, meant ‘please save me’. It’s a signal asking for support, but what kind of idiot must he be to be struggling in a mountain behind this?

While grumbling inwardly, Lee Jae-heon got down to the ground and ran towards the mark.

‘What kind of bastard would he be if he knew me?’

Even if the unidentified sleeping pill was the clue given to the criminal, all he could know was Jaeheon Lee’s sleeping pattern or lifestyle, even if it was a lot. If you decided that Lee Jae-heon was him from a past life based on such trivial information, there is a high probability that he was the guy you kept nearby. There were so many people I had used that I couldn’t tell which one they were.

Perhaps because of the violent movement, the wound burst again and throbbed, but Lee Jae-heon, who was buried in memories of his past life, did not feel that much pain. There was no way that a guy who didn’t blink even when his limbs were chopped into small pieces would feel pain just because his stomach was bleeding.


That was when we reached a place full of rocks and moss.

“…Who is it?”


“Who was it?”

There was a high possibility that the half-corpse, who had the look of a crazy person that did not match his ungainly body, was someone he had seen somewhere. The problem is that I can’t remember the other person’s face or name.

“Captain, captain.”

The other person, who was covered in blood all over his body and was panting as if he was about to die, spoke.

“I have a favor to ask.”

“Seeing as he didn’t even give his official name, it must mean that he’s either quite tired or doesn’t remember anything.”

“It’s really no big deal, really. “Anyway, the captain will be in trouble if I kill that idiot.”

“Probably both. “If I see you talking nonsense.”


The man with an ordinary face soon began to cry.

“…please die just once.”

Jaeheon Lee’s eyes narrowed.

“Is that your attitude toward asking?”

Being spoiled.

* * *

Han Do-yoon sensed something ominous.

“Wow, that was awesome!”

It was thanks to the rustling sound that I realized that a monster was coming this way.

“Oh my gosh, this is how I die.”

Even though he was laughing, Han Do-yoon turned pale and fluttered his limbs. Because I was tied so meticulously, only the chair shook, but I still pulled and scratched the rope until my fingertips bled, and I felt looser than before. Even though it is a construction rope, it is not easy to tear.

Han Do-yoon, who broke the rope after flapping diligently, gave strength to free himself from the knot. My tattered hands ached from tearing the rope.

“Oh really. “Ahh… you crazy bastard… you crazy kidnapper…”

When the kidnapper left, the door was left open, so if the monster came this way, it would naturally come in through the crack in the open door. Then, no matter what monster comes in, Do-yoon Han, who is tied to the chair, must be considered dead. So, I had to get out of there quickly, but the knot that had been tied so carefully was not as easy as I wanted it to be.

When I managed to pull one of my hands out, I heard a cry like opening a rusty door.




Oh wow.

‘Save people.’

A bony arm, as thin as a tree branch, came through the crack in the door. The hand was holding something similar to a flashlight, and the reason it was ‘similar’ was because it had glowing eyes instead of a lantern.



“What is that?”

As I mumbled without realizing it, the flashlight’s gaze turned to Han Do-yoon.




Oh, is it ruined?

“…Wait. “Teacher, please listen to me for a moment.”


“No, tell me I did something wrong.”

With a harsh, bizarre cry, a black and bony arm stretched out and approached Han Do-yoon. I tried to untie the knot with my free arm, but the rope, which had been tied meticulously and was twisted clumsily, did not come off easily.

Finally, when the flashlight came right in front of Han Do-yoon’s nose, he could see its eyes blinking.




He pleaded with a straight and confident smile, but as if he could not hear Han Do-yoon’s voice, the monster was busy slowly turning the flashlight around to look at Han Do-yoon, who was tied to the chair. I was dragged into the underworld while I was working, so I was wearing a mobile suit. Was that strange?

‘Well, I guess survivors dressed like this aren’t common…’

Han Do-yoon, who was trying to control his rationality to retreat, saw the monster’s arm slowly starting to retreat. In the meantime, the Lantern’s focus was on Han Do-yoon.

“…what what?”

I don’t know if it was my mood, but I didn’t feel the obvious hostility like other monsters. At best, it’s just the grumpiness of a grumpy child.

“Hey, teacher…? “Is there anything I can help you with…?”

Seeing as I couldn’t hear any shuddering footsteps, I thought he was probably standing outside the door, but he didn’t do anything even though he withdrew his arms, which made me even more scared. Han Do-yoon carefully pulled out the remaining arm, but asked again, thinking, ‘Maybe if I flatter him, he’ll take care of me?’

“I’m amazed at how well I get things done. Do you see these muscles? If you have something to order, order it. Of course, it will be tough and tasteless. teacher? “Are you there?”


“Ah, is this going to happen?”

As I smiled and rubbed my hands together with a thoughtful face, what was so bothersome was that the wooden floor in Han Do-yoon’s room started to burn from the edges.

“Oh god damn why are you doing that! Oh, please save me…!”

My older brothers always criticized me, saying, ‘Why are you talking so loudly at the scene?’ and ‘If you keep talking, you could become the first firefighter to die from suffocation by talking.’ But it didn’t come to mind right now. Han Do-yoon fluttered his lips as he freed himself from the rope around his waist, not paying attention to the acrid smoke.

“There is trauma in this scene! Hell, I’m even wearing a mobile suit right now! “This isn’t insulated. I’m dying, really…!”

While shouting in frustration, Han Do-yoon quickly looked everywhere.

‘Where should I go?’

Although it had a window, it was small and the floor Han Do-yoon was on was too high. Even if he didn’t fall and survive, there were other monsters underneath. In this situation, escaping through a window wasn’t a wise idea.

But that didn’t mean I could go out the door. Although the fire appeared to have started in the room, Do-yoon Han, who was trapped in the room, could not tell whether the monster had started a fire outside as well. Even if it was okay outside, there was a monster standing guard there, so you would be caught as soon as you left.

“…I’m really dying. Wow, how can you be so vicious?”

There was no place to get out.

“I don’t know what will happen if I go out the window, hold on to the wall of the building, and slowly go down…”

Even though the window was small, it seemed like I could somehow get out if I pushed in. How on earth to go out like that and climb down the smooth exterior wall of the building was another problem, but oh well. I also wondered if the fire would die down when the monster left. Then, all I had to do was hang on the window, so it was worth a try.

Han Do-yoon, who had taken off his vest and covered his nose and mouth to prevent smoke from entering his respiratory tract, was about to lower himself when he screeched. The door opened once again.

“Well, attacking directly is really crossing the line…”



An exclamation came out.


And I was speechless.

The monster guarding the door was a small child who seemed to be 10 years old, much shorter than Han Do-yoon.


Do-yun Han caught the eye of Han Do-yoon’s hair, which had been scorched here and there, becoming a mess, and the barely visible remains of his body, which had turned black and turned into charcoal.

His withered fingers were holding a flashlight.

“…This is… really….”


“…Isn’t that too cruel?”


“It’s too much, really.”

Ash powder could be seen flowing from the two gaping eyes.

“How can you do this?”

I knew that this child was not human, but simply reflected human thoughts and was therefore a monster bent on killing survivors. Nevertheless, Han Do-yoon’s feet hardly moved. As a firefighter, there could be no monster that could hit him more effectively than this.

The monster walked unsteadily on dry, burnt-out feet and grabbed Han Do-yoon’s pants with its long, twig-like arms. The ash that flowed from the eyes of the monster that was hugging his leg stained Han Do-yoon’s black pants.






I couldn’t breathe. He knew it wasn’t just the acrid smoke.




Do-yoon Han didn’t even know why he was apologizing.

I just felt like it had to be that way.

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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