Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 272

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Episode 272

“This patient is really…!”

Ha Seong-yoon, who usually maintains a polite demeanor, shouted.

“If you are this consistent in not listening, you are in the top 1%! Would you really stay still if I had to hold you by the back of your neck and fall down? Thanks to you, I don’t have to worry about low blood pressure these days!”

“I feel unfair this time too…!”

Jaeheon Lee answered while holding his hand on his broken ribs.

“After getting scolded and worried like that, it seems like I don’t have enough conscience to hurt myself on purpose. And if you had intended to break it, would you have easily crushed your fingers and touched the ribs surrounding the organ?”

“Shut your mouth, shut your mouth! Get rid of this obnoxious snout! Why do people who are not even cracked but completely broken talk so much? Oh, I really can’t drag this into the operating room…!”

Lee Jae-heon internally sighed in relief because he could not find any trace of ‘disgust toward people who lie’ on Ha Seong-yoon’s lamenting face.

‘Yes, even if you think about it, you probably overlooked the ribs.’

To be honest, it is true that I broke it intentionally. It was helpful to remember that in my past life, when Lee Jae-heon was young, he had a thinner physique and less muscles than other team members, so he had learned how to threaten self-harm in advance. Even he with the ability to regenerate knew a technique so certain that he could not defeat it without breaking a bone.

However, from the chicks’ point of view, there was no way they could suspect that he had done this on purpose since the ribs that run up the tower were broken, among the most dangerous bones to break. Moreover, hadn’t he just recently made a promise not to do anything dangerous? It seemed like he didn’t think that ‘Lee Jae-heon’ would be so shameless.

“Director Boo. “I… I’m sorry…”

“Kwon Yeon-hee did nothing wrong.”

“I was too slow… Manager…”

Kwon Yeon-hee paced around Lee Jae-heon with an almost crying face, although it was half true that she thought Jae-heon Lee was injured because she fell. ‘Lee Jae-heon’ waved his hand with an embarrassed face.

“it’s okay. I’m going to the pharmacy anyway… Unlike other wounds, this is an injury that can be cured even in the other world if you take medicine, right? “You don’t need to worry so much.”

Despite his words, Kwon Yeon-hee shed tears.

“I’m sorry….”

“You seemed distraught these days, but that was understandable. Do not worry too much.”


He took his eyes off Kwon Yeon-hee, who was struggling to swallow her tears, and looked at Yoon Gar-ram. Garam Yoon must have been quite embarrassed by Jaeheon Lee’s injury as he fidgeted with a downcast expression and consoled Yeonhee Kwon. He looked like he was blaming himself for not being able to protect Lee Jae-heon.

‘Well, even though it was that kind of situation, you didn’t use fire.’

This probably meant that he was still not confident in his abilities and was not at ease, so Lee Jae-heon decided to wait with peace of mind. Anyway, I didn’t expect that Yoon Garam could change right away with just one word.

Lee Jae-heon muttered softly as the atmosphere became very chaotic.

“I said it’s really okay…”

“…Please don’t come forward, please.”

Police officer Kim Yeon-woo, who was covering his face with both hands, continued speaking.

“The reason we brought Jaeheon Lee was because the pharmacy needed patients, not because we needed personnel to fight together. The reason I gave the weapon was to protect myself. “It would be troubling if someone who only needs to be protected continues to come forward.”

“But… um.”

Lee Jae-heon trailed off and closed his mouth, but everyone knew that what he said next would be, ‘But I couldn’t help but save Kwon Yeon-hee.’

In fact, it was Lee Jae-heon who created a situation where Kwon Yeon-hee had to be saved.

‘I was lucky.’

In the other world, the concept of the shopping center is both a festival and an entertainment district. The streets, which boast an unpleasant splendor during the day, exude a sour and murderous spirit in the evening. The monsters are less aggressive now that it is daylight, but even that is not safe. In particular, the most dangerous are the drunken monsters.

Jeong In-ho sighed and said.

“If that clown hadn’t suddenly attacked…”

“I’m sorry. It’s my fault. “It was just that they were reluctant to approach the police, not that they wouldn’t come at all.”

“I didn’t mean to reprimand the police officer.”

The monster they call a ‘clown’ is a drunkard monster. This guy wanders the streets doing tricks with all kinds of liquor bottles, and like a common Western clown, he has colorful drawings on his face covered in white powder. Like a shopping mall monster, it dislikes the police, but is so capricious that it immediately shows aggression at the slightest inconvenience.

‘The opportunity arose because the monster was very interested in Kwon Yeon-hee.’

I don’t know what his intentions were, but the drunken monster was staring at Kwon Yeon-hee, who was following Lee Jae-heon. Lee Jae-heon, who took advantage of that, saw the monster and was easily stimulated by Kwon Yeon-hee, who followed its gaze and also looked towards the monster. It suddenly rushed towards me and this is it.

Ha Seong-yoon muttered as he looked at Lee Jae-heon’s swollen chest.

“I guess I should say I’m glad it ended like this. He was even holding a dangerous glass bottle…”

“Yes, there was no blood, right?”

“Even if that’s true, teacher, you should keep your mouth shut. “You’re getting beat up.”

Lee Jae-heon turned his head and pretended not to hear.



“…I just took something that was peeled once…”

“What did you say?”


Ha Seong-yoon sighed and Jeong In-ho grinned at the sight of his face frowning, but Lee Jae-heon remained steadfast.

‘The wound burst, but it’s not a big deal.’

It stings strangely, but it’s really no big deal. While protecting Kwon Yeon-hee, I was pushed into a corner and stepped on three times, but that was nothing. If not only the bones but also an eye had been pulled out or a tooth had been knocked out, I would have been able to obtain a wider variety of medicines, but it was a bit disappointing. I guess this is why there is no end to human greed.

Garam Yoon, unaware of such outbursts of thought, cautiously approached Jaeheon Lee.

“Um… Manager. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Everyone is too worried. It’s not like a bone is piercing an organ…”

Ha Seong-yoon, who was covering his eyes at Lee Jae-heon’s words, said.

“It is a legitimate concern. “It broke cleanly and almost stabbed an organ.”


“Don’t avoid eye contact. Do you know how important the ribs are to humans? The lungs that allow you to breathe and the heart that pumps blood are all there. “If one of the two goes wrong, the person will die quickly.”


“If possible, don’t talk. “Already, every time I breathe, the pain will be severe.”

What are you talking about, you serious chick?

‘Aren’t you looking at me too funny?’

It was a worry that Jaeheon Lee, who had memories of his past life, found difficult to accept, thinking that he would have difficulty breathing with injuries of this magnitude. The doctor continued speaking, not knowing how proud Jaeheon Lee was.

“If things were the same, pneumonia or even pneumothorax could develop, but since this is the other side of the world, I don’t know what will happen. “Do you think you can endure these complications with your mental strength?”

“In theory, it’s possible.”

“…I feel anxious as expected. It would be good to escape this world as quickly as possible. “If such a disease occurs in a world where there is no proper medicine, it is difficult to deal with it.”

“Aren’t you going to go to the pharmacy anyway?”

“Now that it has come to this point, I will have to go, but…”

You may be tempted to go back right now, but unfortunately, there was no patient who was as mobile and in a serious condition as Lee Jae-heon. However, I couldn’t bring Lee Jae-heon down again, and I had to go to the pharmacy to fix his ribs before he got into a more serious condition. Ha Seong-yoon also seemed to know that.

He said while touching his earlobe.

“…Then let’s quickly buy what we can buy at the convenience store and move on. It took a lot of time because of the commotion on the streets, and moving around will become inconvenient in the evening. “I can’t continue to stay at the convenience store…”

“I bought cereal with cash. “I think you only need to calculate Lee Jae-heon and Ha Seong-yoon.”

“All right.”

In this way, the search team purchased 4 cereals and 3 2L water bottles.

While Kwon Yeon-hee and Woo Joo-young, who were supposed to carry the luggage, were busy packing up the things they had purchased, Lee Jae-heon placed two chocolates on the counter and muttered.

“…Two eyeballs….”


“Is organ trading possible here?”


No, honestly, don’t you think it’s a bit disappointing?

“The human eye is so fragile that it can easily get hurt, so if you go to the pharmacy and get it wrapped…!”

“Please, please, shut up! “Ahh, I shouldn’t have let you see!”

“You’re funny. I have Jjambap from the other side of the world! “I guess you didn’t know there was a rule like this?”

I took a stab at it out of pity, but as expected, the group, including In-ho Jeong, shook their heads. Even Woo Joo-young, who couldn’t even speak properly due to the unfamiliar atmosphere, clung to Lee Jae-heon and stopped him.

“Manager, Manager. Please… It’s because I look so sick. “I heard that if you lose your mental strength here, it’s going to be a mess…. Can’t you please keep this poor subordinate healthy, as if you’re saving him?… The more the manager gets hurt, the more his poor employees die mentally.”

“I’m saying this because you don’t know, but even if your eyeball disappears for a moment, you can still be healthy.”

“Wow… I’m really scared…! Manager, please…! I really can’t even watch gourmet fish…! “I was so scared of the ribs that I covered my ears!”

“That’s really….” Lee Jae-

heon decided to step away at this point because he had a weak and pitiful side that was different from Noh Yeon-seok’s sunny attitude in saying whatever he wanted to say even though he was scared. It wasn’t the adult’s job to harass a newborn chick.

‘…Since we’ve opened up a waterway like this, we can stop by whenever we need to.’

Jaeheon Lee was a man who knew what a hungry person could do. Nowadays, thanks to a group of patient people, we are surviving well on a small amount of food, but I think we will lose our senses if we starve for a month or so. Originally, I wouldn’t have done it this way, but when I heard that there was an unknown person hovering around me, I couldn’t help but imagine the worst possible situation.

In his opinion, people could hit rock bottom at any time. I was just laying the groundwork because I thought it would be good to at least leave room for rationalization like, ‘At that time, you said it was okay to be sick, right?’

“…But at least one eye or tongue…”


Oh, don’t you feel sorry? It would be good if you buy a lot while you are already here.

In the end, Jaeheon Lee was forcibly dragged out of the convenience store.

* * *

Ha Seong-yoon sighed as he saw Lee Jae-heon frowning, wondering why he was so dissatisfied.

‘That guy is really…’

This was the first patient in his life who was so disobedient.

Basically, patients had one of two doctors. Either an angel from heaven or a quack from hell. Unlike other idiots, Ha Seong-yoon, a talented doctor, was often of the former type, and most patients who knew that he was the one who would save their lives took his words seriously. Even patients who had particularly strong spirit and refused treatment did not ignore Ha Seong-yoon’s words.

But Lee Jae-heon….

“Why are you sharing the burden? “Just let them do their thing.”

“Why are you scolding me when I do something? “I have never been treated like this, not even at home.”

“You probably don’t have one, it’s just a place where people pull out fingernails!”

They always say things like, ‘You grew up well,’ ‘You were treated well because you were the youngest,’ and ‘You’re so bad that you don’t understand us,’ but no matter who heard it, it was bullshit. How on earth does this party group have to mess up one person to make such nonsense? Even if Lee Jae-heon had not grown up in such an environment, Ha Seong-yoon’s patient would have recovered more quickly.

Ha Seong-yoon’s gaze landed on Lee Jae-heon and Ji-geun’s empty space.

‘That friend must have been in trouble too.’

That police officer who suddenly appeared after not being seen anywhere recently. The culprit, who was presumed to have ruined Lee Jae-heon’s childhood, was still looking at Lee Jae-heon with a wicked smile.

I felt really bad.

“…Why… why are you doing that?”

“I didn’t say anything.”

“That’s true, but your expression….”

“Okay, so go in when you have something nice to say.”


Lee Jae-heon, who was looking at Ha Seong-yoon with strange eyes, opened the door that made a rattling sound and went inside. Ha Seong-yoon, who was in charge of the last of the procession, narrowed his eyes for a moment as he saw the monsters not approaching this way. went inside it.

It had come into the pharmacy.

“…Truly mine.”

Ha Seong-yoon sighed as he looked at the pharmacist at the counter wrapped in a white cloth.

Somehow, there is nothing sane in the underworld.

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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