Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 267

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Episode 267 Hong Gyeong-jun,

who heard Lee Jae-heon and Jeong In-ho’s speculation, gathered the survivors together.

“…So it has been confirmed that there are survivors who are hostile towards us. Originally, two or more people gathered together because of the monster, but when moving, how about at least three people moving together?”

“…Monsters alone are overwhelming, but we also have to be wary of humans…”

Kim Ki-jeong muttered with a tired face, and teacher Lee Yun-byeol shook her head as if agreeing with his words. In particular, team leader Woo Soo-young, who was less accustomed to the behind-the-scenes world, added this. With a pale face, he asked back as if he did not understand the current situation.

“…why…? Why are humans attacking us…?”

“If you watch disaster movies, you see that a lot.”

“Life is not a movie….”

“If you look at us now, we are worse than a movie.”


In the end, Kwon Yeon-hee patted her back as if she felt sorry for Team Leader Woo Soo-young, who was curled up in tears with tears streaming down her face. In Lee Jae-heon’s eyes, it was an acorn height comeback, but he could feel that Kwon Yeon-hee had grown compared to her first visit to the underworld. In the sense that you make yourself cry and then comfort yourself.

Lee Jae-heon thought to himself as he looked at Woo Woo-young’s really haggard-looking face.

‘I think I need to take care of that one.’

Woo Joo-young was adaptable enough to help Kwon Yeon-hee, who lost her footing as soon as she entered the secret world, but it would have been difficult for Woo Joo-young, who was extremely ordinary and boasted a soft personality even amidst that mediocrity, to stay sane in the secret world.

The problem is…

“Manager, are you feeling okay?”

“When Assistant Manager Jeong gets bored, that’s the first thing he asks?”

“Isn’t it because the manager is in a bad state every time I get bored?”

“Look at the talking pig.”

The point was that Woo Joo-young still couldn’t adapt to ‘Lee Jae-heon’.

‘It seems like the distance has narrowed at least because of the chase that took place at night, but it’s still a little…’

But that didn’t mean I could stay away from team leader Woo Soo-young forever. To put it to the extreme, what would you do if you ended up feeling awkward alone like that? Since I wasn’t going to be like this awkwardly when I returned to reality anyway, I had to solve the problem in the other world while I still had time. For that purpose, a small amount of groundwork was laid.

Moreover, Woo Joo-young was not the only survivor who needed care.

“Mr. Munsan looks unwell. “Would you like to rest a little longer?”

“Oh no. “I’ll at least pick up firewood from the mountain.”

Munsan-gun had a bad complexion ever since the topic of school came up.

“I have to go home.”

“We can’t go home.”

“I have to go.”

Jang Seo-ah reveals a strange obsession with her doll-like face.

“Then your hands will wear out.”

“Oh no… I’m just wiping. just.”

Kim Ki-jeong wipes his hands until they bleed, as if his tuberculosis is so severe.

‘It’s a total mess.’

Although she doesn’t say anything, Kwon Yeon-hee also seems to be in a bad condition, as if she was stimulated by the abandoned monster dog.

In addition, there are new-faced students with mental breakdowns, including a male student with a broken leg, and the Park siblings who keep a subtle distance from them. If things continue like this, someone will die before they even get to the final boss. At this point, the probability that there is a crazy person spraying sleeping pills has increased.

‘…Let’s try to solve it step by step.’

Lee Jae-heon grabbed Hong Gyeong-jun and asked.

“Do you ever want to go to the pharmacy?”

“…Yes, student Kim Hee-chan’s leg condition was serious, so we decided to stop by a small pharmacy nearby. I’m also planning to stop by a convenience store. If you have any advice, please let me know.”

“It would be easier if you just come with me.”

“Are you saying that?”

Hong Gyeong-jun’s face, which was already expressionless, took on an even colder look.

“It was a miracle that he moved this far with such injuries. It’s been so painful to keep my mouth shut for so long, but you’re going to make my head ache while you find out everything about Lee Jae-heon’s condition? “I refuse.”

‘Lee Jae-heon’ was so resolute that he seemed to declare that he could not move from this position.

“…It’s all like that for a reason…”

“Let’s hear it.”

“Patients need to go to the pharmacy. “Only patients can purchase medicine.”

Hong Gyeong-jun’s gaze briefly touched Kim Hee-chan and then returned to Lee Jae-heon. Lee Jae-heon, who saw the brief movement right in front of him, drooped his eyebrows. I narrowed my eyes and looked at Hong Gyeong-jun with worry on my face.

I was intentionally imitating the face of my previous life.

“Student Heechan Kim’s leg is where it hurts. “I’m not in a condition where I can walk to the pharmacy. Is there another patient like me in the group?”

“…It just sounds like the sicker you are, the more medicine you can get.”

“you’re right. So the cost-effectiveness is low. However, it is true that you have to go to the pharmacy because there is no way you will be lucky enough to find good medicine on the hill behind the school. “The worse the patient’s condition, the more effective medicine can be obtained.”

“wait for a sec.”

Hong Gyeong-jun took a deep breath and uncrossed his arms.

“I don’t think this is a story to be shared only with me. Jaeheon Lee’s opinion has some validity, so let’s gather other people and have a conversation together.”

“…All right.”

In this way, Jae-heon Lee called and talked with survivors who could search, and in the end, Jae-heon Lee was the winner. A patient is needed to get medicine from the pharmacy, but among the current survivors, only Lee Jae-heon and Kim Hee-chan are seriously injured, and Kim Hee-chan has a broken leg and has difficulty moving. However, it was not possible to go to the pharmacy and intentionally make patients.

“…If it’s just a headache, I have it too.”

“Isn’t the main cause of student Kim Hee-chan’s injury a fractured leg? Even if you get medicine for a headache, it won’t work on student Kim Hee-chan. All it can do is relieve the pain for a moment.”

“It’s really driving me crazy.”

Although Jeong In-ho was disgusted by the pettiness of the behind-the-scenes world, it was fortunate for Lee Jae-heon. It was because these picky chicks were full of plans to do something, whether they cursed or not later.

‘Maybe I’ll accidentally break my little finger on the way to the pharmacy.’

The itinerary itself was to stop at a convenience store and then move to a pharmacy, so it wasn’t that strange to get hit by a monster and break something along the way. Medicines available at pharmacies ignorantly only work on one type of wound, so at least the type of injury had to be unified. If you want to do something about Kim Hee-chan’s legs.

But that didn’t mean I wanted to move right away.

“The condition of the survivors is bad due to the continuous schedule and disturbance. In particular, students Jae-heon Lee, In-ho Jeong, and Hee-chan Kim need to be mentioned.”

“There is no room to refute it.”

“I heard that the students who were rescued from the school also felt anxious without the police. “The food supply is not urgent, and student Kim Hee-chan, who is in poor condition, still wants the police to be by his side, so let’s move around tomorrow.”

As Hong Gyeong-jun summarized the situation, the preliminary search team members nodded. Among them, Jeong In-ho, who was sleep deprived as he was on watch duty, went back to sleep as soon as he got up, showing the fatigue that was subtly spreading among the survivors.

‘…Then the Kim Hee-chan case will be roughly concluded.’

Jaeheon Lee was aware of the fact that his impression was quite dirty. Even if Lee Jae-heon were to suddenly approach the investigators at the time, including Jeong In-ho, who saved the students trapped in the school, their vigilance would only increase. Of course, he was confident enough to quickly overcome the clumsy chicks’ wariness and control his opponent, but Lee Jae-heon did not feel the need to go that far. Because the other survivors were doing quite well.

Moreover, since Kim Hee-chan’s leg problem could be solved by going to the pharmacy, it was safe to say that the issue regarding Kim Hee-chan was roughly concluded.


So the next target was Jang Seo-ah.

“…Zombie man.”

“I’m a zombie guy. “You look anxious. Is your heart racing?”


Lee Jae-heon, who was naturally caught between Jang Seo-ah and Choi Min-hong, carefully stroked Jang Seo-ah’s head, ignoring Azalea’s gaze, which was looking at him with a strange expression. Jang Seo-ah, who seemed to like people with ugly faces, closed her eyes and obediently accepted the touch.

After confirming that he did not reject ‘Lee Jae-heon’ even though they had not spoken for quite some time, he asked directly.

“Do you like home?”


It was a lie.

‘Actually, should I say it’s a habit?’

The words that came out reflexively, as if memorizing English words, did not contain any emotion. In short, I received training through cramming, but if I think about who gave me this training, I quickly found out the answer. Because the ones who educate the children are their parents.

“So, then you probably want to go home quickly?”


“Then I’ll take you there.”


“Even if I’m a little late, my parents won’t scold me.”

“My mom and dad don’t get angry.”

Even lies must be told sincerely.

‘Maybe it’s because I’m young, but I don’t have any tricks.’

The child’s auburn hair was dyed light gray and pink. When viewed objectively, she was really pretty and doll-like, but behind it all that remained was the pain of a child who had been tormented by her parents. As CEO Choi Jeong-man once said, to achieve this color, it would have taken more than just bleaching once or twice. It must have been a lot of trouble.

‘Parents who are obsessed with their child’s appearance.’

It wasn’t even a secret world, but they were quite crazy people.

“…You are the scariest person in the world.”


Lee Jae-heon spoke to the child who blinked his round eyes.

“No one can say anything to you. That’s why you can’t even do it to Seo-ah.”

“…You’re weak.”

“It is like that now. But adults think external appearances are more important.”

“I know it too.”

“You are the person adults fear most in the world.”

He has a lot of money, a great background, and great strength, but his personality is dirty. Moreover, since people in their 40s are adults who have grown up enough, they don’t fight carelessly to save face. Lee Jae-heon was clearly the type of person that the adults in this world both hated and feared the most.

“So you don’t have to worry. okay?”

“…It’s scary.”

“Nothing will happen to Seo-ah.”


Jang Seo-ah, who was looking at Choi Min-hong and Lee Jae-heon alternately, secretly held out her hand.



Lee Jae-heon, who held his little finger up to his finger, stroked Jang Seo-ah’s head with that hand. There was still no trace of trust in the child’s face as he quietly looked up at him, but Lee Jae-heon was satisfied with this. Originally, it was difficult to invade the established world of children.

There was no need to solve everything just this once. These children will also need time to get used to the changes in their surroundings…

“Mister, me too.”

“me too.”

“me too.”

“But what…? “Is there anything you want to promise Minhong?”

In response to Lee Jae-heon’s question, Choi Min-hong said, pouting his lips.


Choi Min-hong’s hand, mumbling like that, was holding Lee Jae-heon’s hand. Because he was wearing gloves, Choi Min-hong’s request was even more indistinguishable, so he blinked. Minhong Choi took off his gloves without saying a word. Jaeheon Lee didn’t bother to stop it.

The child asked as he looked at his fingertips, which had no nails and showed bare skin.

“Where did you go?”

“I left it at home.”

“Then can you give it to me?”

“It’s unsanitary so it’s not allowed. “I’ll bring you a better gift later.”

“Then promise that.”

After making an appointment with Choi Min-hong, Lee Jae-heon left, leaving two children and an old man looking at him. I didn’t even sit down in the first place because I only wanted to have a quick chat. Even Ai and Azalea did not catch Lee Jae-heon like that.

Lee Jae-heon’s gaze landed on Munsan-gun and Kim Ki-jeong, who had just picked up a small amount of firewood.

‘Munsan-gun seems to be a problem related to the school, so I can leave it alone for a little longer if I leave it among others… Kim Ki-jeong is not in an urgent situation yet.’

His eyes soon landed on Kwon Yeon-hee.


“I thought you were tired.”

“Hey… I haven’t even been anywhere.”

Kwon Yeon-hee, who was waving her hand with a pretty normal face, really seemed to think she was okay, but Lee Jae-heon was a little skeptical of that opinion. Anyway, unlike the last time at the park, if you don’t immediately flip over when you see the abandoned monster dog and don’t realize that you’re tired, it means you’re not in a hurry here either.


Lee Jae-heon, who had confirmed that far, looked at a woman.

His face was pale, probably because he was quite tired, and he had dark circles under his eyes. Her hair, which was always curled up, was disheveled and tied down in a bundle. Perhaps because her mind was still reeling from the atmosphere of the other world, she often stared blankly into space.

Yes, Team Leader Woo Soo-young.

“Team leader, would you like some water?”

“…iced coffee. thank you.”

“You looked like you were out of your mind….”

“I’m okay, really. I’m really okay.”

Lee Jae-heon tilted his head while listening to the conversation between Kang Min-ah and Woo Joo-young.

‘Everyone is dying.’

For your information, Team Leader Woo Soo-young was the person who had to solve this problem at once.

People like that have a short life because of trivial things.

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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