Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 253

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Episode 253

Lee Jae-heon did not like the position of class president very much.

Regardless of whether it was a secret world or not, it was a well-established opinion in the world that being a class president would make things difficult, and Lee Jae-heon’s past life was not much different. Being the leader of the group meant taking responsibility for all of the subordinates, and the duties became more important.

‘Well, usually if you were class president, you would be given rights at the same time…’

In a normal school, class president was closer to a title that only had duties and no rights.

Unless you were ambitious enough to take over the homeroom teacher and even the school office, it was better to avoid the position of class president. And children all over the world knew the wisdom of this life. Of course, there are many students who want to be class president, but in the other world, it is still a bit difficult.

‘It’s a right, a duty, and ignorance, and it just turns into a monster.’

So how do teachers in this world decide class presidents?

“…Ugh, wait a minute, your hands are strong…! “Relax!” “


it really hurts…!”

That will be decided by force. On the first day of school, they take the one who sits in the front row, the one who seems friendly, and the one with the highest grades and puts him or her in the class president position.

However, not all classes have a class president. In most classrooms, there is no class president, but the teacher monster in charge of the classroom randomly selects one of the survivors as a class president when he/she feels like it. Then, only the survivors who are favored by the teacher monster are out of luck.

‘I completely forgot about that and was just calmly solving the test paper, so I did everything wrong.’

Still, are you going to press on a painful spot?

“I won’t, I won’t! “Why am I serving as class president so that I can enjoy wealth and fame…!”


“Ahhhh! It barely healed! “My arm!”

Lee Jae-heon, with his head on the desk and a pen forcefully held in his other hand, flapped his legs. If he had the body of his previous life, he would have tried anything, but Lee Jae-heon, who had lost his mental strength and was in a shabby physical condition, had no means of protest other than talking loudly.

Thanks to this, Jaeheon Lee realized why a student named Heechan Kim became class president.

‘This kid did well on the test and got a class rep.’

He said that only his legs were shattered, but his arms were fine. They gave me a test map and a pen, so I guess they thought that if I could please the teacher monster, he would let me go. And in the end, it was clear that he was forced to become class president.

However, Jaeheon Lee had no intention of becoming a class president.

“To turn someone into a monster…!”

If I were to just die, I would still be so tired that I would just die, but it turns out to be a plaster monster with my mind still intact and attacks the survivors. In order for the main character, who had the school’s rules drilled into his head, to escape the school and ask for more information, Lee Jae-heon should not have become a monster now.

‘Really, the method of subduing is the same as that of the instructor…!’

My head, crushed on the desk, felt like it was going to explode.

I had to hold on for a few minutes, giving strength to the monster teacher who was trying to force me to move my arms and write my name. In the end, the one who gave up first was the monster, but before Jaeheon Lee could secretly breathe a sigh of relief, another problem arose.


Isn’t the monster trying to get to Park Da-young, who was sitting next to Lee Jae-heon?

‘uh…? ‘You’re going to him?’

For a moment, my heart dropped. If you apply as much force as you did to me, he explodes? Is that just water? Is it going to explode? He didn’t notice that his mental strength was dropping.

As Lee Jae-heon urgently checked his watch, Jeong In-ho waved his hands. Just 2 minutes before class ends. Even if Jung In-ho was allowed to leave by phone, it would have taken at least 3 more minutes to add that process. So, does Park Da-young have the ability to handle the power of that crazy monster for 3 minutes?

Lee Jae-heon, who made eye contact with Park Da-young, who was crying, reflexively grabbed the teacher monster’s arm.




Luckily, this wasn’t considered an attack. The teacher monster just tilted his head and looked at Jaeheon Lee, but cold sweat was streaming down his back. Signing and becoming a class president was a problem, and leaving Park Da-young alone for 3 minutes was also a problem, so Jae-heon Lee had no way to do anything about it.

It was around that time of silence.



The sound that echoed throughout the classroom… unfortunately, was not the class bell.

“…Uh ah….”


“…I threw it away?”

It was the sound of an alarm ringing inside Dahoon Park’s desk drawer.

“…I threw it away. really. In the trash can…”


“I really threw it away. Really really. “I’m not mine…”


“I’m not like that…”

“Park Da-hoon.”


Park Da-hoon stopped speaking at Lee Jae-heon’s call. When Park Da-hoon, who was as frightened as an aspen tree, looked at Lee Jae-heon, he took the crowbar he had left on the floor and said,

“Take care of your sister.”


“Your sister.”

Quack! Suddenly!

“…Take care of it.”

Lee Jae-heon got up from his seat and stuck a crowbar into the monster’s body.

The operation itself was simple. He kicks the monster in the crook of its leg to make it kneel, then bends the arm it was holding back and crushes its body to the floor. Then, all you had to do was insert the crowbar held in the other hand from top to bottom. The attack was possible because the teacher monster had a shape close to a human. This is so strong that not even Jaeheon Lee can withstand it.

The problem was that, as I said, this was not a person.


Gigi Geek-


The monster, which was not dead even though its torso was pierced, bent its neck and looked at Lee Jae-heon. Also, at the same time, the heads of all the student monsters sitting in the first grade class turned towards Lee Jae-heon.

Lee Jae-heon said as he saw the monsters all looking this way.

“…don’t move until class is over. It’ll be over soon. It’s okay. “There will be no problem.”


“I really didn’t know it would end up like this…”

No, it’s not that I didn’t know at all, but… I didn’t know it would end up like this.

Confusion still remained on his face. I even boldly stood up from my seat during class and attacked the teacher’s monster, but it was so absurd that all of this happened just because I did well on one test. I should have kept my mind in check in the beginning, but I was robbed of my leisure time by memories of my past life.

Lee Jae-heon sighed.

“Everyone, don’t break the rules.”

In this situation, the only one who broke the school rules was Lee Jae-heon.

The teacher and student monsters were only looking at Lee Jae-heon.

* * *

The situation became tense just one minute before the door opened.

“Ahh…! Those legs! “My legs…!”

“Someone please help Da-hoon!”

The monsters rushed at Lee Jae-heon, who had caught the attention of all the monsters in the classroom. Park Da-hoon, who panicked at the sight of Lee Jae-heon ready to die alone, telling him not to break the school rules, grabbed a mop and hit the monster hard on the head. Thanks to this, Lee Jae-heon, who was almost crushed to the ground, was able to escape, but Park Da-hoon was caught by the teacher monster and his legs were broken.

Lee Jae-heon, who helped Da-hoon Park up and supported him, shouted as he frantically fought off the approaching monsters.

“Did you hear me telling you not to come? “If you stayed still, you wouldn’t have been targeted!”

“Hmm, how? How could you… Ugh….”

“Don’t you fucking stand up!” “How can no one listen to me!”

With Lee Jae-heon coming back from the dead and Park Da-hoon, the youngest of the survivors, injured, there was no survivor who could sit still. The chick, with all its useless foolishness, accepted their pain as if it were its own. For Lee Jae-heon, it was something that made him go crazy.

“Mr. Kang Min-ah! Kang Min-ah!”

-Come out! It’s at the top of the stairs on the second floor now!

“It’s open, come out here! hurry!”

When all the survivors, starting with those closest to the door, went outside, unlike the bell that rang at the beginning and end of class, softer, more somber music rang throughout the school.

“…It’s the school bell! “We have to get out now!”

As Ha Seong-yoon said, it was the school bell.

However, from the moment I stepped on the stairs to the first floor, the entire school started shaking as if there was an earthquake. Regardless of whether it was the 4th floor, 3rd floor, or 2nd floor, the survivors’ breathing stopped as they heard the sound of something rushing like a wave, and Jeong In-ho, who was behind them, discovered its identity.

“Monsters are crazy… monsters are coming…! Move quickly!”

It was a wave created when monsters scattered throughout the school attacked all at once.

However, the intimidation of the monsters frantically attacking from behind and the limited time made the survivors nervous, and the speed of Lee Jae-heon, who supported Maeng Na-eun and Park Da-hoon, who fell down due to loss of strength due to the sudden situation, was inevitably slow.

Even when Park Da-hoon sprained his leg, the monster grabbed his leg, which was already in great pain.

“Aaaaaahhh…! “Ah!”

“Hold Park Da-hoon’s hand!”


Lee Jae-heon, who knocked off the head of the monster that had caught Da-hoon Park, reluctantly wrapped Da-hoon Park around his shoulder. If it had been real, he wouldn’t have been able to lift it this easily, but Lee Jae-heon, who was still half out of his mind, was in a state where he had enough strength in a way.

Park Da-hoon screamed as he stumbled from the monster that had overtaken In-ho Jeong and grabbed Lee Jae-heon’s arm.

“uncle Uncle! Put me down! “Do you want to get off? I’ll get off!”

“I can’t run like that.”

“Please, mister…! I really don’t like this. You’re going to die because of me! “I don’t like it!”

“I said I couldn’t run.”

“Aaaah! Please, please, mister! mister!”

It’s not that it wasn’t, in fact, one of Park Da-hoon’s legs was completely shattered. The leg, which was so horribly crushed that anyone would think it had been run over by a truck, must have been painful enough in itself. It is impossible to know that the moment you put Park Da-hoon down, he will die. Jaeheon Lee skillfully maintained his balance while shaking off the monster that grabbed his feet.

“What are you doing behind Jeong In-ho’s back!”

“The manager is now…!”

“Clear the road ahead, hurry! “Do you think monsters won’t come just because it’s on the first floor?”

“What a piece of shit…!”

Of course, putting Jeong In-ho in front didn’t make much of a difference. Rather, it only weakens the protection of Lee Jae-heon and Park Da-hoon, who are at the back. Jeong In-ho, who was in a panic, lost his judgment for a moment and obediently went forward, but Lee Jae-heon did not know that.

‘But we can’t all go out anyway.’

In the end, the return was confirmed and he had to send the protagonist outside.

There were enough monsters to fill the hallway, but the speed of the survivors was slow, and the number of those captured continued to increase. Even if I got down to the first floor as quickly as possible, it was bound to take that much time.

Garam Yoon, who was standing at the front and holding the open door, shouted.

“Get out quickly, the monster can’t get to the outside! hurry…!”

“Mr. Yoon Garam, the door is getting closer and closer!”

“Oh please…! “Why doesn’t it stop? Argh!”

You only have one minute to leave school.

“…Ha really….”


“Damn it…”

Lee Jae-heon, who was carrying Park Da-hoon around him, realized that he couldn’t go that far.

Jaeheon Lee was quite far away from the group of survivors who had already rushed to the front. The monsters fill the entire school, and instead of using their missing teeth, they eat the whole body with their hands. The more they attack, the more they stick to them and they don’t die easily. The mannequin monster that served as the guard of the underworld was not a monster that could be killed by breaking it a few times.

Lee Jae-heon and Park Da-hoon could not leave.


“Man, I’m really okay….”

“I’m okay.”

“Ugh uh… Uncle…”

“It’s going to be okay.”

Lee Jae-heon muttered, stepping back instead of forward.

“I will do that.”

“Boss…? Boss!”

After the door was almost completely closed, they confirmed that Lee Jae-heon and Park Da-hoon could not get out, so they pounded on the glass door, but that did not allow the trapped person to get out. Lee Jae-heon took off his outer clothes from the monsters that were tearing at his body with their hands and struggled to escape.

“Where are you going…!”

Park Da-hoon was startled by the sudden running, but it didn’t matter. Because the monsters came from the floor where the classrooms were, there were no monsters in the opposite building on the first floor yet. Jaeheon Lee was running towards that direction. Fortunately, there was a corridor on each floor that led to the building on the other side.

The place he took Park Da-hoon to was none other than the bathroom at the end of the hallway.

“Dahun, you’re kind.”

“yes? Ugh…! Ugh!”

“Swallow it. are you okay. “Everything is fine.”

“Ugh! “Ugh…!”

“It’s okay, it’s okay. “It’s okay…”

Lee Jae-heon put the fruit in Park Da-hoon’s mouth and covered his lips. Lee Jae-heon tightly hugged the head of Park Da-hoon, who was struggling not to swallow the fruit. He was still covering his mouth with one hand.

Da-hoon Park slapped Jae-heon Lee on the back and shook his head.

“I was planning to write it when I met a friend named Kim Hee-chan, but I never thought it would turn out like this… I’m going crazy.”

“Uuuuuuu! town! Kkuk kkk…! flaw!”

“Dahun. In a little while, the time will appear on your wrist. Just because it becomes 0 doesn’t mean you become a monster or anything, you just get kicked out of the bathroom. If you leave the bathroom and wait outside for 10 minutes, you can come back in. However, rather than going into some strange classroom or grade room and getting locked in, I think it would be better to hide in the hallways because there are a lot of chairs here and there. got it?”

“Ugh ugh. Turn it off…!”

“Uncle, I’ll be outside. It’s okay really. You can last here for up to an hour, but as the number of people increases, that time decreases… There are a lot of monsters outside, so you can’t suddenly get kicked out. Isn’t that right? No need to worry. I’ll take the crowbar with me, and I’ll walk around hidden as much as possible. It’s true. It’s true….”


As I calmly nursed and comforted her, I felt a burning sensation starting from my ankles to my thighs. So why are you a picky eater? It seems like I forced you to eat it. Lee Jae-heon pushed away Park Da-hoon, who was struggling to hold on to him as his legs lost all their strength and he sat down.

“uncle Uncle…! Don’t go! “Don’t go!”

“Uh huh, you’re not listening again. “I’m really fine.”

“Fuck! They told me not to go! It’s scary! “Don’t throw it away…!”

“I won’t throw it away, I won’t throw it away. don’t worry.”

Lee Jae-heon, who had managed to shake off Da-hoon Park, pushed Da-hoon Park, who was trying to follow me out, into the bathroom and closed the door. Park Da-hoon, who still couldn’t get up because his legs weren’t strong enough, tried to open the door, but no matter how bad his condition was, the person he was dealing with was Jae-heon Lee. He didn’t lose in a power struggle against a chick who didn’t even have formal education.

He muttered, leaning against the bathroom door.

“…an hour or so…”

When the school bell rang, most of the monsters that ran out to catch the students about to leave school would have gone back to their original places if they had held out for about an hour. Unless they’re plaster monsters, they have to take classes too. So, from now on, Lee Jae-heon would have to endure at least an hour to escape that monster wave.

A hoarse voice was heard along with a small vibration from inside the door.

bang! bang…!

“mister! I was wrong, mister! please!”

“From what I remember, I don’t think they’ll even break into the bathroom, um. Still, it would be better for me to block the door, right? What should I do if those lumps cannot bear the weight and fall inside the door? This is why the swing door….”

“I was wrong, mister…! Please stay with me and don’t die. do not die. “Don’t die…”

“I’ll try my best.”

At this level, I think the main character understands the school rules to some extent, but honestly, I’m not sure. It’s not like it’s been a day or two since chicks’ learning ability is declining. Lee Jae-heon was left with the intention of engraving on his body the rules he had learned through mental shock, as he would have to return anyway… ‘I’ll be

lucky if I don’t get caught by the collar next time.’

If nothing else, I hope that Park Da-hoon, who is scratching at the door from behind, is not the last survivor. If I were to remember this situation now, would it really end in a collar? Am I really trapped inside a cat doll? It was an ending that even Lee Jae-heon, who had a strong personality, was reluctant to do.

Anyway, I felt sorry for Park Da-hoon, a victim of Lee Jae-heon’s greed, so I locked him in the bathroom for now, but I was worried that other survivors would come and rescue him.


“…Uncle, please….”

“Do you have a cell phone? I don’t know if this will work without it… I think I probably left my cell phone on the 4th floor. It’s probably somewhere in the hallway. “This is the first floor, so I don’t think there will be any problem getting out as long as I get off school on time… If other people don’t come to rescue me, I think it would be a good idea to look around there.”

“Uuuuuuu… don’t do that….”

“I’m so sorry. sorry. It’s because I’m a bit greedy. Our friend Dahoon Park is very fast on his feet. I know you will be able to run away. “Even if I make eye contact with student monsters, I think I can avoid them if I just run away.”

“I didn’t mean to ask you not to throw it away…” “

…I don’t know what I misunderstood, but it was a misunderstanding. “I just…”

Lee Jae-heon muttered softly as he looked at the monsters that came after spotting me and the familiar faces among them. He put the crowbar in his hand again.

“I think this is best.”

Approximately 55 minutes remaining.

What was certain was that Lee Jae-heon was not confident that he would be alive during that time.

* * *

Location: Bathroom in Building B, 1st floor, Eonhak High School.

The final deceased was Park Da-hoon.

Second regression in progress.

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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