Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 25

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Episode 25 Lee

Jae-heon frowned, unable to help but sigh.

‘Is it this hard to do?’

To be honest, yes. He was quite good at raising children.

Objectively, how old are you? Even in this life, I am already well over 40, but if you take into account the age in my previous life, it should be called ‘years’ rather than ‘age’.

The more I talk about Lee Jae-heon’s past life, the more it was a mess, but I wasn’t the only one who lived that kind of life.

Now that I have the common sense of this life, it seems like something, but in my past life, I went crazy without knowing what was strange.

Among them, Lee Jae-heon had a particularly bad temperament, but it was not at a level that made him stand out.

At least he probably thinks to himself.

As a result, I tried to do everything that other people were doing. Although we didn’t get along well, I traveled with my family, dated when I got older, and even though I didn’t think it was fate, I married someone I really liked.

I remember that he lived only after giving birth to one son and two daughters and died at the end of his life.

So, how good is Lee Jae-heon’s parenting skills?

‘There were at least three kids.’

Moreover, in order to make a decent living from my job, I had no choice but to learn the ability to comfort and console others.

Aside from taking care of things that didn’t dry on his head, Lee Jae-heon’s parenting skills were useful.

But interests and aptitudes are different.

No matter how much I did to raise children, it wasn’t the type of work Lee Jae-heon wanted at all, and just because I was good at it didn’t mean I wanted to do it in the first place.

But now, having to raise children again was a deplorable thing.

Lee Jae-heon ran for a while and then glanced behind him.

My entire body throbbed in pain, and my vision became physiologically blurred, but even more than that, my heightened senses showed that I was far from the green algae monster.

He stopped and muttered under his breath.

“…I’m going to die if I keep doing this.”

Of course you won’t die.


Lee Jae-heon, who was leaning his back against the tree, sat down on the floor.


Lee Jae-heon knew that it would not be good to suddenly stop while running like this.

Of course, you can take a break, but when you start running again, you feel doubly painful because you have to roll again without getting enough time.

This means that if you take a break from something that needs to be done properly even if you are not going to be able to rest well anyway, you will become more inefficient.

But even though he knew all that, Jaeheon Lee had no choice but to rest.

“…Kuheuuk keung.”

The condition was very bad.

I opened my mouth to breathe, but all that came out was a stifled scream.

‘My neck hurts.’

My throat hurt sharply, as if I had been stabbed by a needle.

Because I ran without drinking enough water, the mucous membrane in my throat became dry.

The sweet smell of iron came up, but soon my senses became dull, and even so, I felt a sharp pain as if my throat had been cut with a knife.

My bleeding neck felt like it had become broken glass, and the smell of blood I could smell felt like it was going inside and coming back up again.

The bandage roughly tied around my shoulder was already soaked with blood and soaked in red, and every time I took a step, new blood came up.

The arm and hand near the pierced shoulder were already shaking as if convulsing. Even holding a pipe that wasn’t that thick was now difficult.

Above all, my legs hurt so much.



It really hurt like hell.

‘Life really sucks.’

Lee Jae-heon was a person with high self-esteem, so he never wanted to cry, but even he had no choice but to shed physiological tears due to the excessive pain.

When the pain gets worse, I can’t breathe. Even though I tried to take a deep breath, even that became painful and my breath was cut off with a crunching sound.

I burst into a short burst of laughter because it was funny that he cried because he couldn’t bear the pain, but even that quickly died down due to the extreme pain.

Lee Jae-heon repeated, holding on to his mind that was becoming hazy due to dull or sharp pain.

‘Everyone die.’

Let everyone be unhappy except me…

After saying that, I felt like my insides felt a little relieved.

Lee Jae-heon gathered up the curses towards an unspecified number of people as if scratching the ground.

My hands automatically clenched in pain, but I could not bear to touch my legs.

Lee Jae-heon wasn’t that stupid and courageous. What am I doing with a hand that can’t move of my own accord, holding it against a pig’s leg?

I got pierced by a spider’s leg once and got burned by a burning vine. He gave up one of his legs to lure the green algae monster, so it was tattered as if it had been bitten by a shark.

Moreover, the messy wound got bigger because I twisted it around to get out of the vine.

Jaeheon Lee suddenly felt like he could see something pure white between them.

Well, I expected this all.

Escaping from a complex tangle of toothy vines was like twisting a fish caught in a fishing hook, but it was even more cruel.

“Cough, ugh…”

Lee Jae-heon, who coughed dryly and shed tears, woke up again at the sound of a snake crawling in his ears.

My legs gave out and I fell once, but I still stood up.

That sound meant that the green algae monster was narrowing its siege.

“…I’m going to die.”

I would come back to life, but I felt like I was going to die.

Lee Jae-heon muttered briefly and started to move his feet again.

Blood dripped down on the spot, but whether some unknown monster was there or whether there was not enough blood was none of his business anymore.

This was not simply a matter of his survival, but rather a matter of his future.

‘I’m really going to die if I keep doing this.’

A harsh breath caught in my throat.

In his previous life, Jaeheon Lee had the ability to regenerate.

No matter how I got hurt, I had the power to quickly recover, but it was probably a skill from my past life, so I guess I was mistaken again because I was not in my right mind.

I think you can get away with something like this.

In fact, it was a correct prediction to some extent. No matter how dazed I was, my basic judgment was lost, and the situation was not unfamiliar enough to cause me to lose my mind due to trauma of this magnitude.

But the problem was that the current Lee Jae-heon did not have the ability to regenerate his past life.

In my past life, I was injured with peace of mind because I had the ability to recover quickly even if I got hurt.

There was no reason to hesitate as he did not die even if his head exploded and survived even if his body was cut into five parts. It just wasn’t happening now.

Of course, the plan was not based on his previous life’s body, but despite this, Lee Jae-heon’s condition was worse than expected.

‘Well, it’s not like they’re completely the same body.’

Jaeheon Lee gritted his teeth.

I gained the skills and stamina from my previous life, but it was not perfect.

There were certain things about his current body that were clearly worse than his previous life, and Lee Jae-heon, who was unable to properly understand this, was suffering more pain than he could have imagined.

I think I saw this and called it retribution.

He frowned as he watched the sky quietly brightening from the far end.


My breath caught in my throat.

‘…Is it a little after 6 o’clock?’

Jaeheon Lee quickly thought. I don’t have time to look at the clock, but I guess it’s around 6 or 6:30.

Lee Jae-heon, who spent many days hidden in the dark, knew roughly when sunset and sunrise were.

And I guessed that the concept of time in the world of his past life and the existing world was the same, so he was able to recall information based on his knowledge. In early March, sunrise is around 7:03 to 5:00.

This means that Lee Jae-heon has to continue the current chase for at least 30 more minutes…


I can’t hold out until then.

More precisely, it is a matter of holding on.

Lee Jae-heon, who has died many times, also knows how to die well, as someone who has eaten meat eats well.

But among the many comfortable deaths he knew, there was none quite like the present.

The good news is that he will die a slow, painful death as his entire body is torn apart, just like before he returned.

Of course, Jaeheon Lee did not place any value on death.

Lee Jae-heon in his current life was also the type of person who did not value life, and this was even more so now that he remembered his past life.

Nevertheless, Jaeheon Lee did not want to die like this because he could feel the pain.

Besides, what if you die?

‘What if I regress again and that bastard Jeong In-ho regresses too?’

In that case, would Deputy Inho Jeong be sane?

Jaeheon Lee decided that wasn’t the case.

The main character was disgusting by nature, but had humanity. If warm feelings existed for a psychopath, it would probably be Assistant Manager Jeong In-ho.

He believed that goodness was right and did not like malice.

Yes he was a chick.

He just came out of the egg a little earlier than others, but in a way, from Lee Jae-heon’s perspective, it was an acorn height comeback.

Still, I couldn’t help but feel disgusted, but it was also true that the main character at the beginning of the story had a very green spirit.

There was a high possibility that Assistant Manager Jeong In-ho would give up something if Lee Jae-heon died.

Jaeheon Lee was good at raising children. I knew how to take care of a grown child.

In his eyes, there were no adults among the group, and while Doctor Ha Seong-yoon was a teenager, Assistant Manager Jeong In-ho was an elementary school student.

You just opened a kindergarten, damn it.

He recalled the conversation he had with Assistant Manager Jeong In-ho before being dragged away by the green algae monster.

‘I was having a hard time.’

If he really went back, he would have witnessed the deaths of co-workers at least three times, and among them, Lee Jae-heon’s death was uniquely cruel.

There is a high probability that it was not the type of thing that Assistant Manager Jeong In-ho, who is a bright yellow chick but still has some humanity left in him, could endure.

Lee Jae-heon, who has good sense of sense, alone realized the return of Assistant Manager Jeong In-ho and realized that he had become more disgusting in a bad way.

Lee Jae-heon sensed that whether he was alive or dead would be the turning point for the protagonist.

If you die, you may get a chance to become active again, but

‘a person’s mind cannot be repaired.’

That was the reason Jaeheon Lee had to live.

If it hurts, you can cure it? Don’t give a shit.

Any injury leaves scars and side effects. This means that there is no perfect 100% in the world.

A broken leg is more likely to break again later. The spirit is the same. Once it collapses, it is difficult to build it back up, but above all, the scars do not disappear.

As we remember our wounds, we suffer periodically, and even if we erase our memories using some kind of technology, a gap remains. It becomes a scar and a side effect. You can’t go back to the beginning.

Jaeheon Lee did not value life, but he did value the spirit.

The mind is expendable. Mental factors cannot be compensated more than physical requirements, which are easier to get back.

Rewards for the spirit are subjective and cannot be received as desired or given as desired.

That’s how valuable the spirit is. There is no replacement. It is an expensive consumable that cannot be replaced or recovered. This is especially true in the underworld.

He found Assistant Manager Jeong In-ho disgusting, but at the same time highly regarded him.

The protagonist was dangerous and conniving, but useful. As he values the spirit, Lee Jae-heon has managed the mental strength of the group, especially the main character.


Lee Jae-heon stumbled for a moment after tripping on a tree root, then regained his balance and exhaled again.


How have I been raised so far?

‘Are you going to sprinkle ashes now?’

How dare you do something like green algae?

I became delirious with anger that went beyond the pain.

“How the fuck did I drag those bright yellow chicks in…!”

Lee Jae-heon gritted his teeth for a moment.

This is a situation where a valuable and talented new person has barely been brought in, and if you look at his past life, he is on the verge of being cut off while putting him in intense combat because he has not been able to adapt to the job.

No, no, I can’t go back.

How did I raise you, but now you’re running away?

Just considering the cost of raising it to this point, it is already a bottle of Shaoxing liquor, a luxury watch, a wrist and a shoulder, and two legs.

If you consider the mental damage I’ve suffered from acting that doesn’t work, this isn’t right. Don’t think about losing your mind until you pay this all back, Assistant Manager Jeong.

‘Besides, it’s not just a story limited to Assistant Manager Jeong.’

Intern Noh Yeon-seok is physically strong but pretends to be weak-hearted, and Director Kang is obstinate but unnecessarily curious and openly timid. They even get hurt easily.

Employee Kwon is a simple person and does not experience stress very often, but in other words, this means that he is almost immune to stress.

If Lee Jae-heon’s death caused stress to her, there was a very high probability that she would not be able to bear it.

No, I definitely can’t stand it. Even in the novel, I was preoccupied with the death of Director Kang, whom I had only met for a short time.

Actually, I don’t know much about siblings who are doctors and flower shop owners.

Even considering Doctor Ha Seong-yoon, the other three are the main characters in the story, so they are effective, so they can overcome them quickly, and they are surprisingly generous in humanity in the beginning, so they can despair or be sad.

To say no, the grace that Lee Jae-heon has given them so far has been too much.

Of course, if they go back, these things will all disappear from their minds…

‘But the main character is not Assistant Manager Jeong.’

Jaeheon Lee has no intention of revealing that he has regressed, so the protagonist will continue to be alone in the future.

Memories that are originally kept to oneself but cannot be talked about are painful in any sense. Your mouth is itchy or you feel lonely. I feel like I’m in a secluded place alone, even though I can see everyone on the street.

Since humans are social animals, they cannot easily endure this.

Assistant Manager Jeong In-ho will see the whole situation with his own eyes, remember it with his clever mind, and calmly fall into the abyss.

No matter how disgusting it is, it only lasts for a moment.

And at some point, there will come a time when the protagonist, unable to endure it any longer, will have to let go of something.

‘I don’t know what it is,’ but

it’s probably something more than humanity.

Jaeheon Lee tries to stop it.

If Deputy In-ho Jeong had preferred evil like Jae-heon Lee himself, he wouldn’t have done this, but the main character loved goodness, even though it was gross.

He hates evil. For Jeong In-ho, humanity is essential to preserving mental strength.

And in the other world, mental power is a kind of currency and a very precious consumable that will one day wear out.

They had to efficiently preserve their mental strength until they could escape completely. Lee Jae-heon is working hard to manage the money leaking out.

So, to put it bluntly, Lee Jae-heon is trying to prevent foolish newbies who want to waste money from the beginning of independence.

These bastards don’t know how valuable their mental health is and they can’t even manage it on their own.

“It’s really sad that I’ve gotten to this point…”


“Oh, shut up, it’s so fucking disgusting I’m going to die!”


Lee Jae-heon, unable to overcome his anger, kicked some of the vines.

“Do I have to get to this point to raise children?! uh?!”

Of course, right after that, I felt a sharp pain as if the sole of my foot had been pierced by a tooth, but this was none of my business.

Focusing on each and every pain in the body that was thrown away anyway is something only inexperienced chicks do, and Lee Jae-heon was an expert in survival.

He knew what efficiency was.

Lee Jae-heon, in a fit of frustration, immediately picked up the pipe and hit the side of the vine that was heading towards his head, and when it hit the solid wooden pillar, it distorted and made a disgusting sound.

Thick blood flows down between the rough tree bark.

Lee Jae-heon, who frowned at that, grabbed the tree and used it as motivation to move his feet again.

“He really looks like a dog….”

I can’t die here.

But I don’t have the strength to return to my group again.

‘Even if I remember the path, my body won’t follow.’

It’s not that there are no solutions, but it’s a very difficult situation.

Jaeheon Lee remembered the entire path he took to get here.

I went to the park once on the weekend to learn geography, and since I had a basic mind, I didn’t forget that I only ran for a few hours.

If you want to enjoy wealth and fame while living a shitty life, wouldn’t you have to do something like that?

But the situation was very bad.

Even if the green algae monster could survive for a few more minutes, Lee Jae-heon was the problem after it returned to the lake.

Even if you don’t like it, you will feel relieved when you get out of this creepy chase, and psychological relief will soon help you relieve physical tension.

From that moment on, Jaeheon Lee will no longer be able to walk.


You need to find someone to help you.

It was almost impossible to find someone to help me at this point, but it wasn’t literally impossible. Would you have rushed all the way here without even thinking about it?

Jaeheon Lee quite remembered the geography of the park and knew the route he had taken so far.

It means knowing what and who is around here.

That’s because this was a novel I read in a previous life.

“…hu ugh.”

Because it was a novel, there were people who existed.



Jaeheon Lee moved his feet while looking at the surrounding structures.

In many novels, there is a character who motivates the protagonist through his own death.

Those who are not heroes, but who fall victim to their nature that cannot give up goodness.

A person who is scared, despairing, and distressed, but has no choice but to step forward because the happiness and daily life of others are more important than that.

Since this is a novel made up of imagination, there are definitely entities that can appear.

Even though he can’t be perfect, he is a good realistic adult because he doesn’t want to be perfect in the first place.

Even though I didn’t want it to happen, it ended up being that way.

A person who dies.

“Who are you… this is crazy.”


Sacrificing one’s life in the hope of the happiness of someone who sacrifices on behalf of an unspecified number of people….

“Oh no. sorry. I didn’t mean to swear… No, why. Are you okay? No, I don’t think you’ll be okay. Can I help?”


“uh? What is this vine… no, crazy legs! leg! “You’re biting my leg!”

Good coward.

“Just a moment, let me help you…!”



Hold tight.

Like a crazy person, Jaeheon Lee didn’t bother to try to free the vine that was making strange noises and sticking to his leg like a leech.

He let out a faint voice, unable to hide his dazed mind from the pain.

A voice drowned out by drought resonates beneath the trees.

“And then you die.”

With those words, I grabbed the other person by the collar, dragged him behind me, and hit the pipe forward.




And then the green vine sank to the floor.

The vine, which had opened its teeth wide, was hit by a hard iron bar and fell over, crawling on the floor.

It was so inorganic that it was strange to say it was struggling in pain, so it didn’t even feel like a living thing as it was shaking like a broken machine, so it was just disgusting.

The woman, who had finally identified the vines of the green algae monster, muttered as she tore open her police officer’s uniform.


“Don’t die while helping others, but take care of yourself.”


A crackle.

Jaeheon Lee used his hand to tear off the vine that was chewing on his calf. Thanks to this, it seems like a little bit of flesh fell off…

‘It’s tearing apart easily.’

It’s different from before when I was running like crazy.

He glanced at the watch on his other wrist while listening to the footsteps of the green algae monster moving away.

Through my blurred vision, I saw a silver needle with a bent center.

The numbers it is pointing to are 7 and 12. Or somewhere there.


Lee Jae-heon raised his head and looked at the sky covered by tall trees.


The sky was rapidly changing color as if white paint had been dropped.

‘I almost died.’


After taking a short step backwards, Lee Jae-heon leaned his back against the tree he reached and soon collapsed.

His legs twitched and trembled slightly as he lost strength, but Lee Jae-heon did not feel it even as he watched.

I just felt dazed and fell asleep. The blocked breath escapes thinly and blocks my throat again.

He blinked and saw the police officer standing up from his seat.

The police officer with jet black short hair looked at me with a cold look on his face filled with confusion and worry. I heard a humming voice in my ear, but I had no energy to respond.

Also, there was no need for that.

Anyway, Jaeheon Lee lived and said,

“I’m going to die if this continues.”

“Hey teacher? No wait…!”

I just fainted.

It’s so hard to make a living.

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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