Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 247

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Chapter 247:

In the original story, there were most monsters in the hallways of the 3rd and 4th floors. That was natural, since the Park siblings’ classes were on the 3rd and 4th floors, and in the novel, they did not help their classmates. It was a system where the more victims of the rules, the more monsters you had to deal with.

‘Besides, it’s not just those plaster monsters.’

Lee Jae-heon, Kim Yeon-woo, Hong Gyeong-jun, Jeong In-ho, and Ha Seong-yoon, members of this search team, climbed the stairs, moving their feet carefully.

“Mr. Jeong In-ho, is there a monster in front of you? “Something like white.”

“…There is nothing, let alone white. “I think we can keep going like this.”

“Fortunately, the.”

Jaeheon Lee looked back on one of the principles that came to mind.

[Rule 2. When the class bell rings, take your seats.]

There are a total of 38 classrooms from the 2nd to 4th floors, excluding the 1st floor, and each classroom has a ‘student monster’ and a ‘teacher monster’. Unlike plaster monsters, they do not cause harm unless they attack first, even if they enter the classroom.

However, according to rule number 2, if you are in the classroom and do not take your seat by the end of the class bell, you will be attacked by the teacher monster. The same applies even if you were in the hallway.

However, empty seats are arranged randomly in each classroom. Some classrooms are so full of student monsters that there are no places to sit, and in this case, you have to somehow push the student monsters out of the way and take a seat. The monster that is pushed goes out into the hallway and hovers around the floor.

“If you go up here, you’re on the third floor… Can you hear the kids?”

“Honestly, the smile I saw from the outside was so foreign. It wasn’t that the students themselves were strange, but rather that they had bright smiles that didn’t fit with the behind-the-scenes world. “I would understand even if it was a hallucination.”

“…I hear a small whispering sound. “I guess it wasn’t a hallucination.”

“You’re in class in the classroom… I think you just need to stop making loud noises.”

“Then we have to find the students and hide somewhere before class ends.”

“Let’s go up now.”

For reference, this student monster does not directly attack a survivor, but if the student monster informs the plaster monster that it has found a survivor, the plaster monster attacks the survivor instead of the student monster. Therefore, as long as you do not create a plaster monster and follow the school rules properly, you can get out of school safely.

Of course, it is true that it is difficult. Isn’t it difficult to find and organize the school rules in the first place? There was a lot of overlap between classrooms, and the expressions were overly implicit.

‘Anyway, if you look at it that way… the only thing spinning around in the hallway is plaster and the student monster. The teacher monster only appears when moving from the classroom to the classroom and checking to see if any students are skipping school.’

Therefore, the original story said that the first and second floors were the most quiet. I don’t remember the details, but the fact that the Park siblings were able to hide away leisurely tells me about the peace of the time. Of course, that may have been the peace gained through my friend’s sacrifice… but things are different now.

Jaeheon Lee quietly called out to the Park siblings.

“Park Da-young and Park Da-hoon.”



Where on earth are they hiding and why do they come out so quickly?

Unlike the previous episode, Jaeheon Lee easily climbed up to the 2nd and 3rd floors thanks to the lack of plaster monsters. As soon as he saw me, he smiled brightly and did not turn down the two students who hugged him. He sighed and patted the Park siblings on the back a couple of times before dropping them.

Park Da-young pouted her mouth and Park Da-hoon’s shoulders drooped sullenly, but Lee Jae-heon was not fooled. Once again, these two were the most cunning of the survivors.

“Where are you hiding and what are you doing?”

“No… I can see people coming from outside, but I can’t stay still…”

“Pretending to be pitiful doesn’t work.”

“I was so excited to see my uncle that I jumped out in a huff.”

“Where did you run out from?”

“A classroom without written rules… Ah ah ah!”

Dayoung Park slapped my forehead and said.

“Man, our school has become very strange!”

“It looks like that just by looking at it.”

“Each class has its own rules, and if you don’t follow them, a mannequin will come and kill you…! Park Da-hoon wrote down all of that. “That’s right.”

“Once we stopped by…? “There are many places where the rules overlap.”

As he said that, a total of five school rules were written on the cell phone screen he held out. It was short, but looking at the separate comments, it seemed clear that they had put in a lot of effort to survive. Jaeheon Lee lightly stroked the two students’ heads while keeping his eyes fixed on the screen.

“Well done. “It was meticulously organized.”

“Uncle, I did it, not him. “Please praise only me.”

“Don’t cross the line Park Da-hoon.”

“What’s going on with Inseong, blood and child?”

It was at that time that Lee Jae-heon saw Park Da-young’s straight face for the first time. These bastards are really acting pretentious in front of adults. Innocent people like Kwon Yeon-hee and Kim Yeon-woo are often fooled, but the Park siblings were the ones who lured a camel dealer to come home even if they fell into the middle of the desert.

‘Maybe it’s because I’m at school that I feel like I’ve become a little more free-spirited…’

Well, it seemed like they were holding back a lot by the standards of the Park siblings. If we look at the male and female students standing awkwardly behind them and looking at them with faces that say, ‘You guys look unfamiliar.’

“This way?”

“Ah, this is my classmate! “He’s the same age as me.”

As Park Da-young continued to pull her, the female student opened her eyes and bent her waist at a right angle.

“Hello, teacher! My name is Maeng Na-eun! Please take care of me!”


“Please help us, I’m really scared here, I’m really going crazy…”

Maeng Na-eun, who was saying that, made a crying noise and clung to Park Da-young. Park Da-young’s gesture of holding her in his arms and patting her was like that of a loving parent, which roughly confirmed the relationship between these friends.

The male student, who was watching the female students, quietly opened his mouth without Dahoon Park introducing him.


“I’d be happy if you could talk a little easier.”

“Hello, I’m Seong Ji-ho, a classmate of Park Da-hoon. Uh… I’m a second year student.”

“If you’re in the same class as Da-hoon, you’re probably a second year.”

“…please save me too….”

“Oh my gosh….”

It doesn’t look like she’s a person who knows how to put an iron plate on her face and act harshly like the girl who introduced herself as Maeng Na-eun, but looking at her pale face, I really desperately need it. It looked like he wanted to go out. Even though I was wearing my school uniform as expected, it was doubly pitiful to see that I was as skinny as Kim Ki-jeong.

Kim Yeon-woo, who was quietly watching them, opened his mouth.

“…are you all wearing school uniforms? I have seen many cases where students do not wear vests and jackets because they are uncomfortable, or replace school uniform pants or skirts with gym uniforms…” It

was a valid point. Because this was also one of the rules.

“Oh, it wasn’t a criticism or a compliment. But these days, I don’t often see students wearing full school uniforms. “I wondered if it had something to do with the rules of this school.”

“…Uh hey… Please be comfortable with me. And it’s related to school rules, right?”

Seong Ji-ho, a male student, nodded.

“Park Da-hoon must have taken note of it, because one of the rules here is to wear your school uniform well.”

To be more precise, it was [Rule 1: Dress neatly]. Not only students but also survivors will be attacked by teacher monsters if they do not dress neatly in this school. For reference, the search team selected by Lee Jae-heon consisted of Jeong In-ho, Hong Gyeong-jun, Kim Yeon-woo, and Ha Seong-yoon, all neatly dressed and undisturbed.

Lee Jae-heon glanced at Jeong In-ho and said.

“Deputy Jeong.”

“What is it?”

“Just in case, don’t roll up your sleeves at any time. “Don’t loosen your tie or unbutton your buttons.”


Jeong In-ho, who silently cursed, opened his already neat sleeves. Seeing that he was complaining like that but not bothering to refute it, he must have been frustrated with his current attire. But what can I do, it’s better than being attacked by a teacher monster.

The male student, who had not seen such a scene, continued speaking with a still pale face.

“All the kids who weren’t wearing their school uniforms properly… As soon as they got here. “That’s how it happened.”

“A mannequin playing the role of a teacher broke the children’s limbs and tied them to chairs. “They broke each limb for each number of uniforms they didn’t wear.”

Da-hoon Park intervened, as if he had decided that he could no longer leave the explanation to his classmates.

“Teacher mannequins stay in the grade room when it is not class time, and come out before the bell rings and go to their own classroom. The classroom they enter changes every class time, as if the assigned classroom is different each time. “Teacher mannequins keep walking through the hallways and stairs… so I inevitably run into them often.”

“If I don’t wear my school uniform properly at that time, will I be attacked?”

“yes. It was okay for a while as long as I wasn’t noticed by the teacher’s mannequin, but there were limits to hiding. One of us lost our jacket so we were avoiding the teacher mannequin, but we ended up getting caught in the hallway by the teacher mannequin going up to the 4th floor. “I guess they wanted to take him to his class and tie him up, so he dragged him to the fourth floor.”

“Why are you dragging me to the 4th floor…”


Da-hoon Park glanced at the adults, then looked at Jae-heon Lee again and asked.

“Can you help me…?”

“…Are you talking about the student who was captured?”

“…I know it’s a shameless request, but still…”

Lee Jae-heon realized what this 18-year-old chick was thinking.

‘I’m not particularly interested in that friend.’

Basically, the Park siblings had a cynical side to people other than adults they could rely on. In particular, I heard that Park Da-hoon in the story did not get along well with his classmates, but the fact that he came out like this meant that there was a reason other than the fact that he felt great friendship. And they were now watching ‘Lee Jae-heon’.

In other words, because ‘Lee Jae-heon’ showed that he cared about people, we felt that we should do the same. To be precise, he probably wants to receive praise from ‘Lee Jae-heon’ by taking that attitude.


“…If it’s too much of a hassle….”

“No, it’s good.”

Lee Jae-heon gently hugged Park Da-hoon and stroked the back of her curly hair. Lee Jae-heon had to hold back laughter as he felt Park Da-hoon subtly leaning his head on his shoulder as if he had been waiting, and Park Da-young giving him a secret look as if he was satisfied.

‘Lee Jae-heon’, who removed Park Da-hoon again, smiled proudly and massaged Park Da-hoon’s face with both hands.

“No matter what, I have to save my friend. “It must have been scary, but I thought well.”


“Everyone is here to help you, so don’t worry.”

When I playfully pressed his cheek and took my hand away, I saw Park Da-hoon grinning. The female student and male student looked at it with a look on their faces as if they had seen something strange. Yes, even in your opinion, the black chicks’ cowardice is excessive. Jaeheon Lee himself also agreed.

“How old was that student? “Since Da-hoon spoke up, is he a second-year boy?”

“Oh, right. “He is also a second year student.”

Park Da-young, who was watching, intervened with good timing and said.

“Originally, he was also in full school uniform, right? Actually, when we got here, all the kids who weren’t wearing school uniforms… Well, that’s how it turned out. “Somehow, all the kids who came to their senses were wearing their school uniforms carefully.”


“But what’s really funny is that one of the student mannequins was taken away.”

“…Take it away?”

Wait a minute, this is a setting I don’t know about.

To be honest, since the novel is told from the main character’s point of view, it was not strange at all even if there were settings that were not described, which made me even more anxious. Jaeheon Lee listened anxiously to the conversation between Dayoung Park and Dahoon Park.

“Uh… should I say it was his fault?”

“Then isn’t it too petty? “You’re just taking my clothes away with something like that?”

“That mannequin could have been Iljin.”

“…Can’t you explain it to your uncle too, guys?”

“Oh, that’s it.”

Park Da-hoon answered with a shy face.

“As I was leaving the classroom, I hit a student’s mannequin on the shoulder…” “

…So you took it away? “School uniform?”

“I was so embarrassed that I tried to bring it back, but they tore it up on the spot.”


Ah, fortunately, there weren’t any more rules that I didn’t know about at all.

‘I think this has something to do with rule number 4 or 5… Get along well with your friends? Was it something like that? No, now is not the time to think about this.’

Jaeheon Lee glanced at the people around him with strange expressions.

Lee Jae-heon and the Park siblings have a unique way of thinking, so even though they are describing the situation at the time in such a light manner, it was a truly unfair and dangerous situation. If you don’t wear your school uniform properly, a teacher monster will come and break your limbs and tie you to a chair. Wouldn’t that be unfair? I don’t know, but when the school uniform was torn, the person who said it was taken away probably cried a lot.

‘Look, everyone’s faces are frozen except for me and them.’

No wait.


So that guy’s limbs are broken right now?

‘Can you bring it out…?’

Even if the Park siblings were not truly worried about the student, ‘Jaeheon Lee’ was a different story. If you don’t look for it, it’s just improbable. So, it is natural to save him, but how can he drag a dying person with broken limbs out of the school?

Jaeheon Lee hoped he could escape more efficiently.

“Mister, for now, hide in the room without school rules! After one class, it goes back to the room with school rules, but monsters can’t come in until then.”


As he nodded, something caught his eye.

It was a small, round fruit blooming on moss in a dark corner.

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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