Theatrical Regression Life Chapter 203

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Episode 203

To be precise, it should be said that we ‘met’, not ‘we ran into each other’.

‘Because we met by chance on my part.’

As Lee Jae-heon thought so, he faced Hong Gyeong-jun, who rarely showed a surprised expression, with a surprised face as well. Even when I returned to reality, I was actually surprised by the uniformity of my clothes. Why on earth do you stick to a navy blue tie with a warm-colored coat? You look like a fashion terrorist. Maybe it would suit me, but it didn’t.

To Lee Jae-heon, who was particularly concerned about his appearance, it was an incomprehensible sensation. Lee Jae-heon, who had finished thinking about random things, approached him, thinking that he was supporting him because his face was fine.

“…Hong Gyeong-jun….”

“I’m a detective.”

“I didn’t forget, detective.”

He didn’t forget to pretend to hide his embarrassed expression as if this meeting was truly a coincidence, just enough that a person like Hong Gyeong-jun would not be able to tell if he was looking at him from afar.

“I’m glad you look fine.”

It also means saying something with the nuance of ‘I was worried about you.’

“…That’s not what Jaeheon Lee would say.”

“That’s true too.”

When he answered calmly, Detective Hong Gyeong-jun’s eyebrows slightly furrowed, but then straightened out in an instant. It was a momentary and faint reaction that was difficult to notice, but Jaeheon Lee couldn’t have ignored it. It seemed like he was feeling frustrated by the ‘stupidly sacrificial Lee Jae-heon’. That was also the part I was aiming for.

‘Anyway, these chicks have to reconcile.’

I don’t know if there was any progress in the relationship while confronting the green algae monster, but thanks to that idiot Song In-myeong, there was an ambiguous misunderstanding between Hong Kyung-jun’s team and Jeong In-ho’s team.

Thanks to this, the relationship between the two teams became quite ambiguous, so Jae-heon Lee, who was in an awkward position, had no choice but to step in to resolve it. To do that, he had to approach Detective Hong Gyeong-jun. Fortunately, Hong Gyeong-jun was at the park to assess the situation, as Lee Jae-heon expected.

And the easiest way to psychologically approach a person named ‘Hong Gyeong-jun’ was sympathy or favor. That’s because the other person is a detective and a person who is very conscious of his job. Of course, what Lee Jae-heon knows is Hong Gyeong-jun in the other world, so he can’t be sure, but…

“…it looks like he still doesn’t have much interest in his own safety.”

Well, if you were a resident of this soft world, would you come over as a matter of courtesy?

I clicked my tongue and answered.

“There is great interest, so don’t worry.”

“It’s not something you should bother.”

“Do you want to continue talking here instead?”

On a burning Friday evening, the scene of two dark-haired adult men neatly dressed in suits talking face to face at the entrance to the park was quite rare. Perhaps because tomorrow is the weekend, I could feel the lovers coming and going, glancing in this direction. Although I didn’t see it openly, I would have wondered what was going on.

‘There are even mannequins mixed in.’

Detective Hong Gyeong-jun must have felt that too, as he tapped his thigh with his finger and responded.

“I guess I’ll have to move the location. “I have a lot of stories to share…”

“I don’t mind.”

“But no matter where you go in the restaurant, cafe, or park, these kinds of stares will follow you.”

“That’s why I’m telling you this.”

Jaeheon Lee asked with a calm face.

“Would you like to become a corrupt police officer?”


* * *

Corrupt police.

Naturally, Hong Gyeong-jun was someone who was greatly disliked by the same type of people, but surprisingly, people around him did not know that he hated corrupt police officers. This was because, regardless of his dislike, he did not show that emotion in front of others. Hong Gyeong-jun, in reality, not in the behind-the-scenes world, had the leeway to discern between right and wrong.

“Of course, I prepare to hit from behind…”

“I see.”

“So can you tell me exactly what you mean?”


Hong Gyeong-jun, who faithfully fastened his seat belt, continued.

“Because you probably didn’t mean what you said.”

It wasn’t my intention to put pressure on him with empty words. It hasn’t been that long since Hong Gyeong-jun saw a person named Lee Jae-heon, but he had a personality that could be sensed from just a few words of conversation, and it was rare for him to sacrifice himself in an extreme environment to save others.

Especially if you grew up in an affluent family like Lee Jae-heon.

“I checked it immediately after returning to reality. He was born and raised in a good family. Of course, I know that people of that type are particularly close to corruption, but I don’t think Jae-Heon Lee would want that.”

“It’s a burdensome trust… I’m a greedy person. “He is also a person who is more prone to corruption than anyone else.”

“Who says that?”

“It’s no big deal, everyone I’ve met evaluates it that way.”

When Hong Gyeong-jun turned to Lee Jae-heon, he moved the car smoothly and opened his mouth.

“That’s good too.”


“Do you know that Song In-myeong has a ‘sponsor’?”

When Hong Gyeong-jun said that, he was able to understand the context of the story.

“…I guess you’re planning on gathering information yourself.”


“They want to be bait.”


“I think it would be difficult to say that it was a good decision.”

I automatically frowned.

“No matter how strong you are, it’s better to break those habits.”

The resemblance is truly awful.


I could hear the rustling sound of the plastic wrapped around the chocolate in the inside pocket of my coat.

A vision of a sharp impression flashed before my eyes and then disappeared. A low, quiet, forced, frivolous voice passed by my ears. I soon returned to reality after realizing once again the emptiness of existence that was both welcoming and awkward.

In the meantime, Lee Jae-heon, who was behind the wheel, just said what he wanted to say.

“As expected, we communicate well. “I didn’t even say a few words…”

“For a guy like Song In-myeong, having a sponsor means he has some kind of support. “They must be wealthy and powerful people.”


“Mr. Lee Jae-heon is a wealthy and powerful person… Isn’t that what they call the royal family in this country? “I’m sure if it’s from a family like Lee Jae-heon’s, you’ll be able to find a connection.”

“It could be one of my family members, and that sponsor.”

“Who among those family members is watching Jaeheon Lee?”

“It’s not surveillance. It’s a kind of overprotection. Even though he grew up in such a disgusting way, they take care of him, who was once the youngest in the family, and give him the position of manager, telling him to live as a member of society rather than an unemployed person. “I had a lot of accidents when I was young, so I tend to be quite careful around the house…”

“Do you think I should worry about domestic violence?”

“No. “It’s different from that, you’re a real person.”

Joo Wook.

Lee Jae-heon continued speaking as he gently turned the steering wheel around the curve.

“At least my mother and brother know my daily routine very briefly once a month. Well, I don’t have a secretary for my subject, but… it’s not impossible to find out. “The idea is not to engage in meaningless accidents that will tarnish the corporate image.”

Hong Gyeong-jun answered those words as if muttering.

“If you were to take me, a detective, to your home in such a situation, I would definitely be suspicious.”

“That’s what we need.”

“…It’s ridiculous that he was acting like that even to his family. “I don’t understand it.”

It may be difficult for a single detective to find out how the manager of a company with five stars lives on a daily basis, but there was something he saw from the other side of the world. At work, he seemed to be called a common old man. It didn’t take long to realize that it was all a make-up.

Just like Vivian, this was just a mask created by Lee Jae-heon. If even my family treated me that way, I would of course have been fooled. In such a situation, if information came out that Lee Jae-heon had brought a detective into the house, there would be a small or big uproar in some way. Lee Jae-heon will take advantage of the commotion to reveal that he is not a stupid old man.

Then, if his family knew the ‘sponsor’, they could have told Jae-Heon Lee at least one thing that was worthy of being given such information.

“Song In-myeong also tried to kill Lee Jae-heon.”

Song In-myeong will also use some kind of means to approach Lee Jae-heon.

Hong Gyeong-jun’s head hurt at Lee Jae-heon’s declaration that he would use himself, the victim, as bait to catch the criminal, but the other person just drove the car with a calm expression. It was the reaction of someone who was so accustomed to these means and methods that they did not even know what was wrong. This kind of judgment is made naturally even in reality where it does not affect one’s mental ability.

“It looked quite appealing. “I think we’ll probably see at least a small movement from there… Then it will be easier for me to get information about Song In-myeong and his sponsor.”

“You are speaking on the assumption that Song In-myeong is alive.”

“Don’t you already know that even if you die in the other world, there is no gap in reality? “If you are part of the homicide squad, there will be quite a few people who have been dragged into the underworld, so there is no need to pretend not to know.”


Hong Gyeong-jun, who had recently realized that his co-workers had been replaced by mannequins without their knowledge, kept his mouth shut. Even though it was a nuanced statement that there were conditions for being taken to the underworld, I couldn’t ask him about it.

“Even if Song In-myeong lives or dies, that crazy person’s existence will still be the same.”

The mannequin monster behaves based on existing survivors.

“…The reason I became a ‘corrupt’ police officer is because the image Jae-heon Lee will create in the future is evil, right? A police officer with connections to such a bad person would not be a good police officer, right?”

“If a guy like me had lured a detective named Hong Gyeong-jun into his car and driven him home, wouldn’t the story be over? “Whether my intentions are revealed or not, I am ready to move forward with the story in a plausible way.”

“I wonder what kind of corruption Mr. Lee Jae-heon wants from me?”

“Well, like background checks on people.”

“No matter how showy the crime is, it is not a pleasant thing.”

“Consent has been received.”


Knock knock.

Hong Gyeong-jun, who was tapping his thighs with his hands, opened his mouth.

“…Have you already explained the situation to the Ohseong employees?”

“To be precise, the doctor and the flower shop owner were included, and the story of the sponsor and Song In-myeong was completely excluded. “I believe you will be quick to respond.”

“That’s not really a good decision, Mr. Lee Jae-heon…”

I pressed my temple against my throbbing head.

“It is clear that you agreed, but you will feel uncomfortable. That is where the conflict begins. “It is highly likely that there will be a split within the team at some point.”

“I know, I had to do it even though I knew it. What have I been doing all this time, and could I have done it without even knowing it? “If anything goes wrong, I will take full responsibility, so you don’t have to worry too much.”


“It would be enough to follow Song In-myeong and check whether the scattered survivors are going crazy due to the aftermath in the other world. “Isn’t that what you were going to do anyway?”

“…the background investigation….”

“We will entrust it to another company. “There are some people on your side who are using it, and there is a place where I used it a little when I was younger… I need to show that I am looking for Song In-myeong in order to get a proper response, so I need to leave a trace like this.”

“Why are you trying to make an excuse?”

“I’m trying to be just like the guys we’re looking for.”

Even though Hong Gyeong-jun remained silent, Lee Jae-heon continued speaking.

“I enjoy watching people fall apart. I like to despair and break down step by step. They consider killing to be a hassle, but they don’t feel any reluctance either. “But I instinctively knew that this kind of taste should not be revealed, so I have lived as a stupid old manager until now.”


“In the meantime, I came across Song In-myeong and similar ‘works’.”

“Damn it, did Song In-myeong even talk about ‘work’?”

“I was so impressed that I knew this world existed. I wanted to be a part of it too, and that’s why I no longer feel like I have to hide it. “Because I knew there were people like this other than me.”

“That’s far-fetched.”

“Because my creativity is limited to this point.”

He said as he stopped the car in

the squeaking parking lot.

“Then I found out that Detective Hong was chasing Song In-myeong and other people in that industry.”

“…How would you say you found out about that?”

“We need to leave traces of background checks.”

“First of all, according to what you said, I happened to see ‘The Work’ and was impressed, so I conducted a background investigation and came to know Detective Hong Kyung-jun. Is there a need to use Hong Kyung-jun as a liaison to have him investigate this industry again?”

“Aren’t there things that only the police, not minnows, can do?”

“…Anyway, I am grateful that you gave me an excuse to naturally approach Song In-myeong. However, they said they were requesting an investigation into the background of Ohseong employees…”

“There will also be traces of the investigation into Detective Hong Gyeong-jun at that time. “The order is a bit confusing, but it’s something that just needs a little bit of work.”


Lee Jae-heon, who had unfastened his seat belt, continued.

“After manipulating the traces of the investigation, they give money to the person who made the request and send it overseas. There are many people who would willingly go overseas if they were given this kind of job and paid enough money. “You don’t want to end up getting stabbed on the street at night.”

“… right now, in front of the homicide detective…”

“In the end, the detective becomes a corrupt cop who cooperates with me and goes after Song In-myeong, while at the same time investigating the people I request. “You can go around looking for survivors with peace of mind.”

Hong Gyeong-jun finally sighed.

“… Then … I’m a psychopath criminal sprout, Lee Jae -heon. The reason Jae-heon Lee seeks out In-myeong Song because of the work and asks for information about other survivors is to see them collapse. That must be the ‘work’ of the crazy guy Lee Jae-heon.”

“To add to the probability, it could be that Song In-myeong wanted to create a ‘work of art’ with the corpses of those who were destroyed in that way. “I think that’s enough of a reason to look for two pieces of information at the same time.”

“Song In-myeong will also approach Jae-heon Lee, who says he likes him.”

“It looks like he wants to kill this self-sacrificing person. I acted like that for efficiency reasons, but I think I misunderstood it… If I put that misunderstanding to good use, wouldn’t you be happy to accept my ridiculous play?”

“…There are a lot of things I want to say, but I think I need to get them out of the way quickly, so I’ll ask you one more thing.”


Hong Gyeong-jun asked, stopping his fingers.

“Why is Hong Gyeong-jun cooperating with Lee Jae-heon?”

Jaeheon Lee responded to that.

“That’s simple. In order to gather information about Lee Jae-heon and stab him in the back one day…”


“For the safety of police officer Kim Yeon-woo, who was chosen as a hostage.”


“Love stories are best in inherently improbable contexts.”

As I looked at the other person in a dazed mood, Jaeheon Lee continued speaking slowly.

“What are you doing, Mr. Hong Gyeong-jun?”

“…No, I….”

“Hurry up and call her to come over here.”


My lips are thinly torn.

“Because you have to film an irreplaceable romance from now on.”

* * *

Honestly, there was a bit of Lee Jae-heon’s greed here.

‘The detective has no spirit when he grows up. ‘I don’t even know who I like.’

In some ways, he is worse than the pure and bright Noh Yeon-seok. It is already revealed to the reader, Lee Jae-heon, that Detective Hong Gyeong-jun has a subtle crush on Kim Yeon-woo, but he himself only vaguely realizes this after Kim Yeon-woo dies in the novel and commits suicide.

So it is clear that the current Hong Kyung-jun was not even aware of love. In addition to creating a sense of probability, Lee Jae-heon decided to show mercy to this poor police officer.

“…I treat Kim Yeon-woo like that….”

“What are you talking about? It’s all acting anyway. “I really didn’t take you hostage because you liked Kim Yeon-woo, right?”


“I’d like to invite Kim Yeon-woo as well because I think we’ll have a lot to talk about, but since I’m also carrying out a plan for my own business, I need a good excuse to watch from the outside. “Now that we’ve been so fortunate to have met each other, we need to figure out how to act in the future.”


“So you’re not going to call me?”

If you really didn’t have any emotions, you wouldn’t be so dumb, but with that characteristic expressionless face, ‘? I should have looked like, ‘What kind of bullshit setting is this?’ Lee Jae-heon snorted inwardly at Hong Gyeong-jun’s foolish reaction, who seemed to have never been in a relationship before.

“…I will call you. “I don’t know if you can come, but…”

“I’ll give you the address.”

“Yes, just for a moment…”

After finally making the phone call and getting Kim Yeon-woo, who sounded very embarrassed, to promise to come here right away, Hong Gyeong-jun turned off his phone and stared at the black screen with a strange expression. It was a vain yet mysterious expression.

“Now, when Constable Kim Yeon-woo comes, the situation like ‘Crazy Lee Jae-heon took poor Hong Gyeong-jun hostage and called Kim Yeon-woo’ will be completed. “I’m really looking forward to showing this setup to my in-laws. The reactions will be so fun.”

“…I won’t be pitiful and I won’t be funny.”

“Emotions are relative.”



Hong Gyeong-jun, who sighed heavily, looked at Lee Jae-heon and asked.

“So, Mr. Lee Jae-heon, are you okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“I now have an excuse to conveniently visit the survivors and go after Song In-myeong, but if this setup continues… Lee Jae-heon will not be looked upon kindly.”

“Since when did I receive kind looks?”

Lee Jae-heon didn’t even hide his snort at the chick’s trivial concerns. He was born a villain and was born with a personality that suited him, so why bother worrying so much? It was something Jaeheon Lee couldn’t understand.

However, in response to his reaction, Hong Gyeong-jun narrowed his eyes once again.

“It’s not something you should take so lightly, Mr. Lee Jae-heon. “The human mind has limits.”

“I guess so.”

“I don’t know if you’re being stared at without knowing anything, but if you know, it’s bound to hurt you even a little. I don’t know how much Jaeheon Lee believes in himself, but there will come a day when he will feel pain. “Actually, I’m still worried.”

“Didn’t I hear you worrying about buying it?”

“I don’t understand why you can be so confident. Disgusting or hating someone is not right for anyone. Even if the other person is a criminal, expressing bad feelings hurts the person himself. “Even more so is Lee Jae-heon, who does not deserve to be insulted.”

“Why are you talking so long, detective?”

“You keep trying to blur the point, but this is not the right response. The problem is not how strong Jaeheon Lee is. “What I want to say is that no one…”

Hong Gyeong-jun, who was spitting out words like a bullet, bit his lip slightly and said.

“No one likes criticism.”


“The same goes for Mr. Lee Jae-heon.”

Lee Jae-heon laughed softly at those words.


You don’t know how convenient that accusation was for me.

For him, criticism was both a great means and a purpose. One day, it became a useful tool to get Lee Jae-heon what he wanted, and one day, when he came to his senses, it became a place of refuge. Lee Jae-heon felt that the villain’s position was very comfortable and peaceful. I have no intention of handing this position over to someone else.

Also, I wasn’t the only one who thought that way.

“It could be good.”


“You might think that’s a good thing, right?”


Feeling of disparity.

“There are many different people in the world.”

Once again, an irreplaceable feeling of alienation comes.

This was my life and there was not a single person who knew that it was the best.

“…Did I make Jaeheon Lee angry?”

“I’m glad you noticed. “It doesn’t mean you can’t date.”

“Why is that story here… no ha.”

Hong Gyeong-jun sighed and continued.

“Sorry, I got excited for a moment. I didn’t mean to deny the efforts Jaeheon Lee has made. That’s what happened in the end, but…”

“I gratefully accept your apology.”

“But I’m sure that’s not a good way to go. It won’t end well. Even if Lee Jae-heon thinks that all of this doesn’t matter because he is as light as a feather, other people probably don’t think that way.”

“They should know the reality too.”

“You too, Jaeheon Lee.”


“You don’t find criticism pleasant, you find it convenient.”

I asked because I was genuinely curious.

“…What’s the difference?”

It’s good if it’s convenient.

He suddenly recited that, but Lee Jae-heon quickly came to his senses. It seems that he was relieved by the fact that the other person was a police officer.

“It doesn’t matter. “I didn’t call you detective to have this kind of philosophical discussion.”

“…You might want to think about how worried the people around you will be about Jaeheon Lee.”

“I’m thinking well.”

In the first place, what they were worried about was ‘Lee Jae-heon’, not Lee Jae-heon. Of course, in the behind-the-scenes world, people say that he committed stupid things because of his impaired judgment, but not now. Lee Jae-heon was confident that he could gently coax the chicks and lead the plan well.

“Then shall we go up now?”

“I think you may have heard that I am stubborn.”

“I’m not as good as the detective, but this is really embarrassing.”

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Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Regression Life

Theatrical Return
Score 8.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Theatrical regression life of an old-fashioned villain (kkondae) who recalled his past life. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a better life.” —— Survival in the ‘Otherworld’; a place where only the insane can set foot in.


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